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科目: 来源: 题型:

The old man has retired from the factory. He _____ there for 30 years.

    A. works    B. worked    C. has worked    D. was working


科目: 来源: 题型:

—I don’t mind telling you what I know.

—You _____. I can manage it myself.

  A. mustn’t  B. ought not to  C. can’t  D. don't have to


科目: 来源: 题型:

The decorations were so lovely that they _____ in a short time.

    A. sold out    B. has been sold out    C. were sold out     D. were selling out


科目: 来源: 题型:

The students _____ are hard-working and ready to help others should be praised.

    A. who    B. whom    C. which    D. whose


科目: 来源: 题型:

—What’s the noise outside?

—Some children_____ hide-and-seek in the yard.

  A. were playing  B. are playing  C. have played  D. played


科目: 来源: 题型:

2012年11月11日阿里巴巴(Alibaba Group)旗下的淘宝网(Taobao.com)和天猫 (Tmall.com)的销售额达到了 191亿,其中天猫为132亿,淘宝为59亿。

某英文论坛对这一成功的营销案例进行讨论。假如你是该论坛用户,请你根据以下图 示,用英文写一篇短文,分析其成功的原因及你的想法,在该论坛上发帖参与讨论。




On November 11, 2012, Singles Day, Alibaba Group took in 19.1 billion RMB from the sales of Tmall.com and taobao.com , which is believed to be the biggest sales in a single day_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

阅读下面短文,根据以下提示1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每 个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词 要意义准确,拼写正确。.

As students, we are often required to write

compositions. Here are some tips t ______may help you       76. __________

write good compositions. ______,read more books. Books 77. __________

open a door for you ______a colorful world. Secondly,        78. __________

pay ______to current affairs. It's said that one can               79. __________

never be a good writer unless he ______(关心)about the    80. ____________

______ (社会)he lives in. Thirdly, try to experience more   81. ____________

in your life. I ______you experience things that you have      82. ____________

never experienced before, you'll obtain ______(难忘的)       83. ____________

feelings. Finally, k _____doing writing exercises. If you don't 84. ____________

write them down, it won't ______sense no matter how many__________________ 85. ___________

ideas you have in your mind or how rich your experiences are.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

WASHINGTON, Oct. 30 (Xinhua) —Superstorm Sandy has killed more than 40 lives by Tuesday in the United States ,including 18 in New York City, after causing series of destruction from the Caribbean through U.S. east coast to Canada.

The hurricane left cities in ruins, streets flooded, homes damaged ,millions of households without power. According to IHS Global Insight, a forecasting firm, the superstorm will end up causing about 50 billion U.S. dollars in business losses.

Local media reports show that the storm has caused power fails affecting some 7 million homes, shut down 70 percent of East Coast oil refineries (炼油厂)and caused worse-than-expected damage in the New York subway area, which produces about 10 percent of U.S. economic output.

More than 18,000 flight cancellations have been reported across the United States in the consequence of the hurricane. Hundreds of thousands of travelers have been stranded across the country and around the world as airports from Washington to Boston are still closed.

Three nuclear power reactors, one in New Jersey and the other two in New York, remained shut down among worries over any possible damage to their transmission (传送)networks as well as their cooling systems, but authorities said there were no risks to the public.

The superstorm has not caused serious injuries to big companies such as chemical makers BASF and DuPont. The former reported that its East Coast facilities (设施)had suffered minor damage, while the latter, many of which are not in the direct path of Sandy, has reopened its two facilities,one in Connecticut and one in Massachusetts.

U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday declared “a major disaster" in the states of New Jersey and New York, ordering federal aid to help with state and local recovery from Sandy.

Obarria and his Republican rival (对手)Mitt Romney canceled a second day of campaign events to focus on Sandy's victims.

72.    Which statement about the consequence of Superstorm Sandy is true?

A. Power fails affected about 70,000,000 homes.

B. 70 percent of East Coast oil refineries were badly damaged.

C. Damage in the New York subway area was worse than expected.

D. Sandy had caused about 50 billion U.S. dollars in business losses by Oct. 30.

73.The underlined word "stranded" in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to_____

A. spread                  B. trapped                 C. prevented              D. separated

74.    What was the general condition of the nuclear power reactors and chemical makers, according to paragraphs 5 and 6?

