 0  44795  44803  44809  44813  44819  44821  44825  44831  44833  44839  44845  44849  44851  44855  44861  44863  44869  44873  44875  44879  44881  44885  44887  44889  44890  44891  44893  44894  44895  44897  44899  44903  44905  44909  44911  44915  44921  44923  44929  44933  44935  44939  44945  44951  44953  44959  44963  44965  44971  44975  44981  44989  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

The professor said that your discovery was_____________.

 A.of great value   B.great value   C.greatly valued  D.in great value 


科目: 来源: 题型:

The accident has _____________to be a good thing after all.

   A.turned out  B.been turned out  C.turned in D.turned over 


科目: 来源: 题型:

—What will you have us _____________today,Boss? 

—Type some business letters.

 A.to do   B.do   C.doing   D.done 


科目: 来源: 题型:

He is going to hospital _____________a medical examination next week.

   A.to give B.to be given   C.to have given   D.to have been given



科目: 来源: 题型:

It was on June 10,2013___Shenzhou-10 spacecraft was sent up into space.

  A. that   B. when   C. at that time   D. just then


科目: 来源: 题型:


1. 对Linda的到校表示热烈欢迎;

2. 学校位于市郊,离市区有1小时车程;

3. 现有专职教师200名,外教2名,来自加拿大;高中3个年级,每班60人左右,在校学生约3,000名;

4. Linda的主要工作:教英语听说课,组织英语课外活动。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Linda,

Glad to know that you are coming to teach in our school._____________________________


Best wishes,

                                             Yours sincerely,

                                                     Li Hua


科目: 来源: 题型:


Zhang Hua, our monitor, study very well, and he is always  ready to help others. We all very like him.      One day on his way to home, Zhang Hua saw an accident.  A boy fell off his bike and had his leg breaking. With tears  in his eyes, he could do nothing but waited for help. In no   time Zhang Hua took out from his pockets the handkerchief  he newly bought it. He wiped the tears off the boy’s face, and  took him to the hospital with care in a hurry.   Several weeks later the boy was quite all right. While  they met, they shook hands firmly. The boy was thankful to him.                    

Oh, Zhang Hua! You are a good example for us to follow.


科目: 来源: 题型:


76. What ________(担心) us is that so many children in the area have dropped out of school

77 The new film _________(吸引) to many people because of its moving story.

78. The _________(困惑的)look on his face suggested he didn`t get across the meaning.

79. It sounds like a ________(实用的) solution.

80  Can you give me more ________(_证据) to support your idea?

81.Keep your mouth shut ! I won`t listen to your ___________(解释)

82. It`s sad that he has lost his _________(信仰) in God.

83. Large __________(预算) are applied for advertisement designing.

84. Let`s make a new _______(方法)to the problem.

85. Children should __________( 尊敬) their parents


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Some friends invite you over and serve you a delicious dinner. Someone lends you his car while yours is being repaired. You are sick, and a friend brings you a meal and cares for you. __71__

    Sometimes simply saying thank you is enough. At other times, it is thoughtful to say thank you in a more different way. Be sure to tell that person what you are grateful for and why you are grateful.

    Here are some common ways to say thank you.

__72__ People are very busy these days. A handwritten note shows you took the time to tell someone you are grateful to him or her. Or you can call and thank the person. You would be surprised how this can make someone’s day. Another idea is to send a thank-you email or e-card.. __73__   

There are many other ways to say thank you. To say thank you in a creative way, you can:

    ★ Select some flowers from a shop. Write a thank-you note.

    ★ Give the person a basket of fresh fruit or a homemade treat.

    ★ Invite a friend to a movie, meal, snack or coffee. 

★ Give a gift card for a bookstore or a restaurant. __74__   

★ Find out what the person likes and give something related to that.

    ★ To say a big thank you to someone, have a party for that person.

As you can see, there are many ways to say thank you. __75__You will feel good trying one of the ideas, and the person being thanked will feel good too. It’s a win-win situation!

A. Think of some ways of your own.

B. You can write a thank-you note.

C. How do you show your gratitude?

D. The best way is to go and thank him in person.

E. Apologize if you forgot to show your thanks at the spot.

F. That way the person can pick out a favorite book or eat out.

G. This is not quite as personal, but it still shows your gratitude.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The British are the most voracious(如饥似渴的) newspaper readers in the world.

   They read newspapers at breakfast ; they walk to the bus reading a newspaper; they read a newspaper on bus, as they go to work; and on the way back home, after work, they are engaged in reading an evening newspaper.

    There are many" morning papers", both national and provincial. The most famous is The Times. Different from what many foreigners believe, this is not a government newspaper. The various newspapers usually have their own views of the Communist Morning Star. The Labor Party and the Trades Union Congress no longer have a daily newspaper to represent them.

Bold headlines and a variety of photographs are features of the British press. Some newspapers, such as the sober Daily Telegraph and The Times, use photographs sparingly(节省). The more“popular”newspapers, using the small or "tabloid"(小报) format, such as the Daily Express, the Mail, the Daily Mirror and the Sun, use pictures extensively and also run strip cartoons and humorous drawings, some of which present striking pictorial comment on politics.

Besides offering features common to newspapers all over the world, British newspapers specialize in pages devoted to criticism of the arts and a woman's page. One feature found in many foreign newspapers is missing in British papers:the serial(连载).

Nearly all papers pay special attention to the reporting of sports and athletics. The evening newspapers are often bought because the buyer wants to know the winner of a race, or to get good tip for a race that is still to be run. There is no censorship(审查) of the press in Britain (except in wartime), though of course all newspapers—like private persons—are responsible for what they publish, and can be sued for libel (为诽谤而被起诉) for publishing articles that go beyond the bounds of decency(正派), or for ignorance of court”. (e.g. calling a man a murderer while he is still being tried.Such cases are not often)

68.Which of the following does NOT serve as an evidence(证据) that the British are the great newspaper readers?

A.They read newspapers at breakfast.              B.They read newspapers at work.

C.They read newspapers on bus.                  D.They read newspapers on the way back home.

69.Many of foreigners think that_______.

A.The Times is an organ (喉舌) of the government

B.The Times has its own views on politics

C.The Times is the most famous newspaper in the world

D.The Times pays too much attention to the reporting of political events

70.British newspapers are characterized by ________.

  A.bold headlines                       B.various kinds of photographs

C.striking pictorial comment on politics     D.both A and B

