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科目: 来源: 题型:

We desire that immediate help ________to the local villagers who have been trapped by the flood.

A.be given  B.will be given

C.should give  D.is given


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

On Easter Day 1722,some European explorers found a lonely island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They   1   it Easter Island. The explorers found that the island had good soil   2   the 200 natives living there survived with little food. Even more   3  , these people also lived among the ruins of what might have been a once great civilization. All that is left of it are around 800 giant stone statues   4   human heads. They   5   up to 270 tons and the tallest measures over 11 metres. The stone men face   6  , rather than out to sea, and their eyes are focused upon the sky. They are all carved from   7   volcanic rock (火山岩) and some have hats on their heads and eyes made from white coral. Since their   8  , these huge stone men   9   one of the greatest mysteries of all time. Who built them? Why did they do it? Some experts believe the stone men are   10   to Inca stonework, and suggest the figures were created by people of Peruvian descent (血统).   11   have even gone so far as to say that they came from outer space. The latest suggestion   12   the idea that Easter Island represents one of the worst cases of resource abuse in human history. It is said that a small group of Asians settled on Easter Island   13   between 400 and 700 AD. They developed a great civilization with huge forests and   14   food. At the peak of their civilization, the people began to build the giant   15   men. Why they did this is still   16   but it is possible the figures represent the settlers’ gods or ancestors.   17   the statues grew larger, the people’s lifestyles became more and more wasteful. The forest began to disappear, which   18   all the animals dying out.   19   couldn’t get food and were forced to eat other humans. Society began to   20   and the islanders themselves finally destroyed the stone men.

1. A. said              B. were called          C. named                D. spoke

2. A. and               B. but              C. however          D. still

3. A. surprise          B. surprised            C. surprising           D. surprisingly

4. A. looking           B. resembling           C. liking               D. standing for

5. A. weigh         B. lift             C. get              D. measure

6. A. forward           B. outward          C. onward           D. inward

7. A. broken            B. soft             C. hard             D. burnt

8. A. looking           B. invention            C. discovery            D. covering

9. A. have happened B. have led to          C. have taken place     D. have created

10. A. usual            B. common           C. familiar         D. similar

11. A. Another          B. Other                C. Others               D. Many

12. A. is focused on        B. is based on          C. is depended on       D. is concentrated on

13. A. some day     B. one day          C. sometime         D. once

14. A. plenty of        B. number of            C. much of          D. amount of

15. A. clever           B. stone                C. wooden           D. iron

16. A. welcome      B. known                C. unimportant      D. unknown

17. A. While            B. After                C. With             D. As

18. A. resulted in      B. resulted from        C. created          D. lay in

19. A. The islands      B. The people           C. The animals      D. The Europeans

20. A. break out        B. break in         C. break into           D. break down


科目: 来源: 题型:

People often don't do what they really want to for fear of failure. You don't apply for a job 40.________ case you don't get it. You don't perform at the school concert 41.b________ others might laugh at you. A lack of confidence can 42. l________ to a lot of suffering. The key to 43. o________ this problem is to believe in yourself. This might be 44. ________(容易)said than done, but there are many 45. w________ to help you do this. Talk about your problem with a friend or look 46. ________ advice on the Internet. Imagine yourself being 47. ________(成功)and practise breathing techniques to keep you calm when you get nervous. And the 48. ________ important thing is: believe you can do it.When you've 49. ________ (学会)to do that, you are well on your way.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

On December 8, 1980, John Lennon — an English musician who rose to fame as one of the founding members of Liverpool pop band the Beatles — was shot dead outside his New York apartment.

In the 1960s and 70s, Lennon was one of the most iconic(偶像的) men on the planet. Some 30 years ago from his death, he is still respected by many people in the West.

The Beatles, formed in 1960 in Liverpool, were one of the most commercial successful acts in the history of pop music, with, according to some estimates, global record sales over 1.1 billion.

The band conveyed the progressive ideals in which many young people of the time believed.

In the 1960s and 70s, widespread tension developed in both British and American society, regarding issues such as women's rights and the Vietnam War.

Lennon in particular became known for his message of peace and for his opposition to the war in Vietnam. This led to an attempt by former US president Richard Nixon to drive him away from the US. Lennon's second­wife Yoko Ono was also politically active.

Lennon was also hugely admired for his musical abilities. Lennon and his fellow Paul McCartney were the Beatles' song­writing team.

After Lennon was shot by crazy fan Mark Chapman,one of his most iconic songs,Imagine, became a humanist anthem(颂歌).

