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科目: 来源: 题型:

--- Was _____ problem that we had discussed solved?

--- Yes. We found ______ good way to deal with it.

  A. a; the   B. the; a   C. the; the   D. a; a


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


  {1}It’s said that exercise is important for our body because it helps us feel relaxed, full of energy and healthy. Similarly, reading is important for us, as it gives lots of advantages to a person and it’s like a source to feed our mind.

  {2}Firstly, it can help us explore words that ___________: we can travel into the past. We can find out how people lived and how they dressed. We can also read about the future and science fiction books can offer us an interesting view on this matter. The world of books, magazines newspapers and so on offers us a large variety of areas we can explore and come to understand. It’s like a way of escaping from real life as it allows us to travel to places we might not ever get to in real life.

{3}Secondly, reading is cheap. It comforts, it distracts, it excites, and it gives you knowledge of the world and experience of a wide kind. When one enjoys reading a book he is strongly attracted by what he is reading and he hardly takes a break. He wants to finish it very rapidly because he is very cautious to find out what’ll happen till the end. That’s why he feels relaxed, excited and tries to somehow participate in the book’s action. Then, think of the knowledge one can obtain with reading: he’s be able to take part in dialogues on certain subjects. He’d feel proud of himself to give others some information they have no idea about.

{4}We can’t see everything on TV. Then, reading a book can offer more than the Internet, for example, even if it is time-consuming. That is why I believe books are a future, and a past I hope that the Internet won’t make people stop buying books.

76. What is the text mainly about? (no more than 6 words)


77.   Complete the following statement with proper words. ( no more than 4 words)

If one is really fond of a book, he will ______ the book from which he couldn’t tear himself away. 

78. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. ( no more than 5 words)


79. What information can we get when reading books about the world in the past? ( no more than 8 words)


80. What does the underlined word “it” ( line5 , paragraph 2 ) probably refer to? ( within 10 words)___________________________________________________________________


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

   On February 1, 1960, I met three of my friends at the North Carolina A & T College library in Greensboro, and together we walked the mile to Woolworth’s.

 At that time in the South, African Americans weren’t allowed to eat with whites. Woolworth’s had a separate lunch counter in the basement for “Negroes”(黑人). My friends and I had agreed that we would sit down at the white lunch counter and ask to be served. And we did just that. Immediately, spoons stopped halfway to people’s mouths. Every eye was on us. Again, we asked the waitress for coffee and said it was a custom not to serve the black people. And I asked, “But you do agree that the custom is wrong, don’t you?”

  We were very polite----our goal was to make sure that people did the right thing. So we sat there, waiting. An angry policeman came in, and stopped right behind me. I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he stood over me. I said to myself, “This is it.” But he just stood there for a minute, and then backed away and started pacing up and down. I came to realize: he didn’t know what to do.  

A little old white lady sitting farther down the counter finished her sandwich and headed straight for us. I prepared myself for a blast(一阵) of abuse. Instead, she put her hands on our shoulders and said, “Boys, I am so proud of you. I only regret that you didn’t do this ten years ago.” That added to my determination to see it through.

We went back to that lunch counter every day for six months until African Americans were finally served in every restaurant.

71. What does the underlined word, “abuse” in the third paragraph probably mean?

 A. Great encouragement.       B. Good praise. 

 C. Unkind words.             D. Direct advice.

72. Why did people focus on the author when he asked to be served?

  A. Because he sat at the white people’s lunch counter.

  B. Because he asked for coffee, which wasn’t served there.

  C. Because he was very loud and was disturbed other people.

  D. Because he was new to the Woolworth’s restaurant.

73. Which of the following words best describes the author?

  A. Strange.   B. Kind-hearted.   C. Courageous.   D. Stubborn(固执的).

74. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the text?

  A. The author’s friends were disappointed with him.

  B. The old lady was in support of the author.

  C. The old lady called the policeman in to deal with the matter.

  D. The author’s friends stopped the matter from getting worse.

75. What can be inferred from the text?

  A. The author’s goal was to fight with white people.

  B. The author was not satisfied with the service at Woolworth’s.

  C. The policeman was very rude and the author was afraid.

  D. African Americans had a long struggle for equal rights.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

   Winter weather has returned to northern areas of the world. In much of the United States, winter means the return of snow.

   Snow is a form of frozen water. It contains many groups of tiny ice particles (颗粒)called snow crystals(晶体). These crystals grow from water particles in cold clouds. They usually grow around a piece of dust. All snow crystals have six sides, but they grow in different shapes. The shape depends mainly on the temperature and water levels in the air. The shape of a snow crystal may change from one form to another as the crystal passes through levels of air with different temperatures. Snow contains much less water than rain. About seventy-five centimeters of   snow has as much water as two and one-half centimeters of rain.  

