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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It’s the lunchtime break at Shanghai Xianxia Middle School. No mobile phones can be heard ringing anywhere. The common sight of crowds of children chatting on their phones or sending short messages has disappeared.

A grade-2 student said, “I couldn’t concentrate during classes if the cell phone was with me. I couldn’t help checking if there were messages or missed phone calls. I even played games on the phone sometimes.”

The school authorities say they feel the ban is necessary to keep order in class. They even gave out an open letter to remind parents not to let their children bring mobile phones to school. More than 96 percent of parents say they welcome the school decision. The school is also being flexible (灵活的) in implementing the ban. Those students who live far from school are allowed to bring mobile phones to contact their parents. But they still have to switch them off in classrooms.

Medical experts have also welcomed the school decision. They say too much dependence on mobile phones can cause many psychological problems in teenage students.

70. The grade-2 student thought that _______.

A. the mobile phone should be on during classes

B. it is good to play cell phone games sometimes

C. the mobile phone is helpful to her studies

D. it is no good using the cell phone at school

71. According to the passage, the students use their mobile phones except _______.

A. contacting their parents      B. cheating in exams

C. sending short messages     D. playing games

72. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. All the parents welcome the school decision.

B. Some students can bring mobile phones to school.

C. Medical experts are against the school decision.

D. No one is allowed to bring his mobile phone to school.

73. What does the underlined word “implementing” in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Carrying out   B. Giving up    C. Making up    D. Finding out

74.The passage mainly tells us _______.

A. the mobile phone is a big trouble to teenage students

B. the use of the mobile phone can cause mental problems

C. about a ban on the mobile phone in a middle school

D. a story happening at Shanghai Xianxia Middle School


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Traveling can be a very fun and exciting way to vacation with your family, but it does not always turn out as expected. I have traveled a lot with my family over the years, but some experiences are worth forgetting altogether. I remember a particular traveling experience which sticks out in my mind for the wrong reasons.

My dad and stepmom had decided to drive to California for our family vacation. This was supposed to provide educational value, since we would be able to stop along the way and look at various sites in each state. Everything was going as planned until we decided to take a break and stop at the Grand Canyon(大峡谷). I had always wanted to see this exciting place and had decided to write a report on it for my eight-grade English class. We got out of the car and were walking on one of the paths to get to a cliff(悬崖) so we could take a family photo when I slipped(滑倒) and fell down. I fell on a piece of rock, and felt great pain run up my leg at once. My dad took me to the nearest hospital and, after an eight-hour wait in the emergency room(急诊室), found out that I broke two bones in my foot.

Needless to say, our vacation was no fun for me because I was in pain during the whole two-week trip. I ended up making an appointment the day we got home to see a doctor for a check-up. That was definitely not what I consider fun or a great vacation, and it really put a dent in our sightseeing plans.

65.  What is the author’s attitude towards traveling?

A. Curious    B. Positive    C. Satisfied    D. Objective(客观的)

66. Why does the author always remember the particular traveling experience?

A. It was full of adventures. (冒险)    B. It was an unpleasant experience.

C. It was terribly boring and tiring.   D. It was of educational value to him.

67. The author slipped and fell down when he was _________.

A. parking his car         B. walking on a path to a cliff

C. taking a photo of his family   D. standing on the edge of a cliff

68. From the passage we learn that _________.

A. the bones of the author’s two legs were broken.

B. the author waited for 8 hours before the treatment

C. the author was taken to the hospital near his home

D. the travel of the family lasted about half a month

69. What does the underlined phrase put a dent in in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. Canceled.    B. Developed.    C. Ruined.   D. Uncovered.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Dear Father Christmas,

My name is Amy. I am 17 years old. I have a problem at school. Can you help me? Kids laugh at me because of the way I walk and run and talk. I have cerebral palsy(脑性麻痹症).

I just want one day when no one laughs at me or makes fun of me.




  At radio station WJLT in Fort Wayne, Indiana, letters poured in for the Christmas Wish Contest. When Amy`s letter arrived at the radio station, Manager Lee Tobin read it carefully. He thought it would be good for the people in Fort Wayne to hear about this special girl and her unusual wish. Mr. Tobin called up the local newspaper.

The next day, in the whole country , newspapers and radio and TV reported the story of Amy, who asked for such a simple Christmas gift—just one day without teasing.

 Then, the postman was a regular at Amy`s house. A great number of letters addressed to Amy arrived every day from children and adults all across the country. They came filled with holiday greetings and words of encouragement. Some of the writers had disabilities(残疾). Some had been teased during childhood.

Through the cards and letters from strangers, Amy saw a world full of people who were truly concerned about each other.

