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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

      During the Second World War, there were about 250 British and French soldiers and airmen in a prison-of-war camp in Germany.As they had been imprisoned for so long, they had begun to write and perform plays and other shows.

     This particular prison camp wasn' t like many other camps, however.It was a very old castle, and there were lots of tunnels and secret passages the prisoners had found but their German guards had not.

     Since they had so much time, all of the acting lovers always managed to leam their lines by heart.The play they were going to perform on this occasion had been specially written to involve as many men as possible.Almost all of them were given parts to play and lines to leam so that many prisoners could gather on the stage at one time and hide easily from the audience.

     The curtain went up on the first scene to show a weakly-lit bar in Chicago in the 1920s.As the play progressed, more and more men came onto the stage.

     While three or four main characters were acting near the front of the stage, a crowd of the others stood and moved around the dimly-lit scenery behind.This was ideal because, while the play was going on, the prisoners were one by one climbing down a hole in the stage and crawling along a tunnel which led out under the border fence to escape into a small wood some 500 meters from the stage of the "theater".

     Fifty men left the stage through the hole during the performance, but the mass escape was unsuccessful.Most of the men were caught within a kilometer of the fence although two or three did manage to cover a few kilometers before they too were arrested.Although they failed in the escape, at least they enjoyed a certain amount of popularity with the other prisoners for a short time after their return.

60.This story mainly tells about _______.

       A.prisoners' long life in prison              B.an excellent play in a prison

       C.a fight against German guards                 D.an unsuccessful escape from a German prison

61.______made the prisoners write and perform plays and shows.

       A.Their hobbies                         B.The boring life in prison

       C.The war                                                                 D.The German guards in the prison

62.Why did almost all the prisoners take roles in one play?

       A.Because the play had so many characters.

    B.Because the stage was so large.

    C.Because they planned together to escape from the prison.

       D.Because it was great fun to have so many people in one play.

63.It can be learned from the text that ______.

       A.a fifth of the prisoners fled from the stage

       B.all the prisoners were able to cover over one mile before they were arrested

       C.a couple of prisoners escaped from the prison

       D.the weak light of the stage led to the prisoners' failure in the escape


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A Nepali teenager has designed a £23 solar panel(太阳能电池板)using human hair.

Milan Karki, who is 18 years old and lives in a village in rural Nepal, used human hair to replace silicon, which is a common but expensive material of solar panels.

   By using hair as a replacement, Karki said that solar panels can be produced for around £23, aprice tag that could be halved if they were mass-produced.

   The solar panel works because melanin, which gives hair black color, is light sensitive and can act as an electrical conductor.Karki was inspired to follow this route by a Stephen Kawking' s book, which explained how to create static (静电的) energy from hair.

The device that Karki has showed and proved is able to produce 9V or 18W of energy—plenty to charge a mobile phone.

"Half a kilo of hair can be bought for only £16 in Nepal and lasts a few months, while a pack of batteries would cost £50 and last a few nights, " according to The Daily Mail.

Karki and his four classmates firstly made the solar panel as an experiment but the teens are convinced it has wide applicability and commercial viability (可行性).

Karki has now sent out several devices to other districts near his home for testing.He said, "First I wanted to provide electricity for my home, then my village.Now I am thinking for the whole world."

56.What is special about Karki's solar panel?

  A.Karki' s solar panel has static energy.

  B.Karki uses a very expensive material in his solar panel.

  C.Karki puts man' s hair to use in his solar panel.

  D.Karki uses his solar panel to charge the cell phone.

57.Karki' s idea about designing his solar panel results from __   .

  A.his teacher's instruction

  B.a book written by a famous physicist

  C.his classmates' experiment

  D.a report in The Daily Mail

58.Karki' s attitude to the application of his solar panel is     .

  A.optimistic      B.uncertain    C.serious          D.negative

59.The text can probably be read in ______.

  A.an advertisement   B.a text book   C.a magazine       D.a newspaper


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Like a]l little children, my seven-year-old daughter gets scared sometimes when she is trying to go to sleep.If the wind is howling, her   36  can begin working overtime and she may see a (n)  37 in the shadows laughing in the wind.

This past Monday was one such night.  38 after I put her to bed, she came into my room crying that she was scared. She said she  39 the sound of a bad guy laughing and she was extremely afraid that  40 was going to get all of us. Her tears  41 my heart, and I held my daughter in my arms and assured her that nothing would happen to her. I walked her back into her room and  42 down beside her to continue to assure her that I would keep her safe.

“Yes, I know you will always  43 me, Daddy, but what about when you go to sleep?” she asked.

“Sweetheart,” I comforted her, “there are great angels all around this house, and they  44 sleep. They are here just to safeguard us. They can  45 any bad guy from getting in here.”

46 , Daddy, what about when the angels miss? I mean like when kids are kidnapped (绑架)or robbers  47 people’s houses – what about those  48 ?”

Her question struck m e – when did I start  49 questions like this? When did I begin not to consider the most obvious problems of our  50 ? I mean, I  51 problems every day but I am still very surprised by this  52 question.

I considered her question and realized there is no perfect  53 . And I drew my  54 and simply sated, “I don’t know, sweetheart.” I held her a little  55 , and I went back to my original answer, “I am with you.”

36.A.thought          B.imagination       C.idea            D.creation

37.A.picture          B.animal           C.tree            D.figure

38.A.Shortly          B.Long           C.Hardly          D.Quietly

39.A.ignored          B.made           C.heard           D.invited

40.A.anyone          B.nobody          C.someone         D.anybody

41.A.felt             B.cut             C.comforted       D.got

42.A.lay             B.laid             C.lied            D.slept

43.A.hold            B.watch           C.keep            D.protect

44.A.sometimes       B.never           C.often           D.always

45.A.catch           B.see             C.stop            D.observe

46.A.Thus           B.Then            C.So             D.But

47.A.break into        B.run into          C.come into        D.turn into

48.A.years           B.months          C.days            D.times

49.A.judging          B.asking           C.avoiding         D.causing

50.A.existence         B.workshop        C.memory         D.nature

51.A.point to          B.deal with         C.play with        D.stick to

52.A.hard            B.simple           C.stupid           D.clever

53.A.result           B.word           C.answer          D.exercise

54.A.breath           B.conclusion        C.attention         D.money

55.A.closer           B.further          C.higher           D.tighter


科目: 来源: 题型:

John and Mike are nice brothers.Their brotherhood would _______ the test of time.

       A.host                 B.prove                 C.stand                   D.support



科目: 来源: 题型:

To my sadness.I only had a little porridge _______ they had fine dishes.

       A.when                 B.while                   C.until                   D.why


科目: 来源: 题型:

His spoken English sounded perfect as though he _______ in the U.S.A.

       A.had studied          B.studied               C.studies              D.hay studied


科目: 来源: 题型:

When _______ with difficulties, the students turned to their teachers for help.

       A.to face                B.face                   C.faced                  D.having faced


科目: 来源: 题型:

I agree with most of what her lecture said, but I don' t agree with _______ she said.

    A.everything         B.something             C.anything                D.nothing


科目: 来源: 题型:

Hey, Dan, could you lend me a hand? My drawer_______open.

       A.mustn't             B.can’t              C.may not              D.won't


科目: 来源: 题型:

---Can I help you?

--- Yes.I bought a pair of shoes for my son.But they are _____ for him.Could you change them?

  A.too a bit small              B.a bit small too

  C.too small a bit                D.a bit too small

