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科目: 来源: 题型:

—How can you know so much about what’s going on in that country?
—I’ve got a friend living there who always keeps me _____.
A.informing                   B.to be informed
C.being informed               D.informed


科目: 来源: 题型:

If I________long enough to have a job,I would choose to be a doctor,________those AIDS patients.

A.had lived;helping                   B.should live;help

C.were to live;helping            D.should live;help


科目: 来源: 题型:

--- I cannot find Mr. Smith. Where did you meet him this morning?

--- It was in the hotel ____ he stayed.

      A. that      B. where     C. which      D. the one


科目: 来源: 题型:

My father never           the idea that money brings happiness.

 A.appeals to           B.subscribes to            C.applies to    D.contributes to


科目: 来源: 题型:

—How did you________the old valuable house?

—It used to be ________my uncle.He left it to me in his will.

A.take possession of;in possession of

B.take the possession of;in the possession of

C.take possession of;in the possession of

D.take the possession of;in possession of


科目: 来源: 题型:

The bus hit against a tree in the fog and________to the deep valley,with ten passengers killed and twenty wounded.

A.down did it roll    B.down rolled it

C.it down rolled         D.down it rolled


科目: 来源: 题型:

_____   economic, political and cultural differences, it is difficult for China and America to fully understand each other.

A.In spite of       B.Regardless of     C.On account of     D.In terms of


科目: 来源: 题型:

The education program________combining brain work with manual labor is being widely spread throughout the country.

A.to aim at               B.aims at

C.having aimed at                    D.aimed at


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management?

—If you make ____ most of the modern equipment, there will be ____ rise in production.

A.不填; 不填      B.the; a            C.不填; a    D.the; 不填


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



[1] For more than 40 years, robots have worked in factories, doing jobs too boring or too dangerous for humans.Now, new robots are starting to help humans at home and at work.

[2] It was an exciting night at the Detroit Symphony.A special guest was joining the band.The conductor stepped out onto the stage and lifted both arms to direct the musicians.They played a song called "The Impossible Dream".The audience was amazed.After all, ASIMO, the conductor, is only eight years old and four feet tall.It's just one of many robots being developed to perform tasks that humans usually perform.

[3] Japan has more robots than any other country.Four Out of every 10 worker robots are there.The Japanese government is spending millions of dollars building even more robots.Why the rush for more electronic helpers? More than one fifth of Japan's population is 65 or older, so there are not enough young people in the workforce.

[4] Many of Japan's robots are designed to interact with people.One Japanese hospital has three shiny robots that help out in the waiting room.They greet patients and give directions."Robots won't ever be doctors," says hospital spokesperson Naoya Narita."But they can be guides."

[5] Since the 1960s, robots have been doing jobs that are too boring or too dangerous for humans.Some stand for long hours in factories, packaging food or putting together cars.Others milk cows on farms all day long.However, these industrial robots don't look like humans.Now that robots are moving into our homes, many are starting to look more like us.Trevor Blackwell's company, Anybots, makes robots.He built a dishwashing robot called Monty.It is as tall as a person and has humanlike hands,

[6] Will the robots of the future look more like machines or people? Either way, Blackwell is happy to let them do the chores."I'd rather have a robot do dishes," he says.Wouldn't you?

