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科目: 来源: 题型:

 For him __________ stage is just __________ means of making a living.

A. a; a               B. the; a              C.  the; the      D. a; the


科目: 来源: 题型:

 He is known _____ a scientist and famous _____ his research on rice.

A. for; as     B. for; for        C. as; for      D. as; as


科目: 来源: 题型:

Can you lend me the magazine _____ last week?

A. you bought it        B. that you bought

C. that you bought it    D. which you bought it


科目: 来源: 题型:

I live at a busy street and the loud noise nearly ____me mad.

A. catches     B. buries        C. drives     D. influences


科目: 来源: 题型:

A professor and a writer _________present at the meeting.

A.was  B.is C.were  D.had been


科目: 来源: 题型:

 -Did you see the new movie directed by that famous director? It's said to be _______ great fun.

-No. I have been busy repairing all the broken office _______ these days.

A. a; equipment                        B. the; equipments

C. \ ; equipment                        D. \ ; equipments


科目: 来源: 题型:

“What         frightening experience!”the woman who survived the earthquake said with

frightened look on her face.

A.a; a             B.不填; a            C.不填; 不填        D.a; 不填


科目: 来源: 题型:











参考词汇:设施:facility   电子阅览室:electro – reading – room

Hi Mary.

Nice to read your e – mail today.

As to which school is the best one for you to stay in, I should recommend …





Hope you’ll like my school                                                                         

                                                                                              Li Hua


科目: 来源: 题型:







  Li Ming and Li Juan study very hardly. They do extremely well all the subjects. Li Juan decides to attend in Sichuan University while Li Ming preferred Beijing University. It makes them differ from the most students is that they don’t go to school. In fact, they have never been to school. Since kindergarten, we have studied at home. Neither of them feels they have missed anything by taught at home all the time. Like many people received home schooling in Chengdu, and they feel they are lucky.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Why Is Exercise Cool?

Exercise strengthens Muscles

Did you ever do a push-up or swing across the monkey bars at the playground? 71.   By using your muscles to do powerful things, you can make them stronger. For older teens and adults, this kind of workout can make muscles bigger, too.


Can you touch your toes easily without yelling ouch? Most kids are pretty flexible, which means that they can bend and stretch their bodies without much trouble. Being flexible is having “full range of motion” , which means you can move your arms and legs freely without feeling tightness or pain.

 Exercise Keeps the Balance

73.   Your body needs a certain amount of calories every day just to function, breathe, walk around, and do all the basic stuff. 74.   If you’re not very active, your body won’t need as many calories. Whatever your calorie need is, if you eat enough to meet that need, your body weight will stay about the same. If you eat more calories than your body needs, it may be stored as extra fat.

 Exercise Makes You Feel Good

It feels good to have a strong, flexible body that can do all the activities you enjoy---like running, jumping, and playing with your friends. It’s also fun to be good at something, like scoring a basket, hitting a home run, or perfecting a dive.

But you may not know that exercising can actually put you in a better mood. 75.   It’s just another reason why exercise is cool!

A.So you want to do some aerobic(有氧的) exercise right now?

B. Food gives your body fuel in the form of calories, which are a kind of energy.

C. When you exercise, your brain releases a chemical, which may make you feel happier.

D. Those are exercises that can build strength.

E. Exercise Makes You Flexible

F. Exercise Makes Your Heart Happy

G. But if you’re active, your body needs an extra measure of calories or energy.

