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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I’m a Chinese student studying in Canada. I have been a boarder(寄宿生) with the Carsons for more than a year and a half.

  The Carsons live in their own house, which has four bedrooms including the one in the basement(底层) which I live in. Judy does all the work in the house and Andrew is responsible for the work in the garden. When they go out in they evening, they often ask me to look after their children.

  Judy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris, lived in another city. Judy was their only child and naturally they doted on(溺爱)Judy’s children. They often sent the children presents.

  Last April Mr. Morris died. Now that Mrs. Morris was quite alone, I expected that Judy would want her to come and live with them. One day, Margaret, Judy’s daughter, told me grandma was coming to live with them and her daddy and mummy would want my room back. The news didn’t surprise me and the next day I went to Judy and asked her about it. I said I couldn’t think of living in their basement room any longer if it was needed for Mrs. Morris. Judy seemed surprised at first. Then she told me there was no deed for me to move, for they hadn’t yet come to any decision about her mother coming to live with them. “Naturally I’m worried about my mother. She has been in poor health.” She smiled sadly and added. “To be honest, Andrew and my mother have never got on well. We’ll wait a bit and see what happens. Perhaps Mohter will be all right living herself, or perhaps they will both change their minds.”

  That was six months ago. During this time I’ve heard that Mrs. Morris has had two illnesses and that her health has got worse. A nursing home(护理室)was mentioned once but Mrs. Morris refused to go there. So up to now she’s still living alone and I’m still living in the basement room.

1. What is the relationship between the speaker and the Carsons?

  A. He is a brother of Andrew Carson.

  B. He is a close friend of the Carsons.

  C. He is a student of Judy Carson.

  D. He is a student who pays to live and have meals at the Carsons’ house.

2. Why did the speaker expect Mrs. Morris to come to live with her daughter?

  A. Because Mr. Morris was dead.

  B. Because Mrs. Morris suffered from illness.

  C. Because Mrs. Morris lived all by herself.

  D. Because of all the reasons mentioned in A, B and C.

3. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. Mrs. Morris loved her grandchildren very much.

  B. Judy had no brothers or sisters to look after her mother.

  C. The Carsons once suggested that Mrs. Morris go to live in a nursing home.

  D. Mrs. Morris was coming to live with the Carsons, so they asked the speaker to move.

4. Why didn’t Mrs. Morris come to live with her daughter’s family?

  A. Because she did not want to leave her own house.

  B. Because she was in rather poor health and could not come.

  C. Because she did not have a good relationship with her son-in-law.

  D. Because the speaker lived there and there was no other room for her to live in.

5. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

  A. Family relationship in Canada. B. The Boarder in Canada. 

C. Nursing Homes in Canada.         D. The children in Canada.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The iPhone, the iPad: each of Apple’s products sounds cool and has become a fad(一时的风尚). Apple has cleverly taken advantage of the power of the letter “i” – and many other brands are following suit. The BBC’s iPlayer – which allows Web users to watch TV programs on the Internet –-used the title in 2008. A lovely bear – popular in the US and UK – that plays music and video is called “iTeddy”. A slimmed-down version of London’s Independent newspaper was started last week under the name “i”.

In general, single-letter prefixes(前缀) have been popular since the 1990s, when terms such as e-mail and e-commerce first came into use.

Most “i” products are targeted at (针对)young people and considering the major readers of Independent’s “i”, it’s no surprise that they’ve selected this fashionable name.

But it’s hard to see what’s so special about the letter “i”. Why not use “a”, “b”, or “c” instead? According to Tony Thorne, head of the Language Center at King’s College, London, “i” works because its meaning has become ambiguous. When Apple uses “i”, no one knows whether it means Internet, information, individual or interactive, Thorne told BBC Magazines. “Even when Apple created the iPod, it seems it didn’t have one clear definition(定义),” he says.

“However, thanks to Apple, the term is now connected with portability (轻便) .”adds Thorne.

Clearly the letter “i” also agrees with the idea that the Western World is centered on the individual. Each person believes they have their own needs, and we love personalized products for this reason.