   Generally, the color of snow and ice appears white. This is because the light we see from the sun is white. Most natural materials take in some sunlight. However, when light travels from air to snow, some light is sent back, or reflected(反射). Snow crystals have many surfaces to reflect sunlight. It is this light that gives snow its white color.

    Much of the water we use comes from snow. Melting snow gives water to rivers and crops. Snowfall helps to protect plants and some wild animals from cold. Fresh snow is made largely of air which is kept among the snow crystals. Because the air has trouble moving, the movement of heat is greatly reduced. However, snow is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people in the United States every year. Many people die in traffic accidents on roads that are covered with snow or ice.

66. In the center of a snow crystal there is ______.

   A. air   B. water   C. dust  D. sunlight

67. If fifteen centimeters of snow completely melts, the height of water will be ______.

   A. 0.5 centimeter  B. 1centimeter  C. 1.5 centimeters  D. 15 centimeters

68. According to the text, snow looks white because _______.

  A. snow is actually white                 B. the ice particles are white

  C. the reflection of light makes it look white  D. there is a lot of air in the snow

69. How can snow protect plants from the cold?

  A. Snow gives them much heat.

  B. Snow turns into water and waters them.

 C. Snow makes them keep moving.

  D. Snow contains air which has trouble moving.

70. What is the last paragraph of the text mainly about?

  A. Snow can give water to rivers and crops.

  B. Snow can help crops keep warm in winter.

  C. Snow has both advantages and disadvantages.

  D. Snow is the cause of the deaths of many people. 


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  We often use an Internet search engine to find a web site that will provide information. We can also use articles in newspapers and magazines. Sometimes we also use an encyclopedia(百科全书), a set of books containing information on almost any subject. Encyclopedias are written by experts and have been a trusted source of information for years.

  Now there is also a free online encyclopedia called Wikipedia. It is written by people around the world. Anyone can edit or add an article to it. But this has caused problems. Last year, a former editor of the paper USA Today discovered wrong information about him on Wikipedia. Someone had written an article that falsely linked him to a political murder. This wrong information was quickly corrected.

  According to a recent study by the publication Nature, Wikipedia had more mistakes, compared with Britannic----a well-known printed encyclopedia. It found an average of four mistakes in a Wikipedia article , and three in an article in Britannica's . Wikipedia supporters note that they are able to correct information when they find a mistake while written publications are not able to do this.

Wikipedia started in 2001. The word "wiki" comes from "wiki wiki" which means "quickly" in the Hawaiian language. It is said that it is the largest single source of information ever in history. It is also one of the fastest growing sites on the Internet.

  It offers more than 3,000,000 articles in more than 200 languages. Each month, it records over two thousand million page visits. Jimmy Wales, who helped start Wikipedia, says its purpose is to provide all people with a free encyclopedia written in their native language. You can find information on just about every subject on Wikipedia. However, some experts warn people not to believe everything they read online, no matter where they read it.

61. We can learn from the text that Wikipedia_______.

  A. is a set of books   B. is written by experts

  C. is full of mistakes   D. is in use for free

62. Compared with Britannica, Wikipedia _______.

  A. has writers worldwide   B. is easy to edit

  C. has far more mistakes   D. is less well-known

63. According to the text, the underlined words “written publications” refer to _____.

  A. Britannica  B. online encyclopedia  C. Nature  D. Wikipedia

64. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A. Encyclopedias can answer any question about nature.

  B. Wikipedia can be edited only by experienced people.

  C. Some experts doubt the truth of information online.

  D. Wikipedia is a website with lots of false information.

65. It can be inferred from the text that_______.

  A. printed encyclopedia will soon lose its popularity

  B. More and more mistakes will be found on Wikipedia

C. information of Wikipedia is available in any language

  D. it is necessary to confirm the information on Wikipedia


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

If you ever get the feeling that you’re on your own, then spare a thought for Don Sammons.

  The hamlet(小镇) of Buford in Wyoming is not even a sparsely-populated area. It’s a single-populated(人口稀薄的)area, as the 60-year-old is the only man, woman or child living there.

  But even though the ‘population one’ hamlet is 8,000ft up a cold mountain, he denies feeling lonely and runs an isolated petrol station and convenience shop.

  Mr. Sammons left Los Angeles with his wife and bought the tiny town with six buildings to escape their busy lifestyle.

  When the couple moved,there were seven people living in Buford working for a railroad that passes nearby, but they all moved away to bigger towns by the mid-1990s.

  Then his wife died 15 years ago and his son, now aged 26, moved to Colorado three years ago. So that left Mr. Sammons in Buford on his own.

  He gets about 1,000 visitors a day to the village during the summer, which has a billboard proclaiming(宣布) his small empire(帝国), but this drops to around 100 during the winter,in which the winds often blow at 70mph.

  Mr Sammons turned a school house, which operated between 1905 and 1962, into his office and made another old store built in 1895 into a four-car garage.

