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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

While we were riding the old German bus in Albania, a gypsy (吉普赛人) girl got on. She was about seven years old. Most gypsy children had a 36 look in their eyes.
   They were hardened by the world and by 37 they had experienced. The gypsies 38 in slums (贫民窟). The children begged on the streets or did other work so that their parents could 39 to buy wine. Every time we saw these 40 , we could always see the dead look in their eyes. But not this 41 . She was cheerful and had a beautiful smile on her face. As soon as she 42 , she started talking to us. Her name was Angela and she was on her 43 to visit her grandfather in a nearby slum village. I 44 my purse for something nice to give her. 45 , all I had with me was gum. She eagerly put a 46 in her mouth, and then squinted (眯着眼睛看) her eyes because the 47 was mint-flavored (薄荷味). It seemed like she had 48 tasted it before. She 49 in a funny way and the other people on the bus were all amused by what she did. When the bus 50 , she picked up the big bag she was carrying, 51 and jumped out of the bus.
  She is out of my life, but not out of my 52 . This girl deserved so much more than her 53 surroundings, yet she didn’t let any of them get herself 54 . I pray I will 55 her again someday, so that I can give her that hug which I should have given her that day on the bus!

36. A. worried   B. happy    C. dead     D. curious
37. A. which   B. this     C. that      D. what
38. A. lived    B. played    C. worked     D. studied
39. A. manage   B. try     C. have     D. afford
40. A. children   B. adults    C. beggars    D. passers-by
41. A. day     B. girl     C. place     D. story
42. A. sat down  B. crowded in  C. moved off   D. lied down
43. A. bus    B. car     C. way      D. taxi
44. A. searched  B. examined   C. touched    D. found
45. A. Fortunately B. Sadly     C. Surprisingly  D. Clearly
46. A. little    B. block    C. piece     D. set
47. A. smell    B. sweet    C. sugar     D. gum
48. A. ever    B. never    C. always     D. often
49. A. laughed   B. shouted   C. cried      D. complained
50. A. got on   B. got off    C. pulled in   D. pulled down

51. A. sighed    B. bent     C. nodded    D. waved
52. A. feeling   B. dream    C. mind     D. eyesight
53. A. poor    B. warm     C. comfortable   D. rich
54. A. off     B. up      C. away     D. down
55. A. help    B. meet     C. invite     D. thank


科目: 来源: 题型:

_____ into many languages , the book is popular with young people.

A. Having been translated      B. Having translated

C. To be translated         D. Been translated 


科目: 来源: 题型:

 _____ opening ceremony of the 29th Beijing Olympic Games really gave the world ____ big surprise.

    A. /;a           B. The; the         C. /;the    D. The; a


科目: 来源: 题型:

_____, please come to see me.

A. When it convenient B. When is convenient

C. When convenient        D. Convenient


科目: 来源: 题型:

 We _____ had told her that she failed the examination.

    A. rather than     B. would rather   C. or rather        D. would like


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Once natural resources _____ , the consequence will be unimaginable.

A. use up         B. run out       C. are given out    D. run out of


科目: 来源: 题型:

-- Is there any room in the ship?

-- Yes. We can probably _____ a few more people into it.

A. squeeze    B. press     C. hold      D. push


科目: 来源: 题型:

 He dressed up and went to the party as if_____.

    A. was invited    B. had been invited   C. to be invited   D. invited


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The price of the house is reasonable and I love its garden _____.

    A. in general     B. in total       C. in common     D. in particular


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The prisoners _____ to escape, but failed.

A. succeeded       B. attempted    C. managed         D. advised

