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科目: 来源: 题型:

 Sarah looked at       finished painting with          satisfaction.

A.不填;a    B. a; the    C. the; 不填   D. the; a


科目: 来源: 题型:

假如你是李平,今年暑假去打工, 参加社会实践活动。请你根据下面的提示用英语写一篇短文“An Unforgettable Experience”,以发表在校刊上。






当保洁员(cleaner), 工作辛苦且枯燥, 每天要起早贪黑地工作,差点中途放弃



注意:1. 必须使用第一人称;

              2. 不要逐句翻译,可适当扩展,总词数120左右;

3. 要求字迹工整,卷面整洁。

An Unforgettable Experience


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

阅读下面短文,根据以下要求:1)括号内汉语提示;2)该词首字母提示;3)上下文语境提示, 在每个空格内填空入一个适当的英语单词使短文通顺,所填单词要求拼写正确、形式符合英语表达习惯。

Dear Sirs,

My name is Wang Qing. I’m a boy of 18 years old. Right now I’m

studying       Quannan Senior High School, Fujian, China. I hope    76.________

to go to your university for further study after       (毕业).           77.________

I’ve a      achieved good scores in all my subjects, especially in   78.________

physics and I have     (赢得)several prizes in the physics competitions.  79.________

I am really k    on English and my listening, reading and writing in     80.________

English are excellent, too. I do       (运动) in my spare time. I’m a    81.________

member of some clubs in my school,       as the English Club and     82.________

the Physics Learning Group. I hope to s      physics in your university  83.________

because I have been very interested in it      I was in the junior middle  84.________

school. I would be very h      if I could get the chance!               85.________

With best wishes.


                                                  Wang Qing


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Peppered Moth, a kind of insect(昆虫), is found in England. It is light brown in colour and likes to settle(栖息) on trees which are also light brown. This makes the moth difficult to be seen and it’s less possible for the birds to notice and eat it.

But with the development of industry(工业) , smoke from factories began to reach the trees where the moth settled. It made the trees blacker. Then something very strange took place: in industrial areas, the Peppered Moth began to change colour. It became darker as well. Though the change took several years, some scientists soon notice that newly-born moths were a little darker than usual.

A scientist named Kettlewell decided to make a careful study of this phenomenon(现象). He marked(标识) some of the light moths and some of the darker ones, and set them free in the woods near Bermingham, an industrial city. Later, he recaptured(重新捕获) as many as the marked moths as possible. The results were as follows.

light moths

darker moths

Moths set free



moths recaptured



Kettlewell's research (研究) was done in the early 1950s. Soon afterwards Britain introduced new laws to reduce smoke and factory pollution.

The number of the light moths would be on the rise only if the air became cleaner again.

73. The Peppered Moth began to change its colour in industrial areas because         .

A. it would look more beautiful       B. it could be like the colour of its living-place

C. it had to keep the balance of nature  D. it was usually dark brown

74. From the results of Kettlewell's research, we can see that       .

A. many more of the light moths were killed or eaten

B. more than one-fifth of the light moths were not killed

C. More than half of the dark moths were kept safe

D. more dark moths were killed in industrial areas

75. As the air became cleaner,        .

A. the number of the light moths became larger

B. the total number of the light moths remained unchanged

C. there were more of the darker moths and fewer of the light ones

D. the darker moths changed into the light ones suddenly


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Welcome to Franklin Hotel. To make you stay as enjoyable as possible, we hope you will pay attention to the notice(布告).

Dining Room: Breakfast is served in the dining room from 8 to 9:30 a.m. Also the room staff(服务员)may bring breakfast to your room at any time after 7 a.m. If this happens, please fill out a card and hang outside your door when you go to bed. Lunch is from 12 to 2:30 p. m. Dinner is from 7:30 to 9 p. m.

Room Service: This operates 24 hours a day; phone the Reception desk(总台), and your message will be passed on to the staff.

Telephones: To make a phone call, dial(拨) 0 for Reception and ask to be connected. We apologized for delays(拖延) if the lines are very busy. There are also public telephones near the Reception desk.

Shop: The hotel shop is open for presents, gifts and goods from 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.

Laundry : We have a laundry in the building, and will wash, iron(烫) and return your clothes within 24 hours, ask the room staff to collect them.

Bar(酒吧): The hotel bar is open from 12 to 2 p. m. and 7 p. m. to 1 a. m.

Banking : The Reception staff will cash cheques and exchange(兑换) any foreign money for you.

