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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  Most of us fear getting up and speaking in public. Many people don’t like to go gathering where they don’t know anyone, but while most of us soldier on (迎难而上), those with social anxiety disorder are often stopped by the terror and worry.

  Research shows that around fifteen million Americans suffer from social anxiety disorder. People in this condition feel that they are always being watched. Even though they know these fears are unreasonable, they cannot overcome their fears on their own.

    Social anxiety disorder sufferers are often misdiagnosed with conditions such as schizophrenia (精神分裂症) and personality disorder. Many feel lonely, and are unsure whether anyone else can understand their thoughts and emotions. This can lead to withdrawal from most social situations, even to being unable to hold employment.

    Those who suffer from social anxiety disorder are often dismissed(辞退)as being shy. This is simply not the case; shyness is not even a symptom of social anxiety disorder. The majority of sufferers find their symptoms linked to specific situations, rather than all types of social interactions.

    On your own, you can help reduce the symptoms by taking deep breaths and practising medication or prayer. Alcohol and nicotine should be avoided, as both can cause panic attacks. Exercises can relieve the symptoms, because it burns up the chemicals in your body that cause stress.

64. Patients with social anxiety disorder______.

   A. are shy in all situations

   B. feel they don’t understand themselves

   C. are anxious and terrified while speaking in public

   D. feel it is unreasonable to be watched by others

65. We know from the passage that_____.

   A. most people will try to fight against social anxiety disorder

   B. shyness is the main symptom of social anxiety disorder

   C. people who feel lonely are often misdiagnosed with social anxiety disorder

   D. psychotherapy is very important in treating social anxiety disorder

66. According to the passage, if Jack suffers from social anxiety disorder, he should_____.

   A. burn up some unsafe chemicals             B. ask for help from a doctor

   C. practise speaking in public                 D. resign from his present job

67. We are most likely to find this passage in_______.

   A. American Culture                        B. Cross Country

   C. Family Doctor                          D. English Nature



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My bookshelves are full of dust — and with good reason. When it comes to cleaning that part of my home, I suffer from the most serious case of avoidance (回避反应症).

The thing is this: when I do set out to clean and re-organize my books, which seldom happens, I place myself into a really bad situation. No sooner do I take a title from the shelf, blow off the dust, and wipe down the cover than I find myself sitting on the floor with legs crossed and my back against the wall. Pretty soon books get piled up on my legs as I am reunited with old friends.

It is as if these books have voices, and each wants to say its piece. “Remember me? I was given to you when you went into the Navy, so that you would never lack for companionship,” one

Perhaps the greatest pleasure of re-organizing my books are the surprises — or better said, reunions — that occur. During my latest book-cleaning adventure, I found one that had fallen behind the shelf: “Tales of Edgar Allan Poe.” Not an unusual title, but the words written on the first page made it very special: “With Love from Mom and Dad, Christmas 1965.” What’s this? A book on the physics of lasers(激光). It is filled with mathematical statements, and I had bought it at a library sale when I was 12, not long after the laser had been invented. I couldn’t understand a bit of it, but I did learn what “laser” meant.

What I end up with when I empty my bookshelves is a cross-section (横剖面) of my personal history. It’s like a road cut where one sees all the layers of rock going back through time to the beginning of the simplest life forms. The books I’ve read — and kept — are not just old friends. They are my résumé.

60. What could be said about the author?

   A. He is too busy to tidy up his bookshelves.

   B. He considers his books treasured possessions.

   C. He has made a lot of notes in his books.

   D. He is a lover of science books.

61. By saying that his books have voices, the author means ________ .

   A. they bring back happy memories       B. they are recorded in human voice

   C. they say a lot about human history      D. they offer good topics for discussion

62. What does the author enjoy most from re-organizing his books?

   A. Finding some missing books.            B. Putting books in good order.

   C. Learning something new from the books.

   D. Rediscovering interesting stories behind some books.

63. The underlined word “résumé” in the last paragraph probably means ______.

   A. personal history    B. precious notes    C. good companion  D. simple life forms


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

New Zealand

The Maoris

When the Maoris first arrived in New Zealand, they lived in villages and were excellent fishermen, hunters and farmers. About 50 years ago many Maoris started to live and work in the large cities and took jobs in government, industries, medicine and education. They are proud of their culture and are determined to keep many of the customs which are part of their way of life.