Along with “Google” and “blog”, readers of BBC Magazines voted “i” as one of the top 20 words that have come to define the last decade(十年).

But as history shows, people grow tired of fads. From the 1900s to 1990s, products with “2000” in their names became fashionable as the year was connected with all things advanced and modern. However, as we entered the new century, the fashion disappeared.

1. People use iPlayer to __________.

A. listen to music                            B. make a call

C. watch TV programs online                 D. read newspapers

2. We can infer that the Independent’s “i” is designed for _________.

A. young readers                  B. old readers      C. fashionable women        D. engineers

3. The underlined word “ambiguous” means “__________”.

A. popular                      B. uncertain        C. clear                    D. unique

4. Nowadays, the “i” term often reminds people of the products which are __________.

A. portable           B. environmentally friendly         C. advanced              D. recyclable

5. The writer suggests that __________.

A. “i” products are often of high quality      

B. iTeddy is alive bear

C. the letter “b” replaces letter “i” to name the products

D. the popularity of “i” products may not last long


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

SHE dresses in saggy (宽松的) pants and is crazy about the pop star, Rain. Bin Xue is in love with South Korean culture. The 19-year-old from Sichuan Province feels a strong connection with the neighbouring country.

"The two nations have a long history of friendship and there are many similarities between them," she said. "But Koreans are iron-willed, and we could learn this quality from them."

Bin is not the only Chinese deeply affected by Korean culture. A recent survey shows that most Chinese teenagers think highly of their eastern neighbour.

However, Koreans do not view the Chinese in the same good light. In a recent survey, only 5.5 per cent of Korean teens thought the Chinese people friendly.

The survey among high school students in China, Japan, South Korea and the United States, was conducted in 156 high schools. More than 7,000 teenagers were questioned on success, family, their self-identity (自我意识), as well as their opinions about the world at large.

Results showed that most Korean teens gave a low score to the Chinese for patriotism (爱国心), responsibility and honesty. In their eyes, Chinese people are not hard-working and don't obey the rules.

"The result is surprising, but it does reflect a real information gap between teenagers in the two countries," said Lei Li, a psychology professor from the Capital Normal University.

Experts say that Chinese students' positive feelings about South Korea were a result of the booming (繁荣) popularity of Korean pop music. Korean movies and TV series have flooded China. And 73 per cent of the Chinese respondents said they watched Korean TV serials and cartoons.

On the other hand, Lei added, Korean teenagers don't have much access to China. The survey found that only 6.7 per cent of Korean students have ever read Chinese books or news magazines or watch Chinese TV programmes.1

Professor Lei thinks that Chinese teens should give themselves a better basis for appreciating the cultures of their neighbours. It's not enough to simply enjoy their music, TV and fashion sense. "The survey shows that Chinese teens should make friends with their foreign peers . They shouldn't judge other countries by their media alone," said Lei.

Luo Xi'er, 17, from Hunan Province, hopes Chinese people can improve their image. "In my opinion, it is the bad behaviour of Chinese tourists which has destroyed our image abroad," she said.

The girl has read several online articles in which Koreans put Chinese tourists' bad manners under the spotlight. "I would like to go to South Korea some day and show them that most Chinese are good-mannered."

64. Most Chinese teenagers think highly of South Korea because ___________.

A. they are crazy about pop stars in South Korea

B. Korean people have certain qualities they respect

C. there are many similarities between China and South Korea

D. all of the above

65. Korean teens probably have low opinions of Chinese because ______________.

A. they are friendly and iron-willed

B. they don't know much about China

C. they hate Chinese because of historical conflicts

D. they only watch Korean TV serials and cartoons

66. According to professor Lei, _______________.

A. Chinese teens should not enjoy the pop music of South Korea

B. Chinese teens should help Korean peers learn more about China

C. we should prevent Korean movies and TV series from flooding in China

D. we should have a better understanding of Korean peers

67. We can infer from the survey _______________.

A. Chinese teenagers think highly of South Koreans

B. most Korean teens gave a low score to the Chinese

C. it is necessary to strengthen cultural communications

D. bad behaviour of Chinese tourists destroyed our image abroad


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Why do some people have many friends while others do not?  1 However, it is not so. Let’s look at two psychological experiments which will give you the key to happy interpersonal relations.