68. You would see this notice       .

A. in a hotel bar      

B. in a hotel dining room

C. in a bedroom of a large international hotel

D. at the entrance of a small family hotel

69. You have arrived at the hotel at 2 a. m. and want an early breakfast. What should you do?

A. Go to the hotel shop.              B. Go to the hotel bar.

C. Hang a message outside your door.   D. Phone the Reception desk.

70. Your phone is powered off and the Reception desk is busy. The quickest way to make an urgent call is to     .

A. go to your room and phone from there

B. use one of the phones in the entrance hall

C. ask the Reception desk to help you

D. go out and look for a public phone box

71. The underlined word “laundry” (in Paragraph 6) probably means ________.

A. phone box  B. shopping centre  C. clothes shop   D. washhouse

72. The text tells us that        .

A. the hotel offers at least seven kinds of services

B. it's too difficult to stay up in this hotel

C. you can shop at any time inside the hotel

D. you'll have trouble without the money of the country where the hotel lies



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In 1955, a man named Raymond Kroc entered a partnership(合伙) with two brothers named Mcdonald. They operated a popular restaurant in California which sold food that was easy to prepare and serve quickly. Hamburgers, French fries, and cold drinks were the main foods on the limited menu (菜单). Kroc opened similar eating places under the same name “McDonald’s”, and they were a quick success. He later took over the company and today it is one of the most famous and successful “fast-food” chains(连锁店) in America and the world.

Why was his idea so successful? Probably the most important reason was that his timing(时机) was right. In the 1950s, most married women stayed home to keep house and take care of their children. During the 1960s, the movement for equality(平等) between men and women and an economy(经济) that needed more families to have two money-earners resulted in many women returning to the workplace. This meant that they had less time and energy to do housework, so they depended more on fast-food restaurants.

 Single parents also have little time to spend in the kitchen. People living alone because of divorce(离婚) or a preference for a “single lifestyle” also depend on this type of food, since cooking for one is often more trouble than it is worth.

Fast food is not part of the diet of all Americans. Another of the 1960s was called back-to-nature movement. More and more Americans based their diets on natural foods. This preference for natural foods continues to this day. These products can now be found not only in the special health food store but also in many supermarkets.

65.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.American eating habits.

B.Why Americans prefer natural food.

C.How and why “Hamburgers” became successful.

D.Social and economic changes have much effect on people’s eating habits.

66.Which of the following was NOT a reason for Raymond Kroc’s success?

A.A changing economy.          B.Women’s equality movement.

C.The back-to-nature movement. D.His partnership with the McDonald brothers.

67.We can infer from the passage that ____.

1.natural foods can also be found in McDonald’s

2.many married women in America returned to work in the 1950s

3.McDonald’s fast food is popular among the young

4.divorce caused people to change their eating habits



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Cambodian government says more than 378 people died and hundreds more were injured in a stampede (踩踏) during the celebrations of the annual Water Festival late Monday in Phnom Penh.

Less than 24 hours after the tragedy(悲剧), Cambodia's most serious loss of life in decades(十年), the government founded an organization to investigate(调查) how so many died on what was meant to be one of the nation's most joyous(开心的)occasions.

Most of the victims(牺牲品) were young people in their teens and twenties. They were some of the estimated(估计) two million who had flooded to Phnom Penh for the Water Festival, which marks the end of the rainy season.

Most of them suffocated on the bridge, which thousands of people were using to leave Diamond Island, an entertainment(娱乐) area in the middle of the river. Others drowned(溺水) after jumping from the bridge into the water.

Buot Panha, 19, said shortly after 9:30 on Monday evening he ended up trapped(围困) with his friends in the middle of the bridge, fighting to breathe while terrified people struggled all around him.

Being tall saved his life, since he could stretch(伸出) his neck to take in oxygen(氧气). Shorter people were unable to do that, he says, which may be why two-thirds of the victims were women.

He tried to help a woman who was trapped with two children near him. She was crying for help. Being tall, Buot Panha grabbed(抓住) one child and pushed him above the crowd to help him breathe.

But then some of the young men were told to jump off the bridge into the river to make room. So he handed back the child, made his way to the edge, and jumped.

Some like Buot Panha were fortunate, jumping into the river below and swimming for the shore. But many simply could not move, and died where they lay.

Buot Panha says his first Water Festival will be his last. He vows(发誓) never to come back.

60.The passage is mainly about ________.

