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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Nowadays,with the living standards improving fast,masses

of people own cars,         really benefits them a lot. But cars

76. __________

will give out more and more poisonous          (气体) that cause

77. __________

air pollution and it         great harm to the environment.

78. __________

Therefore,human beings are f        with an important task

79. __________

to take          (措施) to save the earth. The government should

80. __________

pass laws and limit the          of cars. Or we are encouraged to

81. __________

use environmentally friendly cars to r         the air pollution.

82. __________

After all, we have only one earth. If we keep          (忽略)

83. __________

the value of the environmental protection,we shall be p       

84. __________

sooner or later. So,we should make proper        of cars for the

85. __________

good of both the earth and human beings.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

You know her name,Maureen McGovern of course,but it is understandable if what you can think of when you reflect on her voice is that mournful song The Morning After from the movie The Poseidon Adventure (1972) or the equally We May Never Love Like This Again from the equally disaster-filled Towering Inferno (1974). Ms McGovern’s career took off with these recordings when she was in her early 20s,and both won Oscars for best song. Then she sort of disappeared.

At 62-although she says she prefers to give her age “in Celsius17”-Ms McGovern is sharing both her career rise-and-fall-and-rise story and a good bit about her personal life in this almost-solo(独唱)show,Two River Theater Company’s latest main stage production Carry It On. It’s an uneven but eventually satisfying mix of songs and anecdotes(轶事).

Ms. McGovern’s narration (叙述) seems forced and artificial at first,too,going on about “The Wizard of Oz”Emily Dickson,her childhood home in Ohio and her idols,(偶像) including Judy Collins and Mary Travers. It would have been nice if Philip Himberg,the director and the star’s co-author,could have forced a little more liveliness into these anecdotes. But Ms McGovern either eases into them or becomes carried away with memories of social activism. “ The 1960s sort of got stuck to me,”she says,and goes into Joni Mitchell’s classic Circle Game.

However,by the time she does the title number by Joan Baez,with a background of violent scenes from the civil rights movement,the audience is hers. In the best numbers,her voice is big,powerful and capable of crystal-clear notes with deep emotion.

Maya Ciarrocchi’s projection design is a remarkable part of the show. It’s not wildly creative,but the images are well chosen and artistically edited. Ms McGovvern sings The White Cliffs of Dover to a picture of her father in his World War II uniform. She sings When I’m 64 and Let It Be in front of a changing collage(拼贴画)of the Beatles in their youth.

72. Towering Inferno is the name of ______.

A. a singer               B. a director                  C. a song               D. a movie

73. We can learn from the first paragraph that Maureen McGovern ______.

A. has been successful in her whole life

B. only sang mournful songs from movies

C. came out successful when still very young

D. dropped from singing for winning Oscars for best singer

74. According to the passage,Maureen McGovern’s acting in “Carry It On ” is ______.

A. unnatural             B. attractive                  C. rough                D. boring

75. What’s the passage mainly about?

A. Maureen McGovern and her songs.

B. Maureen McGovern and her followers.

C. Maureen McGovern and her achievements.

D. Maureen McGovern and the Musical “Carry It On”.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“Don’t care”— so they say—fell into a goose-pond; and “I won’t” is likely to come to no better an end. At last,my grandmother tells me that was how the Miller had to quit his native town,and leave the tip of his nose behind him.

It all came of his being allowed to say “I won’t” when he was quite a little boy. His mother thought he looked pretty when he was pouting(撅嘴),and that willfulness gave him an air which distinguished him from other people’s children. And when she found out that his lower lip was becoming so big that it spoilt his beauty,and that his willfulness gained its way twice and stood in his way eight times out of ten,it was too late to change him.

Then she said,“ Dearest Abinadab,do be better-mannered ! ”

And he replied (as she had taught him),“I won’t.”

He always took what he could get,and would neither give nor give up to other people.

He quarreled with his friends till he had none left,and he quarreled with the tradesmen of the town till there was only one who would serve him,and this man offended him at last. “I’ll show you who’s master!” said the Miller. “ I won’t pay a penny of your bill-not a penny.” “ Sir ,” “ said the tradesman,“ my giving you offence now,is no just reason why you should refuse to pay for what you have had and been satisfied with. I must beg you to pay me at once.” “ I won’t,”said the Miller,“ and what I say I mean. I won’t. I tell you,I won’t.”

So the tradesman summoned (传唤) him before the justice,and the justice decided that he should pay the bill and the costs of the suit.

“I won’t,”said the Miller.

So they put him in prison,and in prison he would have remained if his mother had not paid the money to obtain his freedom. By and by she died,and left him her blessing and some very good advice,which would have been more useful if it had come earlier.

