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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Head held high, hands firmly gripping her walker, Mary Arnott, 99, walks slowly with dignity through the women’s changing room at the Etobicoke Olympium pool, past the teenage girls who have been blow-drying their hair for half an hour, into the mist of the showers, then out the door and first one into the heated pool. She jumps over to the shallow end, stopping to talk to friends—everyone knows Arnott here;she swims twice a week and treats it as a job—about their children, the viciousness(谬误)of bridge and their health.

 In fact, Arnott is an exception to the exception. Not only has she lived 20 years past the average lifespan for Canadians, she’s healthy, her mind is sharp and she lives independently.

Born in Brooklyn on May 28, 1909, Arnott was raised on Staten Island. She survived scarlet fever(猩红热), helped bring up four siblings(兄弟姐妹)after her mother died in 1923 and worked as a secretary in New York City for 12 years, earning$35 a week and a$150 bonus at Christmas.

 Now she’s happy living in a one-room apartment with a kitchen and a bathroom in her daughter’s house. She wears a hearing aid, does the cryptic crossword(有隐义的纵横字谜)with a magnifying glass, and can’t really explain why she has lived so well so long.

Until recently, she has still liked to drink red wine—she used to drink two glasses before supper each day. It’s more likely genes, she admits. Her interest in other people and life in general may have had something to do with it. Asked if a star photographer can take her picture at the pool, Arnott seems cheerful.

“I look good in a swimsuit, ” she says, nodding her head firmly. “I look better in a swimsuit than I do in pants. ”

31. What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. Mary Arnott likes to swim and is known to the local people.

B. Mary Arnott is afraid to swim at the swimming pool.

C. Mary Arnott can’t swim but she likes water.

D. Mary Arnott just likes to talk to her friends at the bank of the swimming pool.

32. Which of the following is TRUE as for Mary Arnott as an exception to the exception?

A. She has lived 30 years past the average lifespan for Canadians.

B. She’s healthy and her mind is sharp.

C. She lives with her daughter.

D. She likes to live with her children and has a happy life.

33. What happened when Mary Arnott was 14?

A. She had a disease called scarlet fever but survived.

B. Her mother died and she had to help her father to bring up her sisters and brothers.

C. She found a job as a secretary in New York City.

D. She was born in Brooklyn.

34. What may Mary Arnott think of her living alone?

A. Bitter.                        B. Happy.

C. Meaningless.               D. Boring.

35. If someone asks about swimming, Mary Arnott may ________.

A. like pants                  B. like swimsuit better

C. like to sit at the bank         D. like to swim with girls


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Kieron Williamson, a seven-year-old British boy, is being recognized as an art genius after selling 16 paintings for 18, 000 pounds in just 14 minutes. This boy has artistic skills that would be the envy of any serious painter and drawn comparisons to Pablo Picasso, a child prodigy(神童)who became one of the most recognized artists of the 20th century.

 It all began on a family holiday to Cornwall on the southwest English coast when Kieron was five. Inspired by the view, he asked his parents for his first sketch-pad (速写纸). From that moment on, he became deeply interested. While supportive, Kieron’s parents are careful not to push their son. He only paints when and what he wants.

 He has a waiting list of hundreds and requests for his works have been flooding in. His father said a sale of Kieron’s works held in November even drew a buyer from Japan. “We had people driving down that night, there were people on the door waiting to come in the morning who had been standing outside, the phones were going mad as soon as the door opened at nine o’clock and within 14 minutes all the 16 pictures had gone, ” he said.

All this talent, money and high praise could so easily go to a young boy’s head, but Kieron said his friends keep him grounded. “Some of them want to be as good as me and some of them think. . . Umn, ‘you are not too special’, ” he said.

    Kieron’s favourite painter is British artist Edward Seago and he has spent some of his earnings buying a work by his hero. The rest is being invested by his parents until he reaches 25. Kieron’s parents and his younger sister Billi-Jo don’t see him as anything other than a normal seven-year-old boy who likes to tear around the house and who’s mad about football. But for now, with so much still to learn, there’s only one thing he wants to be when he grows up. He said, “I think I’ll definitely be an artist. ”

26. According to Paragraph 1, we can know Kieron Williamson ________.

A. painted 16 paintings in only 14 minutes

B. draws as well as Picasso did

C. is one of the most recognized artists

D. has unusual ability in painting

27. What made Kieron Williamson begin to love painting?

A. His first sketch-pad.

B. His parents’ encouragement.

C. The view at the seaside.

D. His swimming near the coast.

28. In Kieron Williamson’s friends’ opinion, he ________.

A. is famous but a little proud

B. isn’t very special from other children

C. isn’t worth praising at all

D. is hard to get along with

29. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ________.

A. Edward Seago thinks highly of Kieron’s painting

B. Kieron likes doing sports and painting instead of studying

C. Kieron’s family is very poor

D. Kieron wants to be a great painter

30. The passage mainly tells us________.

A. a seven-year-old painting genius

B. how to be a great painter

C. Kieron Williamson may become the second Picasso

D. the painting changed Kieron Williamson’s life greatly


科目: 来源: 题型:

A group of robbers dug their way into the basement of a bank in Paris and emptied almost 200 private safes(保险箱).

