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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  In the past,when people had problems,they went to their families or friends to get advice.Today it is possible to get advice from radio shows.TV programs or telephone hot lines,too.A hot line is a telephone line that offers a direct way of getting in touch with advicers.Most hot lines are completely anonymous(匿名的)—callers do not have to say their names or telephone numbers.Most hot lines are usually free,too.Callers do not have to pay for their advice or the phone calls—even if the calls are long distance.At some hot lines,the advicers are volunteers.Other hot lines pay their advicers for their work.Usually the advicers are full-job people with years of education and experience,but sometimes the advicers have only taken a short class before starting to work on the hot line.All the advicers listen to the people and help them solve their problems.

61.A hot line is a telephone line ______.

 A.that is hot                 B.through which people get advice

 C.whose number no one knows  D.through which callers take a short class

62.When people call the hot line advicers,they______.

 A.often give their names and telephone numbers

 B.generally have to pay for the long distance calls

 C.usually pay nothing for most of the calls and advice

 D.always try to get in touch with the volunteer advicers

63.The advicers working at hot lines______.

 A.are not all paid             B.have all been trained for a short time

 C.are all volunteers           D.all have years of education and experience

64.The writer of the article seems to think that______.

 A.with hot lines people won’t get advice from their families and friends

 B.hot lines help the callers a lot

 C.people had better pay for the advice and phone calls

 D.the hot line advicers will solve all of the callers’ problems


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



    This story happened after the First World War. A French soldier named Frank returned to his hometown after the war.___41___he had been disabled in the war, he could hardly do anything. So before long he became very___42___.

    Every year the former___43___ in the town would hold a party.Once the party was held in Bill’s house.Since he had become a rich man,he___44___the other soldiers with a lot of good wine and tasty food. At the party,Bill was so glad that he took out a big gold ___45___he had collected to___46___them. The coin was passed around.They talked and laughed.___47___,most of them got drunk and the gold coin was soon___48___. When Bill remembered the gold coin,he found it was___49___.Everybody helped to___50___the coin in the room,but they___51___.At that time,someone___52___that everyone in the room be searched.Everyone else___53___except Frank.”I’m not a___54___,why should I be searched?” Then he went out of Bill’s house.Since then people believed that it was Frank___55___had stolen the gold coin.Frank was looked down upon from then on.All the people in the town___56___from him.

    Several years later,when Bill repaired his house,he___57___to find the gold coin in a crack of the floor.He hurried to Frank’s house to tell him about it and he___58___to Frank.Then he asked Frank,”But why didn’t you___59___to be searched at the time?”Hearing this Frank’s face turned red.”Because… my ___60___was full of bread and chicken that I had taken from your table and would carry home for my hungry wife and children.”

  41.A. But          B. And          C. Because        D. Or

  42.A. rich          B. strong        C. stupid          D. poor

  43.A. soldiers       B. farmers       C. businessmen    D. workers

44.A. gave         B. brought        C. offered        D. provided

  45.A. pen          B. watch         C. coin           D. bowl

  46.A. give         B. show          C. enjoy          D. interest

  47.A. Late         B. Lately         C. Later          D. Latest

  48.A. found        B. kept           C. forgotten       D. seen

  49.A. missing       B. broken        C. wrong          D. false

  50.A. look at       B. look after       C. look for        D. look out

  51.A. won         B. defeated        C. failed          D. succeeded

  52.A. said         B. thought         C. held           D. suggested

  53.A. spoke        B. agreed          C. refused        D. wondered

  54.A. thief         B. soldier          C. woman        D. guest

  55.A. whom        B. which          C. that           D. he

  56.A. kept away     B. kept out        C. kept up        D. kept on

  57.A. hoped        B. seemed         C. wanted        D. happened

  58.A. spoke        B. liked           C. apologized     D. went

  59.A. need         B. allow           C. stop          D. refuse

  60.A. hand         B. pocket          C. car           D. mouth


科目: 来源: 题型:

______ friendship, much will be given to the kind man; little to the unkind one.

  A. When comes to                    B. When it comes to 

C. When it comes                     D. It comes to when


科目: 来源: 题型:

It is impossible for us to carry the stone statues, all of______ are too heavy.

  A. which         B. them            C. those          D. what


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Almost 100 computers ______to us by that key school since the end of last year.

  A. have given     B. had been given    C. have been given D. had given


科目: 来源: 题型:

Every evening the students go to bed at 10:30______ and the lights are turned off.

  A. at once        B. on purpose       C. at present     D. as usual


科目: 来源: 题型:

--- I am sure you will be happy here once you get to know everyone.

--- ______.

A. Thank you   B. I hope so    C. My pleasure  D. No problem


科目: 来源: 题型:

To be honest, I didn’t______ him at first sight. About an hour later, I remembered him.

  A. realize        B. understand       C. see          D. recognize


科目: 来源: 题型:

______, Tom made a large sum of money last year by running a company.

A. Sooner or later          B. Here and there

C. Believe it or not D. Now and then


科目: 来源: 题型:

Our English teacher ______ teaching, so he wants to change his work.

  A. gets tired of    B. gets used to      C. gets along with D. gets down to

