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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


    My Mother’s Hands

   50 years ago, for some reason, I was not accepted by the school. However, it was my mum, who held my little hands and tried countless schools and managed to get me registered

   50 years later, the day after my mother had slipped into a coma from a stroke, I sat next to her, holding her hand, stroking it, watching her body heaved up and down as she breathed heavily, like she was struggling with something.

   A few days later. Mum died. At her bedside, I spent some time just looking at my mother, soaking in the finality of her death. There she was, my mother, motionless and lifeless. I took hold of her still warm but lifeless hand, holding it for the last time, recalling every piece of precious moment we spent together. . .

   I finally let go of her hand---1ifeless, yet having given so much life to so many of us---and placed it next to her body. I found myself saying silently to her the only words that came to my mind, “Goodbye Mum, thank you for everything.”

   Thank you, Mother, for not giving up, so that I could go to school. Thank you for coaching me, for reading to me, for ironing my school uniforms, for combing my hair, for tying my shoe laces, for making sure I had a little handkerchief inside my pocket…

   Rest in peace, Mother, you are still very much alive in us. Happy Mother's Day


   有人说, 因为上帝不能无处不在, 所以他创造了“母亲”。你的母亲是一位怎样的女性?请以“母亲”为主题写一篇记叙文, 结合自身的经历讲述母亲对你的爱或者她对你成长的影响。内容要点包括:

   1. 以约30个词概括以上短文内容。

   2. 然后以约120个词讲述母亲对你的爱或者她对你成长的影响, 并包括以下要点:





科目: 来源: 题型:

假设你叫李华,是新浪微博(sina microblog)的一名实名注册用户。最近你在网上看了一部经典的电影《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump),觉得很值得一看,并在微博中向广大博友推荐该部影片。


观看影片:《阿甘正传》;出品年份:1994年;主演:Tom Hanks,获六项奥斯卡大奖

内容介绍:阿甘(Forrest Gump)用乐观的态度,面对生活中不确定的因素带来的各种挑战和困难



建议:    博友们介绍几部自己最欣赏的电影,相互交流

转发(1154)| 收藏| 评论(950) 今天15:39 来自新浪微博



1.  向大家推荐这部制作于1994年的经典影片;

2.  推荐的理由;

3.  向博友们建议。

参考词汇: 奥斯卡Oscar


只能用5个句子表达全部内容。 开头已为你写好。




科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解



A. Sunworld Dynasty Hotel

   The signature crab feast thoughtfully prepared by our NO.1 Chef Chen Ruirong combines the essence of the centennial Zhejiang and Jiangsu cuisine culture with modern concepts of healthy eating. Guests can enjoy delicious crab prepared in classic style. For our more discerning guests Chef Chen is happy to use his exquisite techniques to create the dishes that answer your desires.

   For reservations or further information, please contact (8610)5816 8888 ext 8288

B. Grand Hotel Beijing

   The new year draws near and the Grand Hotel Beijing has been preparing its annual series of gift boxes. These traditional foods, including hand-made sausages, salted Beijing duck and varieties of Chinese bread, will give you and your loved ones a taste of pure old Beijing during the holiday festivities. With just a call, you can enjoy “ five-star” delicacies at home!

   For ordering please contact: (86-10)651300540 ext. 312 or 313

C. Grand Metropark Yuantong Hotel Beijing

   This impressive Western-style architecture has an old world interior with traditional Chinese elements. Ideally situated on Financial Street, it is convenient to the subway and other public transportation, with the Mei Lanfang Theater nearby and several business districts within walking distance. An enterprise of the Beijing Dadi Yuantong Group, this five-star hotel is managed by the CTS HK Metropark Hotels Management Co. Ltd.

   For reservations please contact: (86-10)66026688

D. Beijing Minzu Hotel

   Beijing Minzu Hotel is an ideal place for you to spend your Christmas Eve this year. The hotel will present a special holiday dinner steeped in “European Flavor” on December 24. Excellent French wine, classical music, festive decorations and elegant cuisine will leave you feeling jolly and warm on that wonderful night. And if you are lucky Santa might have some surprising gifts for you.

