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科目: 来源: 题型:

 In ________ old society many young women died by so strange and cruel ________ custom.

  A. 不填;a  B. 不填;the  C. the;a          D. an;a


科目: 来源: 题型:

  China Daily请你用英文写一篇报道,介绍在英语竞赛(competition)中取得第一名的王伟同学学习英语的情况,内容如下:


    2.起初,在英语学习中遇到了许多困难(如记不住生词,听不懂教师讲课等),几乎失去了信心(lose heart)。






科目: 来源: 题型:


   11.Along the way children          (穿着)long wool coats stopped to look at us.

   12.He                        (做了个梦)last night.

   13.I don’t want to          (记下)a series of facts in a diary              (像大多数人那样)

   14.As the moon gave                 (太亮),I didn’t dare open a window.

   15.The film            (以……为蓝本)a novel written by Robert.

   16.They               (决心)drive the enemy from their land.

   17.I’m thinking of moving and      my house      (换成)a larger one.

18.The old man lived on his own and had a dog               (作伴).

19.As I was about to go out and search for him, he           (恰巧)come in.

   20.At one point we were so high that we                 (发现自己仿佛骑车穿越)clouds.



科目: 来源: 题型:


  1.A close friendship     (逐渐地)grew up between them.

  2.Do you have any difficulty in    (交流)with your new friends?

  3.Back from the cinema,the couple were   (震惊)on seeing their house broken in.

  4.At present,what I am worrying about is his    (态度)towards his study.

  5.The pipeline was constructed to   (运输)oil across Alaska to ports on the coast.

  6.I haven’t p   him to give up smoking.

7.I’m not a stranger here. The city is quite f   to me.

  8.My teachers are very kind to us. They often give us some a  on learning methods.

  9.Though I hadn’t seen Jones for five years or so,I r  her voice as soon as I picked up my phone.

  10.After g    from high school,he went to Beijing to work in a restaurant.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

   Americans can travel almost anywhere they choose. But to protect its people,the government lists a few dangerous places where Americans cannot go. These places are unfriendly countries or countries at war. There,the traveler might not be safe. These countries are listed in a small book called a passport(护照).

   This passport is a government request for the safety of its traveling people. It is also a government’s pledge(保证)that the people will obey the rules of the host country(东道国).

    To receive a passport from the government,a traveler must prove(证明)that he is an American citizen(公民). An American cad not go overseas(外国)without a passport. Only certain close counties such as Canada and Mexico do not ask for passports.

    Pasted inside the passport is the traveler’s picture. Children traveling with their parents are included in one parent’s book.

   Thousands of people from the United States visit other countries every year. An American traveler might carry plane tickets,money,clothing and many other things. But the most import that he carries in another country is his passport.

 71.A passport is not needed when all American goes to      

    A.foreign countries    B.dangerous areas

    C.Canada or Mexico   D.countries overseas

 72.From the passage we can see that      

    A.children can’t travel to foreign countries

    B.Americans like to travel

    C.a traveler is not safe in most countries

    D.Americans like to travel to close countries

  73.Why does a traveler need a passport?

    A.He needs something more to carry when he travels

    B.It helps the country to protect the people

    C.He needs to have his picture taken more often

    D.it helps the traveler to know where he will go

  74.Which statement does the passage lead you to believe?

    A.People should take care of their passports

    B.It is not important to have a passport to travel

    C.Children are never included in a passport

    D.When you are in another country, money is more important than a passport

  75.Which of the following is true?

    A.When Americans are traveling in another country,they must obey the roles of the country

    B.The American government sometimes allows its people to travel to dangerous places

    C.A passport is needed wherever an American is traveling

    D.Everyone who lives in the United States can get a passport from the American government


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    If you go into the woods with your friends,stay with them. If you don’t,you may get lost. If you do get lost,this is what you should do.

    Sit down and stay where you are. Don’t try to find your friend—let them find you. There is another way to help your friend or other nearby people to find you. Give them a signal by shouting or whistling three times. Stop shouting and whistling. Then three times again. Any signal given three times is a call for help. Keep up shouting or whistling,always three times together. When people hear you,they will know that you are not just making noise for fun. They will let you know that they have heard your signal. They will give two shouts, two whistles or two gun shots. When a signal is given twice, it is an answer to a call for help.

    If you don’t think that you will get help, try to make a little house—cover up the holes with branches with lots of leaves,and a soft bed with leaves and grass.

   What should you do if you need drinking water? You would have to leave your little branch house to look for a river. Don’t just walk away. Pick off small branches and drop as you walk so that you can find your way back.

    The most important thing to do when you are lost is to stay one place.

 66.When you get lost in the woods,you should,

    A.try your best to get out of the woods

    B.make a little house with branches

    C.keep quiet and wait for help to come

    D.stay in one place and send signals for help

  67.How do you make your friends know that you are calling for help but not making noise for fun?

    A.Keeping shouting or whistling three times together.

    B.Crying all the time

    C.Keep shouting or whistling or firing gun twice together

    D.Making a house with branches

  68.Why should you leave some small branches on the way to get some water?

    A.So that you can find the water

    B.So that your friends know where you have gone

    C.So that you can come back to the place where you were lost

    D.So that you can pick the branches for your house

  69.The best title of the passage is          

    A.Don’t Get Lost     B.Stay With Your Friends

    C.Stay In One Place   D.What To Do When Lost In Woods

  70.According to the author “a signal is given twice” is          .

