 0  43509  43517  43523  43527  43533  43535  43539  43545  43547  43553  43559  43563  43565  43569  43575  43577  43583  43587  43589  43593  43595  43599  43601  43603  43604  43605  43607  43608  43609  43611  43613  43617  43619  43623  43625  43629  43635  43637  43643  43647  43649  43653  43659  43665  43667  43673  43677  43679  43685  43689  43695  43703  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 Chinese people are now spending more time surfing the net than watching TV, according to results of a survey by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) published Thursday.

 The survey, of citizens of five Chinese cities, found that 79 percent of interviewees use the internet for information, and 55.1 percent to read news on the internet. About 63 percent of the interviewees use e-mail. The average times spent surfing the net and watching TV were 2.73 hours and 1.29hours, respectively.

Only 10.4 percent reported use the internet primarily (首要地) to send and receive email; 65.9 percent read online news; 62.2 quite often play games on-line. More and more people have taken an interest in the entertainment opportunities online. Up to 56.5 percent of interviewees quite often download music, and 53.5 percent get entertainment messages from the internet.

Yet the survey found that television is still the dominant mass medium. Seventy-nine percent of interviewees choose to watch TV to get information, and another 75 percent take newspapers as important as TV.

Five major web sites in the Chinese language, namely Sina, Sohu, Netease, Baidu and Yahoo are still ranked top ones by web users. Sina was voted as the best among them.

Authorized statistics showed that web users in China have already exceeded 100 million, second to that of the United States.

1. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Chinese people are now spending more time surfing the net than watching TV.

B. There are more Chinese people using the internet for information compared with those reading news on the internet.

C. There are less people using e-mail compared with those searching information on the internet.

D. There are more people using e-mail compared with those reading news on the internet.

2. The survey shows that            .

A. All of the people reported like to play games on-line.

B. Less than half of the people use the internet for entertainment.

C. Only 10.4% reported use the internet to send and receive email.

D. Most of the people reported read online news.

3. Which one is the best web sites in the Chinese language?

A. Baidu     B. Google     C. Sina             D. Netease

4. The underlined word “exceeded” means         .

A. increased to                    B. increased by                    C. risen                 D. decreased

5. The passage implies that ___.

A. China has the largest number of web users.

B. US has more web users than China.

C. The number of web user in China has exceeded that of US.

D. US has the second largest number of web users.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Sometimes you'll hear people say that you can't love others until you love yourself. Sometimes you’ll hear people say that you can't expect someone else to love you until you love yourself. Either way, you've got to love yourself first and this can be tricky. Sure we all know that we’re the apple of our parents’eyes,and that our Grandmas think we’re great talents and our Uncle Roberts think that we will go to the Olympics. But sometimes it's a lot harder to think such nice thoughts about ourselves. If you find that believing in yourself is a challenge,it is time you build a positive self-image and learn to love yourself.

    Self-image is your own mind’s picture of yourself. This image includes the way you look,the way you act,the way you talk and the way you think. Interestingly, our self-images are often quite different from the images others hold about us. Unfortunately, most of these images are more negative than they should be. Thus changing the way you think about yourself is the key to changing your self-image and your whole world

The best way to defeat a passive self-image is to step back and decide to stress your successes. That is,make a list if you need to,but write down all of the great things you do every day. Don’t allow doubts to occur in it.

It very well might be that you are experiencing a negative self-image because you can’t move past one flaw or weakness that you see about yourself. Well, roll up your sleeves and make a change of it as your primary task. If you think you’re silly because you aren’t good at math, find a tutor. If you think you’re weak because you can’t run a mile,get to the track and practice. If you think you’re dull because you don’t wear the latest trends,buy a few new clothes. But remember, just because you think it doesn’t mean it’s true.

    The best way to get rid of a negative self-image is to realize that your image is far from objective,and to actively convince yourself of your positive qualities. Changing the way you think and working on those you need to improve will go a long way towards promoting a positive self-image. When you can pat yourself on the back,you’ll know you're well on your way. Good luck!

