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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Even while in a deep sleep, people can still learn brand new information. Sleepers soak in new associations between smells and sounds, knowledge that lingers(逗留) into the next waking day, researchers report online August 26 in Nature Neuroscience.

The new study is the first to show that entirely new information can get into the sleeping mind, says Anat Arzi of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. “The brain is not passive while you sleep. It’s quite active. You can do quite a lot of things while you are asleep.”

But the results don’t mean that Spanish vocabulary tapes now have a place on the nightstand. Researchers have tried but largely failed to find evidence that complicated information, such as new pairs of words, can make its way into the brain during sleep.

Instead of trying to teach people something complicated like a new language, Arzi and her colleagues relied on the sense of smell and hearing. As anyone who has walked by a dumpster(垃圾车) in July knows, smells can elicit a nose-jerk reaction. Catching a bad smell automatically makes people inhale(吸气)less, reducing the size of the inhale. But a scent of fresh bread causes a long, deep inhale. Arzi and her team took advantage of this reaction for their experiment.

As people slept in the laboratory, the researchers delivered pleasant scent, such as shampoo. As this nice smell got into the sleepers’ noses, the researchers played a particular music. Later, a disgusting smell, such as rotten fish or carrion(腐肉), was paired with a different music. Neither the smell nor the sound woke people up. After just four exposures to the smell-music pair during a single night, the sleepers started to automatically respond to the tones without the accompanying smells, taking in bigger breaths when the shampoo-associated tone played and smaller breaths when played the sound linked to the rotten fish smell.
    This new learned association lingered into the next waking day, too. Even though the sleepers had no idea they had been exposed to smells or sounds, their behavior proved that their brain had actually learned something during sleep. As before, the shampoo sound stimulated a long, deep inhale, while the rotten fish tone caused more shallow breaths.

66. We can infer from the passage that            .

A. While sleeping, we can learn whatever we want to learn.    

B. We will increase the size of inhale if we catch a pleasant smell.   

C. The knowledge we learned while sleeping will be forgotten in the next waken day.     

D. when walking by a bakery, the fresh bread will cause a nose-jerk reaction.

67. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A. One can’t acquire complicated knowledge during the sleeping hours.     

B. Spanish vocabulary tapes now have a place on the nightstand.   

C. Researchers have tried to find evidence that the new words can be learned during sleep.    

D. Complicated information can make its way into the brain during sleep.

68. How do Arzi and her team do their research?

A. By giving instructions.                   B. By analyzing human brains.  

C. By following the guides of others.          D. By doing experiments.

69. What’s the topic of this passage?

A. Different tone signifies different meaning

B. Arzi and her team learned the tones while sleep  

C. Brain still learns while you sleep

D. Sleepers had no idea what they had learned

70. In which part of a website may this passage most likely appear?

A. Culture             B. Science                 C. History                 D. Economy


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Not long ago, if you wanted a high-end smartphone, you had to sign an agreement with a major wireless carrier(运营商) and play by their rules. That meant multi-year service agreements, expensive monthly bills and new fees. Now, Verizon is forcing even more expensive shared data plans on new consumers, and AT&T is preparing to promote similar plans.

Fortunately, these days you can avoid the big guys and still get some of the best smartphones with no agreement, and save money in the long run by paying a lower monthly bill.

Here are three of the best phones you can get without a traditional $70-and-up monthly bill. They’re not the only low-cost options, but all three are also currently available on major wireless carriers at a higher monthly price. Consider these alternatives if you’re on an individual plan and want to save some cash:

Unlocked Samsung Galaxy Nexus

with T-Mobile Value Plan

Samsung Galaxy S II

 with Ting

Apple iPhone 4S (16 GB)

with Virgin Mobile


4.65-inch display

(1280-by-720 resolution),

dual-core processor,

5-megapixel camera,

16 GB storage;

runs Android 4.1

4.5-inch display

(800-by-480 resolution),

dual-core processor,

8-megapixel camera,

16 GB storage;

runs Android 2.3

3.5-inch display

(960-by-640 resolution),

dual-core processor,

8-megapixel camera,

16 GB storage;

runs iOS 5

Phone Price


$435 (white model)


Service Cost

$45 per month for unlimited data (slowed down after 2 GB), 500 minutes, pay-per-text

$57 per month for 2 GB of data, 500 minutes, pay-per-text (estimated)

$35 per month for

unlimited data (slowed

down after 2.5 GB), 300

minutes and unlimited


Total Two-Year Cost


(Compare to $1830 on Verizon with 2GB of data and 450 minutes)


(Compare to $2,020 on AT&T with 450 minutes, unlimited data and text)


(Compare to $2,020 on A

T&T with 450 minutes,

unlimited data and text)

61. According to the passage, we can know “Verizon” and “Virgin Mobile” are names of         .

A. new consumers                             B. expensive smartphones

C. wireless carriers                            D. promoting plans

62. If you want a smartphone with a relatively bigger screen, you can choose          .

A. Apple iPhone 3                        B. Unlocked Samsung Galaxy Nexus        

C. Samsung Galaxy S II                  D. Apple iPhone 4S

63. The three best phones are the same in many ways except          .

①. the storage           ②. the operation system               ③. the resolution

④. the size of display    ⑤.the mega pixel of camera      ⑥. the processor

A. ①②③⑥           B. ①③④⑤    C. ②③④⑤     D. ②③⑤⑥

64. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Unlimited text is accessible to anyone who gets a Samsung Galaxy S II with Ting.      