They entered the Credit Lyonnais branch using building  16  (equip) to dig holes and destroy walls  17  Saturday night. They tied up a security guard and spent  18  next nine hours robbing the bank.

One investigator described the robbery  19  a “professional job”. The robbers came in at about 22:00 on Saturday  20  left at 7:00 on Sunday. They entered through the basements of the neighbouring building, digging through a series of tunnels and making a hole into a wall of 80 cm thick to get into the bank,  21  was having building work at the time.

 When they left, the robbers set the place on fire to remove any trace of evidence,  22  (switch) on the anti-fire system and flooding the building.  23  (fortune), the guard escaped unharmed.   

   24  is difficult to estimate(估计) the total value of what   25   (steal) as only the bank’s clients(储户) know the content of their private safes.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

People of Burlington are being disturbed by the sound of bells. Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the  1  and have made up their minds to  2  the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest against heavy trucks which run   3  through the narrow High Street. “They not only make it  4  to sleep at night, but they are doing damage to our houses and shops of historical  5  , ”said John Norris, one of the protestors.

“If we must have these noisy trucks on the roads, ” said Jean Lacey, a biology student, “why don’t they build a new road that goes round the town?  Burlington isn’t much more than a  6  village. Its streets were never  7  for heavy traffic. ”

Harry Fields also studying  8  said they wanted to make as much  9  as possible to force the government officials to realize what everybody was having to  10  . “Most of them don’t  11  here anyway, ” he said, “they come for meetings and the Town Hall is soundproof, so they probably don’t  12  . It is high time they realized the problem. ” The fourth student, Liza Vernum, said she thought the public were mostly on their side, and even if they weren’t, they soon would be.

 I asked if they were  13  that the police might come to stop them.

“Not really, ” she said, “actually we are  14  bell ringers. I mean we are assistant bell ringers for the church. There is no law against practising. ”

I  15   the church with the sound of the bells ringing in my ears.

1. A. college       B. village      C. town     D. church

2. A. change        B. repair       C. ring        D. shake

3. A. now and then              B. day and night

C. up and down                  D. over and over

4. A. terrible                      B. difficult

C. uncomfortable                    D. unpleasant

5. A. scene                        B. period

C. interest                         D. sense

6. A. pretty                           B. quite

C. large                            D. modern

7. A. tested            B. meant        C. kept        D. used

8. A. chemistry                 B. geography

C. biology                          D. education

9. A. effort            B. time        C. trouble       D. noise

10. A. stand   B. accept       C. know     D. share

11. A. shop     B. live         C. come     D. study

12. A. notice                       B. mention

C. fear                             D. control

13. A. surprised                    B. afraid

C. pleased                          D. determined

14. A. proper                       B. experienced

C. hopeful                          D. serious

15. A. left         B. found        C. reached      D. passed


科目: 来源: 题型:


1. We can finish the work in two days.                                             

  The work ________  _________   _________ in two days.

2. They produce silk in Suzhou.                                                       

  Silk _________  _________ in Suzhou.

3. The children will sing an English song.                          

  An English song ________  _________  ________ by the children.

4. You needn't do it now.

     It _________  _________  _________ by you now.

5. Lucy sent me a New Year Card last week.

     A New Year Card _________  _________  ________ me by her last week.

6. Peole use metal for making machines.

     Metal _________  _________ for making machines.

7. He made me do that for him.

     I _________  ________  ________  _________ that for him.

8.I have given this book to the library.

   This book _______  ________  ________ to the library.

9.Did they build a bridge here a year ago?

     ________ a bridge _________ here by them a year ago?

10.We'll put on an English play in our school.

  An English play _________  __________  ___________ on in our school.

11.More and more farmers buy colour TV sets.

  Colour TV sets _________  __________  __________ more and more farmers.

12.My brother often mends his watch.

  His watch __________  __________  _________ by my brother.

13.We must water the flowers every day.

  The flowers must ________  _________ (by us) every day.

14.They use knives for cutting things.

  Knives _________  _________ for cutting things.

15.He made the farmers work for a long time.

  The farmers _________  _________  __________  _________ for a long time.

16.Did he break the window yesterday?

  ________ the window _________  __________  __________  yesterday?

17.They have sold out the light green dresses.

  The light green dresses __________  __________  __________ out.

18.We clean the classroom every day.

  The classroom _________  _________ every day.

19. You must not plant trees in very dry earth.

  Trees _________  _________  __________  __________  in very dry earth.

20.You can dig a hole in the earth.

   A Hole _________  __________  __________ in the earth.


科目: 来源: 题型:

I promise that the matter will______.  

   A. be taken care    B. be taken care of  C. take care      D. take care of


科目: 来源: 题型:

——______the note ______ to Mr Smith?

——No, It is still in my pocket.

A. Is…being given   B.Was…given   C. Has…been given  D. Hasn’t…been given


科目: 来源: 题型:

 If city noises ______ from increasing, People ____ shout to be heard even at

    the dinner table 20 years from now. 

A. are not kept…will have to          B. are not kept…have to

C. do not keep…will have to          D. do not keep…have to


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The police found that the house______ and a lot of things ______.

A. has broken into…has been stolen   B. has broken into…had been stolen

C. has been broken into…stolen       D. had been broken into…stolen


科目: 来源: 题型:

I need one more stamp before my collection ______. 

A. has completed     B. completes    C. has been completed    D. is completed

