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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My husband is an engineer. Since we met, he has always  been the rock in my life. I knew he had his feet   1  planted on the ground ,and it seemed that no matter what else went  2  , he would be the constant one.

Three years of romance and two years of marriage later, I began to feel  3  of him because he never brought me flowers , he never   4   me, and nothing had changed in our marriage.

After  5  , I finally told him I wanted to be  6  . He just sat there , speechless and didn’t even know  7  to say to make me stay . Finally , he spoke ,“What can I do to change your   8  ?”

“I’ll stay if you have a good answer  9  this question,” I replied coldly。“If I asked for a  10 

growing on a cliff, and getting it for me   11  certain death, would you still do so ?”

His face grew troubled.“Can I give you the answer tomorrow morning ?” With that , my heart  12  . He couldn’t even give me an answer  13  away.

The next morning , I found he was    14  .However, I found a note under a warm glass of milk . My eyes   15  misty as I was reading it

“Dear, I’ll give you my  16   .

After you do typing for a long time , I need my   17   to do it for you.

Every time you leave the house , you forget your keys . I need my legs to run   18   and open the door for you… that’s why I cannot pick the flower for you….”

With tears   19   from my eyes , I opened the door. And there he was , with an extremely worried look on his face, waving the packet he had in his hand in front of me.

Just because someone doesn’t love you  20  you want him to, it doesn’t meant that he doesn’t love you heart and soul.

1.A deeply         B  firmly        C   slightly       D  totally

2.A different       B  crazy      C   exciting       D   excited

3.A  liked        B   tried          C   fond          D   tired

4.Afrightened      B  loved          C   surprised      D    lost

5.Asome time      B sometime     C   sometimes     D    some times

6.A  in           B  up            C    down         D    out

7.A what          B  which         C    how          D  when

8.A saying         B comment         C    opinion       D   mind

9.A to             B   of            C     for          D about

10.Atree         B   moon         C     flower       D  butterfly

11.Ameant          B   resulted       C    caused        D  led

12.Asank         B   settled        C    rose          D   worried

13.A soon      B   straight       C    straightly      D   quickly

14.Amissed         B   missing        C    losing        D  lost

15.Afell            B   changed        C    grew         D   got

16.Adscriptions    B   causes       C    lists          D  reasons

17.Aheart          B   fingers        C   mind          D   arms

18.A home         B   at home        C     out         D   in

19.Asteaming       B  sretching     C   streaming     D  spreading

20.Alike it           B    way          C    how        D   the way


科目: 来源: 题型:

An excellent musician can not only sing songs wonderfully but also ______ songs and even play several kinds of musical instruments.

A. direct                B. compose          C. perform             D. act


科目: 来源: 题型:

Teaching as a career is          to many people owing to the long holidays.

A. popular                                      B. familiar

C. attractive                                D. fantastic


科目: 来源: 题型:

The southern part of Ireland was unwilling and        to form its own government.

A.broke out      B.broke up     C.broke away       D.broke off


科目: 来源: 题型:

________ the programme, they have to stay there for another two weeks.

A Not completing            B Not completed  

C Not having completed      D Having not completed


科目: 来源: 题型:

You had better     your diet rather than take the same things all the time.

A. vary              B. differ           C. change         D. transform


科目: 来源: 题型:

We hope that as many as possible _______ join us for the picnic tomorrow.

A. need B. must  C. should D. can


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Hi,Robert,Bob has come back from abroad.Let’s have a get-together this weekend,shall we?


A.It’s my pleasure         B.Great idea

C.It’s quite all right        D.It’s very kind of you


科目: 来源: 题型:

John is ______ European but doesn’t know or speak ______English language at all.

A. an,a         B. a,the        C.  the ,an         D. a,不填


科目: 来源: 题型:

It was when Asimov was eleven years old ________ his talent ________ writing became obvious.

A. when; for                 B. that; on                    C. that; for                   D. /; on