   For reservations please contact: (86-10)66014466 ext. 162or 163

E. Beijing Far East International Youth Hotel

  Beijing Far East International Youth Hotel, affiliated with the Beijing Tourism Group, is the first hotel in China to join the International Youth Hostels Federation. The hotel has 158 guestrooms that face into a typical Beijing courtyard. It ranks in the Top 10 of a list determined and compiled by Hostel.com on the basis of customer satisfaction, and was selected best Youth Hotel in 2006 by Hostelbookers.com. in addition, the hotel offers a very convenient location, only a few minutes walk to cultural and commercial districts such as Liu Li Chang, Tian’anmen Square, Qianmen, Dashilan and the Forbidden City.

  Website: www.fareastyh.com

  Tel : (86-10) 5195 8565 ext 8561

F. Hilton Beijing Wangfujing Hotel

  Currently the Hilton Beijing Wangfujing Hotel is sweetening the pot by granting a 50 percent discount on ice-cream, desserts and cakes sold on the premises.

  Guests have a wide range of choices: on the first floor, delicious desserts and cakes can be enjoyed in repose and peace in the Library; special Macanese ice-cream can be savored in Vascoon restaurant on the fifth floor; and all can be topped off with a fine Martini in the Flames bar. The 50 percent discount also applies to those planning to enjoy that take-away cake in the comfort of home.

  Tel: (86-10) 5812 8888 ext 8411


36. Charlie, a college student from America, majors in medicine. He is fond of Chinese culture, especially the Chinese ancient buildings. So he’ll come to Beijing alone. Without any friends or relatives in Beijing, he has to find a good hotel according to the information given in magazines.

37. Daisy is a sweet food lover, She is a foreign student studying in Beijing university. She

likes the university very much except for its food. So she always eats outside or takes food back from outside. She enjoys reading “ CHINA TODAY ” to get latest information and discount information about food.

38. David is a businessman from England. When free he enjoys going to theaters. Recently he is very interested in learning the financial information about developing countries. He has been to many countries. This month he’ll come to China to investigate the market situation.

39. Laura has to stay in Beijing owing to her project in China for a whole year, but she felt it a nice thing to have an opportunity to spend the new year festival here. She’d like to take some Chinese traditional foods to meet the need of her family.

40. Johnson is an epicure. Crab is his favorite. He will catch every chance to taste special, different and traditional foods all over the world. Chinese cuisine culture has made deep impression on him. So he thinks his visit to China this Summer will be a good expectation.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The most widespread fallacy(谬论)of all is that colds are caused by cold. They are not. They are caused by viruses passing on from person to person. You catch a cold by coming into contact, directly or indirectly, with someone who already has one. If cold causes colds, it would be reasonable to expect the Eskimos to suffer from them forever. But they do not. And in isolated arctic regions explorers have reported people are free from colds until they come into contact again with infected people from the outside world by way of packages and mails dropped from airplanes.

During the First World War soldiers who spent long periods in the trenches(战壕), cold and wet, showed no increased tendency to catch colds.

In the Second World War prisoners at the Auschwitz concentration camp, naked and starving, were astonished to find that they seldom had colds. At the Common Cold Research Unit in England, volunteers took part in experiments in which they gave themselves to the discomforts of being cold and wet for long stretches of time. After taking hot baths, they put on bathing suits, allowed themselves to be with cold water, and then stood about dripping wet in a drafty(通风良好的)room. Some wore wet socks all day while others exercised in the rain until close to exhaustion. Not one of the volunteers came down with a cold unless a cold virus was actually dropped in his nose.

If, then, cold and wet have nothing to do with catching colds, why are they more frequent in the winter?Despite the most pains-taking research, no one has yet found the answer. One explanation offered by scientists is that people tend to stay together indoors more in cold weather than at other times, and this makes it easier for cold viruses to be passed on.

