 0  43539  43547  43553  43557  43563  43565  43569  43575  43577  43583  43589  43593  43595  43599  43605  43607  43613  43617  43619  43623  43625  43629  43631  43633  43634  43635  43637  43638  43639  43641  43643  43647  43649  43653  43655  43659  43665  43667  43673  43677  43679  43683  43689  43695  43697  43703  43707  43709  43715  43719  43725  43733  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

— Would you mind my coming over and having a look at your new garden? My little son’s curious about those roses you grow.

—________.You are welcome.

    A.Yes, I do     B.Never mind   C.Yes, please     D.Not at all


科目: 来源: 题型:





注意:l.字数:100左右:  2。信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总字数。

Dear Head teacher,

       I'm writing to persuade you to let us surf the Internet in the classroom.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目: 来源: 题型:







Health is more important than wealth.Good health makes it is possible for us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope in our career.To keep fit, firstly, it is much important for us to take more fruits and vegetable because they provide vitamins.And we should keep a balancing diet and avoid food what is rich in sugar and fat.Secondly, we'd better exercise every day to make our bodies as strongly as possible.Beside, we should avoid too much work pressure.Finally, we should get rid of bad habits that damaged our health, such as drinking and smoking.If we stick to the advice given up, we will lead a healthy life.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Having trouble getting and maintaining good grades is a problem among many students. Changes and stress can have a major effect on grades, whether it's because of a new environment, more students, switching classes or having trouble with notebooks.76  Here are some tips for you to get good grades and enjoy your school life.

Stay organized.If your school provides an agenda book of some kind, use it! If not, buy one! 77_ Being aware of your schedule can really help you manage your time.

Manage your time wisely.Make sure that you finish the work that needs to get done.Leave it till 10:30 at night or the next morning can leave things chaotic.78 Instead, have 10-15 minutes every day for study leading up to the test.That way, you will reduce stress and remain prepared.

79  This means many things.Come to class every day.Being prepared is probably the most important aspect of success.It means having your homework completed, having the necessary supplies, etc

Take good notes.Learn to recognize important information.For example, usually if the teacher has taken the time to repeat something, or write it on the blackboard, chances are it will be important later, perhaps on a test of some kind.80 It is a common but wrong belief that doing so is the best strategy.In fact, not everything that your teacher says is that important.

    A.Be successful in the classroom.

    B.They are not very expensive at all.

    C.However, do not write down everything the teacher says.

    D.Your brain can't take in so much information all at once.

    E.Only hang around with friends who are serious in their study.

F.Almost every student will need time to adjust and it can be hard to do.

    G.Leaving studying for a big test to the night before is also not a good idea.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Millions of citizens throughout the central US are jumping into pools, sitting in the shade, and turning on their air conditioners as they try to beat the heat.With record-breaking temperatures and unbearable humidity attacking the central US.17 states from Texas to Michigan have all received heat advisories and warnings,

"Even with the air conditioning on, it's 82 degrees Fahrenheit in the house," said North Dakotan Betty Smokov.'The heat is really unpleasant and sticky.'"I According to the National Weather Service, the heat is not likely to ease up soon.

In Western Oklahoma, the heat is even worse.There, temperatures have frequently climbed to above 110 degrees over the past several weeks."The trend is not our friend right now," said Daryl Williams, a weather forecaster in Norman, Oklahoma.On Saturday night, the asphalt at a busy road in Enid, Oklahoma, crumbled (破碎) due to the extreme heat.

Across the area, citizens are keeping cool in many different ways.Cities like Chicago and Detroit are providing relief for their citizens by opening cooling centers for those without air conditioning in their homes.Others are heading to the water to cool down.But in some cases, the water itself needs cooling.Dwight Anderson, an amusement park owner in Omaha, Nebraska, had to put two tons of ice cubes into his park's swimming pools to lower the water's temperature from 88 degrees to 82 degrees.

But not everyone is complaining about the heat.Sixty-five-year-old Detroit citizen Marcellus Washington enjoyed the weather as he walked along the Detroit River to stay cool."What a wonderful weather! It's a very pleasant day, " he said.