  He lives in a three-bedroom log cabin and enjoys a commute(通勤来往) of 200 yards to his workplace. ‘I'm the king of the castle here,’ he said.

  Buford was formed in 1866 as military outpost (军事警哨)‘Fort Sanders’, to protect workers building a railroad. It was once home to 2,000 people - most of them foreign migrant(移民) rail workers – a post office was built in 1880. The town was named Buford after Civil War general John Buford following the opening.

  The town was sold to a private buyer by the railroad company in 1970 and Mr. Sammons arrived with his wife ten years later after working in the moving business in California.

56. The text is mainly about _______.

A. Don Sammons’ daily life    B. the history of a small town

C. the cultural custom of a town  D. an old town and its only resident

57. When did Mr. Sammons buy the town Buford?

A. In 1970 B. In 1980. C. In 1990. D. In 2000

58. Mr. Sammons bought the town with the main purpose of ______.

A. making money by doing business B. opening up the tourism industry

C. leading a peaceful and quiet life   D. avoid being bothered by other people

59. Which one is the right order of the following events about the town of Buford?

a. A post office was built there

b. All rail workers left the town.

c. Many foreign migrant rail workers worked here.

d. A school house was operated here.

e. A store was built here.

  A. c-a-e-b-d. B. c-e-a-d-b.   C. c-a-d-e-b  D. c-a-e-d-b.

60. According to the text, Dom Sammons _________.

  A. lives alone but feels satisfied with his life in the town

  B. sometimes feels lonely because his son is away

  C. has many friends who come to see him every summer

  D. is used to the warm weather in winter in the town


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Five years ago. I went to Shao Xing to visit my cousin. My grandpa had been outside smoking when my aunt called him into the house. He left his  36 on the front porch(门廊) steps so he could continue smoking it   37 he returned.

My cousin was 38 to see what smoking was really like,so he picked up the cigarette,put it in his mouth and puffed(吹) in 39 . Next,he was  40 his head off. He looked like he was about to throw up,but he stretched his hand out toward me to  41 me the cigarette. “Come on. Try it.”he said.

I just grabbed the stupid thing out of his hand and smashed it with my  42 .Then,grandpa returned. “Where’d my cigarette go?” he asked. I just stood there,not wanting to admit what I had done or what my  43 had done before that. But I knew that this was the moment of truth. I took a deep breath and began to  44 .

I told my grandpa that I couldn’t 45 believe he would choose to smoke. I was sure he knew how bad it was,so why did he do it? He said he started smoking when he was just a teenager. Now he was so 46 that he couldn’t stop. It was just too hard to  47 .

Here was an old man,my own grandpa. ,admitting there was something that he couldn’t control that was probably 48 killing him. I stood there in disbelief. dumbfounded(目瞪口呆的). Then I remembered this ad I had seen on TV: There was this lady who was so addicted(有瘾的) to cigarettes that she’d gotten really sick. Doctors had to 49 a hole in her throat for her to 50 ,and she was still smoking through the hole! It was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. Standing in front of my grandpa,I began to cry.  51 that happened to him?

Ever since that day, my grandpa has 52  on cigarettes. I know one thing: I want to live a long time. I don’t want to be  53 or out of control of my life the way  54 that lady was. I’ll never smoke. I’ll take  55 air.

36.      A. cellphone     B. cigarette      C. book        D. box

37.      A. while        B. if           C. when        D. though

38.      A. curious      B. glad         C. surprised     D. amazed

39.      A. rain         B. stone        C. dust         D. smoke

40.      A. coughing     B. shaking      C. nodding      D. waving

41.      A. offer        B. help         C. supply       D. warn

42.      A. hand        B. arm         C. shoe         D. toes

43.      A. grandpa      B. nephew      C. brother       D. cousin

44.      A. comment     B. explain       C. excuse       D. announce

45.      A. hardly       B. really        C. exactly       D. actually

46.      A. applied       B. devoted      C. accustomed   D. addicted

47.      A. continue      B. interrupt      C. quit         D. remain

48.      A. slowly       B. quickly      C. frequently     D. calmly

49.      A. hit          B. pat         C. cut          D. break

50.      A. sleep        B. eat          C. smell        D. breathe.

51.      A. If only       B. What if      C. How about    D. So what

52.      A. cut across    B. cut out       C. cut back      D. cut in

53.      A. fearful       B. sick         C. shy         D. worried

54.      A. what        B. which       C. that         D. how

55.      A. simple       B. light         C. fresh        D. heavy


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Avril Lavigne released her new album (专辑) Goodbye Lullaby, _____ the songs are of different styles.

  A. in which    B. for which   C. with which    D. to which


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I saw an old man begging for money from the ______in the street.

  A. passer-bys     B. passers-by    C. passers-bys    D. passer-by


科目: 来源: 题型:

 They can gain valuable work experience and, _____ they will be well paid by the employer.

   A. in return    B. in addition     C. in relief    D. in peace