The first experiment is called the “Hawthorne effect” after Hawthorne, Illinois, where the experiment took place. A group of psychologists examined the work patterns of two groups of workers in the Western Electric Company.   2  .The psychologists changed the working conditions for one group twice but left the other group alone. They were surprised to find that productivity increase on both occasions and in both groups. They concluded that the increase in productivity came from the attention given to the workers by the management. It had increased their motivation (积极性) and so they had worked harder. In other words, if you take an interest in others ,they will want to please you and you will have good relations with them.

3   After Martin Luther King, Jr was killed in the 1960s, a teacher, Jane Elliott, living in an all – white town decided to help her class of young children understand why the Civil Rights Movement had been necessary in America.

She divided the class into two groups: one with blue eyes and the other with brown eyes. Other eye colours such as hazel or green were excluded from his exercise. Then she told the class that brown – eyed people were cleverer than blue – eyed ones because of an agent (化学作用) for brown colour found in their blood. Blue – eyed people were stupid, lazy and not to be trusted. Jane Elliott did not need to say any more. The brown – eyed students quickly got used to their new role as the leaders of the class. The blue – eyed students became quiet and withdrawn. Then she discovered something very interesting. Four poor brown – eyed readers began to read fluently in a way they had never done before.   4  .So if you want to be successful and happy, take an interest in others whether they are your classmates or workmates. Congratulate them on their successes and sympathize(同情) with them in their troubles.   5  .

A. Before the experiment the management talked to both groups of workers and explained that they wanted to find the best working environment for them.

B. Remember that the way you treat others will decide their attitude and behaviour to you.

C. The second experiment shows what happens to personal relations if you are rude to or ignore(忽略) others.

D. The ones who have more friends usually are those who care about others.

E. Jane Elliott had shown that the way people are treated affects not only their behaviour but also their confidence and their performance.

F.You may even imagine that this ability was something they were born with because it seems so effortless to them.

G. The second experiment tells us what teachers said has a great effect on the students.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Jack: Hi, Frank.


Jack:   1   

Frank:Yes,I have some books to read, but I can do it later.

Jack: I want you to do me a favor.

Frank: Go ahead,    2   

Jack: Professor Smith is coming this afternoon. I am expected to meet him at the airport, but I have an important meeting to go to.

Frank: I can do it for you.     3  

Jack: He’s about your age, in his early thirties. Tall and handsome.

Frank :  4   

Jack: Oh, about three o’clock. He is taking flight number 231 from Detroit. Thank you.

Frank:   5    

A. See you this afternoon.

B. How can I recognize him?


科目: 来源: 题型:

41. 如果他继续这样拼命工作,就会把自己累垮的。

If he doesn’t stop working so hard, he’ll ________ himself ________.

42. After running out of his money abroad,he ______.

43. The new library was named ____ _____ of a businessman devoted to China’s education.

44. Meetings and phone calls ______a large part of the day.

45. 尽管如此,我们对商业广告中所使用的技法还是得有些意识。

However, we still must be _______ _______ the methods used in advertisements to try and sell us things.

46. They ______to the south pole and tried to live there.

47. I am in ____ _____ your suggestion though many others don’t like it at present.

48. The delay was ______ power failure.

49. People all over the world ______the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.

50. ______this room,our room is much brighter.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 I know I should have told the headmaster at the time. That was my real  1 .

He had gone out of the study for some  2 , leaving me alone. In his absence. I looked to see  3 was on his desk. In the  4  was a small piece of paper on which were written the  5  “English Writing Prize 1949.History Is a Series of Biographies (人物传记)”.

