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科目: 来源: 题型:

—Did your sister pass the exam?  

—She failed and is in low spirits.

—I’m sorry for her.  


  A. Thank you B. You’re welcome C. I would think so D. Never mind


科目: 来源: 题型:







注意: 1.词数120左右;



Dear Editor ,

   As a student reader, I am writing to talk about the English textbooks published by your house…


科目: 来源: 题型:


As winter holiday are coming soon, my classmates are trying very hard to get train tickets to go to home. After make up my mind, I decided to stay in Shanghai where my university is. This is the first time that I spent the Festival away from home. My parents agreed to visit me, but I will have a different festival. When they came here, I will show them around my university and the city just as well. I have decided to buy them some nice gift. It will be the big surprise for them. Our parents have done a lot for me, and I think it is high time that I did something specially to express my thanks.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1. As economic systems have developed in our country, water pollution has been going____ ____ ____ ____. (变得更坏)

2. Secondly, we should do our best to ___ ___ _____ _____ ___ ____.(平衡水资源和工业发展)

3. Don’t ___ ____ ___ ____behind his or her back. (说别人坏话)

4. You should always____ ____ _____ that we are in a big family. (记住)

5. So we all like to attend her class though she_______ ______(缺乏经验).


科目: 来源: 题型:



1.Being a ________(钢琴家) became his dream since his childhood.

2. He has recovered much to the d________(高兴)of his friend.

3. Our hearts _________(流血)for the homeless people during this cold winter.

4. He's had three accidents in the past f________(两周).

5. He has__________(占据)the house without paying any rent since last year.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

How to Read a Book

Books can be your best friends. 71 They can introduce you the things you may never see… But do you know how to read them in order to get the fullest enjoyment possible? The following tips should help.

1. Find a book. Look in the library or in one of the large bookstores. You could also ask friends if you could have a book at their book shelves. Search the selves until you find a book that looks good.Read the first page to see how it reads, and the cover text on the back of the book, if it has any. 72

2. Buy or borrow it and take it home. Do not start to read it until you have the time. 73 And set aside time to do nothing else but read, as it can be, at times, suspenseful(悬疑的), exciting and relaxing.

3. Get comfortable on the couch. Have a lamp( 灯 ) behind you, lighting the area where you are reading. Make sure the television is off and that anything else that could distract you has been attended to. 74 __.

4. Start the book by turning the pages and really enjoy it. Do not think about anything else but what you are reading. Put yourself into the action or location in the story. Once you concentrate completely, it will be difficult to put the book down. And remember that reading is not running your eyes over a book. 75 However, if you need to read the book quickly, then you do not need to pay attention to every word.

A. If you are busy doing other things, you should wait until you have finished them.

B. Get warm if you are going to be sitting still for a few hours.

C. If you are already concentrating, then buy it or borrow it.

D. Try to imagine the story in your head.

E. They can take you to places that you may never go.

F. You should read it actively and enjoy it completely.

G. Otherwise, you will miss it.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A man accused of failing to return more than 700 children’s books to five different libraries in the county was released(释放)from prison after a book publisher agreed to post his bond (保释金) of $1,000. The publisher said, “There’s a story here. This is a man who loves books. He just can’t let go of them. He hasn’t stolen a single book. So what’s the crime? We think that Mr. Barush has a story to tell. We plan to publish his story.”

  When asked why he didn’t return the books, Mr. Barush said, “Well, how could I? They became family to me. I was afraid to return them, because I knew that kids or dogs would get hold of these books and chew them up, throw them around, tear the pages, spill soda on them, get jam and jelly on them, and drown them in the toilet.”

  He continued, “Books are people, too! They talk to you, they take care of you, and they enrich you with wisdom, humor and love. A book is a guest in my home. How could I kick it out? I repaired torn pages. I dusted them with a soft clean cloth. I turned their pages so they could breathe and get some fresh air.”

  “Every week I reorganized them on their shelves so they could meet new friends. My books were HAPPY books. You could tell just by looking at them. Now they’re all back in the library, on the lower shelves, on the floors, at the mercy of all those runny-nosed kids. I can hear them calling me! I need to rescue them. Excuse me. I have to go now.”

67. Why was the man put into prison?

A. Because the book publisher persuaded the police to do so.

B. Because he stole 700 children’s books from the five different libraries.

C. Because he refused to return the books that he had borrowed.

D. Because he wanted to publish his story.

68. How did the man treat books?

A. He treated them as real people.         B. He treated them as his own children.

C. He treated them as his furniture.        D. He treated them as his job.

69. Which one is not true according to what Mr. Barush said?

A. He always kicks the torn pages out.          B. A book is a guest

C. Books can enrich us.                   D. Books can take care of us.

70. What is mainly talked about in this passage?

A. A funny thief who loves stealing books.

B. A person who is crazy about books so he keeps stealing them from the library.

C. A person who may have some mental problems.

D. A person who refuses to return borrowed books and wants to look after them.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

What can you do?Here are some suggestions:

Switch the channel when negative thoughts appear. Self-talk(自我暗示)is not so obvious that we often don′t notice its effect on our mood and belief systems. Key things to notice are “if only” or “what if” statements:the former keeps you stuck in the past with regret, while the latter keeps you fearful of the future. There is nothing you can do about the past, and the future isn′t here yet,so stay in the present moment.

