 0  44889  44897  44903  44907  44913  44915  44919  44925  44927  44933  44939  44943  44945  44949  44955  44957  44963  44967  44969  44973  44975  44979  44981  44983  44984  44985  44987  44988  44989  44991  44993  44997  44999  45003  45005  45009  45015  45017  45023  45027  45029  45033  45039  45045  45047  45053  45057  45059  45065  45069  45075  45083  151629 

科目: 来源: 题型:

The information that    will become your ability once you use it.

       A.absorbs              B.is absorbing       C.is absorbed       D.had been absorbed


科目: 来源: 题型:

You       remind him to keep things neat and tidy, because he is well organized.

       A.can’t                   B.needn’t               C.mustn’t               D.shan’t


科目: 来源: 题型:

Chengdu is blessed with       warm climate, which makes it       suitable place to live in.

       A.a; /                        B./; the                     C.a; a                       D.the; the


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Jane,I’ve finally passed my driving test.

       —      !Let’s have a party to celebrate it.

       A.Forget it                                                B.Congratulations

       C.No problem                                           D.It’s all right


科目: 来源: 题型:



中国航天(China Spaceflight)










1.       词数:100左右

2.       要点齐全,符合英语口语特点;

3.       广播稿的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

4.       参考词汇:背景 background  航天员 astronaut  过程 process

Dear teachers and schoolmates,

   May I have your attention please? I have an announcement to make.                               
















   That’s all. Thank you for your attention.


科目: 来源: 题型:

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。 文中共有10处








My neighbor Li Hua is going to graduate college and he hasn’t found the job yet. He was once advising to learn computer skills, so he thought it was difficult. When he saw others learning English, he shook his head, says it was too hard to remember the new word. He enjoyed watching TV, playing cards, smoking and so on. He felt it was hard for him to give up all this habits. Not long ago, he went to look for a job. When he knew that talents were great needed, he sighed and regretted the time that what he had wasted. How he wished he has worked hard in college.


科目: 来源: 题型:


66. We                  (支持) the police strongly in their work against crime.

67. To his joy, he found that these plants produced a number of thin                 (根).

68. My father’s                 (面部的) expression suggested that he was very happy.

69. Plant will grow almost any place where there is plenty of air, water,                 (阳光)and warmth.

70. I’ve                 (限制)myself to 1000 calories a day to try and lose weight.

71.                 (不像) other boys in his class, Williams prefers to stay alone all the time.

72. Our new term will begin in                 (九月) .

73. We should fight for                 (自由).

74. While writing, Mr. Jia Pingwa paid               (特别的)attention to the life of Shaanxi locals.

75. I was                 (介绍) to the sales manager of an international company.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

根据短文内容,从下框的A—F选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。 选项中有一项为多余选项。 

A. Famous scenic spots

B. Public Transport

C. Arriving in New York

D. Shopping
E. Where to stay

F. Where to eat 

As a traveler, going to New York will be full of joy. There are three airports in New York. When you arrive at one of them, you can take bus or taxi to any place in New York.  
    There are many kinds of food in New York and you needn't eat at McDonalds every day. There are good restaurants in Little Italy and Chinatown, for example.
    There are lots of good hotels in New York. The best is The Plaza on 5th Avenue. You don't have to pay a lot to stay in the city. There are lots of smaller hotels and the YMCA near Central Park is great for young people.                                                             
    In New York, there's a good bus and subway service. If you are planning to use the subway a lot, you should buy a subway ticket for the journey because it's cheaper. But you don't have to use public transport--there are lots of places you can go to on foot. The Empire State Building, 5th Avenue and                                           Central Park. The New York taxis are a part of the city experience, so you should take at least one taxi
during your visit!
     Finally, there are a lot of places to see in New York such as Times Square and the Statue of Liberty. And you shouldn't go home without climbing the Statue of Liberty to enjoy the scenery of the city.                                                                                                                                     
     Shopping in New York is fun. There are big shops on 5th Avenue. They are open seven days a week. But be careful when you look at the prices. You have to pay a special 8% tax on everything you buy in New York.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

   This March is a busy month in Shanghai. There's a lot to do. Here are the highlights.

