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科目: 来源: 题型:

 I feel it is your husband who______ for the spoiled child.

        A. is to blame                                 B. is going to blame

        C. is to be blamed                              D. should blame


科目: 来源: 题型:

 ____Joseph off at the airport, Sally finished her work earlier.

A.Having seen     B.Seen  C.To see      D.To be seen


科目: 来源: 题型:

 We are looking forward with hope to ______ from Ms. Smith

  A, hear    B. hearing   C, heard   D, being heard


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Take care of the girl and her dog ________ are crossing the street.

A. that            B. who           C. which          D. They


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Bengbu is known __________ greatly in terms of its appearance of the city over the past few years. (   )

A. to change          B. to have changed C. having changed         D. changing


科目: 来源: 题型:






Good health is person’s most valuable possession(财富).           1.      

Today,it is much easier to be healthy than it is in the past.                 2.      

Modern people know more about the health.They have better            3.      

food,and to live in cleaner surroundings.Also,scientists                            4.      

and doctors had learned how to deal with many diseases(疾病).        5.      

Most people can quickly get for help from a doctor or                      6.      

go to a hospital since they are ill.As a result,people                           7.      

in modern world generally live much longer than                              8.       

 people in the past.People in industrial countries can                        9.      

 expect to live for twice so long as people who lived                        10.      

a few hundred years ago.


科目: 来源: 题型:

They demanded that the company made compensation for the loss.


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I’ve worked for the BBC for about 10 years, but first job             1. _________

I got was actual at Bush House in the Tape Recycling                   2. _________

Unit, where I had to recycle the used tape. I got that job                  3. _________

because they were looking people who were interested in                 4. _________

becoming studio managers. They choose a few of us, whom           5. _________

they trained us later. And that was my first job. Then I gradually      6. _________

worked my way up into production, and later I was at                          7. _________

World Service produced pop music programs.                     8. _________

When I heard the music that broadcast, it sounded like                          9. _________

that I played at home, and it was great.                                10. _________


科目: 来源: 题型:

Time is important. Losing time will never come back. We must remember it in our daily life and make well use of time. Only by this way can we succeed. What can we make full use of time? First, we’d better to make a plan. We should arrange our study, work and rest and know which we should do next so that we can save much time as possible. We should spend every minute time on it. After we study or work for a long time we can take the good rest. I think that all of us should emphasize using our time effective.


科目: 来源: 题型:

Dear Alice,

I have just got good news to tell you whether I                             1. _______

win a national prize for painting last week. And my father                        2. _______

was such pleased that he suggested I go to England for                              3. _______

a holiday. I’d like to stay here for half a month, visiting                    4. _______

places of interest and practicing my English as good. We                    5. _______

have been writing to each other for nearly one and a half year.                6. _______

I have been dreaming of talking face by face with you.                     7. _______

I think you’ll be on a vacation yourself at that time.                             8. _______

I am looking forward seeing you. Perhaps we could                                 9. _______

go out to do any sightseeing together.                                     10. _______

Yours sincerely,