Lennon's legacy survived his death and continued till this day.In 2008, he was ranked the fifth greatest singer of all time in US­based Rolling Stone magazine.

Former possessions of Lennon or furnishings from his homes continue to be sold for vast sums.

In an auction(拍卖) to be held next week in London, lines written by Lennon on the back of a demand for an outstanding bill are expected to sell for £ 350,000.

In August, a bathroom from his last home in Britain, was auctioned for £ 9,500. And in 2009, a British film describing his early years before the Beatles began, was one of the most successful films of the years in the UK.

But do Lennon and his music continue to resonate(共鸣) with the young people of today?

36.The passage is written here to show that Lennon has ________.

A.lasting appeal  B.a long history

C.exciting records  D.great success

37.Which of the following is right about the Beatles according to the passage?

A.It was founded in the 1960s in London.

B.It had 1.1 billion sales in Britain.

C.It was commercially successful.

D. Many of today's young people believe its ideals.

38.Lennon was forced to leave the US as a result of ________.

A.the tension between Britain and America

B.his wife's political activity

C.his struggle for women's rights

D.his opposition to the war in Vietnam

39.We can guess that the rest of the passage will tell us ________.

A.why Lennon and his music are still popular with today's young people

B.why Lennon and his music spoil today's generations of young people

C.that today's generations of young people don't like Lennon's songs

D.that today's generations of young people like Lennon's songs better


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Before graduation from college,my son began to seek a job.He targeted a company which planned to__16__only one person.However,there were over 20 candidates,among whom was my son.I__17__him,“It's difficult to get into the company.Don't__18__too much for fear that you would feel disappointed when you fail.”My son said smilingly,“__19__I try,there will be hope!”

Of the 20 candidates,only three could__20__the final round,which would later decide the one to be employed.Everything seemed to__21__quite well and my son__22__the first round and entered the final.Unexpectedly,the final interview was unbelievably__23__,and all of them were asked to go home and wait for the__24__of the interview.

One morning,my son__25__a text from the company that he was not employed.Before I__26__what to say to comfort him,I was told that afternoon that my son received another__27__saying he was employed.__28__the first text was also part of the test in the interview.The three men received the same text that morning and only my son's__29__was satisfying to the company,so he was employed.I asked my son__30__they replied.My son told me that one__31__silent,one said “goodbye” and he said “thank you”.

Only then did I know my son's “__32__” came in that way.That is: don't forget to say “thank you” to those who even__33__you.Saying “thank you” shows your__34__for others' work,therefore,you will get the upper hand in terms of__35__compared with others under the same conditions.

16.A.employ  B.support

C.manage  D.interview

17.A.interrupted  B.promised

C.reminded  D.followed

18.A.spend  B.expect  C.waste  D.wish

19.A.As if  B.As soon as

C.Even if  D.As long as

20.A.enter  B.survive  C.change  D.judge

21.A.move  B.go   C.fit  D.stay

22.A.passed  B.earned  C.left  D.started

23.A.challenging  B.simple

C.perfect  D.secret

24.A.course  B.plan   C.answer  D.result

25.A.prepared  B.received

C.copied  D.wrote

26.A.figured out  B.took up

C.set off  D.worked on

27.A.gift  B.note   C.text  D.rule

28.A.Ridiculously  B.Actually

C.Cleverly  D.Sadly

29.A.reply  B.question   C.reason  D.belief

30.A.when  B.what   C.how  D.whom

31.A.got  B.kept   C.made  D.went

32.A.hope  B.dream   C.plan  D.aim

33.A.cheat  B.hate

C.dislike  D.disappoint

34.A.pity  B.doubt   C.respect  D.desire

35.A.chances  B.skills   C.lessons  D.salaries


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Mike,our team will play against the Rockets this weekend.I'm sure we will win.


A.Congratulations  B.Cheer up

C.Best wishes  D.Good luck


科目: 来源: 题型:

________ the theory,the scientists asked more than sixty college students to take part in the experiment.

A.Being tested  B.To test

C.Testing  D.Tested


科目: 来源: 题型:

—You've got a stomachache?But we ate at the same place.How come my stomach is fine?

—You have an iron stomach!Mine isn't ________ strong.

A.as  B.such  C.much  D.enough


科目: 来源: 题型:

It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village________the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.

A.where  B.that  C.when  D.which


科目: 来源: 题型:

________ the danger from the nuclear radiation,Japanese people have to deal with a severe shortage of food,clothing,fuel and almost everything.

A.As good as  B.As long as

C.As far as  D.As well as

