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科目: 来源: 题型:

— The new couple didn’t invite us to their wedding.

— ______ I don’t care.

A. How come?   B. So what?   C. That sounds great.  D. I couldn’t agree more.


科目: 来源: 题型:

 — Look at my new watch. It cost me 100 dollars.

— Wow, it was a good ______.

   A. prize                B. agreement          C. income                     D. bargain


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Learning nobody was injured in the car accident, we all went home ______.

   A. in return           B. in common        C. in relief                    D. in charge


科目: 来源: 题型:

 — I have had my computer repaired.

— How much did they ______ you for repairing it?

A. charge                B. cost                  C. spend                       D. pay


科目: 来源: 题型:

 At the funny joke, we all ______ laughter.

A. burst out             B. broke up            C. burst into                 D. broke out


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The operation was ______ success, and now the patient is out of ______ danger.

A. /, a                            B. a, /                    C. a, the                       D. /, /


科目: 来源: 题型:



1 我们想在下周末组织一次户外活动(outing),但是李明改变注意并且坚持要求我们应在这个周末组织,我们只能做出让步。(change one’s mind/give in / insist that sb should do)

2 根据可靠的天气预报,本周末天气晴朗。(reliable/forecast)

3 李明已经说服他哥哥开车把我们送到那座山脚下,然后我们就可以搭建帐篷了。(persuade/put up)

4 我很喜欢户外活动,我向往这个活动已经很久了。(dream of/ be fond of)

5 我们决定在午夜时分搞一个篝火晚会(bonfire party),到时一定会很开心。(make up one’s mind)


1. 词数:100词左右

2. 用括号中所给的词

3. 行文连贯。


科目: 来源: 题型:

语法专项: 定语从句(用关系代词填空)(每空一词)

1.The man ________was driving too fast was a drunk.

2.This is one of the best films _______I have ever seen.

3.She failed the exam, ________made her parents very angry.

4. Her parents don't want to marry their daughter to a man _________ family is poor.

5. We’ll go to hear the famous singer about _______ we have often talked.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1.       We all have some ___________(缺点) and we should improve ourselves.

2.       Does environment___________(决定)one’s character?

3.       She refused to give the taxi___________(费用) because of the delay.

4.       Do you have any ______________(保险)on your car?

5.       What’s your _____________(态度) to this idea? Is it good or bad?

6.       Since Li Ming _________________ here, he has got along well with his neighbours. (settle)


7.       While_________( walk) the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.


8.       When people use words and ____________(express) different from the “standard language”,it is called a dialect.(当人们用不同于“标准语言”的词语和表达时,那就叫做方言。)

9.       Earthquakes are one of the most deadly natural________(灾难) in the world.

10.    More ________(避身处)for the homeless should be built in some big cities.

11.   _________(百万)of people watched the exciting football game , according to CCTV-5.

12.   As _______(照常,惯常), it rained on my birthday.

13.   ________they looked nearly everything was destroyed.


14.   we can __________(hard) wait to see them!(我们迫不及待地想要见到他们。)

15.   People began to wonder how long the disaster would____________(持续)。(人们开始纳闷,这场灾难还会持续多久)


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


A. www.games.sina.com.cn 

In this website you can find a lot of net games to play. You can play the games by yourself or with others through the net. Anyone who is fond of computer games will be fond of the website. He is sure to have a good time.

B. www.google.com

This website is very useful because it can help you search for different websites. You can type the names in it and then the website you hope to find will be shown at once. It is said that it contains more information than other search engines.

C. www.rongshuxia.com

This is a website for the literature lovers. The people who are fond of literature can read others’ works and they can also write what they want to. There are many different kinds of literature forms such as poems, novels and so on.

D. www.nba.com

    This is a website about American National Basketball Association, where you can find all the information about the NBA teams and the scores of basketball matches. If you are interested in basketball stars you can also find a lot of introduction about them.

E. www.rollingsone.com

This is a music website and you can find a lot of latest songs. The most interesting thing about this website is that you can even record your songs in the website and make others enjoy your voice! It’s marvelous, isn’t it?

F. www.ample.technology.com

The website represents many leading American and European manufacturers distributing the world’s most advanced devices, equipment and biochemical supplies into China. We specialize in the fields of biological engineering.


______66. Professor David is a Canadian but he is interested in the Chinese poems, especially

the Tang Poems.

______67. Susan is a basketball fan and she is eager to know the career of the famous star—Michael Jordan.

______68. Li Ming is tired of his study and he hopes to be relaxed for a moment. He doesn’t

think music is a good way of relaxation.

______69. Dickson is an engineer working in a large American company who wants to catch a

glimpse of the latest development of technology.

______70. Jeremy wants to find some information about a new sport.