72.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

    A.It's very hot and dry because there is no rain.

    B.People try different kinds of ways to beat the heat.

    C.People should stay indoors to escape the terrible heat.

    D.There have been higher temperatures during the past years.

73.By saying "The trend is not our friend right now," Daryl Williams means that ___.

    A.people have to beat the heat themselves

    B.it is getting cooler and people will feel pleasant soon

    C.people will have to face the terrible heat for more days.

    D.people don't want to meet their friends because of the heat

74.Which trouble might people meet when they plan to swim in a pool?

    A.The water is not cool or comfortable.

    B.There are too many ice cubes in the water.

    C.There isn't enough water for a good swimming.

    D.The swimming pools are not open for all the citizens

75.According to Marcellus Washington, the hot weather ____.

    A.should be complained about       B.brought him a lot of trouble

    C.would end up soon            D.made him happy


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I grew up in Lakeland, Los Angeles.We all lived on my parents' farm.When I was 12,1 got a part-time job on a dairy farm, helping to milk cows.We milked 65 cows at 5 o'clock in the morning and again at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, seven days a week.

One day before daylight, I complained to my father about having to go to milk those cows.My father said, "You know, boy, to work is a blessing."

Going to college was a rare privilege (特权) for a kid from Lakeland.My father told me if I picked something to study that I liked, I would always look forward to my work.But he also added, "Even having a job you hate is better than not having a job at all." I wanted to be a farmer, but I joined the army to help pay for college.

In the late 1980s, during a visit to Bangladesh, I saw a woman with a baby on her back, breaking bricks with a hammer.I asked a Bangladesh officer why they weren't using a machine, which would have been a lot easier.He told me a machine would put that lady out of work.Breaking those bricks meant she would earn enough money to feed herself and her baby that day.Although that woman's job was bad, it was enough to keep a small family alive.It reminded me of my father's words: to work is a blessing.

I don't think I'll ever quit working.I'm retired from the army, but I'm still working to help people.I'm not going to stop.I believe in my father's words.I believe in the blessing of work.

68.How did the author probably find the milking work?

       A.Exciting.         B.Boring.           C.Important.        D.Easy

69.By saying "to work is a blessing" , the author's father meant _____.

       A.it was a good thing to have a job to do

       B.it was hard to find a good job for kids

       C.everyone had to make a living by working

       D.one could only achieve his goal through work

70.For the Bangladesh woman, breaking bricks with a hammer was a means of_____.

       A.education                                    B.entertainment      

       C.survival                                     D.relaxation

71.In the last paragraph, the author shows____.

       A.his strong desire for a successful career

       B.his dissatisfaction with his present job

       C.his doubt about the truthfulness in his father's words

       D.his determination to help others by working


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Social media is causing problems at work and it's not with the boss.In fact, it's other employees who are annoyed by their fellow workers' personal social media use, and it's starting to hurt productivity ( 生产率) .According to a new survey by work force solutions provider Kelly Services, more than half of workers say social media is affecting workplace productivity in a bad way, with 57 percent believing that mixing personal and professional connections through social media is likely to cause problems.

The research showed a growing number of employees feel there is nothing wrong with in some personal Facebook time during the day.Despite the drop in productivity, just employees have been told to stop using social media at work.

The study also shows a number of employees are using their personal social med 

talk about company business.Nearly 15 percent of the employees surveyed think it

opinions about work with friends and colleagues on social media.

"The reality is that the spread of social media in the workplace is happen 

rules desr    '- manage i'.said Steve Armstrong, senior vice president and genetai, manager for K-eliy S            'e m v employees are quick to see the benefits, employers and managers are still fighting against a large number of complex issues related to privacy, monitoring, and access to sensitive business information.'"

The findings are part of the latest survey results from the Kelly Global Workforce Index.Nearly 170,000 people in 30 countries participated in the survey, including almost 23 000 in the US.

64.What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?

       A.Many employees have been stopped from using personal social media at work.

