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科目: 来源: 题型:

 ______ more people are living longer and healthier lives than before, gaps between rich and poor are widening, which worries us a lot.

       A. Since                B. While                  C. As                        D. Until


科目: 来源: 题型:

—The conflicts between North and South Korea call for talks to solve the problem.

—Quite right. I would rather the UN ________ something immediately.

  A. would do   B. does       C. did      D. will do


科目: 来源: 题型:

Of the two, I would prefer _______ camera, which is very easy for me to carry

A. a small        B. a smaller        C. the small      D. the smaller


科目: 来源: 题型:

There’s no doubt that the past years have seen _______of the progress in economy of the country , as more and more people moved into new houses.

       A. impressions         B. views                       C. signs                  D. features


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The Olympic Flame travelled to the UK on May 18, ______ the curtain of the 30th Olympic Games.

A. lifting                B. to lift                  C. to be lifted                  D. having lifted


科目: 来源: 题型:

 China’s unmanned Shenzhou VIII paves the way for China to _______a space station in 2020.

A. employ            B. operate                C. present               D. conduct


科目: 来源: 题型:

We know playing computer games for long time can harm one’s _______ health.

       A. regular                B. magical            C. physical                 D. reliable


科目: 来源: 题型:





1.  开头已给出,不计入总词数;

2.  可根据内容要点适当发挥,但不要逐条翻译;

3.  词数:120左右。

Lately our school has set aside half an hour for students to watch The Daily News Broadcasting. Opinions are divided on the measure.


科目: 来源: 题型:


    阅读下面短文, 依据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地填写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确和拼写正确。

Balloons have been used for sports for one hundred years.              

There are two k        of sports balloons: gas and hot air. Hot              76. _________________

air balloons are less risky than gas ones,        may catch fire.             77. _________________

Hot air balloons are        (更喜欢)by most balloonists in the        78. _________________

world because of their        (安全). They’re also cheaper and            79. _________________

e         to manage than gas ones. The best time to fly sports              80. _________________

balloons is early in the morning or late in the afternoon _______ the   81. _________________

wind carrying it. Some balloonists tried to c         the Atlantic     82. _________________

Ocean over the years, but they all failed. Not        1978 did three 83. _________________

Americans          (成功). It took them just six days to make             84. _________________

their t           from their home in the USA to Paris, France.              85. _________________


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Driving in Spain is a lot of the time pleasurable, smooth new roads with few fellow drivers to look out for, allowing one to take in the beautiful, changing countryside, but at other times it can also be a nervous nerve  experience, and you try not to eyewink(一眨眼) in case you cause serious damage to body and machine.

Spanish drivers are by no means the worst in the world but they do have many habits and manners that will make you fear but then smile; they possess the same love of the horn(喇叭) used by so many other nations' drivers. But their use of the horn doesn't seem to be for warning another driver of a serious driving infringement(违规) but instead to remind people that they are sitting at a red light or that Real Madrid or Barcelona or whoever they have promised their loyalty to, has just scored a goal!

    Most drivers would agree that round-abouts(圆环) are quite simple to use, but they seem to be a complete mystery to many Spanish drivers. On many occasions, a Spaniard in the right hand lane(车道) will decide that he is turning left, often with no indication, the result of this being the screaming of quickly applied foot brakes(刹车) from vehicles traveling in the left hand lane with the intension(专心) of carrying straight on. Amazingly though, this type of driving action, as mentioned earlier, is apparently considered quite acceptable by the average Spanish motorist and the constant whistling of horns one would expect is never heard.

    The Spanish have rather a crazy way of overtaking(超车) also, or at least the speed merchants(喜欢把车开的飞快的人) among them do. Many of the major roads in Spain are dual(双的) ways and at times you will need to overtake slower traffic. It is at this time that you are likely to meet the presence of “mad” driver. You will go through your overtaking procedure(程序) mirror, indicate-and then, as if by magic, a quick look in your back view mirror expose that you have a car practically riding your bumper(保险杠) with its left indicator flashing like there's no tomorrow. Strangely enough this is also supposed to be acceptable practice.

72.The main idea of the passage is about________.

A. the driving rules in Spain          B. the trouble with Spanish drivers

C. the driving experience in Spain     D. the skillful Spanish drivers

73.The third paragraph tells us that__________.

A. Spanish drivers tend to move from the right to the left

B. Spanish drivers like doing round-abouts

C. Spanish drivers often apply foot brakes

D. Spanish drivers usually turn their car suddenly

74.The underlined phrase in the passage suggests that______.

A. the Spanish driver was in a hurry    B. the Spanish driver was dying

C. the Spanish driver was polite        D. the Spanish driver was patient

75.The passage is most probably taken from_____.

A. a newspaper report                   B. a travel magazine

C. a research paper                     D. a class presentation