A. Water Festival celebrations    B. a stampede in Cambodia

C. a teenager, Buot Panha     D. a woman and her children

61. What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?

A. It is the biggest tragedy in decades in Cambodia.        

B. It is the most serious loss of life in decades in Cambodia.

C. The government ordered an investigation.

D. Water Festival is Cambodia’s most joyous occasion.

62. The underlined word “suffocated” (in Paragraph 4) probably means ________.

A. breathed in                B. felt sick      

C. died from too little oxygen           D. left in a hurry

63. Most of the deaths were caused as a result of _________.

A. being unable to breathe      B. being drowned

C. violence                 D. the rainy season

64. Which of the following is TRUE about Buot Panha according to the passage?

A. Being tall saved him in the river.

B. He struggled through the crowd to save one child.

C. It was his first time to attend the Water Festival alone.

D. He will never come back to Phnom Penh for the Water Festival.



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


 Joe Bloggs always had a cigarette(香烟)on his lips. He smoked while he read, while he looked at the television, and while he drank a cup of coffee. He smoked forty cigarettes a day, but he was happy.

 Joe's friend, Fred Brown, said to him, "It is very bad to smoke."

 When Joe heard this, he started to worry and became thin. So he did not buy any more cigarettes. He became so thin that he went to Fred for help.

 Fred said, "You must eat more." So Joe did not smoke but he ate chocolate, and he became very fat. Again he went to Fred for help.

 Fred said, "You must not eat chocolate." So Joe stopped eating chocolate, but he went back to smoking cigarettes. He became thin again but he was not happy, because he still smoked .

Sometimes Joe Bloggs wished Fred Brown was not his friend!

56. When Joe became thin the first time it was because      .

A. he smoked too much       B. he worried too much

C. he stopped smoking        D. he ate too little

57. The following sentences tell what happened to Joe. Which is the right order of the events?

a. He did not smoke; he ate chocolate; he was fat; he was unhappy.

b. He smoked; he did not eat chocolate; he was thin; he was unhappy.

c. He smoked; he did not eat chocolate; he was not fat; he was happy.

A. a-b-c        B. c-b-a     C. b-a-c      D. c-a-b

58. In the end Joe was unhappy about his friendship with Fred because     .

A. Fred's advice had brought him no good

B. he never liked being told what to do

C. Fred had planned to fool him

D. he in fact had never really believed Fred

59. What is the writer trying to tell us with this story?

A. One should think and decide for oneself.

B. One should ask friends for help and advice.

C. Smoking is bad for one's health.

D. Chocolate is bad for one's health.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It was Tom’s first visit to England, and he was looking forward to his first journey, on London’s Underground Railway. And against his friends’  36 , he made a “great” decision to travel  37 .

He entered the station shortly after five o’clock in the afternoon. This is a  38 time to travel in London, 39 crowds of people go home from work at this hour. He  40 to join a long line of people waiting for tickets. When at last his  41 came, he had some difficulty in making himself understood by the ticket seller.  42 , he got the right ticket in the end and, by  43 people the way, he also found the right platform(月台). It was 44 with people. Unfortunately, he did not  45 to get on the first train, but he was able to move nearer to the edge of the platform so as to be in a 46 position (位置) to get on the next one. When this train came in, Tom was  47 forward onto the train by the force of people from 48 . The doors closed and the train  49 off. He was unable to see the names of the stations where the train  50 , but he knew that the station he wanted was the sixth one along the  51 . When the train reached the sixth station, Tom got off, feeling  52 that his journey had been so easy. But he suddenly realized that he had come to a station he had never  53 . He could do nothing but explain his  54 to a man who was standing on the platform. With 55 on his face, he told Tom that he had caught a train going in the opposite (相反的) direction.

36. A. protest           B. advice          C. challenge        D. invitation

37. A. alone           B. away          C. along      D. abroad

38. A. certain        B. possible         C. bad       D. right    

39. A. for               B. and        C. so        D. but    

40. A. hoped         B. had         C. planned         D. happened   

41. A. friend             B. time           C. luck             D. turn  

42. A. Thus B. So C. Therefore       D. However   

43. A. leading            B. asking           C. pointing         D. helping   

44. A. crowded          B. faced           C. covered          D. linked   

45. A. manage           B. decide           C. wish            D. expect    

46. A. safer         B. lower           C. better       D. higher    

47. A. kept              B. pushed           C. caught          D. pulled   

48. A. front B. inside          C. above D. behind    

49. A. switched          B. got            C. moved           D. lifted   

50. A. left B. stopped          C. started D. soared   

51. A. stop B. arrival            C. line D. train    

52. A. glad              B. strange         C. worried          D. bored    

53. A. heard of B. talked about       C. came across       D. arrived at   

54. A. design B. mistake           C. difficulty        D. question   

55. A. disappointment   B. fears            C. sadness         D. smiles


科目: 来源: 题型:

 ____ you’ve made in English! I’m proud of you.

A. What an amazing progress            B. What amazing progress

C. How an amazing progress             D. How amazing progress