    A.the key to the house    B.a reply to help

    C.an answer to a call for help    D.a call for help


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  Every day we go to school and listen to teachers, and the teacher will ask us some questions. Sometimes,the classmates will ask your opinions of the work of the class. When you are telling others in the class what you have found out about these topics, remember that they must be able to hear what you are saying. You are not taking part in a family conversation or having a chat with friends—you are in a situation where a large group of people will remain silent, waiting to hear what you have to say. You must speak so that they can hear you loudly enough and clearly enough but without trying to shout or appearing to force yourself.

    Remember, too, that it is the same if you are called to an interview whether it is with a professor of your school or a government official who might meet you. The person you are seeing will try to put you at your ease ordinary conversation but the situation is somewhat different from that of an ordinary conversation. You must take special care that you can he heard.

 61.When you speak to the class,you should speak         

    A.as loudly as possible    B.in a low voice

    C.loudly               D.forcefully

 62.The situation in the class is      that to your house.

    A.not very different from    B.sometimes the same as

    C.sometimes not the same as  D.not the salve as

 63.If you are having a conversation with an official,the most important thing for you is     .

    A.to show your ability    B.to be very gentle

    C.to make sure that you can he heard    D.to put the official at ease

 64.The meaning of “somewhat” in the last paragraph is       .

    A.什么    B.有点    C.很多  D.一些什么

  65.The main idea of this passage is          

    A.that we must use different ways at different situations

    B.that we must speak loudly

    C.that we must keep silent at any time

    D.that we must talk with me class


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Two years ago my grandmother was going to turn 75. My family discussed what the best way to celebrate was. Should we throw her a party? Should we take her on a trip? We remembered that she had touched so many people’s lives, and there were so many people for her to consider. Then someone got the idea that we should include everyone in the celebration by turning it into a tribute(献礼)to my grandmother.

  We secretly sent out letters to the people in Grandmother’s address book and asked them to send a letter with a memory that they had shared with her. People sent us letters with poems, stories and pictures. The deep feeing that was shared through the response(回应)surprised us. We compiled(编辑)these letters into a memory book and amazed her with it on the morning of her birthday.

    The unusual thing about my grandmother’s friends was not the number that she had,but me connection they shared.In many ways this book of friendship was the greatest achievement of my grandmother’s life.

     I believe that developing true friendships is one of the most important things that anyone can do in one’s lifetime. It is not a matter of the number of friends one has,hut the quality of the bonds. If one has had at least one true friendship before dying,then one can say one has lived a successful life. I have made many friends and I believe I have begun to develop the same types of friendships my grandmother kept up over her lifetime. I only hope that I will be as successful as she has been.

    56.How did the author’s family celebrate Grandmother’s birthday?

    A.They took her on a trip across the country

    B.They gave her a memory book of friendship

    C.They invited all her friends to her birthday party

    D.They asked all her friends to send her cards

  57.When receiving her birthday gift,the author’s grandmother probably felt    

    A.disappointed and lonely

    B.sorry and sad

    C.surprised and pleased

    D.nervous and excited

  58.The underlined word “bonds” in the last paragraph probably means        

    A.relationships  B.works  C.successes  D.celebrations

  59.According to the passage,the author probably agrees that          

    A.the more friends you have,the better

    B.friends are more important than family

    C.understanding leads to greater success

    D.true friendship is very important to us

  60.Which of the following words can best describe the author’s grandmother?

    A.Famous    B.Great    C.Polite  D.Pleasant


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  Once upon a time,there was no donkey(驴子)in a small village. One day a merchant(商人)brought one to the village. But the 36 had a 37 master. So one day it 38 a forest and decided to stay there. But soon a tiger saw it and immediately  39  at it. At once the donkey started to cry 40 it could. The tiger was so 41 by the donkey’s action 41 it ran away with fear.

   Not long afterwards the tiger met a fox.  43 out of breath,it told the fox what 44 . Then the tiger 45 the fox to the place  46  it had met the donkey. When the fox saw the donkey,it laughed and said,“That’s only a 47 donkey and it only eats  48 .Come,let’s kill it 49 supper. When the donkey saw them 50,it quickly 51 a plan.” “Hello,old friend! How nice to see you,and how nice 52 you to bring me supper,my favorite food—tiger meat!”

Heating this,the tiger was very 53 as well as angry. “I’ll teach you a lesson.” It 54 angrily at the fox,and 55 one jump,killed it. Then it ran away as fast as it could.

  36.A.monkey    B.donkey    C.tiger   D.fox

  37.A.cruel      B.good      C.kind    D.selfish

  38.A.moved to   B.ran away across C.ran away into D.went through

  39.A.stared      B.came        C.saw        D.watched

  40.A.as loud as   B.so loud as    C.as aloud as   D.so aloud as

  41.A.surprised   B.pleased      C.excited      D.worried

  42.A.as         B.when       C.that        D.and

  43.A.Hardly     B.Almost     C.Already     D.Mostly

  44.A.appeared   B.happened    C.had happened  D.was taken

  45.A.carried    B.watched     C.showed       D.led

  46.A.where     B.that        C.which       D.when

  47.A.dangerous  B.harmful    C.terrible     D.harmless

  48.A.tiger meat  B.grass      C.animals     D.birds

  49.A.on        B.with       C.for        D.about

  50.A.coming along  B.gone away  C.coming in D.going along

  51.A.make    B.got     C.found out  D.thought over

  52.A.for    B.with      C.about     D.of

  53.A.afraid    B.fear    C. frightened  D.horribly

  54.A.spoke    B.shouted  C.said  D.told

  55.A.with     B.have    C.take   D.for

