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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

     Colors are not only used for decorations or for adding to the beauty of an object. In color psychology(心理学), black is the color of power, but it also stands for evil(邪恶) in some people’s minds. Black could make you appear thinner, which is why it can be a good choice if you think you’re overweight. Black can also give people a feeling that you are independent(独立的).

     Red reflects energy, power and strength. Red is useful when you want to draw some attention to yourself. But red may cause a faster heartbeat and breathing, so it could be an irritating(恼人的) color if overused.

      Staying in a blue room can make you calm. However, if overused, it may lead to a sad feeling. When wearing blue, you leave the impression that you are loyal and trustworthy.

     Green is known as a relaxing color. Staying in a green room can make you more relaxed. That’s one of the reasons why factory walls are printed green.

     Yellow is an irritating color. In some takeaway restaurants(外卖餐馆), the walls are painted yellow in order not to let customers stay for long periods in the restaurants and free up more space for other customers. Just like red, yellow is an eye-catching color and it could also increase the heart beat.

     Pink shows kindness. When one wants to get help, a good choice would be heading for someone who is wearing pink or white.

67. According to color psychology, besides red, ______is a color that can make you easily noticed.

A. black     B. blue     C. yellow     D. pink

68. We can learn from the passage that __________.

A. blue, no matter how much used, can calm people down.

B. yellow can help restaurants make customers stay longer.

C. pink is the only color that shows kindness.

D. both black and red can stand for power.

69. According to the passage, why are the walls in some factories painted green?

A. Because green can make workers hopeful.

B. Because green can make workers feel relaxed.

C. Because green can make workers more confident.

D. Because green is a symbol of nature.

70. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. How to Choose Colors

B. Psychology Effects(影响) of Colors.

C. Colors Make Our Life Wonderful.

D. Be Careful with Color Choices.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I remembered my mother as a strong woman. She came to America when she was 12 years old, old enough to remember her homeland, young enough to forget. While learning a new language, she achieved scores and grades high enough to be admitted to Duke University. With a degree in computer science, she finally became the manager of a company in New York. My mother could give fluent speeches, say “wolves” correctly.

     It was my mother who always stressed(强调) the importance of language. From the time I was born, I was read to. I would fall asleep to the sounds of my parents’ voices, either my dad’s soft accent, or my mother’s clear English. The flow of language was unbroken, and whether in Chinese or English, the stream of communication flowed through our house.

     One October morning in the sixth grade, after my mother had left to catch the train to the city, I left the house for the bus stop. I was surprised when I saw our car, the door hanging open. As I went closer, I saw my mother lying on the ground.

     In the hospital, it was hard to believe that the lady who lay before me was my mum. My mother couldn’t remember my name. As the leaves changed colors, it became clear that the accident had created a wall between my mother’s mind and mouth: her mind was not any less clear, but the words she spoke were not what she meant.

     The trouble my mother faced taught me the importance of language. Without it, stories can not be told; directions can not be given; relations can not be formed, and knowing about anyone is impossible. Without language, communication cannot take place. Without language, one can not express the beauty of a sunset or the kindness of a stranger. The world would pass us by in silence.

63. From where might the author’s mum come to America?_________

A. China     B. England     C. Russia     D. Canada

64. What can we infer from the second paragraph?___________

A. The author was taught to read since she was born.

B. The author’s father spoke English poorly.

C. The author couldn’t fall asleep without being read to.

D. The author’s parents taught her language by talking a lot.

65. The illness left the author’s mother unable to _________

A. think clearly    B. express herself well    C. speak    D. hear

66. What’s this passage mainly about?___________

A. A strong mother.               B. A family’s disaster.

C. The importance of language     D. The way of teaching language


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

     Imagine a world without trees. What if the rainforests and all of the plants and animals suddenly did not exist? In 1962, Gaylord Nelson decided something needed to be done to protect the environment. The work that he began led to what we now know as Earth Day.

     Mr. Nelson realized very few people were concerned about environmental problems. He then went to Washington, D.C., where he hoped to persuade President Kennedy to take a stand on environmental problems. It wasn’t long before President Kennedy agreed that action should be taken. The president set out on a five-day, eleven-state conservation(保护自然资源) tour in September of 1963. Although Kennedy’s tour was not a success, Mr. Nelson was not ready to give up.

     Mr. Nelson continued to speak to people across 25 states about the importance of the environment. Although his point of view began to be accepted by most people, politicians (政治家) were still not listening.

     In September of 1969, at a meeting in Seattle, Mr. Nelson announced that he would hold a nationwide demonstration (游行) for environmental protection the next spring. On April 22, 1970 (the first Earth Day), more than 20 million Americans took part in the demonstration. It made people sit up and pay attention to environmental problems. One year later, the UN signed(签署) an announcement making Earth Day an official international holiday. Now, Earth Day is celebrated each year around the world, and more and more people begin to realize the importance of protecting the environment.

59. The main idea of the second paragraph is that _______.

A. Mr. Nelson tried to win the support of the government to protect the environment.

B. President Kennedy made a successful conservation tour.

C. Mr. Nelson prepared for the nationwide demonstration.

D. few people realized the importance of protecting the environment.

60. When did Earth Day become an official international holiday?_________

A. In 1963.     B. In 1969.    C. In 1970.    D. In 1971.

61. In which order did the following events happen?__________

a. Mr. Nelson made speeches about the importance of environment across 25 states.

b. Mr. Nelson went to Washington, D.C.

c. The first Earth Day was celebrated

d. President Kennedy set out on a conservation tour.