Who can you meet?  Most people live on North Island. Eighty-five percent of New Zealanders are “pakeha” (“white men”), which means their “great grandfathers” came from Europe. Ten percent are Maoris. The Maoris came to New Zealand from the Polynesian islands probably around the tenth century. The “pakeha” started to arrive in New Zealand from Europe about 200 years ago as farmers and traders.                                                                   

Fact box: New Zealand

Position: South of the Equator ;  Nearest neighbor: Australia, 1600 km away.

Size: Two main islands — North Island and South Island: together they are 268.680           sq. km.

Population: 4 million

Capital: Wellington

Languages: English and Maori   

56. Which of the following is a fact about New Zealand?

   A. 20% of the population being Maoris.

   B. Four million white people.

   C. About 1600 km south of the Equator.

   D. Nearly 1/3 of the country being plains.

57. The country’s population is mainly made up of  _________.

   A. the white people and the Polynesians

   B. the white people and the “pakeha”

   C. the Maoris and the white people

   D. the Maoris and the Polynesians

58. When did the white people begin to live in New Zealand?

  A. 1000 years ago.                   B. 200 years ago.

  C. 85 years ago.                     D. 50 years ago.

59. What do the Maoris value most in life?

  A. Living in small villages.            B. Developing farming skills.

  C. Keeping their own culture.          D . Taking up government jobs.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

阅读下面短文.从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B. C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项小涂黑。

In 1990 a report was published about what the earth might be like 20 years from then on. The report was a result of a three-year 36 .

According to the report, the picture of the earth in the year 2010 is not a 37 one. The world will be more 38 because the population will continue to grow . The population could be 39 6 300 million, almost 2 115 million more than in 1985 .More people would move into cities, especially cities in 40 countries . Cities like Cairo and Jakarta probably would 41 have 15 million by then .

Food production will 42 , but not enough to feed all the people . Farmers will grow 90% more food than they did in 1985, 43 most of the increase would be in countries that

44 produce enough food for their people . Little increase is 45 in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East . Poor farming ways are 46 large areas of crop land, changing farms into deserts . More farmland is 47 as cities become larger and more houses are built . 48 will get worse as industrial countries burn more coal and oil .Many of the world’s 49 could disappear as more and more trees are cut down . Energy will continue to be a serious problem . The experts say their picture of the earth for the year 2010 50 . They only carried out the situation that 51 today . By changing the situation, by 52 the problems, the picture can be changed . There is 53 time for the nations of the world to work 54 a plan of action . But they warned that 55 too long to make decisions would greatly reduce the chances of success .

36. A. learning           B. project           C. notice          D. study

37. A. pleased        B. pleasant    C. safe     D. blue

38. A. dangerous        B. beautiful        C. crowded       D. terrible

39. A. no more than      B. as many as      C. as much as      D. as large as

40. A. developing       B. developed       C. big          D. mountainous

41. A. none          B. each         C. all          D. neither

42. A. insist          B. reduce       C. increase        D. continue

43. A. so           B. but         C. or           D. however

44. A. already         B. hardly         C. partly         D. never

45. A. wanted         B. lacked        C. founded        D. expected

46. A. destroying       B. protecting       C. disturbing        D. interrupting

47. A. saved         B. lost         C .discovered    D. used

48. A. Air pollution      B. Water pollution    C. Some diseases   D. All farmland

49. A. Animals           B. plants         C. forests      D. people

50. A. must be true    B. will come true     C. can’t be true    D. may be wrong

51. A. happens        B develops    C .exists      D. appears

52. A. settling      B. working at        C .answering        D. dealing

53. A. no        B. still        C. less             D. plenty of

54. A. about       B. in       C. out             D. for

55. A. working      B. suggesting       C. spending         D. waiting


科目: 来源: 题型:

— $100, but that is my last offer.


A. Good idea!                       B. what did you say ?

C. Oh, it’s up to you                  D. OK, it’s a deal .    


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Please arrange an interview with the manager tomorrow , or      it is convenient to him .

A. whenever      B. however         C. whichever        D. wherever


科目: 来源: 题型:

As far as I see,    is no possibility      he will win the tennis match this time.

A. it ; that        B. there; that        C. it ; whether       D. there; whether 


科目: 来源: 题型:

      Quite well in the important exam , he came back home,     and smiling.

A. Having done; relaxed               B. having done ; relaxing

C. having been done ; relaxing          D. Done; relaxed   


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I’ve read many stories of Leifeng ,     this is the most touching one .

A. who                B. of which        C. of whom        D. that 


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Have you read today’s report about your performance?

— I don’t care what __ about me.

A. will be written    B. writes     C. wrote     D. is written