A(n)  6  boy would have avoided(避免) looking at the title as soon as he saw the  7 . I did not. The subject of the English Writing Prize was kept a  8  until the start of the exam so I could not  9  reading it.

When the headmaster  10 , I was looking out of the window.

I should have told him what had  11  then. It would have been so  12  to say: “I’m sorry, but I  13  the title for the English Writing Prize on your desk. You’ll have to  14  it.”

The chance passed and I did not  15  it. I sat the exam the next day and I won. I didn’t  16  to cheat, but it was still cheating anyway.

That was thirty-eight years  17  when I was fifteen. I have never told anyone about it before,  18  have I tried to explain to myself why not.

The obvious explanation is that I could not admit(承认) I had seen the title  19  admitting that I had been looking at the things on his desk.  20  there must have been more behind it. Whatever it was, it has become a good example of how a little mistake can trap (使陷入) you in a more serious moral corner (道德困境).

(   )1.A.plan    B.fault  C.grade D.luck

(   )2.A.reason       B.course      C.example    D.vacation

(   )3.A.this    B.which       C.that   D.what

(   )4.A.drawer      B.corner      C.middle      D.box

(   )5.A.names       B.words       C.ideas D.messages

(   )6.A.honest       B.handsome C.friendly     D.active

(   )7.A.desk   B.paper C.book D.answer

(   )8.A.question     B.key    C.note  D.secret

(   )9.A.help    B.consider    C.practise    D.forget

(   )10.A.disappeared     B.stayed       C.returned    D.went

(   )11.A.existed     B.remained   C.happened  D.continued

(   )12.A.tiring       B.easy  C.important  D.difficult

(   )13.A.saw  B.gave  C.set    D.made

(   )14.A.say   B.defend      C.correct     D.change

(   )15.A.take  B.have  C.lose   D.find

(   )16.A.remember       B.learn  C.mean D.pretend

(   )17.A.past  B.ago    C.then  D.before

(   )18.A.either       B.never C.nor    D.so

(   )19.A.by    B.besides     C.through    D.without

(   )20.A.But   B.Though     C.Otherwise       D.Therefore


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Two friends visited the zoo together. The zoo was very large and it was  1 to go everywhere. They had to decide where and which animal to visit as their time was  2 . So both of them agreed not to  3 after choosing a  4 at every fork (岔路口).

A road sign at the first fork  5 one way to the lion quarters and the other to the tiger hill. They decided on the  6 after a  7 discussion because lions were “the king of the grassland”. The second showed a division (路口) going separately to the panda and peacock. They  8 panda as it was the nation’s treasure and went its way. Thus they made choices all along the way and each choice meant  9 what they couldn’t help regretting. But they had to make it, and  10 , for it brooked (容忍) no delay. If they hesitated (犹豫不决) they would miss  11 . Only  12 decision could offer more chances for sightseeing and  13 possible regret.

Life is  14 like this—choices often occur that one has to make, for example, between two  15 jobs, two fascinating wooers (追求者). To get one you  16 give up the other—you can get half of it. If you  17 weighing the pros and cons and calculating gains and losses, you will most likely  18 empty-handedness. Don’t be sad about it.  19 you have got half of the desirable things in life—something that is  20 to come by.

1. A. easy              B. eager            C. impossible        D. possible

2. A. enough         B. limited        C. tight             D. plentiful

3. A. retrace         B. come            C. go              D. go back

4. A. main road       B. branch              C. crossing          D. highway

5. A. showed        B. pointed           C. intended          D. made

6. A. former         B. later             C. last             D. the third

7. A. brief           B. long             C. no              D. heated

8. A. hoped          B. wanted           C. favored          D. got

9. A. getting         B. taking            C. grasping          D. giving up

10. A. slowly        B. immediately       C. timely           D. easily

11. A. less           B. more            C. most            D. least

12. A. high          B. slow            C. short            D. rapid

13. A. increase B. rid C. reduce D. raise

14. A. just exactly     B. more or less       C. hardly           D. most

15. A. unwanted      B. rejected          C. enjoyable         D. desirable

16. A. wish          B. want            C. must            D. have to

17. A. spend time     B. kill time          C. have a hard time    D. hope for

18. A. start with      B. get up           C. succeed in        D. end up in

19. A. By no means       B. Not in the least     C. At most          D. At least

20. A. stupid         B. delighted          C. hard             D. supported


科目: 来源: 题型:

