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科目: 来源: 题型:

 He is so busy. He cannot afford enough time with his son ______ he wants to.

A. even if                 B. as if                 C. because          D. before


科目: 来源: 题型:

 _______ you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the company.

A. When                  B. How                 C. What              D. That


科目: 来源: 题型:

 —Why are your eyes so red? You _______ have slept well last night.

—Yeah, I stayed up late writing a report.

A. can’t                   B. mustn’t           C. needn’t           D. won’t


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Read this story, ______ you will realize that not everything can be bought with money.

A. or                       B. and                 C. but                  D. so


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Hurry up, kids! The school bus ________ for us!

A. waits                   B. was waiting     C. waited             D. is waiting


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The traffic on the main streets has a longer green signal than ________ on the small ones.

A. one                    B. this                 C. that                 D. it


科目: 来源: 题型:

—I feel so nervous about the National English Speech Competition tomorrow.


A. I really envy you. B. Glad to hear that   C. Sounds great    D. Take it easy


科目: 来源: 题型:


We all know that“sticks and stones may break our bones”, but we should also be aware that words can hurt people, too.







科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


71. Knowing ______ reduces the risks of failure and it works like an insurance policy for your own ability. (do) 知道你正在干什么,能降低失败的风险,这就像给自己的能力买了份保险。

72. Not ______ my parents, I failed to go to a drama school, where my interest lay.

(persuade) 由于没有说服我父母,我没能上戏剧学校,而那才是我的兴趣所在。

73. The chief engineer together with his colleagues _____ new scientific methods of farming since five years ago. (look) 五年以来,总工程师和他的同事们一起一直在寻找新的科学农耕方法。

74. When I work on the farmland in the daytime, I always _____ to a tree on the riverbank. (keep)


75. As time is pressing, I think ___ is the best way to get from here to the conference centre. (take)


76. So fast ______ that we can hardly imagine its speed. (travel)


77. Through the course of my schooling, I met many teachers, two ______ me greatly. (influence)


78. I don’t often lose things, so I was quite surprised ______ my wallet and found it wasn’t there. (reach) 我不常丢东西,所以当我拿钱包却发现钱包不在时,大吃一惊。

79. It is reported in the newspaper that several new subway lines ______ in Wuhan. (build)


80. Most believe he _______ for England last week, but for a serious injury which put him out of football. (play)  多数人认为,要不是受了重伤而告别足球,上周他本会为英格兰踢球的。



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  A German study suggests that people who were too optimistic about their future actually faced greater risk of disability or death within 10 years than those pessimists who expected their future to be worse.

  The paper, published this March in Psychology and Aging, examined health and welfare surveys from roughly 40,000 Germans between ages 18 and 96. The surveys were conducted every year from 1993 to 2003.

  Survey respondents (受访者) were asked to estimate their present and future life satisfaction on a scale of 0 to 10, among other questions.

  The researchers found that young adults (age 18 to 39) routinely overestimated their future life satisfaction, while middle-aged adults (age 40 to 64) more accurately predicted how they would feel in the future. Adults of 65 and older, however, were far more likely to underestimate their future life satisfaction. Not only did they feel more satisfied than they thought they would, the older pessimists seemed to suffer a lower ratio (比率) of disability and death for the study period.

  “We observed that being too optimistic in predicting a better future than actually observed was associated with a greater risk of disability and a greater risk of death within the following decade,” wrote Frieder R. Lang, a professor at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

  Lang and his colleagues believed that people who were pessimistic about their future may be more careful about their actions than people who expected a rosy future.

  “Seeing a dark future may encourage positive evaluations of the actual self and may contribute to taking improved precautions (预防措施),” the authors wrote.

  Surprisingly, compared with those in poor health or who had low incomes, respondents who enjoyed good health or income were associated with expecting a greater decline. Also, the researchers said that higher income was related to a greater risk of disability.

  T  Pessimism gurantees chances of survival.he authors of the study noted that there were limitations to their conclusions. Illness, medical treatment and personal loss could also have driven health outcomes.

  However, the researchers said a pattern was clear. “We found that from early to late adulthood, individuals adapt their expectations of future life satisfaction from optimistic, to accurate, to pessimistic,” the authors concluded.

  67. According to the study, who made the most accurate prediction of their future life satisfaction?

  A. Optimistic adults.

  B. Middle-aged adults.

  C. Adults in poor health.

  D. Adults of lower income.

  68. Pessimism may be positive in some way because it causes people ______.

  A. to fully enjoy their present life

  B. to estimate their contribution accurately

  C. to take measures against potential risks

  D. to value health more highly than wealth

  69. How do people of higher income see their future?

  A. They will earn less money.

  B. They will become pessimistic.

  C. They will suffer mental illness.

  D. They will have less time to enjoy life.

  70. What is the clear conclusion of the study?

  A. Pessimism guarantees chances of survival.

  B. Good financial condition leads to good health.

  C. Medical treatment determines health outcomes.

  D. Expectations of future life satisfaction decline with age.