  1. You need to build a positive self-image when you___________.

    A. dare to challenge yourself         B. feel it hard to change yourself

    C. are unconfident about yourself     D. have a high opinion of yourself

  2. According to the passage,our self-images___________.

    A. have positive effects    B. are hot true

    C. are often changeable    D. have different functions

  3. How should you change your self-image according to the passage?

    A. To keep a different image of others.                  B. To make your life successful.

    C. To understand your own world.              D. To change the way you think.

  4. What is the passage mainly about?

    A. How to prepare for your success.             B. How to face challenges in your life.

    C. How to build a. positive self-image.       D. How to develop your good qualities.

  5. Who are the intended readers of the passage?

    A. Parents.        B. Adolescents.     C. Educators.     D. People in general.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep or sleep restfully.It is a problem to nearly everyone at some time .A person may be awake for an hour in the middle of the night and then , next morning, feel that he hardly sleep all night Normally, worry about not getting enough sleep is the worst aspect of most insomnia.If insomnia is recurrent, however, it is important to find its causes and try to correct them, with the help of a doctor if necessary.

       Any of a large number of simple factors may take it difficult for someone to fall asleep or remain asleep.His matters may be too soft or too hard.If there are too many blankets on a hot night, he may be too warm; if the bedclothes are too light he may feel cold during the night.If it is not dark enough, or too noisy, this may cause difficulty in sleeping.Eating shortly before going to bed also be responsible for insomnia.Stimulating drinks, such as tea or coffee, can also keep people awake.

       Inability to fall asleep is sometimes a symptom of emotional or mental disorders.Insomnia may also be caused by pain and, very rarely, it can be a symptom of a physical disease.

       The cause of insomnia may be easy to correct.The sufferer should check the mattress, bedclothes and bedroom temperature, and make any necessary changes.An eye mask keeps out the night and ear-plugs shut out sound.He should relax for an hour or two before bedtime, perhaps by reading a book; watching TV, or taking a warm bath.If he wakes during the night he should try turning on the light and reading for a while.Taking warm milk and a biscuit or two may be helpful.Above all, he should try not to worry about sleeplessness when someone is tied enough he nearly always falls asleep.

       If necessary, a doctor may prescribe tranquillizers or sleeping pills.Take only the dosage he prescribes; any more is dangerous.

1.According to the writer, insomnia is ______.

       A.a rare problem                        B.a sign of illness

       C.a common complaint                   D.a modern disease

2.Which of the following statements is not the cause of insomnia?

       A.too many blankets on a hot night       B.drinking juice

       C.emotional or mental disorders          D.physical pain

3.Insomnia needn’t be taken seriously because_______.

       A.people can catch on sleep during the day.

       B.many people sleep far too much.

       C.it can easily be cured by doctors.    

     D.it is cured naturally by tiredness.

4.The main cure for insomnia is_____.

       A.reading a book at night               

       B.having sleeping pills

       C.watching television before bedtime     

       D.not to get too anxious about sleeping


科目: 来源: 题型:

Waves are beautiful to look at,but they can destroy ships at sea,as well as houses and buildings near the shore.What causes waves? Most waves are caused by winds blowing over the surface of the water.The sun heats the earth,causing the air to rise and the winds to blow.The winds blow across the sea,pushing little waves into bigger and bigger ones.

The size of a wave depends on how strong the wind is,how long it blows,and how large the body of water is.In a small bay big waves will never build up,but at sea the wind can build up giant,powerful waves.

A rule says that the height of a wave (in meters)will usually be no more than one-tenth of the wind’s speed(in kilometers).In other words,when the wind is blowing at 120 kilometers per hour,most waves will be about twelve meters of course,and some waves may combine to form giant

waves that are much higher.In 1933 the United States Navy reported the largest measured wave in

history.It rose in the Pacific Ocean to a height of thirty-four meters.

1.The waves can build up      

  A.at sea      B.in a small bay  C.in a lake     D.on a river

2.When the wind is blowing at 80 kilometers per hour,the height of most waves will be_______。

A.about one meter      B.about eight meters

C.about eighty meters    D.about ten meters

3.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Beautiful Waves      B.Waves in the Pacific Ocean

C.What Causes Waves D.The Largest Waves in History


科目: 来源: 题型:


41. Twenty passengers were killed in the accident,________________________(包括三名儿童).(include)

42. I am in ____ _____ your suggestion though many others don’t like it at present.

43. Once a plan is made, it should __________ no matter how difficult it is.

44. We are working hard to improve our ______.

45. I’ve always dreamed of coming to Beijing, and now my dream ___________.

46. How can we best _____ all the different groups of people?

47. The policemen ________the matter immediately after it happened.

48. After his father died, Tom ___________________ the company.

49. 台湾海峡把台湾和福建隔开了。

The Taiwan Straits ________ Taiwan ________ Fujian.

