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科目: 来源: 题型:

 Jane was watering flowers in the garden _________ a beautiful bird caught her attention.

   A. since                           B. while                       C. when          D. as


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I prefer a street in a small town to ___________ in a big city _____________Shanghai.

   A. that; so       B. one; as      C. it; like     D. one; like


科目: 来源: 题型:

 He had a wonderful childhood, ___________with his mother to all corners of the world.

   A. travel        B. to travel        C.travelled       D. travelling


科目: 来源: 题型:

__________ your compositions carefully and some spelling mistakes can be avoided.

   A. Having checked      B. Check      C. If you check      D. To check


科目: 来源: 题型:

Xiamen is _____ most beautiful city and we’ve decided to stay ______  fifth day.

   A. a; a             B. a; the            C. the; a          D. the; the


科目: 来源: 题型:

假如你是校报负责人, 急需在学校内聘一位同学任英文版的编辑, 请你用英文以 “An English Editor Wanted” 为题目写一则招聘启事。内容要点如下:

1、该工作主要包括两部分:一是从英文报刊杂志及互联网上选择适合学生的文章; 二是选择与编辑同学们的来稿。




3) 感兴趣的同学请在本周内与学生会(Students’ Union)联系。

注意: 1) 词数100左右; 2) 不要逐字翻译,要组成一篇通顺连贯的短文。

An English Editor Wanted






                        ____________________________________                 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 

Students’ Union


科目: 来源: 题型:





注意:  1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


My hair was used to be very long.I dreamed of donating it to sick children which had lost their hair. My teacher has donated her hair, so I wanted to donate mine, either. My dream came true last Christmas. After I told my teacher I was ready donate my hair, she praised me. Then we paid the visit to a hairdresser.The hairdresser cut 20 inch from my long hair and styled what was left. It was hard to say good-bye to my hair, so to help others made me feel happily. Now some of my friends are growing their hair long so that they can donate them this year.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

You may know the benefits of laughter on the mind and spirit. _71___ Norman Cousins used to say that laughter has such a good effect on your body that it is like “inner jogging”.

Mayo Clinic Health Letter reports that laughter aids breathing by incresing your breathing rate.. It can even help clear mucus(黏液) from your lungs.

__72__ It increases circulation(循环) and improves the flow of oxgen and nutrition to tissues(血管) throught your body..It can help protect you against a heart attack.

__73___ It helps fight off colds, flu,etc. by increasing the concentration of immunolobulin (免疫球蛋白A) in your saliva(唾液) .And it may help control pain by raising the levels of certain brain chemicals.

In addition, it is a natural stress reliever(缓解).Have you ever laughed so hard that you bent over, fell off your chair, or spit out your food? __74___

I read that a child laughs 400 times a day on average, while an adult laughs only 15 times each day. The good news is that you are allowed more than 15 laughs a day! Go ahead and double it and make it 30 times today. You may begin to notice immediate improvement in your relationships! Then double it again! __75___ People will enjoy being around you as well.

Laughter: it’s the best medicine!

A.   Laughter is also good for your heart.

B.   Laughter can bring some relief from mental stress.

C.   A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension(紧张) and stress.

D.   However, it is confusing why laughter makes people feel so good.

E.   A good laugh helps build up your body to protect against diseases

F.   You are likely to feel even better and deal with problems more effectively.

G.   However, are you aware of how much a good laugh can help you physically?


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Will life in the future be better, worse or the same as now? Futurologists(未来学家)predict that life will probably be very different in 2050.

First of all, it seems that TV channels will have disappeared by 2050. A computer will send the program directly to the television. On TV screen appear holograms(全息图), which are pictures with certain height, width and depth. We will be able to see, smell and touch the things that we see on television.

Water has become one of our most serious problems. Agriculture is changing and people are growing more fruit and vegetables to export. Demand for water will increase ten times in 2050. Some futurologists predict that water will be the cause of war if we don’t act now.

In transport, cars will run on new fuels and go very fast. A car will have computers to control its speed and there won’t be any accidents. On the other hand, space planes will take people around the earth in about three hours. People will fly from Los Angeles to Tokyo by space plane in just half an hour.

In the field of technology, robots will have replaced people in factories. By 2050, we will see robots everywhere. They do not ask for pay rises or go on strike, and they work 24 hours a day. 

Medicine technology will have conquered many diseases by 2050; we will be able to help blind and deaf people see again and hear again. Scientists have discovered how to control genes. They have already produced clones of animals and will be able to produce clones of people and decide how they look, how they behave and how much intelligence they have. If you want all this to come true, you should study science and technology hard.

67. What is the main difference between today’s and 2050’s TV?

A. We can use a computer to turn off the TV set.

B. We can talk with the characters appearing on TV.

C. We can choose whatever we like to see on TV.

D. We can touch the things we see on TV.  

68. What isn’t mentioned about the future in 2050 in the passage?

A. Technology.     B. Medicine.   C. Movies.                D. Agriculture.

69. What will be more likely to cause the war in the future?

A. The lack of water.              B. The less farmland.

C. The shortage of robots.          D. The more space planes.

70. From the passage we can infer that by 2050 ____.

A. people will spend less time in studying  

B. more and more people needn’t go to school

C. people will have more time to relax or rest  

D. no patients will be found in the world


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

King's College Summer School is an annual( 每年的) training program for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English. Courses are given by the teachers of King's College and other colleges in New York. Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized. This year's summer school will be from July 25 to August 15.

More information is as follows:

Application (申请) date

l     Students in New York should send their applications before July 18, 2007.

l     Students of other cities should send their applications before July 16, 2007.

l     Foreign students should send their applications before July 10, 2007.


l     English Language

Spoken English: 22 hours

Reading and Writing: 10 hours

l     American History: 16 hours

l     American Culture: 16 hours


l     A letter of self-introduction

l     A letter of recommendation(推荐)

﹡ The letters should be written in English with all the necessary information.


l     Daily lessons: $200

l     Sports and activities: $100

l     Travels: $200

l     Hotel service: $400

﹡You may choose to live with your friends or relatives in the same city.

Please write to:

          Thompson, Sanders

          1026 King' s Street

          New York, NY 10016, USA

          E-mail: KC-Summer-School@ yahoo, com

64. You can most probably read the text in ________.

  A. a newspaper   B. a travel guide   C. a textbook    D. a telephone book

65. Which of the following is true about King's College Summer School?

  A. Only top students can take part in the program.

  B. King's College Summer School is run every other year.

  C. Visits to museums and culture centers are part of the program.

  D. Only the teachers of King's College give courses.

66. What information can you get from the text?

  A. The program will last two months.    

B. You can write to Thompson only in English.

  C. As a Chinese student, you can send your application on July 14, 2007.

  D. You can get in touch with the school by e-mail or by telephone.


