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科目: 来源: 题型:

The new country road is ___________ of the old one.

  A. twice the width  B. the width twice C. twice as the width  D. as twice the width


科目: 来源: 题型:

Tickets for the most popular ________, such as 100 m race and 4*100 m relay race, were sold out in just a few hours.

  A. events     B. incidents     C. affairs      D. accidents


科目: 来源: 题型:

---___________ but a miracle can save her now.

---God bless her!

 A. Nothing  B. Anything  C. Something  D. Everything


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Kathleen, __________ Mr. Heller is waiting for you outside.

---Just a second. I’m on _________ phone.

A. a; the   B. /;the    C. a; /     D. / ; /


科目: 来源: 题型:



1.语言是道硬门槛; 2.适应能力很重要; 3.兴趣爱好被看重; 4.要有社会责任感.


参考词汇:适应 adapt to

Dear Li Hua,





科目: 来源: 题型:






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

      2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Cathy,

       I’m writing to share my opinion on fashion with you, for I had just heard that you are disappointing because you can’t afford famous brands.

       I shall say that it is naturally for people to care about his appearance. And it is true that fashionable thing like clothes and shoes will make one more eye-catching. Therefore, I think it is really a waste of money to buy famous brands. Besides, it will also add the burden of your parents.

What’s more, beauty is just skin deep. There are many things in which can make you popular beside fashion. A great amount of knowledge and a warm heart will surely win other’s respect.

       As the saying goes, never judge the person by appearance. I do hope that you will remember the saying and be as happy as you used to be.




科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


     Improve your memory, improve your life

     Mark began to introduce the guest speaker to the audience, but then he paused in horror. ____71_____

     Barbara hid her jewelry when she went on vacation. When she came back, she couldn’t remember where she’d put it.

     ____72______. Most people have. But memory can be developed.

     First, relax. If you’re overanxious about remembering something, you’ll forget it. ____73____.Take a deep breath and tell yourself that you have all the time in the world to remember.

     Second, avoid being negative. If you keep telling yourself that your memory is bad, your mind will come to believe it and you won’t remember things. When you forget something, don’t say, “ Gee, I need to have my brain rewired(重装电线).”

    To improve your memory, you’ll need to take an active role. Like your body, your memory can be strengthened through exercise. ___74______ For example, if you’re learning a language, try to actively remember irregular verbs.

     You may also want to make associations, or links, between what you’re trying to remember and things you already know. For example, if you need to catch a plane at 2:00pm, you can imagine a plane in your mind and notice that it has two wings. ____75_______. 

A.Don’t worry.

B.He had forgotten her name.

C.Perhaps you’ve had experiences like these.

D.Look for opportunities to exercise your memory.

E.Jokes like this will have a negative effect on your memory.

F.You are now ten times more likely to remember the take-off time.

G.Relaxing will help improve your awareness and ability to concentrate.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Tracy Caulkins is known as the first American to set an American record and win an American title in each of four swimming strokes(泳姿): breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke, freestyle.

       Tracy Caulkins was born in Minnesota and lived in Iowa until she was six. She began swimming when she was eight, after the family had moved to Nashville, Tennessee. While unwilling at first to swim in cold water or get her face wet, she began to train in earnest (认真地) as her talent became clear. Though her father worked for the public schools, the family sent her to a private school when the public schools could not accommodate (适应) her training schedule.

       At age 13, Tracy Caulkins took part in the trials(选拔赛) for the 1976 Olympics, but did not make the team. She continued to win national and international titles, and was disappointed in 1980 when the U.S. didn’t attend the Moscow Olympics. She continued to train and compete.

       In 1981, Tracy Caulkins began college, graduating in 1985. In college, she continued competing and training, though she had slowed down from her peak (顶峰) years.

       Caulkins trained especially hard for the 1984 Olympics, and not only made the team, but was captain of the swim team and at Los Angeles, won three gold medals and was named Sportswoman of the Year by the U.S. Olympic Committee. After that she retired from swimming, and was a commentator (解说员) for swimming events as well as taking advantage of her fame to do business.

       Tracy Caulkins married Australian swimmer, Mark Stockwell, in 1991, their romance having begun at the 1984 Olympics when he jumped into a warm-up pool to introduce himself. They married in Nashville and moved to Australia, where they had three children. Caulkins continued to be professionally involved in sports.

67. Tracy Caulkins was sent to a private school because _____.

A. the schedule of the public school wasn’t suitable for her

B. her parents had to work in the school

C. her family had moved to Nashville, Tennessee

D. she showed strong interest in swimming

68. Which Olympic Games did Tracy Caulkins attend?

A. The 1976 Olympic Games.              B. The 1980 Olympic Games.

C. The 1984 Olympic Games.                     D. The 1992 Olympic Games.

69. Give the correct order of the following events in Tracy Caulkins’ life.

a. She was named Sportswoman of the Year.

b. She became a commentator.

c. She got married.

d. She went to college.

e. She attended the Olympics.