B. Both T-Mobile and Ting are raising the prices of smartphone fees.     

C. Samsung Galaxy S II is the best phone for it is the most expensive one.     

D. Of the three best phones Apple iPhone 4S’ phone price is the highest.

65. Which is the cheapest choice if you want to keep a smartphone for 4 years?

A. Apple iPhone 4S with Virgin Mobile

B. Samsung Galaxy S II with Ting

C. Unlocked Samsung Galaxy Nexus with T-Mobile Value Plan

D. Apple iPhone 4S with AT&T


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A cold breeze was blowing across the Mutiusinazita valleys. I huddled close to the shelter of a large baobab tree in a useless attempt to escape the cold.

I was looking after a small herd of goats in the valley. An idea suddenly came to me and I decided to embark on an adventure in the sacred forest and hunt, leaving my goats in the valley.

I took my knobkerrie and small spear and entered the forest. For two hours I hunted and only managed to kill a small hare and two birds. I decided to check the goats.

Suddenly there was a terrific roar from the heart of the forest which resulted in every living creature escaping for life like a group of frightened children. As for me, I just stood rooted to the spot on which I was standing. A lion appeared from the trees. I was too terrified to escape for life or fall down. I just defecated and urinated on myself(大小便失禁) and my heart throbbed as if it was going to find its way out of my chest.

The lion stopped a few meters from me and I realized that it was a frightened lion which had eluded death by the gun of hunters. Some of my courage reduced, the fear screamed like the historical mad-man of London. I closed my eyes and waited for the fate of being eaten. But nothing happened. I opened my eyes fearfully and stared at what the lion was doing in amazement. The lion was fleeing from me as if the devil were after it. My scream had frightened it. I took to my heels as if Satan himself was after me with an edged fork. I will never forget that “adventure”. 

56. What do you think the author does according to the story?

A. hunter           B. shepherd boy            C. adventurer      D. wild animal protector

57. The underline phrase “embark on” in para.2 means           .

A. give in          B. make up                C. take off        D. engage in

58. When I heard the roar, I           .

A. was brave enough to scream at it.             B. was so frightened that I escaped at once

C. was terrified and fell down to the ground.      D. was too scared to move. 

59. What can we know about the frightened lion?

A. The lion let out a fear scream while fleeing.

B. The lion was followed by the devil named Satan.     

C. The lion was scared by the illegal hunters.

D. The lion ate all the goats in the valley.

60. We can infer from the passage that            .          

A. I was lucky enough to survive this adventure. B. I took off my heels when I met with the lion.      

C. I witnessed the devil running after the lion.    D. I killed a lion and two birds with a spear.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


A famous temple (which is also called Shaolin) in the center of China, Henan Province, has become a renowned cultural brand of Zhengzhou, the provincial capital. Wushu learning schools are booming in the area 36 the temple is located. The local government 37 these schools as a crucial part of local tourism 38 .

The film Shaolin Temple is 39 in the world in the late 1980s, 40 thousands of wushu fans from home and 41 to learn and practice it in the temple. In 42 years some wushu masters have 43 various kinds of wushu learning schools there, hoping to 44 traditional Chinese culture. Some reporters call the place "the largest wushu village in the world."

45 there are 83 such schools around the temple, 46 50 thousand people have been enrolled. Shaolin Hepo Wushu Learning School, the second largest in Zhengzhou, possesses 47 6,500 trainees, 1,100 of them 48 foreigners. They can also choose to 49 compulsory education there, making them practice martial arts 50 learn knowledge.

These schools 51 500 million yuan (US$63 million) in 2005. They give 8,000 martial arts performances every year, 52 300 thousand tourists. In the year 2006, the local government has decided to make these schools its key industry and planned  53 "a China's capital of martial arts" in the area.

On the other hand , the local government is 54 with some different voices. Some tourists complain that more effective measures be taken to educate people to 55 better habit of protecting the environment of the temple.

36.   A. which         B. that             C. where            D. when

37.   A. researches      B. regards          C . retells            D. reforms

38   A. company       B. firm            C . agriculture         D. industry

39.   A. popular        B. puzzled          C. powerful          D. refused

40.   A. avoiding        B.concentrating      C. allowing           D. attracting

41.   A. broadcast      B. broaden          C. abroad            D. board

42.   A. recent         B. recently          C.nowadays          D. meanwhile

43.   A. purchased      B. organized        C. bought            D. invited

44.   A. promise        B. struggle         C. protest            D. promote

45.   A. Curiously       B.Lastly           C. Currently         D. Cautiously

46.   A. and           B. so             C. but              D. or else

47.   A. add up to       B. up to          C. add to       D. addition to

48.   A. are            B. being          C. were              D. having

49.   A. accept        B. offer            C. provide           D. receive

50.   A. as well         B. so long as      C. as well as             D. in brief

51.   A. earned        B. owned         C. owed                D. invested

52.   A. attracted      B. drawing         C. drew       D. appearing

53.   A. to bury        B. constructing      C. to build              D. building

54.   A. forced         B. forcing          C. facing              D. faced

55.   A. inform         B. developing        C. forming              D. form


科目: 来源: 题型:

 — I’d rather have some wine, if you don’t mind.

       . Don’t forget you must drive.

A. Anything but that                           B. By all means

C. Take it easy                                     D. I won’t say no to this


科目: 来源: 题型:

Our bad living habits will destroy the earth. Only by changing     we live can we save the earth.

   A. that              B. what                 C. how                D. where 


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The plan was so shallow and impractical that no serious        was ever made to realise it.

A. practice              B. purpose            C. attempt               D. behavior


科目: 来源: 题型:

—I feel sleepy, John.

—Would you like me to        the driving for a while?

A. pick up        B. hold up                     C. look over            D. take over


科目: 来源: 题型:

Don’t be discouraged. Take things       they are and you will enjoy every day of your life.

A. where               B. as                  C. when                D. since


科目: 来源: 题型:

It was not until she took off her hat         I recognized her, the most beautiful lady in my college.

A. after           B. that                C. when                D. before

