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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  My passage into eighties a few weeks ago gave me a moment’s reflection and the thought that I should watch how others in this situation have been affected. After a while it seemed to me that the first 80 years are the hardest.

  Once you reach 80, everyone wants to carry your baggage and help you up steps. If you forget your name or anybody else’s name, or an appointment or your own telephone number, or promise to be three places at the same time, or you can’t remember how many grandchildren you have, you need only explain that you are 80.

  Being 80 is a lot better than being 70. At 70 people are mad at you for everything. At 80, you have a perfect excuse no matter what you do. If you act foolishly, it’s your second childhood. Everybody is looking for symptoms(症状)of your failure of the brain.

  Being 70 is not fun at all. At that age they expect you to retire to a house in Florida and complain about your arthritis(关节炎) and you ask everybody to stop mumbling(咕哝) because you can’ understand them. (Actually your hearing is about 50% gone.)

  If you survive until you are 80, everybody is surprised that you are still alive. They treat you with respect just for having lived so long. Actually they seem surprised that you can walk and talk sensibly.

  So please, folks, try to make it to 80. It’s the best time of life. People forgive you for anything. In response to the question of what years were the most difficult, an 80-year-old responded “those between 10 and 70”.

64. According to the passage, how old is the author now?

A. Sixty.       B. Seventy.    C. Eighty.     D. Not known.

65. What does the author say people do to an eighty-year-old man?

  A. They are often mad at him.       B. They offer help to him.   

C. They talk loudly to him.          D. They make fun of them.

66. What problems do the 80-year-olds often have?

A. They are not respected by other people.      B. They are afraid of death.

C. They can’t understand other people.    D. They are often forgetful.

67. The author wrote this passage in a        way.

A. humorous   B. serious    C. negative    D. passive


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about visiting Hong Kong:

  Q: When is the best time to visit Hong Kong?

  A: Hong Kong is an all-year round destination. It enjoys a mild climate from the middle of September to the end of February, while the weather from May to mid-September can be hot. About 80% of Hong Kong’s rainfall occurs between May and September, with August usually the wettest month.

  Q: Do I need a visa to visit Hong Kong?

  A: Visitors from most countries can enter Hong Kong without a visa for periods of seven days to 180 days, depending on nationality. You may check with the Hong Kong Immigration Department for details of visa requirements.

  Q: How is the local public transport?

  A: Hong Kong has an excellent public transport system, with most transportation air-conditioned. Depending on where you are going, you have a choice of MTR, trains, buses, trams, ferries and taxies. The clean and efficient means of transport cover all areas of Hong Kong, and have signs in English and Chinese.

  Q: Is Hong Kong safe for visitors?

  A: Yes. Hong Kong is one of the safest cities in the world even at night, when people may walk alone with confidence. To ensure your stay is a pleasant one always take care of your belongings.

  Q: Is English widely spoken?

  A: Yes, particularly in places frequently visited by visitors. You should have no problem communicating with people in most hotels, shops, restaurants and even some taxies.

61. If enjoy pleasant weather, when can you visit Hong Kong?

A. In spring or summer.         B. In autumn or winter.

C. In spring or autumn.          D. In summer or winter.

62. How many means of transport are mentioned in the answer of Questions 3?

A. Four.     B. Five.     C. Six.       D. Seven.

63. What can we know about Hong Kong from the FAQs?

A. Visas are required for most visitors to Hong Kong.

B. Hong Kong is a safe place for visitors.

C. The use of English is quite limited.

D. The public transport has signs in Chinese only.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

(CNN)---NBA star Yao Ming announced his retirement(退役) during a news conference in China on Wednesday.“I need to make a personal decision,” Yao said.“I am ending my basketball career. I am very grateful. I would like to thank my family members and my parents. And most of all, the Houston Rockets.”

 Voted an All—Star player eight times while playing for the Houston Rockets, he was one of the most successful overseas players in the league. Yao has chalked up a career average of 19 points, 9.2 rebounds(篮板球) and 1.9 blocks(盖帽). His field-goal percentage(投篮命中率) was 52.4.

In recent years, however, he struggled with foot and ankle(踝) injuries, and missed the 2009-2010 seasons. He suffered a fracture (骨折) on his left ankle, and missed last season after playing only five games. Yao has been undergoing treatment and training in recent months, but some doubted he could make a comeback. The 30-year-old said he struggled to learn English when he first came to the United States, and grew a lot during his time in the country.