A. d; e; a; b; c     B. d; e; c; b; a              C. d; a; e; c; b            D. d; e; a; c; b

70. When was Tracy Caulkins born?

A. In 1963             B In 1953              C In 1960              D Not mentioned


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Bungee jumping is an activity about jumping from a tall structure while connected to a large elastic cord(有弹性的绳子). The tall structure is usually a fixed object, such as a building, bridge or crane; but it is also possible to jump from a movable object, such as a hot-air balloon or helicopter, that has the ability to stay over one place on the ground; fixed-wing aircraft are unsuitable because they only stay high when moving quickly forward.

       When the person jumps, the cord stretches to absorb (吸收)the energy of the fall, then the jumper flies upwards again as the cord jumps back. The jumper oscillates(摆动)up and down until all the energy is used up.

       The word bungee first appeared around 1930 and was the name for a rubber eraser. The first modern bungee jumps were made on 1 April 1979 from the 250-foot Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, by David Kirk, Chris Baker and Alan Weston of the Dangerous Sports Club. The jumpers continued with jumps in the US from the Golden Gate and Royal Gorge bridges, spreading the concept worldwide. By 1982 they were jumping from mobile cranes and hot-air balloons. Later they put on commercial(商业的)shows, which began in 1986.

       As with any sport, injuries can still happen, and there have been deaths. A relatively common mistake in the cases that may cause death is to use a cord that is too long. The cord should be fully shorter than the height of the jumping place to allow it room to jumper either starts to slow down or keeps speeding up depending upon the speed of falling.

63.   Which of the following is NOT suitable for bungee jumping?

A. The fixed-wing aircraft      B. The helicopter   

C The hot-air balloon             D The mobile crane      

64. In the second paragraph, the author tells_________________.

A who suits bungee jumping                              B the principle of bungee jumping

C. the material used for bungee jumping              D the danger of bungee jumping

65. According to the last paragraph, the safety of the jumpers depends mainly on________.

A the weight of the jumper           B the height of the jumping place

C the length of the cord               D the speed of the falling

66. The purpose of writing this passage is to__________.

A teach people how to carry out a bungee jumping

B remind people of the danger of bungee jumping

C advise people not to take the risk of bungee jumping

D introduce some knowledge about bungee jumping


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Ice Hotel Quebec, located 30 minutes west of Downtown Quebec City, Canada, is only open during the winter season. The hotel is made entirely of ice. The two galleries at the Ice Hotel Quebec feature events such as ice painting and ice sculpture(冰雕) competitions.

       Things to Do

       Guests have a choice of different winter vacation activities, including cross-country skiing, ice skating, dog sledding (狗拉雪橇), ice fishing and sliding(滑行). Ice Hotel Quebec has a sauna( 桑拿浴),so remember to pack your bathing suit.

       Rooms & Suites(套房)

       The hotel offers 18 rooms and 14 theme suites built from 12,000 tons of snow and 400 tons of ice. The walls at Ice Hotel Quebec are four feet thick and allow the hotel to keep a temperature of -2℃ to -5℃.

       The furniture at the hotel is made of snow and ice, including the beds. The beds are equipped with a thick foam mattress(泡沫床垫)and an extra thick sleeping bag. That is enough to prevent you from catching a cold.

       Vacation Tip

       Ice Hotel Quebec offers 30-minute guided public tours daily from 10:30am to 4:30pm. It costs $15 CAD for adults, $7.5 for children (under eight), $13for students\seniors (above sixty), and $42 for families.

       Plan This Vacation

       Ice Hotel Quebec-Canada will be open for its sixth season from January 5th to April 1st. Costs for overnight stays start at $199CAD per person.

       If you’re looking for something really different to do on your next trip, think creatively and plan to visit the truly unusual Ice Hotel Quebec!

60. If you visit the Ice Hotel, you can enjoy the following EXCEPT___________.

       A. going fishing                           B. going skating    

       C. appreciating ice sculptures              D. holding an ice party

61. Sleeping is not a problem in the Ice Hotel because ____________.

       A. the rooms are made of ice        B. the temperature is as high as -2℃

       C. the sleeping bags are warm      D. the walls are four feet thick

62. If Mr. Smith attends a 30-minute public tour with his wife and seven-year-old twin sons, he should pay at least_________.

       A. $37.5 CAD        B. $45 CAD           C. $42CAD            D. $199 CAD

