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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


A. usual       B. graduating       C. give       D. shortcoming       E. hardly

F. schedule     G. made           H. Ever       I. that              J. organize 

I am Wang Kun.   71   since middle school, my sister and I have dreamed about taking a bike trip along the Mekong River. After   72   from college, we got the chance to make our dream come true. My sister planned our   73   for the trip. I am fond of my sister but she has a serious   74  . Sometimes she can be really stubborn. Once she has   75   up her mind, nothing can change it. Although she didn’t know the best way to get to places, she insisted that she

  76   the trip. I had to   77   in to her. My sister rode in front of me as   78  . We reached Tibet first. It was snowing and our legs were so heavy and cold   79   they felt like blocks of ice. However, it was great fun as we found ourselves cycling through clouds. Our next stop is Yunnan Province, where we can see our cousins. We can   80   wait to see them!


科目: 来源: 题型:


61. To be h_______, the only reason she married Sam was for his money.

62. The amber necklace is a real b________ at such a low price.

63. Women are paid the same as men for e_______ work nowadays.

64. If you think h_______ of someone or something, you think they are very good and you admire them.

65. In his opinion, the _______(设计)of the room was in the style popular in those days.

66. He was always telling j_______ and making people laugh.

67. After _______ (探索) the old part of town, there is a guided tour of the church.

68. He did not think she could _______ (认出) his car in the snow.

69. He’s never lied to me before, so I have no reason to _______ (怀疑) his word.

70. When she got up from the table, it was obviously the _______ (信号) for us to leave.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Apple has entered the textbook market. The tech giant(科技巨头) introduced iBooks textbooks a couple of weeks ago when it announced its iBooks 2 platform. They are digital books in many subjects taking in science, maths, history and geography.

Apple developed its iPad-based textbooks in conjunction with(连接)major textbook publishers. The company offers a collection of textbooks for high school students.

Apple says it offers a “new textbook experience” and suggests its iBooks textbooks are “the next chapter in learning”. It sounds like good news for pupils and students. Think of it. No more carrying heavy backpacks full of textbooks. Every textbook you require can be stored on your iPad. No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or give away.

Of course there’s a catch. You need to own an iPad and as you know, it is not cheap. You also need to buy digital textbooks, mostly priced each at $14.99 (94.74 yuan) or less. Textbook publishing was worth $ 8.7 billion in the US alone last year. And the rest, as they say, is history. Will Apple revolutionize learning? Will digital books take over completely in education? That remains to be seen.

57. What is the best title of the text?

  A. Apple Enters New Market            B. A Different Way of Learning

  C. Experience Digital Texbooks          D. Say Good-bye to Tradition

58. iBooks textbooks will do good to pupils and students because ________.

  A. they are free to get                 B. they are easy to carry

  C. they are ipad-based                    D. they are favorite gifts

59. The underlined words “a catch” in Paragraph 4 are closest in meaning to “________.”

  A. an advantage                B. a surprise

  C. a problem                   D. an order

60. What can we know from that last paragraph?

  A. iPad-based textbooks have changed our learning.

  B. Traditional textbooks will be replaced sooner or later.

  C. Apple has earned a lot from the textbook market.

  D. Digital books have disadvantages and advantages.


科目: 来源: 题型:

1. Get some pieces of paper that are cut into squares. Each Square is for writing

one letter only.

2. Write a letter on one square. For example, write “i.”

3. Next, take another two squares. Make a two-letter word which contains the

letter you have written, for example, “in” or “hi.” Put the new word (written on

the two squares) below the first square.

4. Then make a three-letter word which contains the two letters you have written.

Again, put the new word on the next line.

5. Keep making new words in the same way to build a “word house.” The person

who builds the highest word house in twenty minutes wins the game.

Gary is teaching his students to play a game called “Word House” in the English class. Here is the way to play the game:

54. What does a “word house” look like?




A                                         B

A                                     B

C                                      D

55. Which is true about the game?

   A. It is about spelling.                          

B. It is a computer game.

C. There have to be five people in the game.

D. Students have to write four words in twenty minutes.

56. Which of the following is the right order of playing the game?

   a. cut the paper into squares           

b. make a three-letter word which contains the two letters you’ve written

c. write a letter on one square

d. keep making new words in the same way

e. make a two-letter word and put it below the first square

A. a-b-c-d-e           B. a-c-e-b-d       C. d -c-e-b-a     D. e-b-c-d-a


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Newcastle, one of the fastest developing cities in the United Kingdom, is beginning to draw tourists from all corners of Europe. It’s said most visitors come here to see the famous soccer team play. The mood of the locals is often changed by the success or failures of the local team.

Newcastle’s most popular place is the Gate, which is in the center of the city and has many attractions including bars, restaurants, sports bars, pubs and so on. During a home game it becomes a real home to happiness.

Culture and local history lovers can make their dreams come true by taking one of the local city tour buses. They come and leave every few minutes and stop at all the important historical sites in the city. Also the seats and the environment on the buses are comfortable. It’s the best way to see the city without tiring yourself out or getting cold. Places such as the Hancock Museum and Millennium Bridge are must-see attractions. But be careful if you’re short of time. Newcastle is a big place, so you should be prepared to kill a few hours on one of these buses.