Many people thanked Amy for being brave enough to speak up. Others encouraged her to ignore teasing and carry her head high

Amy did get her wish of a special day without teasing at her school. No one laughed at her. Teachers and students talked together about how bad teasing could make others feel.

That year, in the city of Fort Wayne, Indiana, December 21 was set as Amy Day. The official explained that by daring to make such a simple wish, Amy taught us that everyone should be treated with respect, love and warmth.

61. Amy`s letter showed that__________.

A. she was often ignored in and out of class by teachers.

B. her school was not a good place for students like her.

C. she wanted to win Christmas Wish Contest.

D. her schoolmates could not understand her disability and always teased her.

62.   The sentence “Then, the postman was a regular at Amy`s house” means_____________.

A. he had to send letters to Amy every day.

B. he was quite curious about Amy.

C. he went to encourage Amy frequently.

D. he was moved by Amy`s story.

63. We may infer from Amy`s story that____________.

A.Amy will still be laughed at by others.

B. the news reports played an important part in helping Amy.

C. there are few people with disabilities in Amy`s country.

D.Amy disliked receiving the letters from people

64.   What is the purpose to set Amy Day?

A. to encourage people to carry their heads high.

B. to call on people to treat everyone properly.

C. to give money to the people with disabilities.

D. to explain how brave Amy was by making her wish.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I used to give a lot of money to the homeless, feeling  41 for them. But as time passed, I became a mom with no home, a huge  42 , and hardly any income. As a result, I  43  giving money to the people on the side of the road and became very 44 .

Things started to change for me  45 . I had a home, a backyard for my daughter, and plenty of food, and I started to  46 myself out of debt. One day we saw a homeless person with the 47, “Will work for food.” I  48 . My daughter commented. “Mommy, you used to always give money to those people in  49” I replied, “Honey, they just use that money for 50 , or other bad things.” She didn’t respond. 51 when I said that, I didn’t feel right.

Three days later, I was driving to  52 my daughter from school. A man was standing on the corner, and something deep  53 me said, “Just help the guy.” So I  54 down my window, and he ran over excitedly. He said, “God bless you, I only need 77 cents.” I 55 into my ashtray (烟灰缸) and strangely enough, there 56 three quarters and two pennies.

I picked them up and gave them to him. He  57 with joy and tears in his eyes. “Wow, you just made it 58 for me to see my mom for Christmas! Thank you so much; the  59 that had this great sale is leaving in 20 minutes!” It was a moment I’ll  60  forever. I think that man won’t forget it either, but I was the one who got the best gift in life—GIVING.

41. A. angry     B. sorry    C. grateful   D. strange

42. A. debt    B. burden   C. disease     D. problem

43. A. continued  B. appreciated  C. hated  D. stopped

44. A. rich    B. pleased    C. relaxed D. upset

45. A. slowly   B. immediately  C. quickly  D. greatly

46. A. save    B. pull     C. run       D. feed

47.A. determined  B. sign     C. child      D. advertisement

48. A. ran away  B. turned back  C. passed by   D. sped up

49. A. danger   B. love    C. need       D. sadness

50. A. life     B. book   C. food       D. smoking

51. A. And    B. So     C. But        D. Even

52. A. bring up  B. carry out   C. pick up D. take out

53. A. on     B. inside   C. behind      D. over

54. A. rolled   B. pushed   C. blew       D. took

55. A. reached   B. went    C. knocked    D. shouted

56. A. hid    B. stood    C. slept       D. lay

57. A. stood up  B. turned up   C. set out D. burst out

58. A. possible  B. meaningful  C. wonderful         D. interesting

59. A. plane    B. bus     C. woman     D. man

60. A. thank   B. respect   C. remember   D. hold


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Only when he left his home_____ to know how important the family was for him.

  A. did he begin   B. had he begun   C. he began    D. he has begun


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Everybody present at the meeting agreed to stick to the ___ that everyone should be treated fairly.  

A. purpose     B. republic    C. principle    D. guidance


科目: 来源: 题型:

We must do something to _____ the river ________.

A. stop… from polluted      B. keep…being polluted 

C. prevent… being polluted    D. stop…from polluting


科目: 来源: 题型:

―I’m taking part in the gardening competition to be held in our city next month!

―_           !

A.Wonderful        B.Enjoy yourself   C.Congratulations     D.Good Luck


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Children are bored of their studies because they are ______ to do better than they can.

   A. hoped           B. advised          C. suggested        D. expected


科目: 来源: 题型:

Your advice on how to improve my written skills ______ to me.

A. are very important  B. is of very importance  C. are great helpful  D. is of much help

