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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  “Eddy,no!” I screamed at my dog when I realized what he had done.My finished homework was completely ruined by Eddy.This had actually happened to me,unlike most kids just looking for an excuse.But Eddy looked at me with a cocked(竖起的)head as if to say.“What,cant a dog be hungry?”

    I couldn’t believe it;my dog had actually eaten my homework! Jenny.my step-mom, came into the room and saw my sadness, but assured me that the teacher would understand.I did not believe her. So Jenny wrote my teacher a note to explain the unfortunate incident. The next morning I didn’t want to go to school. I couldn’t  imagine how the teacher would punish me.

    I went into the classroom with the remains of my homework in my backpack.Maybe she wouldn’t check homework today. What if she found out that my homework was not intact(完整无缺)? I would disappoint her for sure.I didn’t want to disappoint her. “kids,take out your homework,”the teacher said just the same as she did  every day. I could feel my heart beating hard and fast. The teacher began checking everyone’s homework.She got closer;I hunted for homework that looked similar to avoid embarrassment.No luck. She came closer “Kyle, where is your homework?” she asked.Unable to produce a similar worksheet, I reluctantly(不情愿地)handed over my sorry excuse for homework.

    She began to laugh. Why was she laughing? Was I going to disappoint her? Would I be forever laughed? “I never thought I would see the day that excuse would actually be true,”she gasped(喘息).

    Every year since then she has told my story to her students.“Unlike you, her dog did eat her homework. So don’t use this excuse again.” she says.

    56. In the author’s opinion,homework was        

      A. the dog’s favorite food       B. too difficult to be finished

      C. often eaten by students’ dogs  D. seldom eaten by students’ dogs

    57. Why didn’t the author want to go to school the next morning?

      A. Because she didn’t finish her homework.

      B. Because she was afraid of her teacher’s punishment

      C. Because her step—mom explained nothing to her teacher.

      D. Because her step—mom would punish Eddy after her leaving

   58. It can be learned from the passage that     

      A. the teacher checked homework every day

      B. the teacher didn’t believe the author at all

      C. the author re—did her homework at last

      D. homework was the only way to judge a student’s score

    59. When the teacher checked homework,the author felt ——.

      A. calm and quit      B. lucky and happy

      C. excited and pleasant  D. unwilling and sorry

   60. The teacher tells the author’s story to her students in order to——.

     A. tell them as a joke for fun    B. warn them to be careful of their dogs

     C. tell them to be honest people  D. tell them an excuse of not doing homework



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 I am 54,and enjoying every minute I have left. Each day I wake up feeling 36 to be  here.

I have to tell the truth that I am likely to 37 very soon. Three years ago,I was diagnosed(诊断)with cancer. The doctor said I wouldn’t die “hard”.The  38  would close down my brain gradually,then 39,I would die unconsciously(无意识地).Several days ago,the doctor told me a piece of 40 news that the cancer had spread like wildfire And he also said that I probably had just two months to live. This latest news about the cancer really 41 me. It was also not easy for my 42.My youngest son,Henry,shut himself in his room 43  he heard the news. But now,at least,we are closer than ever.He does a funny dance to entertain me and thinks up jokes to make me 44 .In readiness I have made him a calendar with every reminder a mother would normally 45:“Take your dirty clothes off”,and “Remember Dad’s birthday!”

   I’ve 46  myself for death.I gave people lots of my hooks.I gave my clothes to a young working mother. I wrote 47 birthday and Christmas cards for my three boys,making sure they would hear from their old 48  for years from now.I also 49  my 55th birthday party in December.though I might be dead that day.

   50,I can enjoy life and still live. When you’re told you will die much 51 than you have expected,every second is meaningful. I am trying hard to make full use of every 52 left.

   I am 53 and have self—published several books,and I hope I can 54 my detective novel in the limited time.I don’t want to leave an uncompleted work. I will cherish(珍惜)the 55 of my life.

  36.A.pressured    B.proud     C.grateful    D.safe

  37.A.return        B.die       C.forget     D.retire

  38.A.cancer       B.Pain       C.medicine  D.machine

  39.A.reasonably    B.immediately  C.basically D.finally

  40.A.terrible     B.exciting    C.interesting   D.false

  41.A.amused    B.shocked    C.controlled    D.touched

  42.A.audience    B.assistant    C.foxily     D.body

  43.A.since      B.before       C.if        D.after

  44.A.cry        B. move      C.wait      D.laugh

  45.A.make      B.check       C.change   D.keep

  46.A.blamed    B.prepared    C.punished  D. praised

  47.A.beautiful    B.plastic    C.future     D.expensive

  48.A.mother    B.partner     C.classmate  D. tutor

  49.A.celebrated    B.held     C.hosted    D.planned

  50.A.Strangely    B.Simply    C.Luckily   D.Directly

  51.A.1ater     B.earlier      C.better     D.harder

  52.A.opportunity    B.second    C.dollar  D.friend

  53.A.writing    B.reading    C.collecting  D.buying

  54.A.publish    B.translate    C.1ike     D.finish

  55.A.quietness   B.memory    C.rest     D.dream



科目: 来源: 题型:

---What kind of work will you do when you graduate from university?

---  Maybe I’ll choose to be a journalist.

  A.I’m afraid not.  B. You guess it!

  C.Don’t mention it. D.It hasn’t been settled.


科目: 来源: 题型:

       to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.

    A. Exposed      B. Having exposed

    C. Being exposed  D. After being exposed



科目: 来源: 题型:

If      for most of us,the meeting will be arranged next Monday evening.

    A.delighted    B. convenient    C.comfortable D. consistent



科目: 来源: 题型:

 Only when one grows old enough        able to understand what love really means.

    A.he was    B. he will be    C.will he be D. was he



科目: 来源: 题型:

 To learn English well, we should find opportunities to hear English      as much as we can.

    A.speak    B speaking    C.spoken   D. to speak



科目: 来源: 题型:

       by the belief that helping others means helping yourself,John has done lots of good deeds.

    A. Guiding    B. Guided    C. To be guided   D. Having guided



科目: 来源: 题型:

Sometimes children       make trouble for their parents in order to get noticed.

    A.deliberately    B entirely    C. privately    D. mainly



科目: 来源: 题型:

 Mo Yan’s experiences in his hometown         greatly to the success of his novels.

    A.attended    B.devoted    C. contributed  D. admitted