50. Influenza usually ________in winter because of the cold weather.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime (一角银币) left. He was hungry so he decided to   1  for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.   2  a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked   3  so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, “How much do I  4  you?” “You don’t owe me anything,” she replied, “Mother has taught me never to accept   5  for a kindness.” He said, “Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger   6  , but it also increased his faith in God and the human race. He was about to give up and   7  before this point. Years later the young woman became critically ill. The   8  doctors were baffled (阻挡). They finally sent her to the big city, where specialists can be called in to study her   9  disease. Dr. Howard Kelly, now   10 was called in for the consultation (会诊). When he heard the name of the town she came from, a(an)   11 light filled his eyes.   12 , he rose and went down through the hospital hall into her room. Dressed in his doctor’s gown he went in to see her. He   13 her at once. He went back to the   14 room and determined to do his best to save her life. From that day on, he gave special   15 to her case.

After a long struggle, the battle was   16 . Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it and then   17 something on the side. The bill was sent to her room. She was   18 to open it because she was sure that it would take the rest of her life to pay it off. Finally she looked, and the note on the side of the bill   19 her attention. She read these words…

“Paid in full with a glass of   20 .”

(Singed) Dr. Howard Kelly

Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she prayed silently: “Thank you, God. Your love has spread through human hearts and hands.”

46.A. ask B. beg   C. wait  D. look

47. A. Because of  B. In front of C. In case of  D. Instead of

48. A. upset  B. thirsty C. hungry    D. sad

49. A. owe   B. cost  C. lend  D. own

50. A. offer   B. pay   C. help  D. thanks

51. A. quickly B. mentally   C. physically  D. warmly

52. A. quit   B. continue   C. retire  D. surrender

53. A. local   B. poor  C. kind  D. cruel

54. A. common   B. ordinary   C. rare  D. scarce

55. A. old    B. famous    C. unknown  D. retired

56. A. strange B. special C. poor  D. angry

57. A. Suddenly   B. Generally  C. Unfortunately   D. Immediately

58. A. called     B. recognized C. remembered   D. found

59. A. waiting B. treating    C. information D. consultation

60. A. interest B. food  C. attention      D. effort

61. A. defeated    B. won  C. lost   D. completed

62. A. changed    B. read  C. crossed   D. wrote

63. A. excited B. afraid C. nervous   D. surprised

64. A. caught B. called C. paid  D. caused

65. A. water         B. coffee           C. milk             D. ice cream


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

During the years of depression(萧条), food and money were very hard to find and people had to trade things with each other.

One day I was  1 some potatoes from Mr Miller. I noticed a small poor boy hungrily 2 a full basket of freshly picked green peas. Then I was 3 to see that Mr Miller sold the boy a bag of peas for just a marble (弹球).

Mrs Miller, who had been standing nearby,  4__ and told me that Mr Miller loved to trade with the three boys in the village for peas, tomatoes, and other things _5 he didn’t really need any marbles. I left the stand, smiling to myself,  6 by this man.

Several years went by. One day I learned that Mr Miller had died. I took part in the funeral(葬礼), _ 7__ three young men. They came over to Mrs Miller, hugged her, kissed her on the cheek, spoke with her and moved on, __8__ their eyes.

Our __9__ came to meet Mrs Miller. I mentioned __10_ she had told me about the __11__ . She told me, “Those three young men above were the boys I told you about. They just told me  how they appreciated the things Jim ‘_ 12 _ ’with them. Now, at last, they came to pay their debt.”

“We’ve _ 13__ had a great deal of the wealth in this world,” she __14__, “but right now, Jim would consider himself to be the __15__ man.”

Then she gently lifted the _16_ fingers of her husband. Resting underneath were three red marbles.

At that time I realized that we would not be _17 by our words, but by our kind _18 _ . It is said that it takes a minute to find a _19_ person, an hour to appreciate him, a day to love him, but an entire life to _20 him.