31. The writer offered _______ examples to support his argument.      

A. 4                  B. 5                      C. 6                     D. 7

32. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The Eskimos suffer from colds from time to time.

B. Colds are not always caused by cold.

C. People suffer from colds just because they like to stay indoors.

D. A person may catch a cold by touching someone who already has one.

33. Arctic explorers may catch colds when they are _______.

A. working in the isolated arctic regions

B. writing reports in terribly cold weather

C. free from work in the isolated arctic regions

D. coming into touch again with the outside world

34. Volunteers taking part in the experiments in the Common Cold Research Unit _______.

A. suffered a lot                                                B. never caught colds

C. often caught colds                                         D. became very strong

35. The passage mainly discusses _______.

A. the experiments on the common cold        B. the fallacy about the common cold

C. the reason and the way people catch colds D. the continued spread of common colds


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Beijing, April 2----Starting from this year, the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau will begin to promote a home medical service. With this service a medical team which is made up of a doctor, a nurse and a medical health worker will be sent to some communities in the city. They will set up a medical filing recorder for every resident in community and publicize their contact information to them. If people in the community feel sick, they can consult their community doctor first. If community doctors cannot treat their illness, they will then be transferred to large hospitals. Liang Wan, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, made the statement last Friday .

  In addition ,the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau will set up some funds to train home medical service workers for families whose members suffer either from high blood pressure, diabetes,cerebral apoplexy , or coronary heart disease . The home medical service workers will remind patients to take pills on time and lead the patients to follow some health tips in their daily life. They will also learn some practical knowledge to save patients in case of an emergency .

The work will first begin in the medical service room in the 25 community centers and spread to all communities in Beijing. The disease prevention and control centers at various counties and districts in Beijing will be responsible for teaching community doctors and giving home medical service lectures, or advice . These workers will not be able to work until they pass related examination and obtain the work certificates. It is expected that by the end of this year, there will be 10000 home medical service workers in Beijing .

26. Where does a person go to see first if he gets sick according to the passage ?

A. The community clinics.          B. Large hospital .

C. Private clinic .         D. Small hospital .

27. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The medical team which is made up of a doctor, a nurse and a medical health worker will set up a medical filing record for every resident.

B. The home medical service workers not only give some healthy suggestions to the patients, but also learn practical knowledge about first aid.

C. Some funds will be provided by Beijing Municipal Health Bureau for home medical service training.

D. The government aims to offer the home medical service for free.

28. If you want to work as a home medical worker, you need to _____________.

A. receive the training about medical service.

B. pass related examinations.

C. obtain the work certificates.          

D. All the above.

29. What can we learn from the passage?

A. All communities in Beijing have started home medical service.

B. People in Beijing will not easily get ill.

C. Medical service in Beijing will be promoted greatly in the future.

D. The other cities in China should learn from Beijing.

30. The main purpose of the passage is __________

A. to introduce community service in Beijing.

B. to report home medical service available in Beijing.

C. to provide some efficient treatments for diseases in community.

D. to describe a special medical team in Beijing.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The house was quiet at 5 a.m. and Tim’s mother was asleep. Only the sound of the big freezer broke the quiet. He’d dreamt of the cave last night. The purring (轻微颤动声) of the freezer had been the sea.

Tim pulled on a sweater and put some apples into his schoolbag. It was too early for breakfast. He’d eat after he’d been through the cave, sitting on the rocks and staring at the sea.

He wished he had a proper pack. His schoolbag would have to do. What else? Sandwiches——but his mother might wake up if he started pulling out bread for sandwiches. She’d want to know why he had to leave so early. He settled for some biscuits, and left a note stuck at the table: Gone to Michael’s. Back tonight. Tim.

The sky was high and soft and light outside, though the sun still wasn’t up. Even the highway up the hill was quiet as he made his way down the street. The wind from the sea was fresh and sweet.

