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科目: 来源: 题型:

Fang Tong is 34 years old, an actor, director and teacher of Beijing Opera Theatre. Most of his students are 40.________ other parts of China and have come to Beijing at the very young 41.________ of sixteen or seventeen. He hopes to 42.________ (创造) an environment for his students that is much more relaxing 43.________ the one he used to study in. He thinks that an actor should relax 44.h________ when performing. Yet his students deeply 45.________ (尊重)him and he never needs to raise his voice in order to be 46.h________. In his 47.o________, actors should go on even when they feel they have made a 48.m________ in their performances because the moment is 49.a________ gone and people can never be back to it. So art is always changing and developing.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Global emissions(排放) of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning jumped by the largest amount on record in 2010. Emissions rose 5.9 percent in 2010, according to an analysis released on Sunday by the Global Carbon Project.

Scientists said the increase was almost certainly the largest absolute jump in any year since the Industrial Revolution. The increase solidified a trend of ever­rising emissions that will make it difficult, if not impossible, to stop severe climate change in coming decades.

The burning of coal represented more than half of the growth in emissions, the analysis found. In the United States, emissions dropped by a remarkable 7 percent in the year of 2009, but rose by over 4 percent in 2010, the new analysis shows.

“Each year, emissions go up, and there's another year of negotiations, another year of indecision,” said Glen P. Peters, a researcher at the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research. “There's no evidence that this path we've been following in the last 10 years is going to change.”

Scientists say the rapid growth of emissions is warming the Earth and putting human welfare at long­term risk. But their increasingly urgent pleas that society find a way to limit emissions have met sharp political resistance in many countries because doing so would involve higher energy costs.

The new figures show a continuation of a trend in which developing countries have surpassed(超过) the wealthy countries in their overall greenhouse emissions. In 2010, the burning of fossil fuels and the production of cement(水泥) sent more than nine billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere, the new analysis found, with 57 percent of that coming from developing countries.

On the surface, the figures of recent years suggest that wealthy countries have made headway in stabilizing their emissions. But Dr. Peters pointed out that, in a sense, the rich countries have simply exported some of them.

The fast rise in developing countries has been caused to a large extent by the growth of energy­intensive manufacturing industries that make goods that rich countries import. “All that has changed is the location in which the emissions are being produced,” Dr. Peters said.

Many countries, as part of their response to the economic crisis, invested billions in programs designed to make their energy systems greener. While it is possible, the new numbers suggest they have had little effect so far.

36.Many governments in the world resist limiting emissions because ________.

A.it is not the best way to solve such problems

B.they don't realize the risks of carbon emissions

C.it would probably harm human welfare in the long run

D.they are unwilling to accept higher energy costs

37.According to Glen P. Peters, we can learn that ________.

A.the rapid growth of emissions contributes to potential risks for humans

B.rich countries actually take more responsibility for the growth of emissions

C.human beings will follow the same path of negotiations in the next 10 years

D.some countries negotiate together yearly whether to reduce the amounts of emissions

38.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A.Emissions in the United States dropped by about 7 percent in 2010.

B.Developing countries will produce less emissions with economic development.

C.There is a long way to go for many countries to limit the fast growth of emissions.

D.Over 50 percent of the growth in emissions resulted from the burning of fossil fuels.

39.The text mainly talks about ________.

A.an analysis released by the Global Carbon Project

B.the record jump in carbon dioxide emissions

C.the possible climate change in future decades

D.the main harm of greenhouse gases


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Peter Brown,aged 41,is the manager of a club from Dover Heights.This Saturday he will lead a team of 5 members in an attempt to__16__the Simpson Desert on foot in 12 days.Only one team member has ever walked through the centre of the desert without any__17__,and it took him 17 days to complete the__18__.

Travelling 400 km and climbing more than 1,000 sand hills,each member will pull their__19__in a cart(车) weighing over 140 kg.They'll need to walk from before sunrise until after sunset to__20__the 33 km a day target.And the__21__will vary from 25℃ in the day to__22__zero at night.

Peter has led his club members on__23__challenges before but he said this was the most ambitious__24__.“We did the Kokoda Trail in just over 4 days last year and the year before,__25__money for World Vision,”he said.“It's__26__to see just how strong and how__27__focused people can be when they need to be.”

“We've taken on something much larger than we__28__,”he said.“We're fit,we train hard,but we're only training about 2 hours at a time;we're not used to__29__12 to 15 hours a day.”

Team member Geoff Robinson had never exercised__30__joining the club 9 months ago.

“This is going to be huge for him.Geoff__31__run 100 m when he started and he has__32__20 kg ever since then.”

The team is __33__ for the charity(慈善机构) Save the Children,and has already collected $11,000.The team has chosen the charity because of the __34__ it runs for remote Australia.“We really want to make sure we're giving __35__ meaningful back to this country.” Peter was proud.

16.A.enter  B.flee   C.cross  D.search

17.A.courage  B.support   C.water  D.food

18.A.journey  B.vacation

C.cause  D.competition

19.A.supplies  B.contents

C.collections  D.documents

20.A.make out  B.figure out

C.keep up  D.bring up

21.A.land  B.desert

C.weather  D.temperature

22.A.beyond  B.over   C.below  D.above

23.A.new  B.mild   C.little  D.similar

24.A.on average  B.at least

C.by far  D.in particular

25.A.raising  B.paying   C.saving  D.making

26.A.strange  B.interesting

C.natural  D.necessary

27.A.personally  B.generally

C.readily  D.mentally

28.A.explored  B.sought

C.contributed  D.realized

29.A.pushing  B.walking

C.testing  D.sleeping

30.A.before  B.after   C.until  D.since

31.A.mustn't  B.couldn't   C.shouldn't  D.wouldn't

32.A.lost  B.added  C.taken  D.carried

33.A.waiting  B.working  C.applying  D.paying

34.A.plays  B.engines

C.experiments  D.programmes

35.A.anything  B.everything

C.something  D.nothing


科目: 来源: 题型:

I desire to make friends with him, but________ I am worried that I can't get along well with him.

A. on the whole  B. on the other hand

C. as a matter of fact  D. first of all


科目: 来源: 题型:

If human beings had been a bit less greedy and cruel, more birds and animals ________ dying out.

A. ought to avoid  B. could have been avoided

C. should have avoided  D. might have avoided


科目: 来源: 题型:

All her energies are ________ upon her children and she seems to have little time for anything else.

A. aimed  B. concentrated

C. guided  D. directed


科目: 来源: 题型:

I am sure that the girl you are going to meet is more beautiful ________than in her picture.

A.in nature  B.in movement

C.in the flesh  D.in the mood


科目: 来源: 题型:

Maybe if I________science,and not literature then,I would be able to give you more help.

A.studied  B.would study

C.had studied  D.was studying


科目: 来源: 题型:

Taobao.com has begun selling tickets online for international flights, ________ to cut the market share of Ctrip.com and other competitors.

A. aiming  B. having aimed

C. to aim  D. being aimed


科目: 来源: 题型:

I'd like to start my own business—that's________I'd do if I had the money.

A.why  B.when  C.which  D.what

