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科目: 来源: 题型:

--Was Mr. Smith alone at home last nigh?

--Yes. His children as well as his wife _______ invited to the party.

A. Was  B. were  C. has been  D. have been


科目: 来源: 题型:

The ticket _________ two people to the palace ball.

A. permits    B. admits    C. promise   D. awards


科目: 来源: 题型:

There is no _______that social development cannot be stopped no matter whether you like it or not.

A. idea   B. opinion    C. doubt     D. schedule


科目: 来源: 题型:

It is a good plan in theory, but it _______to be seen whether it works in practice.

A. keeps   B. stays    C. stands    D. remains 


科目: 来源: 题型:

Tom has agreed to let me use his computer to surf the Internet, and ______I’m treating him to a g good dimmer at the newly-built restaurant just around the corner .

A. in charge   B. in place   C. in return     D. in turn


科目: 来源: 题型:

Look art the beautiful big house over there! It is said to__________ an old Japanese woman.

A. belonging to    B. be belonged to    C. belong to     D. be belonging to


科目: 来源: 题型:

--Cathy, could you make _____list of the great inventions in _______1950s?

--Sure .

A./; /     B.a; /     C.the; the      D.a; the


科目: 来源: 题型:




支持者观点:1. 特长生有机会上好高中。  2. 有助于学生全面发展。

反对者观点:1.实际操作中标准不易掌握。 2. 诚信和公正受到挑战。

注意: 1.词数100-120左右,信的开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。 2. 可根据内容要点提示适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 3. 不要逐字逐词翻译。

参考词汇: 标准: standard; 公正: justice;  诚信: honesty;

Dear Editor,

It’s reported that a famous high school will admit some junior high school graduates who are specialized in music or PE.                                                                                                                                 


                                                Yours sincerely,  Li Hua


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


U.S. President Barack Obama said Friday on campaign trail he can make the case for a second term, and voters will come to see him as the candidate                  by next year’s elections , according to an interview he gave to the U.S. media.

    In an exclusive interview he gave the Associated Press, Obama acknowledged that the state of the economy could be his biggest hurdle to clear in winning reelection.

    “I think the economy's going to continue to improve, and I think I'm going to be able to make an effective case that... I am the person who is best prepared to finish the job so that we are on track to succeed in the 21st century,” Obama said in the video interview conducted in Chicago, where he attended fund-raising events the previous night.

 “I think I can make that case, and I think that, in the debates that take place over the next 18 months, the American people will feel that I deserve a second term,” he said.

     Chicago is Obama’s home, and the president’s reelection campaign headquarters is also located there. He made the reelection announcement on April 4. According to a Gallup poll released on Friday, Obama’s approval rating stood at 41 percent, an all time low. Gallup said the figure was fueled by economic dissatisfaction.

76. What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 10 words)


77. Fill in the blank in Paragraph One with proper words. ( no more than 8 words)


78. What is the biggest problem that Obama might meet with in the president's reelection ? (no more than 5 words)   


79. Who probably writes this passage? (no more than 3 words)


80. What does the underlined word “the figure” refer to (line 3 ,paragraph 5) ? (no more than 3 words)


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    For hundreds of years, textbooks have put a world of knowledge in the hands of students. Paper textbooks are expensive to produce and expensive for schools to buy. Nowadays information changes so quickly that some textbooks are out of date almost before they’re published. And as books are passed along from one student to the next, they get more highlighted, dog-eared, tattered, and worn.

It’s no secret that paper textbooks are heavy. But what you may not know is that backpack weight is an increasing problem among kids. Studies show that heavy backpacks can lead to both chronic back pain and poor posture — and many kids are carrying a quarter of their body weight in textbooks.

Today’s students have grown up completely immersed in technology. iPod, iPad, computer — these are the ways they interact with their world. They need a textbook made for the way they learn. iBooks textbooks on iPad offer a gorgeous, full-screen experience full of interactive diagrams, photos, and videos. No longer limited to static pictures to illustrate the text, now students can dive into an image with interactive captions, rotate a 3D object, or have the answer spring to life in a chapter review. They can flip through a book by simply sliding a finger along the bottom of the screen. Highlighting text, taking notes, searching for content, and finding definitions in the glossary are just as easy. And with all their books on a single iPad, students will have no problem carrying them wherever they go.

McGraw-Hill, Pearson Education, and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt — the publishers responsible for the majority of K-12 content in the US — have created Multi-Touch textbooks available now from the iBookstore

71.What’s the function of the first paragraph?

A. Introduce the dilemma of paper textbooks    

B. Attract the readers’ attention

C. Tell us the disadvantage of the textbook.

D. Show the present appearance of the textbook. 

72. What may be talked about in the following passage?

A. What’s the K-12                                 B. The textbook transformation.

C. The use of the multi-Touch textbooks       D. 3D Images

73. Which is the closed meaning of the word “tattered” ?

A. tored                B. ragged                C. thrown         D. used

74. i Books provide the following things EXCEPT     .

A. interactive diagrams                              B. rotated 3D objects

C. gorgeous experience                              D static pictures

75. What can we infer from the passage?

A. i Books are sure to replace the paper textbooks.

B. We should pay little attention to the backpack weight.

C. Some things don’t get better with age, such as paper textbook.

D. The students can use ipad freely.