When Rosina Hernandez was in college,she once attended a rock concert at which one young man was cruelly beaten by another.No one made an__1__to stop the beating.The next day she was__2__to learn that the youth had died as a result of the__3__.Yet neither she nor anyone else had raised a hand to help__4__.She could never forget the incident and her responsibility as an__5__bystander(旁观者).

Some years later,Rosina saw another__6__.A car driving in the rain ahead of her suddenly rushed into Biscayne Bay.The car landed head down in the water with only the tail end__7__.In a moment a woman appeared on the__8__,shouting for help and saying her__9__was stuck inside.This time Rosina waited for no one.She jumped into the water,tried__10__to open the car door,then broke the back window__11__other bystanders stood on the street and__12__.First she__13__at them,begging for help,then__14__them,telling them there was a man dying in the car.

First one man,then another,__15__came to help.Together they__16__the safety glass and dragged the man out.They were just in time—a few__17__later it would have been all over.The woman thanked Rosina for saving her husband,and Rosina was__18__for weeks.She had promised herself that she would never again fail to do__19__she could do to save a human’s life.She had made good on her__20__.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Mrs. Hammond was old and blind, but she was determined to do everything for herself. She even used to go for walks by herself once a day for  1 , and found her way by  2  things with her white stick. She learned where everything was, so she never lost her way.

  One day, some men came and cut down some of the familiar trees at the side of one of the paths which she  3  . When she reached that place that evening, she did not  4  the trees with her stick, so she was in  5  .

  She  6  for a while and listened, but did not  7  any other people, so she went for a kilometer or two, and then she heard  8  beneath her. “Am I  9 ? I suppose so,” she said, “I must be on a  10 , and there must be a river under me. I've been told that there's a river in this part of the country, but I don't know its exact  11 . How am I going to get  12  to my house from here?”

  All at once she heard a man's friendly  13  near her. “Excuse me, can I help you?”“How kind of you!” Mrs. Hammond answered. “Yes, please. Some of the trees which I follow have been  14  today, and if I hadn't been 15  enough to meet you, I don't know  16  I'd have done. Can you please  17  me to get home?”

 “Certainly,” the man answered. “Where do you live?”

  Mrs. Hammond told him, and the man took her to her house. She told the man how pleased she was that she had met him. But the man said. “I want to  18  you.”

  Mrs. Hammond asked, “Whatever for?”

 “Well,” the man said quietly, “I was balanced (悬在) on the edge of that bridge for ages in the  19 , because I was trying to make up my mind to  20  myself into the river and drown myself. But I'm not going to do it now.”

1. A. health         B. exercise   C. sport           D. training

2. A. seeing         B. looking at  C. hearing         D. touching

3. A. followed       B. led     C. walked         D. headed

4. A. know          B. feel         C. smell           D. climb

5. A. need          B. danger       C. dark            D. difficulty

6. A. waited         B. rested       C. stopped          D. walked

7. A. see           B. find         C. meet           D. hear

8. A. noise          B. water       C. boat            D. train

9. A. lost           B. all right      C. wrong           D. alone

10. A. boat         B. plane         C. bridge          D. highway

11. A. size         B. length         C. position       D. name

12. A. far          B. near          C. away           D. back

13. A. touch        B. voice         C. sound          D. noise

14. A. lost          B. destroyed     C. removed     D. planted

15. A. lucky        B. kind          C. good           D. foolish

16. A. how         B. what          C. why        D. which

17. A. tell          B. direct         C. help          D. lead

18. A help         B. know          C. thank          D. meet

19. A. worry       B. sorry           C. hurry        D. dark

20. A. put         B. throw          C. jump          D. take