       B.More and more employees think personal social media use at work is acceptable.

       C.Using social media at work has reduced workplace productivity greatly.

       D.Different people use personal social media at work differently.

65.According to the text, we learn that some employees ____.

       A.make use of social media to start their own business

       B.use different social media accounts for different purposes

       C.might let out sensitive business information on Facebook

       D.share opinions about work in order to attract others' attention

66.From what Steve Armstrong said in Paragraph 4, we can infer that _____.

       A.social media is not allowed to be used in many companies

       B.employers and managers don't like making use of social media

       C.using social media at work doesn't benefit employees at all

       D.it's hard to manage employees' social media use at work at present

67.According to the findings of the survey, we learn more than half of the participants think that__.

       A.personal social media use at work is not good for work

       B.using social media at work is good for workplace productivity

       C.employees shouldn't use personal social media at work at all

       D.managers should encourage the use of social media at work


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Storms brought a tornado and 2-mch-thin hail (冰雹 ) to Wyoming on Thursday, a day after thunderstorms hit parts of Wyoming and Colorado with golf ball-sized hail and heavy rain.Three homes were heavily damaged by the tornado on Thursday, and 10 to 12 other buildings also had damage.One person was treated at a hospital for a cut on the head.Some power lines were also down to the ground.The tornado touched down briefly near Wheatland, north of Cheyenne, in a populated area, officials said.

Hail, the size of golf balls, was reported in the Wheatland area, and 2-inch-thin hail was reported in Laramie.Forecasters said thunderstorms that can spawn tornadoes could develop and flooding was possible.Citizens should be careful.

A fire, which is believed to have been started by lightning on Sunday night, has burned about 3,500 acres about 20 miles northwest of Wheatland.About 120 firefighters, aided by helicopters and air tankers, were on the scene.The rain provided some help for firefighters who fully controlled a 227-acre wildfire in northern Colorado, but the weather in the beginning hurt efforts to control a 6,000-acre blaze (火焰) in Wyoming's Medicine Bow National Forest.Storms passed close to the Wyoming fire but mostly brought winds that fanned the flames.Rain and hail fell later but didn't make a big difference, said fire spokeswoman Beth Hermanson.

Kyle Fredin, working for the National Weather Service in Denver, said the beginning of June is the peak time for such severe weather in Colorado.Most of the state has been experiencing moderate-to-extreme drought conditions.

60.What does the underlined word "spawn" in Paragraph 2 mean.

A.Cause                   B.Involve        

    C.Tolerate                   D.Reject

61.From the text we can learn the wildfire about 20 miles northwest of Wheatland____.

    A.has been burning for a whole week    

    B.was started by someone on purpose

    C.died out immediately the rain came    

    D.was very hard for firefighters to control

62.The weather hurt efforts to control a 6,000-acre blaze because ____.

    A.storms didn't pass close to the Wyoming fire

    B.heavy winds stopped firefighters from working

    C.rain and hail stopped firefighters from working

    D.the flames became worse after the storms brought winds

63.According to what Kyle Fredin said, we can infer that _____.

    A.Colorado has never experienced such severe weather before

    B.it's not strange that a storm hit Colorado at the beginning of June

    C.moderate-to-extreme drought conditions often lead to thunderstorms

    D.Colorado will be frequently hit by severe weather in the following months


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Imagine yourself halfway across the world in the beautiful hills of South Africa surrounded by the smiling faces of African children.Each day you wake to the sounds of laughing children.This place is Botshabelo, "place of refuge".However, these children were not always laughing, happy or safe.Nearly all of these children have been abused or ignored.Many are HIV positive and all have lost some or all of their family to AIDS.Here at Botshabelo, they are safe from hunger, cold, illness, poverty, hopelessness and fear.

These children may live in Africa, but like all children they belong to the world.Through volunteering at the Children's Village, our global student ambassadors will experience themselves in a larger context of life, gain an expanded world view, build confidence and develop understanding of the balance between all living creatures.