68. The underlined sentence in the first paragraph means “to say ‘I won’t ’ is ______.”

A. as good as to say ‘Don’t care’                 B. as bad as to say ‘Don’t care’

C. less good than to say ‘Don’t care’            D. much better than to say ‘Don’t care’

69. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

A. the mother died because the Miller was in prison

B. the Miller’s willfulness did more good than harm to his growth

C. the mother’s allowing the Miller to say “I won’t” badly influenced him

D. the Miller refused to pay the tradesman for being unsatisfied with the trade

70. The writer thinks the mother’s advice was ______.

A. late                     B. useless                     C. timely               D. honest

71. What will probably be talked about after the story?

A. How the Miller saved his trade.                 B. How the Miller started his new trade.

C. How the Miller offended his customers.    D. What made the Miller leave his native town.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A Smashing tradition: MIT Students Drop Piano

One of the highlights of the school year at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology only lasts a few seconds but has a big influence. Residents of an MIT dormitory dropped an upright piano from their roof on 26th April to celebrate the last day students can drop classes without having them appear on their college report.

About 200 onlookers watched as the piano crashed into a second piano,a baby grand,positioned on the ground six stories below for a better smash. People scrambled (争先恐后) for souvenir pieces-keys,hammers,strings and splinters. The tradition began in 1972 at the Baker House dormitory and has been observed irregularly until 2006 when it became an annual event.

Crafton Family Comes Back Home after 7 Years at Sea

While most of us will love to go on a vacation for a week or two on a small private sailboat,without doubt,spending seven precious years on sea is something most of us will never imagine or dare to do. However,that is what an American family has done. Tom Crafton and Kathy Crafton along with their three children have traveled across the world on their 43-foot sailboat named Nueva Vida. Over the past seven years the family had sailed 30,000 miles and visited more than 20 different countries. The family has recently come back to their homeland.


Living in the limelight(聚光灯)can be difficult but as these splendid pictures show for one bear the tourist train never stops. This arctic animal loves nothing more than an audience and will even climb out of his snowy bed to give the crowd a wave. The funny poses(姿态) of the friendly polar bear were caught on camera by Swedish photographer,Hams Strand.

64. Which of the following is true about the first incident?

A. The typical style of celebration has been kept alive every year since1972.

B. Another small piano on the ground is meant to hold the falling one.

C. The students dropped the piano in celebration of their graduation.

D. The tradition became an annual event for MIT students in 2006.

65. The writer thinks Crafton family’s seven-year sailing is          .

A. unusual               B. strange                     C. common                  D. doubtful

66. What would be the best subtitle(小标题) for the third incident?

A. The Limelight Makes Polar Bear Live Hard

B. Splendid Pictures of Polar Bear Attract Tourists

C. The Tourist Train Would Stop without Polar Bear

D. Polar Bear Says Hello to Tourists with a Friendly Wave

67. The passage is probably taken out of ______.

A. a novel                B. a magazine                C. a diary                            D. a report


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Our culture teaches us that being busy equals happiness. We are socialized to believe that filling our days keeps us content. However,being busy has negative consequences. Being busy allows us to escape our lives and set aside our problems. We never have the opportunity to confront our fears or examine the desires of our hearts. We never learn the joy and peace of free time to just be alive.

Since I have accepted a second job coaching basketball for the winter months,I realized the need to re-prioritize(重新设定重心)again. I am looking at what I can delete from my life during these months so I still have time to relax and still.

If you can’t find time for yourself and be with those you love,then it’s time for you to prioritize again. Figure out what really is important and delete the rest. Then you will have time to enjoy life,your family,and friends.

I am pretty fortunate to have a job where I make my own schedule. This means for the most part,I set the days and times I go into church for work. By setting my own schedule,I can work during my peak productivity times. The times I traditionally am not quite with it (mornings) I can spend being still.

If you don’t make your own schedule,think about approaching your boss to change it. Maybe you can come in an hour earlier or later,you will never know unless you ask. If it’s impossible,take full advantage of your days off to balance your time.

Finally,the most important way I break free from being busy is devoting time each day for me. This means every day I have an hour to spend just being. I turn off technology and escape with prayer and meditation.

Some days,I will go for a walk or bike ride. These times give me the opportunity to search my heart and face up to feelings I may have. This time reminds me of what is more to life than filling our days with meaningless activities. Life is about experiencing the people and world around you. Take the time to slow down and enjoy life.

60. The underlined word “confront” in the first paragraph means “______”.

A. get into               B. suffer from               C. deal with                  D. come across

61. If you don’t make your schedule,you can ______.

A. try to ask your boss to change it               B. spend an hour just being alone

C. turn on technology to relax                             D. go for a walk or ride to search your heart

62. What would be the best title for this passage?

A. Being Alone                                           B. Being Busy

C. Filling Our Days                                     D. Breaking Free from Business

63. The writer writes this text mainly to ______.

A. change others’ cultural belief                    B. advise people to keep busy

C. encourage people to enjoy a simple life      D. tells about his(her) daily problems


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

What did the arrival of the Internet and 24 hours news mean for British newspaper? At first,this looked like the end of printed newspapers. The national newspapers were worried that they would lose all their readers,so most of them decided to create an online version. But they still had a problem. How to make money?