A. Fairly safe.                                           B. Still at risk.

C. Totally shut down.                                D. Seriously damaged.

75.    What can be inferred from the news report?

A. Obama showed great concern over Sandy's victims.

B. The presidential election of the U.S. was stopped.

C. Obama and his rival canceled all their campaign events.

D.       Romney ordered federal aid to help with the recovery from Sandy.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When Central American doctors read the reports from Africa that kwashiorkor was caused by not having enough protein (蛋白质),they began to search for this hidden killer of children in their own area. A team of health workers learned that two-thirds of all children between the ages of one and five really died of kwashiorkor in a nine-month study.

One of the saddest discoveries made was that parents took away any food containing protein from a sick child, and instead fed him starchy (淀粉的)soups made of rice and sugar. As a result of this treatment, the child with kwashiorkor usually died without even reaching the hospital. Those children who escaped death were often not normal. The development of the mind might be slowed. Body growth was stopped.

The studies showed that children in Central America grow as rapidly as children in the United States until the second part of their first year, as long as they take mother's milk. During their school years, they gain in weight and bone development at a rate comparable to that of children in the United States. But by this time, they are several years behind in size, since they did not grow well during the years between the time they were babies and the time they went to school.

Studies were made to determine what foods children ate during the period of delayed growth. It was found that the food of poorer families of the cities, and of those families who lived in the country, consisted mainly of corn and beans, which were of no needed food value. It was found also that children, while taking mother's milk, were seldom given any other foods. Even after they stopped taking mother's milk, corn and beans were what they ate and these either slowed their growth or killed them.

68.What does the underlined word “their’ ,in the first paragraph refer to_____.

A. Africans'                                              B. Children's

C. Central Americans'                                D. Central American doctors'

69.    Generally, children in Central America do not grow as fast as those in the United States_____

A. from birth                                             B. during the first year

C. before school years                               D. during school years

70.    Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The work of doctors in poor countries was often tough.

B. Taking mother's milk slowed those children's growth.

C. Children with kwashiorkor usually died without proper treatment.

D. Children who did not die of kwashiorkor were usually normal in mind.

71.    What's the cause of kwashiorkor according to the study?

A. Starchy soups.                                      B. Imbalanced diet.

C. Corn and beans.                                    D. Too much protein.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When I arrived in Beijing nearly three months ago, the unexpected happened.

Before coming to China's mainland, I had lived in the Asia-Pacific for over three years—South Korea, the Philippines and Taiwan.

When I left Taipei in 2010 for graduate school at home in Canada, I was extremely sad: I

wasn't ready to leave Asia. The day I landed at Montreal's Trudeau Airport, I was determined to go back. Would it be in a year after I finished my program? Two? Surely no longer than three. Eventually, no doubt.

I took a 12-month master's in journalism at Western University (then called the University of Western Ontario), an excellent school in London, Ontario.

Throughout the school year, my body was in Canada; my mind clearly wasn't. After graduating, I worked as a researcher and journalist in Quebec City and Montreal. I was lucky to land a job right out of school. Even though I was back in Canada for over a year, I remained unhappy. I spent much of my time devouring news from China and studying Chinese.

After a year of work, I bought a ticket to Beijing. Finally, after two long years, I would return to Asia. I couldn't be happier. I was thrilled. That is, however, until I arrived.

After embracing the city the first few days—sightseeing and meeting friends--I became a hermit (隐士 ), spending a fair part of each day in the hotel. I didn't want to go out. I didn't want to go out there. I felt sad. I had little energy. What was happening?

I speak Chinese at a low-intermediate (中下)level. My reading ability is pretty good, so

street signs and restaurant menus aren't always a barrier. I've been to China before and lived in the area for years. So what's the problem?

Was I in culture shock? How could this be? Not me. Yes5 me.

I spent my days reading up on local news back home. Quebec--my home province-was in the process of an election campaign.

64.    Why was the writer extremely sad when he left for Canada?

A. He missed his life in Asia.

B. He would leave his hometown.

C. It would be hard for him to return to Asia.

D. It would be difficult for him to find a job in Canada.

65.                                                          What does the underlined word "devouring" mean in the passage? A. Spreading blindly.                                                          B. Reading eagerly.

C. Announcing unexpectedly.                     D. Leaking intentionally.

66.Before he returned to Asia, the writer_____

A. knew little about China

B. had worked in Canada for one year

C. had studied in Canada for nearly two years

D. couldn't understand restaurant menus in Chinese

67.    What would be the best title for the passage?

A. A Colorful Life.                                     B. A Big Decision.

C. A Tough Adjustment                             D. A Language Barrier.

