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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

At a physics conference dinner with my husband Alex, I sat next to a man I'll call Clayton. Clayton kept talking about himself all through the entire conversation: he had solved problems no one else could; only his views were right; other researchers' work was inaccurate or unimportant. I could not put in a word. Extremely annoyed, I planned to avoid Clayton in that future. In fact, I decided never to have another conversation with him.

A few days later I was in an education class. Our professor explained how one child could become the target of the other students' ridicule(讥笑).

“Usually it's because the class sees their own weaknesses glaringly magnified(放大) in that student. They don't want to admit they have the same weakness, so they ridicule and exclude the student. The behavior of both the class and the excluded student is caused by personal insecurity.”

As I took notes, suddenly I thought of Clayton. It struck me that I have many of the same faults. How easily I rule a conversation and leave others out. I, too, sometimes feel that only my opinion is right. My concerns or work easily seems most important. As my professor had described, I reacted negatively to someone in whom I experienced my own weakness.

I changed my mind. Instead of avoiding Clayton, I'll try to listen patiently with the same kindness and acceptance that I need.

20.The writer was extremely annoyed with Clayton partly because ________.

A.he said not all his views were right

B.he wouldn't let her put in a word

C.he kept silent all through the dinner

D.he was too particular about the food

21.Who said the words in Paragraph 3?


B.The writer's husband.

C.The writer. 

D.The writer's professor.

22.The fourth paragraph was written to show ________.

A.why the writer changed her mind

B.how the writer was annoyed

C.when the writer had her education

D.what weakness the writer had

23.We can infer from the last paragraph that ________.

A.the writer will see other people more positively

B.Clayton will not rule a conversation any longer

C.the writer will try to avoid talking with Clayton

D.Clayton will find out he has his own weakness


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Who would have thought that millions of people would buy a product containing living insects?A businessman named Milton Levine did. He created the Uncle Milton Ant Farm more than half a century ago. Today, grandchildren of the first ant colony owners are watching ants working hard on the farm.Milton Levine was not trained in the study of insects, also known as entomology. But he knew a lot about ants, and he designed an appealing way to share his knowledge.

Mr Levine began his career as a maker of unusual toys after World War Ⅱ. He had returned to his birthplace in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,after serving in the United States military.He got the idea for his future career from a business newsletter, which suggested that the best chances for jobs at the time were in toys. He decided to make toys. They understood that American society was about to change. The huge population increase known as the Baby Boom was beginning. There would be a huge demand for children's toys.

One day, he saw ants parading around a swimming pool.The sight made Mr Levine remember how much he had liked watching ants as a boy on his uncle's farm. Those thoughts gave him the idea for the Uncle Milton Ant Farm.

Milton Levine developed a narrow, green plastic container. The top looked like a farm, showing a farmhouse, a barn, a bridge and a windmill(风车).Under those images was a divider that separated the ants' underground and above­ground areas.Under that was the sand where people could watch the ants digging passageways.

The first Uncle Milton Ant Farms were an immediate success.They were sold in 1956.Two years later,two million of the educational toys had been sold.

Through the years the toys continued to attract ant­watchers. People buy Uncle Milton Ant Farms from stores and order from websites. During his life, Mr Levine saw the sale of more than twenty million of his ant colonies.

The Uncle Milton Ant Farm tells far more than how to care for the ants. For example, people receiving an Uncle Milton Ant Farm learn that the little insects are strong. Some can carry loads fifty times heavier than they are. A writer remembers owning an Uncle Milton Ant Farm when he was about five years old.He says he became very good at numbers by counting the ants.

16.Which of the following words can best describe Milton Levine?

A.Strong.  B.Creative.

C.Loyal.  D.Humorous.

17.________ may be studied in the science of entomology.

A.Roses  B.Butterflies

C.Tigers  D.Sharks

18.Milton Levine got his idea from the following EXCEPT ________.

A.a business newsletter

B.the Baby Boom

C.ants parading

D.a farmhouse

19.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.How to care for the ants.

B.Ants are strong and diligent.

C.The Uncle Milton Ant Farm is more than a toy.

D.The Uncle Milton Ant Farm is very popular.


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Do you think living in the country has advantages?


A.Yes, perfectly  B.Yes, it is

C.Nothing at all  D.Well, that depends


科目: 来源: 题型:

Over the years she had tried her best to ________ the terrible memory, but it was not an easy task.

A.live on  B.block out

C.bring back  D.call up


科目: 来源: 题型:

There was a ________ quarrel between the husband and the wife;after that the wife left home and never came back.

A.sensitive  B.serious

C.violent  D.strict


科目: 来源: 题型:

Mum likes this old house in downtown better than the huge one in the country, but it costs almost________.

A.twice as much  B.twice as many

C.twice so much  D.twice so many


科目: 来源: 题型:

________ most children nowadays are the only children, they tend to be more self­centered.

A.Ever since  B.Now that

C.Only if  D.Even though


科目: 来源: 题型:

Getting more information on how to use these tools can ________ your chances of success.

A.raise  B.multiply

C.add  D.gain


科目: 来源: 题型:

________ a certain doubt among the workers as to the necessity of the work.

A.There existed  B.It existed

C.There had  D.It had


科目: 来源: 题型:

He didn't make ________ clear when and where the meeting would be held.

A.this  B.that  C.it  D.these