There was simply too much news and too much information freely available ‘out there’. But was it accurate? Whose opinions should we trust? A survey found 60% of UK adults think it is worth paying for a ‘good newspaper’,and most of those said that they believe more of what they read in paid-for newspapers.

Here was something newspapers understood—here was what they could offer: news plus comment and opinion.

And the Internet now offered new opportunities. A newspaper was just that: news printed on paper. But the Internet now offered newspapers different places to print,and in different media. Many newspapers now have podcasts(播客)and video too.

This may explain why the readership of newspapers online in the UK is very different from people who read printed newspapers.

The most popular newspaper in the UK is The Sun. It has a daily circulation of over three million and is the most popular newspaper written in English in the world. The ‘mid-market’ audience mainly reads The Daily Mailwhich sells 2.4 million copies. Of the ‘quality’ newspapers,the most popular is The Daily Telegraph,which sells around 850,000 copies,followed by The Times and The Guardian.

Online,it’s a different story. The most popular is The Mail,which has 2.3 million‘browsers’ (浏览者)every day. And the next most popular site is The Guardian,with 1.6 million browsers daily.

In fact,many of these browsers are not from the UK. The Mail and The Guardian are among the most read newspapers in the USA. The Guardian may become the largest English language paper on the web: a website with a newspaper attached!

56. Most of British newspapers decided to create a website because ______.

A. printed newspaper came to an end

B. foreign readers prefer British newspapers

C. they wanted to make money through the Internet

D. the Internet arrived with 24 hours news available

57. The underlined phrase “out there” in the second paragraph refers to “______” .

A. in the UK            B. on the Internet          C. in the USA         D. in printed newspapers

58. We can learn from the passage that ______.

A. people trust newspapers more than the Internet

B. British newspapers are never worried about money

C. there are no more printed newspapers in Britain

D. the most popular newspaper is attached to the most popular website

59. The passage mainly tells us ______.

A. how British newspapers made money

B. which newspapers are the most popular in the UK

C. how the arrival of the Internet influenced British newspapers

D. why American readers liked websites with a newspaper attached


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One afternoon,the high school boy Clay Jensen received a mysterious package with no return address. When he opened it,he was 36 to find seven tapes,which were 37 by Hannah Baker,his classmate who had committed suicide (自杀)two weeks earlier. Clay had secretly been in love with her but never had the 38 to tell her about it.

On the tapes,Hannah had 39 thirteen reasons for ending her own 40 and Clay was one of the reasons. Hannah had even left him a 41 marking places with dots for him to visit.

Clay walked out of his home and with her voice in his 42;he wandered all over the town trying to uncover the reasons why she felt her life had to end so tragically(悲剧地).

43 Hannah and Clay's story,American author Jay Asher wove(编织)a sad story of confusion and desperation in novel,Thirteen Reasons Why,which had 44 on The New York Times best-selling list for eight weeks.

As Clay anxiously 45 how he played a part in her suicide,he noticed how a number of little,seemingly unimportant 46 can add up to a terrible high school existence for someone else.

It 47 us all that sometimes when something is said or done to 48 another intentionally, it can have 49 effects and can even lead to other major events in that person’s life.

The theme of the story is that we are all 50 our own actions. Hannah admitted it was her

51 to end her life. However,if someone had 52 differently,she could have changed her decision.

53 it is an imaginary story,many of us will connect parts of Hannah’s high school career with something in our life and may 54 know someone showing warning signs of suicide. And

55 we can act and prevent such a tragedy.

36.  A. shocked         B. delighted         C. disturbed        D. excited

37.  A. brought         B. sent                     C. bought  D. recorded

38.  A. time            B. courage         C. atmosphere       D. mood

39.  A. stated           B. told            C. found           D. expressed

40.  A. love            B. schooling        C. life             D. story

41.  A. tape            B. map            C. note            D. number

42.  A. head            B. heart           C. face            D. ear

43.  A. In             B. For            C. Through         D. With

44.  A. left             B. stayed          C. kept            D. continued

45.  A. found out B. gave away C. made out D. thought about

46.  A. accidents        B. events          C. incidents         D. affairs

47.  A. informs         B. reminds         C. proves          D. indicates

48.  A. hurt            B. praise           C. damage         D. comfort

49   A. lasting          B. important        C. different        D. instant

50.  A. concerned about   B. careful of C. devoted to D. responsible for

51.  A. task            B. rule            C. choice          D. dream

52.  A. thought         B. replied          C. said            D. acted

53.  A. As though        B. Even though      C. In case          D. Now that

54.  A. even            B. also            C. still           D. ever

55.  A. thankfully        B. hopefully        C. equally          D. similarly


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The other day my brother drove his car down the street at ______ I thought was a dangerous speed.

A. as                              B. which                      C. where                      D. what


科目: 来源: 题型:

 China's top sports official said to the press that more favorable policies and financial support,in 2013,will be ______ for the development of football by the government.

A. provided                    B. supplied                    C. offered                     D. applied


科目: 来源: 题型:

 ______ with the theft,he was forced to leave the company.

A. Concerned                 B. Being concerned        C. Having concerned     D. Concerning