A. b-a-d-c     B. b-d-a-c     C. a-b-d-c     D. a-b-c-d

62. The best title for the passage would be “___________”.

A. Mr. Nelson-----A Great Environmentalist.

B. How to protect the environment.

C. Importance of Environmental Protection.

D. History of Earth Day.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Travelling is a very good activity. When you are fed up with your work and when you can get a holiday, you can go to the beautiful places to enjoy the beauty of nature and the special character of other cities. You can breathe fresh air, visit some places of interest, meet different people and make friends with them. If you do so, you will forget your tiredness and troubles and build up your health. As a result, you will feel fully relaxed and you will have the energy to do the new tasks waiting for you.

     But sometimes, travelling is not an enjoyable thing. For example, when the bus or car you take has a bad accident, you just sit in and waste your time. What’s more, the weather can be changeable. If you are climbing a mountain, it may rain suddenly. You may be caught in the rain and may catch a cold. The worst thing is that you may have your money stolen and you may have an injury. All these are terrible things that can happen to a tourist.

     Therefore, when you are going on a trip, you must prepare yourself carefully. Firstly, you must have clear information about the weather. Second, you should choose a good partner so that you can help each other. Thirdly, you must be careful everywhere and try to avoid accidents. If you do this, you’ll surely enjoy your travels and avoid any unnecessary trouble.

56. In the first paragraph, the underlined words “are fed up with” means ________.

A. finish doing    B. can’t do    C. are tired of    D. are interested in

57. What is NOT mentioned in the passage? _______

A. You may meet with a good friend.

B. You may ill on a trip.

C. You will have to spend a lot of money on a bus or in a car.

D. It’s necessary for you to know about the weather before you travel.

58. In order to have a good holiday, you should _________.

A. never be careful enough     

B. have a holiday with a good friend

C. take an umbrella with you

D. be well prepared for your trip


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

As we rolled five-year-old Mary into the MRI(核磁共振成像) room, we all wondered how Mary would react. She had suffered a stroke that left half of her body paralyzed(瘫痪), 36 had recently lost her father, mother and home.

She was pushed into the MRI machine without the slightest protest(反抗), and we began the 37 . The patient was required to remain perfectly 38 for about five minutes. This would have been 39 for a five-year-old child. We were taking a picture of her 40 , so any movement of her face, including talking, would 41

picture distortion(扭曲).

We noticed that Mary’s 42 was moving about two minutes later. We 43 the exam and gently reminded Mary not to talk. She was smiling and promised not to   44 .

We reset the machine and started over. Once again we 45 her facial movement. What she was 46 wasn’t clear. Everyone was becoming a little 47 .

The doctor said, “Mary, you were talking again, and that caused unclear 48 .

Mary smiled, “I wasn’t talking. I was 49 . You said no talking.”

“What were you singing?” someone asked.

The World Loves me,” she replied. “I always sing this song when I’m 50 .”

Everyone in the room was 51 . How could this little girl who had 52 so much be so happy?

Many times since that day, when feeling stressed, unhappy or dissatisfied with 53 , I would think of Mary and feel inspired. Her 54 made me see that happiness is a wonderful gift-----free to anyone who will 55 it.

36. A. or        B. but       C. and        D. so

37.     A.       exam         B.  discovery   C.  research D.  experiment

38.     A.       quiet         B.  calm       C.  active   D.  still

39.     A.       easy B.        hard C.         interesting    D.  surprising

40.     A.       mind         B.  heart       C.  head D.  hair

41.     A.       give out       B.  put out     C.  lead to   D.  bring in

42.     A.       mouth        B.  eye        C.  ear  D.  nose

43.     A.       continued      B.  repeated    C.  started   D.  stopped

44.     A.       talk          B.  laugh      C.  move    D.  sleep

45.     A.       solved        B.  missed     C.  saw D.  felt

46.     A.       saying        B.  doing      C.  eating   D.  thinking

47.     A.       excited        B.  nervous     C.  certain   D.  impatient

48.     A. damages B.  pictures C.  movements D.  expressions

49.     A.       calling        B.  exercising   C.  reading  D.  singing

50.     A.       happy        B.  sad        C.  afraid   D.  alone

51.     A.       worried       B.  tired       C.  touched  D.  frightened

52.     A.       earned        B.  suffered    C.  worked  D.  had

53.     A.       health         B.  life        C.  weather  D.  others

54.     A.       courage       B.  dream      C.  example  D.  illness

55.     A.       receive        B.  refuse      C.  give D.  accept


科目: 来源: 题型:

 -----Have you moved into your new classroom building?

-----Not yet. It _________, and it won’t be completed till next week.

A. was painting    B. has been painted 

C. is painted       D. is being painted


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The child ______by Grandma Wang all these years.

A. has been taken care      B. has been taken care of

C. was taken care of        D. being taken care


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I walked up to the top of the hill with my friends, ______we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake.

A. which     B. who     C. where     D. there


科目: 来源: 题型:

 She has been eating less and doing more exercise. ______, she has lost weight.

A. As a result     B. In return     C. In fact   D. In charge


科目: 来源: 题型:

 He has a good knowledge of electricity, ______helps him a lot in his work.

A. that     B. who     C. when     D. which