Recognize that actions always follow beliefs.You′ll find yourself behaving in ways that are consistent to your beliefs.So,start believing the best about yourself:act as if you believe that you′re a valuable and worthy person.

Develop positive self-talk rather than negative self-talk.Instead of always looking down upon yourself in your head,think of some things you actually like about yourself.What are your strengths? What are you good at? Instead of saying “I′ m a loser”,try saying,“I am capable./I′m good at…/I accept myself the way I am.”

Thinking poorly about ourselves gets us nowhere and is extremely self-limiting. Decide today to turn off the negative self-talk channel in your mind and develop your true potential.

63.From the first two paragraphs we learn that____________________.

A.lots of people have no sense of self-esteem

B.focusing on negative thoughts can lead to failure

C.negative thoughts will strengthen our sense of self-esteem

D.few people have negative thoughts and mental problems

64.The underlined word“wearing”in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_________________.

A.strengthening    B.protecting    C.weakening D.replacing

65.What do the suggestions in the text tell us?

A.Our beliefs always come after actions.

B.Positive self-talk does good to our mental health.

C.Looking down upon ourselves is a sign of modesty.

D.“What if” keeps you stuck in the past with regret.

66.The text encourages us to___________________.

A.get rid of negative thoughts         B.get anywhere we like

C.think highly of others             D.turn off self-talk TV channel


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       The breaking news of Mo Yan's Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday evening soon aroused public curiosity of the 57-year-old Chinese writer: Why was he favored by the Swedish Academy?

    Less than half an hour after the announcement from Stockholm,  Mo's works turned to “sold out" status at China's major online book sellers.

    One lucky buyer wrote in an online comment: "Rushed to purchase, but to my shame, I have not read any of his novels.”

    Although Mo was entitled one of the top China's literature awards before the Nobel Prize, he is not the most popular novelist in China, in either the book market or in reputation.

    Chinese media seemed to be shocked as some journalists were reported to be on their way overnight to Gaomi City of East China's Shandong Province, Mo's birthplace where he stayed with his family.

    Born in 1955 into a rural family, Mo dropped out of school and became a farmer when he was a teenager. He joined the army and devoted himself to writing. Mo's novels were translated into several languages.

    For more than a century, Nobel Prize has been regarded by the world as recognition to an individual or even a nation's cultural and scientific advances.

    “I think the reason why I could win the prize is that my works present lives with unique Chinese characteristics, and they also tell stones from a viewpoint of common human beings, which transcends(超越)differences of nations and races," Mo said on Thursday evening to Chinese journalists.

    Mo also said many folk arts originated from his hometown, such as paper cuts and traditional new year paintings, have inspired and influenced his novels.

    Mo's prize may give powerful encouragement to the country's writers as the more reflective of Chinese lives their works are, the more possible they arise as world literature.

59.From this passage we know that the news of Mo Yan's Nobel Prize in Literature was           .

     A.a shock to online booksellers

     B.curiosity to the Swedish Academy

      C.contrary to the belief of the Chinese media

     D.beyond the expectation of most Chinese people

60.The "one lucky buyer" mentioned in the third paragraph admitted that he _       

     A. had not yet read Mo Yan's novels          B. had written an online comment

     C. regretted not reading Mo Yan's Novels      D. failed to buy a copy of Mo Yan's novels

61.The underlined word "they" in the last paragraph refers to           .

    A. the Chinese writers                                                                      B.the Chinese writers' works

    C. the Chinese lives                                       D.Mo Yan's novels

62. What can we infer from this passage?

    A.Mo Yan will win another Nobel Prize in the near future.

     B.Folk arts originated from Mo Yan's hometown will also be awarded Nobel Prize.        .

    C.Nobel Prize will no longer regarded by the world as recognition to an individual.

    D.Mo Yan's success will encourage the Chinese writers to win more Nobel Prizes.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Princeton University


  Princeton offers two undergraduate degrees:the bachelor (学士) of arts (A. B. ) degree and the bachelor of science in engineering (B. S. E.) degree.

Academic Year

An academic year runs from September to late May and lasts two terms (fall and spring). A normal course load is four or five courses per term, although many students take extra courses.


  Princeton provides housing for all undergraduate students. Freshmen and second-year students are required to spend their first two years in one of five colleges. Each college has its own dining hall, common rooms and computer centers.

Fees and Expenses (Academic Year 2011-2012)

Tuition (学费): $29,910

Room and board: $ 8,387

Other expenses (books, telephone, etc.): $ 3,083

Total: $ 41,380

56.How many kinds of faculty members are there in Princeton University?

A.One            B.Two            C.Three              D.Four

57.In what way is Princeton University different from other American universities according to the text?

A.It has five colleges.

B.Its students are mainly undergraduates.

C.It provides housing for all undergraduate students.

D.All the faculty members at Princeton are expected to teach and research.

58.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Princeton offers two undergraduate degrees.

B.An academic year lasts about nine months in Princeton University.

C.Undergraduates should spend their first two years in one of five colleges.

D.It's about an hour's train ride from Princeton University to the north of New York City.