The sandhills still breathed heat from yesterday’s sun, though the top of the sand was cool. He ran down to the beach impatiently, but there was no one, just dry sand dancing in the early wind and seabirds marching up and down watching the waves.

The light changed suddenly. The first rays of sunlight stretched across the sea. The sun was pushing its way over the edge of the world. Over the first rocks, along to the point, Tim glanced back. The beach was still empty. The sun sailed higher in the sky.

He could see the cave now, even darker in the morning light. The sand turned silver then dark gold as the water flowed away from it. He had to force himself to go closer. Why was it so much more mysterious now? But it would be silly to go back now after so much trouble. He needn’t go in all the way…

21.What did Tim do at the beginning of the story?

A. He left the house quietly.             B. He had breakfast at home.

C. He left a note on the freezer.           D. He put a sweater in his schoolbag.

22. “He settled for some biscuits” (in Paragraph 3) means that Tim ______.

A. had to leave the biscuits on the table   

B. liked biscuits better than sandwiches

C. had to take biscuits instead of sandwiches 

D. could only find some biscuits in the kitchen

23. What made it possible for Tim to see the entry to the cave?

A. The height of the first rocks.            B. The ups and downs of the waves.

C. The change in the position of the sun.   D. The vast stretch of the sunlit beach.

24. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the story?

 A. The sea looked like a piece of gold.        B. Seabirds flew away when Tim arrived.

C. Tim was the only person on the beach.    

D. The sky got dark as Tim reached the cave.

25. In the story, Tim’s mood changed from ______.

A. loneliness to craziness               B. anxiousness to excitement

C. helplessness to happiness                      D. eagerness to nervousness



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When 7-year-old Warren Buffett said,“I will be the richest man one day,” his friends made fun of his “daydreaming”. But ever since then the little boy has set about learning how to make money by selling drinks, delivering newspapers and buying stocks. The American had already earned $9,000 (equal to $90,000 today) by the time he graduated from high school.

   And this month the 78-year-old man, who earned his fortune by making a lot of sound investment in the stock market, took the place of Microsoft founder, Bill Gates, as the world’s richest man. Gates’ worth declined $1.5 billion to $55.5 billion in 33 days after the recent financial storm, according to Forbes Magazine.

   Buffett, the only son of a stockbroker, was ready to think outside the box to develop his business from a very early age. At 8, he went to golf courses collecting and selling the used balls. At 11 when he sold soda pop door-to-door with a friend, the pair collected lids on streets to judge which flavor was the most popular.

   As a paper boy during high school, Buffett delivered two competitor papers, so that even when customers canceled one of the subscriptions, he could still make a profit from the other. With his paper delivery savings, Buffett bought 162,000 square meters of farmland and collected rent. Young Buffett stepped into the stock market at 11 but earned only $5. The experience taught him one of the virtues in investing, patience.

   After graduating from university, Buffett started his venture with stocks with his childhood earnings and money from friends. He researched the stocks and just bought those of solid companies that were undervalued and inexpensive at the time. By sticking to companies such as American Express and Coca-Cola, Buffett has become rich.

   “Learning is important to Buffett’s success. He is a learning machine who can spend his entire day reading. He keeps learning from books, street smarts and investigation, from both success and failure. In this way, he over-achieved his aptitude (能力).” said Charlie Munger, his longtime business partner. 

16. The passage is mainly about ___________.

A. why Buffett took the place of Bill Gates as the world’s richest man

B. what effect Buffett’s childhood experiences had on his success

C. how Buffett earned his fortune and achieved his aptitude

D. what Buffett dreamt about when he was a child

17. Which of the following is true about Buffett?

A. His worth is more than $ 55.5 billion now.

B. He is next to Bill Gates in wealth at the present time.

C He achieved great success on stepping into the stock market.

D He bought 162,000 square meters of farmland by selling soda pop.