EXPERIENCES: Our global group will volunteer for two weeks at a Children's Village. Here we will take care of 150 children.The days are always full and never dull.We will volunteer at a lion reserve later, where we will help care for baby lions.We will also spend one day at another reserve taking in the beauty of the African landscape and hoping to catch sight of giraffes, zebras and the African elephants.

WHO: Students aged 16 and above are invited to participate as our valued Student Ambassadors.A working knowledge of the English language is required.Adults are invited and needed to participate in the program as Adult Mentors, who will lend your unique skills and support throughout the program.We can promise you all an unforgettable, life-changing journey!

       WHEN: July 24, 2012 to August 7, 2012

       COST: $ 1, 750 plus the cost of airfare

56.What is the author's purpose of writing this text?

       A.To encourage people to help those sick children.

       B.To encourage people to join a volunteer program.

       C.To advise people to join a travel program to Africa.

       D.To advice people to spend more time with children.

57.According to Paragraph 1, we know that Botshal 'lo is a place mainly for___.

       A.children abused by their parents             B.people who are HIV positive

       C.poor parents sufficing AIDS               D.homeless children in South Africa

58.If we join the volunteer program, we will _____.

       A.stay in Africa only for two weeks in total.

       B.travel in Africa for a long time as a reward.

       C.have a chance to see various wildlife in South Africa.

       D.have no time for entertainment except caring for the kids

59.What are the requirements for a valued Stiulciit Ambassador?

       a.Being at least 16 years old.

       b. Being able to speak English well.

       c.Having work experience as an adult mentor.

       d.Studying in a university with volunteer experience.

       A.a bc               B.bcd                 C.cd                 D.ab


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My beloved mother has always inspired me and changed my views and attitude towards life. She is sure that I would one day become 36_, and that I would be one of the great ones.She has taught me that I can do anything if I put my 37 to it.

As a young boy, I struggled to achieve tasks that came 38 to most.I had problems writing, reading and especially speaking.I did not talk the way 39 kids did and did not respond to questions or stay alert to my surroundings.My reading was poor 40 with teachers helping me, and my speech was hard to 41 .My writing was not at the 42 it should have been.Even simple things like knowing my left from my right or being able to snap my fingers were 43 .My mother 44 all my challenges and, as a professor with a Ph.D., decided to 45 the situation early in my development.She did not want me to  46 .After a while, 47 did indeed conquer all the problems that had troubled me.She spent hours every day 48 me everything I needed to know, determined to help me learn. 49 her I would not be anywhere close to the level I am now.

In addition, she gave 50 for my life.She told me what to do and what not to do.Her expectations have always been high 51 she knows that I can do it.For that, I thank her.She would not allow her son to be incapable.She never 52 on me, and to this day she tells me education is a must.I will be a 53 person if I continue to follow her lead.She encourages me to work for my 54 and attend college.

She used her gifts as a  55 to help a child - her child - and now 1 have the opportunity to become something.

36.A.everything   B.anything       C.something        D.nothing

37.A.mind       B.brain     C.feelings        D.work

38.A.smoothly    B.easily      C.frequently       D.strongly

39.A.average      B.ordinary      C.common        D.normal

40.A.just      B.even       C.ever          D.only

41.A.hear       B.write       C.read        D.understand

42.A.length       B.level       C.speed         D.degree

43.A.problems     B.excuses      C.worries        D.duties

44.A.suffered      B.removed     C.observed        D.experienced

45.A.study       B.change    C.find          D.keep

46.A.fight       B.strike       C.struggle       D.challenge

47.A.she         B.we       C.they          D.I

48.A.teaching    B.giving      C.supporting       D.reminding

49.A.Besides       B.Except      C.Without        D.Beyond

50.A.information    B.expectation     C.promise        D.advice

51.A.before     B.because      C.though         D.unless

52.A.set up      B.pushed up     C.gave up        D.looked up

53.A.successful     B.famous        C.rich D.powerful

54.A.training      B.grades      C.experiments       D.abilities

55.A.woman       B.doctor       C.sister          D.teacher

