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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Mr. and Mrs. White had two sons and three daughters.One Sunday,Mrs. White said to her husband,“The children don’t have any lessons today,and you’re free too.There’s a new funfair(游乐场)in the park.Let’s all go there to play. ”

   Her husband said,“I want to finish some work today. ” “Oh, forget it.Go there and make our children happy.That’s the most important work.” Mrs. White said.

   So Mr. and Mrs. White took their children to the funfair.Mr. White was forty-five years old, but he enjoyed the funfair more than his children. He hurried from one thing to another,and ate lots of sweets. One of the children said to her mother,“Dad is just like a small child,isn’t he, Mom?” Mrs. White didn’t want to follow her husband around any more at that time and answered,“He is even worse than a small child,Mary,because he might spend more money than a small child.”

56. There were ________ children in the White family.

A. two    B. three  C. four   D. five

57.One Sunday,Mr. and Mrs. White wanted to go to _______ with their children.

A.school  B. work  C. a funfair  D. a shop

58.Mr. White liked the place so much that he_______.

A.bought lots of sweets           B. followed his wife all the time

C.hurried from one thing to another   D. asked a lot of questions

59.From the story we know Mrs. White________ when Mary asked her the question.

A.was still excited to play          B. was a little angry with Mr. White

C.looked for Mr. White everywhere  D. ate a lot of sweets

60.Of all he family members,_________ enjoyed playing there most that Sunday.

A.Mr. White   B.Mrs. White   C. Mary   D. the boys



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

By choosing to let go of the past ,we can sweep out the ashes that weigh us down and subtly(细微地) affect every aspect of our health, our relationships ,and our peace of mind .

  My friend Jean was 36 after a thirty -year marriage that produced three daughters,one son and eight  37 .Because she had literally raised them single-handedly ,Jean was 38 that the children didn’t take her part  39 the divorce . For months she  40 to attend any family celebration to which her former husband Jim was also 41 . When I reasoned that her children’s perception of the  42 with and between the parents was probably altogether different from hers ,she   43  to the belief that she was right.

  One day Jean  44 in tears .“Saturday is my granddaughter’s birthday , and I 45 want to be with her , but I can’t bring myself to face my  46 husband .” “Jim isn’t the problem ,” I said gently . “It’s false  47 . Instead of holding on to the painful past , which is over and done , 48 the feelings go and get on with your life . You’re depriving yourself of the  49 of sharing in these important occasions , 50 Jim feels free to experience them. Tell me , would you rather be right ,or be happy?”

  That must have done the  51 because when Saturday arrived ,Jean appeared at her daughter’s  52 bearing her famous chocolate - chip cookies and a beautiful birthday cake .

  How  53 it feels to let go ! How energizing ! And the more we practice the art of letting go of all negativity , the better able we become to  54 our thoughts, our time , and our energy to living joy-fully in the present ,  55 age we happen to be .

36A.divorced       B.disappointed        C.surprised    D.tired

37.A.grandchildren     B.children           C.babies     D. girls

38.A.happy        B.comfortable         C.content     D.angry

39.A.during        B.before          C.after      D.over

40.A.liked        B.agreed       C.refused        D.wanted

41.A.invited        B.treated       C.attracted    D.tempted

42.A.relationship      B.idea        C.imagination   D. referred

43.A.appealed       B. turned       C.clung     D.referred

44.A.shouted        B.answered      C.asked     D.called

45.A.really         B. curiously       C.unhappily   D.painfully

46.A.now        B.pride        C.future     D.present

47.A.laughter        B.pride         C.fame     D.sadness

48.A.let         B.ask         C.drive      D.observe

49.A.pain         B.hunger         C.joy       D.hope

50.A.and         B.so          C.yet       D.while

51.A. favor        B. task         C.help       D . trick

52.A. home        B.school       C.office      D. company

53.A. great         B.terrible     C.funny      D . Well

54.A.spend         B.devote      C.offer          D .provide

55.A .however        B.whichever    C. whatever    D. whoever


科目: 来源: 题型:

-Do you mind if I open the window.

-     I feel a bit cold .

A. Of course not   B. I’d rather you didn’t   C. Go ahead   D. why not ?


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Lying in bed , I listened to the heavy rain        the window ,           .

    A. striking; worry     B. hitting ; worried    C.knocking; worrying   D. beating; worried


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I           to go for a walk , but someone called me and I couldn’t  get away.

A.was planning        B. planned          C. had planned      D. would  plan


科目: 来源: 题型:

 If you think that Rowan Atkinson is          his famous creation , then you are in for a       surprise. Which is wrong?

A. anything like       B.something like       C.anything of     D. nothing of


科目: 来源: 题型:

    in some countries in Shangdong province , the new method of farming resulted in a   marked rise in grain production.

  A.After trying    B.Tried    C.Being tried   D.Having tried     


科目: 来源: 题型:

I don’t know a lot of Italian , but I can      .

A.get by      B. get at    C.get to     D. get around


科目: 来源: 题型:

We        only         for about fifteen minutes when Jill asked me to stop the car .

A. were;driving      B. had ; driven     C. have;driven   D. had ; been driving


科目: 来源: 题型:

I lost my way in complete darkness and ,          matters worse , it began to rain.

A. to make         B.making       C. having made     D. made

