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科目: 来源: 题型:

---Oh, Linda, I feel exhausted.

---Why not some outdoor sports to relax from office work?

 A. set up  B.make up  C.take up D.speed up


科目: 来源: 题型:

The green-peace group is       the government for action to save the local wildlife.

    A.pressing    B. rejecting    C. clarifying  D. attracting



科目: 来源: 题型:

 Who were the guests     to your birthday party last night?

    A.being invited    B. to be invited    C. invited    D.to invite



科目: 来源: 题型:

---May I borrow your bicycle for a day, David?

---Oh, sorry! My bicycle is not    ,and it is being mended.

  A. legal  B. available  C.positive  D.constant



科目: 来源: 题型:

---Could you     a personal interview for me,sir? I really need the work to pay for my schooling.

---Ok,I will try.

  A. arrange  B. design  C. give  D. operate


科目: 来源: 题型:

       his ability, his rich experience was also the key to getting the well-paid job.

    A. Because of    B. Instead of    C. Free from  D. Apart from



科目: 来源: 题型:

Nothing can take   place of the lost pleasant time;surely it forms    valuable memory in our life.

    A. the;/    B.the;a    C./;a    D. a;the



科目: 来源: 题型:

英国Warwickshire学校将组织学生来你校交流学习中文。经安排,Tracy 住在你家。假设你是李华,请你给Tracy写封电子邮件,介绍她来中国后的有关事宜,信的要点如下:






科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 [1 ] There are many TV programs on Chinese food,but few are like A Bite of China. Direct­ed by award-winning film maker Chen Xiaoqing, A Bite of China is filled with not just mouthwa­tering images of various foods, but also the beautiful process of food-making. The program is sure to attract both experts and ordinary audiences.

[2]  “We have some interesting shots of food-making, but how to create dishes is only one aspect of food culture. The program tries to bring something new by presenting more cultural ele­ments related to dishes, such as eatting habits and the traditions of eating. ” said Chen. One episode(剧集,部),for example, centers on the staple foods. It explains why rice is the main food of the southern Chinese diet, while wheat flour ___________________.

[3]  The show is not only about dishes. Every episode will interview different people, who will tell stories about their adventures with food. “As a saying goes, ‘ you are what you eat', Chen says. 44 Food is always connected with people. To get enough good stories, the production team spent three months doing research and interviews in about 60 cities before they started shoot­ing last July.

[4]  An episode about pickles(泡菜),for instance, is about a white-collar woman in Bei­jing, who returns to her hometown and makes pickles for the first time for her lonely mother.

[5]  Another episode contains joyful moments of sons and daughters making New Year cakes (rice pudding) after they return home from big cities to celebrate with their parents, who have been staying in their home village.

[6]  Chen says the seven episodes might not be enough to show the glory of Chinese food cul­ture. He's planning a second and third installment.

76.   How different is A Bite of China from other food programmes? (no more than 15 words)


77. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words, (no more than 8 words)   ______________________________________________________

78.  What is the main idea of Paragraph 3? (no more than 8 words)   


79. Traditional food has become a symbol of       _____in the stories of Paras 4 and 5. (no more than 2 words) __________________________________________________________________________________

80. Why did Chen make A bite of China according to the passage? ( no more than 12 words) ___________________________________________________________________________________


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We have all heard of the smartphone and most of us will have one. Not far behind : the smart home. In the latest issue of Journal Science,Washington State University's Diane Cook says it won't be long before our homes act as “ intelligent agents” to predict our needs and deal with tasks that improve our health, energy efficiency, even social media.

“Many homes are already halfway there, with computers helping warm food, record TV shows, and turn on coffee makers. What we're trying to do is get the home to think about what you need as a whole and use different parts to do the right things. ” she says.

Cook has been working on such smart homes since 2006. Some test homes already show that the technology can help monitor the elderly people and remind them to complete ordinary activities like rising, eating and taking medicine.

Similarly,the home can itself control energy use. Smart home technologies can run washing- machines at off-peak times, turn off unneeded appliances(家用电器)and put out lights in empty rooms. Many communities now are testing the concept of the smart home.

While the smartphone lets people take their social media with them, the home could act like a car's Bluetooth, making hands-free conversation from any room a reality. Cameras will let the people “ talk face to face from anywhere".

Although the technology is available,technologies like in-home cameras raise privacy con­cerns. The technologies,like many others,face a challenge of being accepted and adopted, says Cook. She has seen that in particular with the elderly participants in her studies.

“People will soon understand what these technologies do and see how user-friendly they are. I bet some technologies will develop fast once they're starting to be used. ”

71.  According to the passage,all of the following statements about the smart home technology are TRUE except that  .

A.  it is a completely new concept

B.  some tests are being carried out

C. it helps people do housework

D. it will soon become a reality

72.  According to Cook, the smart home technology can benefit _______.

A.  the teachers monitoring their students

B.  the housewives with babies to attend

C. the nurses in the hospital nearby

D. the senior people who need taking care of

73.  According to Paragraph 4, the smart home technology helps people _______.

A. make more money                                   B. use new energy forms

C. improve the energy efficiency                   D. develop good habits

74.  One of the obstacles that prevent the smart home technology from being accepted is ____

A. the concern about people's privacy            B. the concern about the cost from it

C. the concern about the loss of tradition     D. the concern about elderly people

75.  How does Cook think of the smart home technology?

A. useful but much too costly.                     B. challenging but promising.

C. convenient and affordable.                       D. user-friendly and practical.


