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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Everyone has good days and bad days.

Sometimes, you feel as if you’re on top of the world and all the questions on your maths test might seem easy. But occasionally you feel horrible, and you lose things and cannot focus on our schoolwork.

For more than 20 years, scientists have suggested that high self-esteem(自尊) is the key to success.Now, new research shows that focusing just on building self-esteem may not be helpful. In some cases, having high self-esteem can make people less likeable or more upset when they fail in something.

“Forget about self-esteem,” says Jennifer Crocker, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, US. “It’s not the important thing.”

Feeling good

Crocker’s advice may sound a bit strange. After all, feeling good can be good for you.Studies show that people with high self-esteem are less likely to be depressed, anxious, shy, or lonely than those with low self-esteem.

However, after reviewing about 18,000 studies on self-esteem, Roy Baumeister, a psychologist at Florida State University, has found that building up your self-esteem will not necessarily make you a better person.

He believes that violent people often have the highest self-esteem of all. He also said:“ There’s no evidence that kids with high self-esteem do better in school.”


All types of people have problems. People with high self-esteem can have big egos(自我) that can make them less likeable, said Kathleen Vohs, a psychology professor at Columbia University.People with high self-esteem tend to think more of themselves, VOhs says. People with low self-esteem are more likely to rely on their friends when they need help.

What to do

Researchers say it is best to listen to and support other people. Find positive ways to contribute to society. If you fail in something, try to learn from the experience. “The best therapy(药方) is to recognize your faults,” Vohs says. “It’s OK to say, ‘I’ m not so good at that,’ and then move on.”

59. What does the underlined part “on top of the world” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Quite helpful.     B. Extremely happy.       C. Very unlucky.     D. Rather upset.

60. The conclusion drawn from the new research shows that high self-esteem_____.

A. is not important at all               B. makes people more likeable

C. may not be the key to success  D. helps you do better at school

61. Which of the following is TRUE according to Vohs?

A. Feeling good doesn’t mean you lead a happy life.

B. People with high self-esteem always seek others’ help.

C. People with high self-esteem tend to be selfish.

D. People with low self-esteem are often more popular.

62. We can infer from the text that the best therapy mentioned in the last paragraph is mainly for people_____.

A. with high self-esteem                                    B. with low self-esteem

C. who contribute significantly to society            D. who are in need of support


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Kindergarten outside? Yes, indeed. It’s part of a growing worldwide trend toward outdoor education. The schools are called forest kindergartens.

The numbers are small so far in the U.S., but the idea is well established in Europe, with schools in Scotland, England, and Switzerland. By far the most such schools are in Germany, which has more than 400 forest kindergartens.

Some schools feature several hours of outdoor schooling. This is certainly the case with the Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs. Children there will be venturing out on the nearby Hemlock Trail to learn more about the natural world. Some lessons are focused on nature; others are academic topics delivered in a natural setting. In all cases, students are active-not sitting at desks or on mats on the floor but walking, running, jumping, solving problems like how to get the mud off the bottoms of their shoes before their parents find out.

Seriously, the focus is on activity at these schools. Studies have shown that children’s immune systems actually get stronger after all of the outdoor activity, and that graduates of forest kindergartens show a higher ability to learn when they progress through their academic careers.

Other schools are all outdoors, all the time. This is the case with the Cedar Song Nature School, on Vashon Island, Washington. Students at this school spend their whole three–hour day outdoors, in a private five-acre forest, doing all kinds of physical activities.

At these forest kindergartens, students learn science by observing and doing it, learn math by applying it to the natural world around them, learn letters and words by putting them together using sights and sounds. These students learn how to get along with one another, individually and in a group. They also develop healthy levels of self-confidence.

Nowadays many children become obese(肥胖的) because of sedentary(久坐的) activities like watching television and playing video games. These outdoor schools give children chances to learn just as much, if not more, from opening their eyes to the real world around them.

55. What do we know about forest kindergartens?

A. The first one was created in England.      B. They are very popular in Germany.

C. There are 400 all over the world.            D. Their number is huge in the U.S.

56. What is special about forest kindergartens?

A. Kids learn more than those at ordinary kindergartens.

B. Students go outside when weather permits.

C. They value activity very much.

D. They are situated in forests.

57. The main difference between the Waldorf School and Cedar Song Nature School lies in______.

A. the subjects       B. the activities  C. the outdoor time  D. the teaching methods

58. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. Get close to nature                         B. A new trend of education

C. Forest kindergartens are popular      D. Outdoor education benefits kids a lot


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Thirty years ago not many people would have dreamed of doing the repairs and decorations in their own homes. In those days labor was fairly cheap and most people would have thought it worthwhile to employ a professional painter and decorator, unless of course they were either very hand up or were in the trade themselves.

