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科目: 来源: 题型:

 Doctors warn people that one may develop skin cancer with his skin ______ to the sun too much.

A. exposes   B. exposing   C. exposed  D. being exposed


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Sorry, I can’t help ___________ the MP3 for you this month, for my money __________.

      A. buying; has run out                               B. buy; has run out

      C. buying; has been run out                      D. buy; has been run out


科目: 来源: 题型:

 He quickly became ____ to TV soap operas.

A. accustoming             B. ashamed            C. addicted            D. accomplished


科目: 来源: 题型:

—What if our demand for more free time to learn by ourselves is not _________ by the school authority?

—Hold on to it until we succeed.

A. approved   B. arranged   C. applied   D. assisted


科目: 来源: 题型:

 It was not until I got home _____ that I had left my keys in the office.

A. before I found    B. when I found    C. did I found    D. that I found


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Lily was in ____ disturbed state of mind. How could she keep what you said in ____ mind?

A. /; the         B. a; /           C. the; the         D. /; /


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Everyone has an experience they would rather forget. Some are embarrassing, some are moving, and some teach us a lesson. Here is a story of mine.

Last Sunday I went fishing. After setting up my fishing rod(钓鱼竿) with bait(鱼饵), I sat down on the bank of the lake. But two hours later, I didn’t catch any fish. I got very angry and began to pack up my stuff, preparing to go back home.

Just then, I saw an old man sitting near me. To my surprise, his basket was full of fish, so I went over to him, wanting to know why. “Excuse me, but how long have you sat here?” I asked. “About four hours,” he answered. “Four hours?” I could not believe my ears. “Yes. It’s very important to be patient,” the old man said. “Don’t consider fishing a tiring sport. Just enjoy it.” Suddenly, I understand what he said. I must learn to be patient. Then I sat there and waited for fish patiently. I felt a fish touch the bait, but I didn’t move and waited for the right moment to reel it in(卷收钓鱼线). At last, I caught it. This made me very happy. In the following six hours, I caught over 10 fish.

On my way home, I thought what had happened on the bank. I gradually realized that the secret of success was patience.


科目: 来源: 题型:









科目: 来源: 题型:



James’ grandfather wrote to help James q  76     smoking. James’ grandfather once became a   77    to cigarettes in three ways. His body was a   78    to having nicotine. He began to do it    79    (自动地) and became    80     (心理上) interested. But he finally managed to stop when realizing the harmful effects of it.


The a   81    of scientists towards the rise is completely different. On the one hand, Dr Foster thinks that the trend which increases the temperature by 5 degrees would be a    82     (大灾难). On the other hand, George Hambley, who is o    83     to this view, predicts that any warming will be    84     (温和的) with few bad environmental c    85   


科目: 来源: 题型:


The air we breathe is freely available, without    66    we could not survive more than a few minutes. For the most part, air is available to everyone, and everyone needs it. Some people use the air to sustain them while    67    (sit) around and feel sorry for themselves.    68    breathe in the air and use the energy it provides to make    69    magnificent life. Opportunity is    70    the same way; it is everywhere. It is so freely available that we take it for granted. Yet opportunity alone is not enough to create success; it must   71   (seize) and acted upon in order to have value.    72    many people are so anxious to “get in” on a “ground floor opportunity”, as if the opportunity will do all the work that’s   73    (possible). Just as you need air to breathe, you need opportunity to succeed. However, it takes more than just breathing in the fresh air of opportunity. You must make use of it. That’s not up to the opportunity; that’s up to you.    74    doesn’t matter what “floor” the opportunity is on, but    75    matters is what you do with it.