1.A.buying          B. selling           C. borrowing     D. hunting

2.A.reaching for   B. glancing at       C. staring at         D. picking up

3.A. astonished       B. pleased           C. annoyed            D. worried

4.A.turned over       B. went over     C. came over        D. looked over

5.A.but             B. otherwise         C. or              D. although

6.A.suspected    B. impressed         C. regretted     D. embarrassed

7.A.discovering       B. watching     C. finding           D. seeing

8.A.closing          B. rolling           C. cleaning          D. wiping

9 A. time        B. chance           C. turn             D. decision

10.A. the story      B. the proverb      C. the legend         D. the joke

11.A. marbles        B. men             C. debt             D. life

12.A. talked     B. traded           C. shared           D. left

13.A. ever          B. always             C. never            D. seldom

14.A. laughed       B. cried            C. sighed           D. added  

15.A. honest         B. happiest          C. coldest             D. richest

16.A. lifeless         B. regretless         C. useless           D. hopeless

17.A. thought        B. touched          C. remembered       D. affected

18.A. deeds         B. things            C. remarks          D. rewards

19.A. strict          B. honest           C. special             D. learned

20.A. ignore         B. forget            C. recognize         D. remind


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

There is no other city in the world that has such a strong connection with the Olympic Games. Athens, the____1____city of the first modern Olympics in 1896, ____2____ into the limelight (焦点) again on March 30,2008 ____3____ the flame for that year’s Olympic Games was ____4____ over to the Beijing Organizing Committee. The Olympic flame was ____5____ on March 24,2008 in Olympia, a place in southwestern Greece. In the ritual (仪式), actresses ____6____ as ancient Greek priestesses (女祭司) used a ____7____ to light the flame. The flame then was carried to the site of public ceremony and handed to the first ____8____, Greek taekwondo(跆拳道) athlete Alexandros Nikolaidis. He carried the flame to the ____9____ of the monument of Baron de Courbertin, the ____10____ of the modern Olympic Games.

Athens was named ____11____ Athena, the goddess of wisdom in Greek mythology (神话). It is also one of the world’s oldest cities with a history ____12____ at least 3,000 years. Athens was the ____13____ of arts, learning and philosophy in ancient times and is widely ____14____ to as the cradle (摇篮) of Western civilization.

The heritage of history is ____15____ evident in the city, represented by a number of ancient monuments and works of art. The Acropolis (卫城) is the city’s key ____16____. It overlooks the ____17____ city and dominates the skyline (天际). The main temple of the goddess Athena, ____18____ on the Acropolis, was Parthenon (帕台农神庙). And the National Archaeological Museum, the ____19____ important museum in Greece, holds a priceless ____20____ of treasure, with artifacts (古器物) of almost every culture, which flourished (繁荣) in the Mediterranean (地中海).

1. A. host                     B. traveled             C. ancient              D. oldest

2. A. made             B. got                    C. came                D. became

3. A. where            B. when                C. as                    D. that

4. A. carried           B. gave                  C. handed              D. passed

5. A. fired              B. lit               C. burned                     D. started

6. A. worn             B. acted                C. performed         D. dressed

7. A. mirror           B. reflection           C. cup                  D. pan

8. A. priestesses     B. founder             C. runner               D. player

9. A. foot               B. top                    C. front                 D. back

10. A. founder        B. inventor             C. discoverer         D. finder

11. A. by               B. after                       C. on                    D. in

12. A. dating          B. spanning           C. crossing            D. covering

13. A. center          B. city                   C. place                 D. site

14. A. regarded      B. mentioned          C. referred             D. considered

15. A. yet                     B. however            C. therefore           D. still

16. A. attraction     B. scene                C. entrance            D. platform

17. A. complete      B. whole               C. full                   D. total

18. A. set               B. lay                    C. built                  D. laid

19. A. most            B. more                 C. least                  D. less

20. A. gathering      B. storage              C. jewel                 D. collection


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 I know I should have told the headmaster at the time. That was my real  1 .

He had gone out of the study for some  2 , leaving me alone. In his absence. I looked to see  3 was on his desk. In the  4  was a small piece of paper on which were written the  5  “English Writing Prize 1949.History Is a Series of Biographies (人物传记)”.

A(n)  6  boy would have avoided(避免) looking at the title as soon as he saw the  7 . I did not. The subject of the English Writing Prize was kept a  8  until the start of the exam so I could not  9  reading it.