Live Music - Late Night Jazz

Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet player. He's coming with his new 7-piece band, Herbie' s Heroes. Herbie is known to play well into the early hours, so don't expect to get much sleep. This is Herbie' s third visit to Shanghai. The first two were sold out, so get your tickets quickly.

PLACE: The Jazz Club    DATES: 15-23 March PRICE: ¥80,120 

 TIME: 10:00p.m. till late!       TEL: 6466-8736

Scottish dancing

Take your partners and get ready to dance till you drop. Scottish dancing is fun and easy to learn. Instructors will demonstrate the dances. The live band, Gordon Stroppie and the Weefrees, are also excellent.

PLACE: Jack Stein's   DATES: every Monday   PRICE: Y60 including one drink

TIME: 7:00 - ~0:00 p.m.  TEL: 6402-1877

Exhibitions - Shanghai Museum

There are 120,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history under one roof. It’s always interesting to visit, but twice as interesting as at the moment with the Egyptian Tombs exhibition. There are lots of mummies and more gold than you've ever seen before. Let us know if you see a mummy move!

PLACE: Shanghai Museum PRICE: ¥30 (¥ 15 for students) TEL: 6888-6888   DATES: daily

TIME: Monday - Friday 9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m., Weekends 9:00a.m. - 9:00p.m.

Dining - Sushi chef in town

Sushi is getting really big in Shanghai. In Japan, it’s become an art form. The most famous Sushi 'artist' is Yuki Kamura. She’s also one of the few female chefs in Japan. She’ll be at Sushi Scene all of this month.

PLACE: Sushi Scene in the Shanghai Hotel   DATES: all month   PRICE: ¥200   

TIME: lunchtime      TEL: 6690-3211

For a full listing of events, see our website.

58. Suppose you are going to attend an activity at 8: 00p. m. on Saturday, which one can you choose?

A. Live Music - Late Night Jazz            B. Exhibitions - Shanghai Museum 

C. Scottish dancing                      D. Dining - Sushi chef in town

59. Which of the following is true according to the advertisements?

A. It is more interesting to visit Shanghai Museum for the exhibits from Egypt.

B. The performance given by the American jazz band won't last long.

C. Sushi is not popular in Shanghai as it is a kind of Japanese traditional food.

D. Scottish dancing is so interesting and easy that it never tires you out.

60. From the text we may learn that Kamura is _______.

A. a waitress     B. a cook       C. an instructor       D. an artist


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In the early part of the twentieth century, racism was widespread in the United States. Many African Americans were not given equal opportunities in education or employment. Marian Anderson (1897-1993) was an African American woman who gained fame as a concert singer in this climate of racism. She was born in Philadelphia and sang in church choirs during her childhood. When she applied for admission to a local music school in 1917, she was turned down because she was black. Unable to attend music school, she began her career as a singer for church gatherings. In 1929, she went to Europe to study voice and spent several years performing there. Her voice was widely praised throughout Europe. Then she returned to the US in 1935 and became a top concert singer after performing at Town Hall in New York City.

Racism again affected Anderson in 1939. When it was arranged for her to sing at Constitution Hall in Washington, DC, the Daughters of the American Revolution opposed it because of her color. She sang instead at the Lincoln Memorial for over 75 000 people. In 1955, Anderson became the first black soloist to sing win the Metropolitan Opera of New York City. The famous conductor Toscanini praised her voice as “heard only once in a hundred years”. She was a US delegate to the United Nations in 1958 and won the UN peace prize in 1977. Anderson eventually triumphed over racism.

54. According to this passage, what did Marian Anderson do between 1917 and 1929?

A. She studied at a music school.                  B. She studied voice in Europe.

C. She sang at Town Hall in New York.        D. She sang for religious activities.

55. Toscanini thought that Marian Anderson              .

A. was seldom heard by people                     B. sang occasionally in public

C. sang only once in many years                   D. had a very rare voice

56. Anderson’s beautiful voice was first recognized          .

A. in Europe                                      B. in Washington, DC.

C. at the Lincoln Memorial                           D. at the United Nations

57. This passage shows that Anderson finally defeated racism in the US by                   .

A. protesting to the government                    B. appealing to the United Nations

C. working hard to perfect her art              D. demonstrating in the streets     