If you want to watch the local team play soccer in the St. James Park, remember to book a ticket as early as possible. The locals are crazy soccer fans, and you’ll find it hard to get a ticket if you don’t wait in the queue early.

As you can see, Newcastle is a fantastic city with so much to be offered and so many things to see. You’re sure to have a wonderful time here!                 

50. The purpose of the text is to ________.

A. advertise the local soccer team            B. encourage people to visit Newcastle

C. introduce the lifestyle in Newcastle     D. describe the long history of Newcastle

51. Most visitors come to Newcastle in order to ________.

A. watch its soccer team play           B. take the local tour buses

C. visit the Hancock Museum           D. have a big meal in restaurants

52. If you want to learn about the history and culture of Newcastle, you _______.

A. should go to the Gate         B. can go on a city tour

C. must visit St James Park       D. must drive your own car

53. The underlined word “They” in Para 3 refers to ______.

A. history lovers             B. local people

C. city tour buses             D. local soccer teams


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Lexi Peters, a 14-year-old girl in New York, loves hockey. She’s not only good at playing on her after-school team, but also at playing hockey video games. But when Peters played the popular NHL (National Hockey League) games made by Electronic Arts, something really bothered her. The virtual (虚拟的) character in the game could only be a boy — not a girl.

She didn’t think that was reasonable. There must be many girls playing hockey in the US. So she wrote a letter to Electronic Arts.

“Being represented by a man is unfair to women and girl hockey players,” Peters wrote. “Women’s hockey is a fast-growing sport. I am confident that I’m not the only woman interested in the opportunity to create herself in the game.”

Several weeks later, Peters received an unexpected e-mail from the senior producer for EA Sports’ NHL games, David Littman. “Hi, Lexi,” the e-mail began. “We agree with you!”

Electronic Arts said it would create a female player in the game. “I was thinking you could be the model,” Littman wrote. Peters almost couldn’t believe it. Later, she sent photos of herself taken at all different angles (角度).

And so, when Electronic Arts released the newest version of their game, NHL 12, this fall, Peters was the face of the female player. She can now skate with the NHL’s great players. “It’s strange at first, but you get used to it,” said Peters. “It’s really funny and cool.”

For Peters, there is also an important lesson that she will take with her the rest of her life. “If you have something to say, and you think it’s important, go for it!” she said.

46. What bothered Peters when playing NHL games?

A. There was no girl character in the game.

B. The characters were not real at all.

C. No girls would like to play the game.

D. It was not like playing real hockey games.

47. According to Peters’ letter, we can know that ________.

A. girls were not allowed to play hockey in the past

B. female players can be represented by men

C. boys don’t like to play hockey with girls

D. more and more girls are interested in hockey

48. What was David Littman’s opinion of Peters’ letter?

A. He ignored it.              B. He disliked it.

C. He agreed to it.             D. He voted against it.

49. Peters’ experience tells us that we should ________.

A. enjoy the fun of being a model

B. do what you think important to do

C. work hard to get used to any new situation

D. think about problems from different angles


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I’m Monty Don. Though I’m a host and writer now, I had an unhappy study experience actually. I changed  36 many times.

I first went to school at five. None of my teachers or classmates liked me because I always gave them a lot of trouble. I once put a worm in a girl’s pocket. When I was seven, I was asked to

37 the school. Then I was sent off to a boarding school. I missed my  38 very much at first; I didn’t want to leave once I returned home. Later I met a very  39 teacher, who cared for me and helped me with my study. He was also the first person to encourage me to act and write. At 13, I moved to Malvern College, but I was kicked out at 15 for  40 school rules. Then I went to another school where I failed my English A level. In fact, I didn’t like studying.

I finally  41 that life shouldn’t be like this. So I retook the exam and got an A grade. And more  42 , I made a decision: to go to college, so I began to  43 for the entrance exam. I finally passed the exam and went to Cambridge to read English. I met my wife there and I was

44 I made that decision, otherwise I wouldn’t have had a happy family. Looking back on what I’ve  45 , I come to know that if you devote yourself to it, nothing is impossible.

36. A. subjects             B. schools         C. jobs            D. goals

37. A. leave            B. join            C. visit            D. describe

38. A. friend             B. class           C. teacher          D. family

39. A. rude              B. terrible          C. good          D. hard

40. A. breaking          B. changing          C. keeping          D. following

41. A. guessed          B. wondered     C. remembered      D. realized

42. A. painfully           B. briefly          C. importantly      D. frequently

43. A. prepare            B. call              C. wait            D. hope

44. A. foolish            B. proud            C. glad           D. afraid

45. A. written            B. experienced        C. dreamed     D. concerned


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Might I have some more bread?

—Yes, _______.

  A. you should                            B. never mind          

  C. help yourself                            D. that’s right


科目: 来源: 题型:

 At present a special village _______ for the athletes from different countries to live in.

A. is built                                                        B. is being built             

C. builds                                                            D. is building


科目: 来源: 题型:

 —Timmy, it is raining heavily out. Shall we stop here?

—_______, we must finish this work today.

A. However                 B. Therefore                     C. Anyhow           D. Besides