18. How did Buffett behave at the stock market?

A. He often prefers some inexpensive stocks.

B. He will buy the stock whose price is lower than its value.

C. He always borrows money from his friends to buy stocks.

D. He will sell the stock if its price doesn’t go up.

19. Which is the main factor that determines Buffett’s success?

A.  His education.                   B. His family background.

C.  His desire to learn.                D. His cooperation with his partner.

20. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Buffett is an immediate success in the stock market.

B. Buffett and Gates are business partners.

C. His father helped him a lot in his business.

D. Buffett has a good sense of business.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


The story happened in Japan ___1___ a house was redecorated and the wall inside a room was removed. The inside of the wall was hollow. When the owner of the house removed the wall, he saw a gecko (壁虎) inside the wall. Its tail was pinned by a nail ___2___  (come) through the wall from outside.  

The owner was very curious why the gecko was still alive. Then the nail caught his eye. Goodness! It is the nail that was driven here ten years ago when the house was built! How amazing it is ___3___ the gecko to have lived in the wall in complete___4__  (dark) for ten years!

But on second thought, the curious house owner wondered how this gecko could live through 10 years with its tail __5_  (nail) down and being unable to go anywhere? So he tried to find out how this small creature could be fed. After a little while, there appeared another gecko with food in ___6  mouth! What a shocking scene! For ten years, this little gecko had never failed to feed the trapped one.

The story touched me so ___7  (deep) that it is useless to find out  __8  relationships they had between them. Parent __9   child ? Friends? Lovers? Brothers or sisters? __10  last thing we should do is to abandon your beloved in hardship.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Behind our house is the start of a fascinating trail (小径). This trail is one of the old roads that wind through untold miles of forest. My  1 , Beans, and I walk the trail frequently. Normally, Beans sniffs alongside the 2  to follow the smell of a deer track or 3 some cause known only to him.

  Beans is a white dog, quite handsome and very  4 . He not only understands what

we tell him, but also often makes sounds as if he were trying to  5 back.

  One morning, we took a different route, which led us to a(n)  6  trail. I was sure this trail would eventually lead us to our familiar  7  . But, no. We seemed to be far off course. After two hours, I suddenly realized that Beans probably  8   the way home. So I urged, "Beans, take me home." He ran down a new trail. But it merely led to an intersection (岔道口) of trails.

  Soon it became  9   that we were getting nowhere. I began to picture the rest of the day in the  10 , without food or drink. We had walked about ten miles. But Beans seemed totally  11 . The sniffing and exploring was going well for him.

  Finally, we  12 a crossroad near a highway. Lady Luck suggested I should turn left. We did and 13  reached a cottage beside a field. I knocked on the door and explained my situation to an old man. He laughed and then 14 us home.

  Since our adventure, I 15 that Beans probably knew all along how to get home.

He was just having too much fan exploring new trails.

1.   A. deer

B. dog

C. lady

D. man

2   A. route

B. road

C. trail

D. way

3.  A. imagine

B. consider

C. explore

D. present

4.  A. smart

B. sweet

C. slow

D. shy

5.   A. turn

B. kick

C. jump

D. speak

6   A. unfamiliar

B. similar

C. indifferent

D. changeable

7.   A. driveway

B. path

C. crossroad

D. highway

8.   A. knew

B. saw

C. showed

D. made

9.   A. mysterious

B. ridiculous

C. fascinating

D. apparent

10. A. house

B. forest

C. field

D. cottage

11. A. unconcerned

B. unconscious

C. undecided

D. uncomfortable

12. A. left for

B. went off

C. came to

D. drove toward

13 A. punctually

B. frequently

C. formally

D. shortly

14.  A. walked

B. drove

C. sent

D. carried

15. A. regretted

B. remembered

C. concluded

D. confirmed



科目: 来源: 题型:

假定你校学生会定于5月8日(星期日)参观郑州绿博园(Zhnegzhou Green Expo Garden)。 请根据下面表格内容,以学生会的名义用英语写一则通知。


早上7:00 在校门口集合,7:20乘公共汽车前往。












参考词汇:exhibition area展区; sign up报名; essay contest征文比赛