Today, however, it is quite a different story. Men and women in all walks of life turn their hands to all sorts of jobs round the house including painting, papering, putting up shelves and wall units, and tiling walls and floors. Some people with no professional training of any kind have even successfully built their own houses. These jobs have been made easier today by the introduction of prepared materials, which require the minimum amount of skill to use. In every high street throughout Britain nowadays there is at least one “Do-It-Yourself” shop containing a vast range of timber, tiles, paints, wallpapers and floor coverings besides tools of every description including power drills and many accessories. “Do-It-Yourself” is a booming business; all these shops do a roaring trade and look like continuing to do so. Probably the main reason for the craze is the high cost of present-day labor and the shortage of building firms willing to do small jobs.

51. Why did people employ professional workers to decorate homes thirty years ago?

A. Because they could not do it themselves.

   B. Because professional workers were very cheap.

C. Because they had no time.

D. Because professional workers could do much better.

52. Thirty years later what changes took place?

  A. People could do everything themselves.

B. Few people chose to be a professional worker.

C. People with no professional training successfully built their own houses.

D. New expensive materials required no skills at all.

53. What caused the DIY craze?

  A. Young people liked to follow the fashion.

B. “Do-It-Yourself” is a booming business.

C. There were fewer building companies.

D. High cost of professional workers.

54. What is the speaker telling us ?

A. How DIY comes into being.           B. Changes in building.

C. Changes in housing.            D. Great changes in these thirty years.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


I was shopping at my local supermarket, as I normally have for years. One particular day, I had done about 2 weeks worth of shopping and 31 toward the register to pay for what I bought. After the cashier had scanned my items and I had bagged them up, she stated that the 32 was $150.

I  33 into my back right pocket to take the money to pay and noticed that there was no money there. I started to get 34 . I knew my purse was in the car and I was sure I had put the 35 in my back right pocket. I looked at the cashier with wet eyes and a 36 look not knowing what to do. There were people behind me on the line. She told me to speak with the courtesy counter (爱心柜台). I 37 and said, “Really? It's 38 , no one would hand that in!” But she 39 me to. “You never know…” she said.

I decided that there was no 40 in checking so I walked up to a woman behind the counter and said “I have to ask, did anyone 41 cash by any chance?” She asked “How much?” My face then 42 . “$200 in the form of one hundred dollar bills.” I replied. She said, “ 43 , yes, someone did!” I was so 44 ! “Who? I want to thank her.” She pointed to a young girl about 10 years old and said, “She did.”

I walked over to the mom and hugged her. She said, “It wasn't me, it was my   45 ” . I said “I know, I wanted to thank you both, 46 she found it ... it's because of you that I got this back.” I was so happy. I was almost in tears.

The next day at work, a person in another department 47 me tickets to the circus. He handed me 5 tickets. Almost 48 that young girl’s face popped (突然出现) in my head. After work I went back to the supermarket and stopped at the courtesy counter and asked if she had any idea who that woman was. She smiled and said, “Yes, She is a friend of mine”. Then I asked her to do me a favor and pass along these 5 tickets to her.

She told me that the family of the little girl who found my money were not rich so they would really 49 this. She also said that they had 3 children, so five was the  50 number of tickets!

31. A. showed       B. retired        C. hesitated     D. headed

32. A. percentage     B. product      C. total            D. luggage

33. A. reached       B. searched     C. checked      D. looked

34. A. particular      B. curious      C. nervous      D. serious

35. A. card         B. money       C. purse        D. goods

36. A. shocked      B. moved       C. inspired      D. confused

37. A. laughed       B. screamed        C. shouted      D. blamed

38. A. reality        B. evidence     C. cash            D. truth

39. A. forced        B. encouraged   C. discouraged   D. promised

40. A. doubt        B. need        C. expense      D. harm

41. A. work out      B. hand in      C. send for      D. take away

42. A. broke up      B. burst out     C. send off      D. lit up

43. A. Eventually     B. Actually      C. Finally       D. Unfortunately

44. A. interested      B. worried      C. surprised         D. absorbed

45. A. daughter      B. husband      C. mother      D. friend

46. A. because       B. although      C. however     D. besides

47. A. lent          B. borrowed        C. produced        D. offered

48. A. simply        B. constantly    C. immediately   D. previously

49. A. reject            B. buy       C. ignore       D. appreciate

50. A. unique        B. perfect       C. official       D. typical


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I don’t      your idea of sending your daughter to Britain to study, because she is too young to take care of herself.

       A. adjust to     B. refer to               C. subscribe to       D. appeal to


科目: 来源: 题型:

I was nearly exhausted from preparing my experiment report last night so I took a hot bath to   myself.

    A. behave    B. transform  C. present    D. refresh


科目: 来源: 题型:

The man to whom we handed the forms pointed out that we had not _________ filled in.

       A. regularly      B. properly             C. eventually     D. enthusiastically


科目: 来源: 题型:

Time was passing and we were getting       because we would have to spend the night in the cave if no one came to the rescue.

       A. awkward    B. blank   C. desperate    D. breathless


科目: 来源: 题型:

He devoted himself entirely to his research into viruses and it earned him a good _________in his field.

A. impression  B. attraction    C. contribution       D. reputation


科目: 来源: 题型:

Hannah was busy with work then but she still tried her best to       some time from her tight schedule to visit her mother.

       A. cut out       B. squeeze out C. leave out    D. dig out      

