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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A. B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It was a cold, wet day when 14?-year-?old Wasana Sanjeewa reached St. Anthony's College. Waiting __31__ his classroom for his classmates to arrive, Wasana looked at the __32__. Then he noticed enormous amounts of rainwater flowing down the hill behind the classroom. For a few minutes, Wasana _33__ the water, wondering why it looked so __34__.

Then it hit him — the scene was similar to the slides he was shown during Disaster Management classes.

__35__ an approaching disaster, Wasana swung into action. “Run, run, don't stay here! The rocks on the hill are going to fall on us!” he __36__ and all the students ran to the open area.Then Wasana ran over to __37__ Principal Nihal Gurauinghe what was happening.

After __38__ the hill, Gurauinghe knew the school was in trouble. He and some teachers __39__ to stop the waterflow, but they were too __40__: huge rocks fell down the hill with sand and mud, and the entire school was destroyed.

When Wasana __41__ home later that day, his white uniform covered in mud, he got the __42___ from his mother. He tried to explain that he had __43__ two hundred schoolmates __44__ she didn't believe him.

His mother __45__ realized he was telling the truth when she saw a TV report about the __46__. Filled with pride, she hugged Wasana and said that he was indeed a __47__.

No one was hurt in the incident because of Wasana's __48__ action and careful observation.

“Wasana's action __49__ us that sometimes we cannot wait until something happens before we take action. It __50___ be too late by then,” Gurauinghe said.

31. A. inside     B. behind     C. outside    D. over

32. A. sun      B. rain      C. snow     D. fog

33 A. pointed at   B. decided on    C. kept on    D. stared at

34. A. familiar    B. special     C. fresh     D. random

35. A. Banning    B. Imagining    C. Predicting   D. Hearing

36. A. explained   B. shouted     C. concluded   D. whispered

37. A. ask      B. promise     C. tell      D. persuade

38. A. inspecting   B. describing    C. measuring    D. assessing

39. A. chose     B. tried      C. helped     D. agreed

40. A. late      B. mild      C. blank      D. anxious

41. A. missed    B. left       C. moved     D. returned

42. A. reward    B. blame      C. effect     D. faith

43. A. cured     B. fought      C. saved     D. guided

44. A. so      B. or       C. for       D. but

45. A. naturally    B. necessarily    C. completely   D. finally

46. A. adventure   B. disaster     C. failure     D. experience

47. A. loser     B. fool       C. hero      D. star

48. A. quiet     B. tough      C. quick     D. safe

49. A. taught     B. interested     C. warned    D. confused

50. A. might     B. has to       C. must     D. ought to


科目: 来源: 题型:

People who are infected with HIV are often looked down upon because social _____ against the disease runs so deep.

   A. preference      B. conflict     C. prejudice      D. status


科目: 来源: 题型:

 In human, there is a possibility of ____ such as fever and headaches if there is exposure to the virus.

   A. symptoms      B. circumstances     C. consequences     D. exhibitions


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Things like electronics, glass or other ____ objects are often packed with an appropriate protective material to prevent damage.

A. flexible       B. concrete      C. abnormal     D. fragile


科目: 来源: 题型:

Shortly after publication, the book became ____ because of the writer’s repeated use of the negative word "nigger" to refer to the black Americans.

   A. universal        B. conventional     C. controversial     D. skeptical


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Nearly 200 people entered the area ______ to mine diamonds in 2000, and eventually had to be driven off by the police.

A. irregularly      B. illegally      C. imperfectly      D. unusually


科目: 来源: 题型:

Hearing the fire alarm, she escaped____ from the office, leaving everything behind, including those important documents.

   A. in public     B. in panic     C. in relief      D. in particular


科目: 来源: 题型:

Unlike the fossil fuels of today, biofuels are renewable sources, which mean that they will not ____ easily.

A. come out      B. break out       C. turn out      D. run out


科目: 来源: 题型:

I really don't know how anyone can _____ your constant complaint; no wonder you have lost so many friends.

   A. come up with    B. end up with    C. put up with   D. keep up with


科目: 来源: 题型:

To _____ his position in the country, he appointed his close friend Henry as head of the troops.

   A. strengthen      B. sponsor      C. clarify       D. switch