When the headmaster  10 , I was looking out of the window.

I should have told him what had  11  then. It would have been so  12  to say: “I’m sorry, but I  13  the title for the English Writing Prize on your desk. You’ll have to  14  it.”

The chance passed and I did not  15  it. I sat the exam the next day and I won. I didn’t  16  to cheat, but it was still cheating anyway.

That was thirty-eight years  17  when I was fifteen. I have never told anyone about it before,  18  have I tried to explain to myself why not.

The obvious explanation is that I could not admit(承认) I had seen the title  19  admitting that I had been looking at the things on his desk.  20  there must have been more behind it. Whatever it was, it has become a good example of how a little mistake can trap (使陷入) you in a more serious moral corner (道德困境).

(   )1.A.plan    B.fault  C.grade D.luck

(   )2.A.reason       B.course      C.example    D.vacation

(   )3.A.this    B.which       C.that   D.what

(   )4.A.drawer      B.corner      C.middle      D.box

(   )5.A.names       B.words       C.ideas D.messages

(   )6.A.honest       B.handsome C.friendly     D.active

(   )7.A.desk   B.paper C.book D.answer

(   )8.A.question     B.key    C.note  D.secret

(   )9.A.help    B.consider    C.practise    D.forget

(   )10.A.disappeared     B.stayed       C.returned    D.went

(   )11.A.existed     B.remained   C.happened  D.continued

(   )12.A.tiring       B.easy  C.important  D.difficult

(   )13.A.saw  B.gave  C.set    D.made

(   )14.A.say   B.defend      C.correct     D.change

(   )15.A.take  B.have  C.lose   D.find

(   )16.A.remember       B.learn  C.mean D.pretend

(   )17.A.past  B.ago    C.then  D.before

(   )18.A.either       B.never C.nor    D.so

(   )19.A.by    B.besides     C.through    D.without

(   )20.A.But   B.Though     C.Otherwise       D.Therefore


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I must tell you about the most terrible dream I had the other night. Actually, it wasn't a dream, it was  1  of a nightmare. You know I don't believe in the super natural: ghosts, witchcraft(魔法)and all  2  , but what happened was so  3  that I'm actually beginning to 4   there must be some truth in it.

  It was a  5  night, with the wind howling and the thunder crashing but finally I  6  to get to sleep. What happened next was really 7  . There, at the end of the bed, stood a dark figure. I'm not exaggerating(夸张)——  8  I could really see it. It was dark in the room, of course, but I saw the  9  of the figure clearly. I know not all ghosts are  10  , but this one looked really terrifying. Then it spoke. At  11  , it made some sounds; it was moaning(呻吟), as if in  12  .

  You can imagine by this time I was trembling  13  . Hiding under the blankets, I was  14  from head to foot. What terrified me was the thought that the thing might  15  me. I knew if it did, I would  16  . It kept on making strange sounds which now sounded more like   17   or spells. Was it some kind of witch, sent to   18   its magic on me, I wondered. Then it   19   into the wall.

  How I fell asleep again is still a   20   to me. What do you make of it all? You know I was never superstitious but now I'm not sure.

1. A. more       B. less                    C. much           D. many

2. A. those       B. these               C. that             D. this

3. A. real        B. strange               C. terrible           D. actual

4. A. doubt             B. guess              C. expect           D. believe

5. A. wonderful   B. terrible           C. normal          D. special

6. A. tried               B. attempted           C. managed        D. began

7. A. interesting         B. amusing            C. frightening       D. exciting

8. A. strictly             B. personally         C. generally         D. onestly

9. A. sign            B. outline       C. appearance       D. expression

10. A. serious            B. supernatural       C. nervous     D. dangerous

11. A. most              B. least                     C. best              D. worst

12. A. pain              B. attack              C. danger          D. risk

13. A. slightly            B. shamefully          C. violently        D. silently

14. A. moving           B. waving             C. cooling       D. shaking

15. A. touch                 B. affect                    C. stick         D. find

16. A. jump             B. scream             C. die              D. escape

17. A. whisper           B. murmur              C. witchcraft     D. curses

18. A. make             B. work             C. give            D. offer

19. A. turned         B. disappeared          C. hurried         D. escaped

20. A. nightmare         B. mystery                  C. dream           D. secret