“ 9 years ago, I came to Huston as a tall, skinny player. I grew to a man there. I also had my daughter there. I thank you all,” Yao said during the packed news conference in Shanghai.

Yao’s retirement came the year as another NBA giant Shaquille O’Neal. Both seven-footers had battled for many years.

Kobe Bryant said Yao opened up doors for Chinese players to feel they could play in the NBA.“All that started with Yao,” Bryant said.

56. Who did Yao want to thank most according to Paragraph 1?

A. His friends.           B. His family members.

C. His parents.           D. The Houston Rockets. 

57. What does the underlined phrase “chalked up” in Paragraph 2?

A. Gave up.      B. Began with.     C. Wrote down.     D. Got through.

58. Why did Yao miss the 2009-2010 season?

 A. Because he suffered a fracture on left leg.

 B. Because he was seriously injured in his left ankle.   

C. Because he met with some personal problems.    

D. Because he didn’t want to play for the Rockets.

59. How old was Yao when first appeared as a Houston Rockets player?

A. Nine years old.               B. Twenty-one years old.      

C .Twenty-nine years old.         D. Thirty years old.

60. What did Kobe Bryant’s words mean?

A. More and more top Chinese basketball players would play in the NBA.               B. Yao would take more Chinese basketball players to the US.

C. More Chinese basketball players would play for the Rockets.     

D. Kobe Bryant didn’t want to see Yao’s leave.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A man died and was his way to another 36  , either the heaven or the hell(地狱).He saw an extremely 37 palace half way and the owner of the palace 38 __him to stay and live in the palace.

   The man said, “I have been working 39  during my life and now I just want to eat and sleep 40  any work.”

The owner of the palace said,“ 41  , there is nowhere else better than here for you. There is a wealth of 42  in my palace and you can eat whatever you want without anyone 43   you. 44 , you can rest assured(放心) that 45   needs to be done by you.” Then, the man settled down in the palace.

At the beginning, the man felt very 46   at the rotation(轮流)of eating and sleeping. But 47 he felt a bit lonely and empty. So he went to the owner and complained, “It is very 48 _ to live by just eating and sleeping every day. Now I show no 49  in this kind of life any more. Could you help me find a 50 ?

The owner replied,“ 51 ,there is no job here at all.”

After another several months, the man could not 52 the present life and went to the owner 53 , “I really could not stand this sort of life any more. If you do not offer me a job, I would 54   to go to the hell instead of living here.”

The owner of the palace smiled contemptuously(轻蔑地), “Do you think it is Heaven here? It is 55  the hell!”

36. A. world        B. house        C. space        D. hospital

37. A. summer      B. small         C. ordinary     D. splendid

38. A. asked        B. warned       C. forced       D. demanded

39. A. comfortably   B. hard         C. honestly     D. fruitlessly

40. A. apart from    B. besides       C. without      D. out of

41. A. If any        B. If so         C. If necessary   D. If possible

42. A. jewels        B. tastes        C. books       D. food

43. A. stopping      B. asking        C. noticing     D. meeting

44. A. However      B. Otherwise     C. Anyway     D. Moreover

45. A. anything      B. everything     C. nothing      D. something

46. A. surprised      B. happy        C. mad         D. afraid

47. A. easily        B. carefully       C. confidently   D. gradually

48. A. strange       B. enjoyable      C. boring       D. relaxing

49. A. interest       B. trust          C. patience      D. curiosity

50. A. partner       B. way out       C. meaning      D. job

51. A. Good idea    B. Cheer up       C. Sorry        D. Never mind

52. A. bear          B. lose          C. handle       D. risk

53. A. indeed        B. already        C. always       D. again

54. A. hope         B. prefer         C. promise       D. expect

55. A. no longer     B. also           C. actually       D. still


科目: 来源: 题型:

 –Mike, would you like to help out in our shop this week?


  A. Yes, I would.         B. Yes, with pleasure.        

  C. No, I can’t come.      D. Sure, it’s my pleasure.


科目: 来源: 题型:

 --Is your brother going to Jack’s birthday party tonight?

-- I’m not sure. He      go to the concert with his girlfriend instead.

    A. ought to    B. has to      C. might     D. must


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I don’t want these flowers to remind me      her.

    A. to    B. for    C. of   D. on


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I feel like      in my free time.   

A. reading    B. read     C. to read   D. to have read


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Nowadays more and more college students prefer to      economics as their major.

    A. bring up      B. make up       C. break up        D. take up


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I got nervous when the woman      opposite kept staring at me.

    A. seat   B. seating   C. seated      D. to seat

