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科目: 来源: 题型:

  How do you improve your spelling? 71    Just as we learn spoken language by hearing lots of people speaking, we learn written language, including spelling, by reading what a lot of people write. Spelling is not about how a word sound, it’s about how it looks on the page, which means you have to look at a lot of words on the page to learn the correct spelling about it.

 Make a list of your commonly misspelled words. 72   When you get a chance, look it up and put the correct spelling next to it.

73   If you look it up more than once, add it to your personal list.

 Write! Write! Write! 74    When you look it up how to spell a word, write it down several times in a row and do it again a day or two later. 75   Write a blog, a journal, e-mails, a novel, anything that will keep you using words and pay special attention as you write to the words that come up wrong.

A.      There is no substitute(代替) for reading a lot.

B.      Put a mark next to every word you look up in the dictionary.

C.      Those of us who spell well have a hard time explaining it, too.

D.     Let others read your writings, and ask them to circle misspelled words.

E.      You’re trying to build up the motor memory of writing it correctly spelled.

F.      The only way to really learn a word is to use it, and that counts for spelling as much as for learning its meaning.

G.     When you catch yourself spelling the same word wrong over and over, write it down somewhere.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Ministr y of Health has called for more awareness from the public on the mental health of the young,as part of efforts to mark World Mental Health Day.

More than 15 percent of the Chinese youth have been found with mental problems,and about 30 million young people under 17 are suffering from depression,the Shanghai­based Wenhui Daily reported.

The World Health Organization estimated that before 2020,the rate of children with mental problems will increase to 50 percent,and mental problem will become a major factor behind death and illness in the young worldwide.

Deng Xiaohong,the spokesperson for the Beijing municipal health bureau,said rapid social change is one of the reasons behind the rising number of youngsters with psychological problems.

If these mental diseases are not addressed on time,occurrence of crime,drug­taking and other dangerous behavior is expected to rise.

Experts said mental diseases could be caused by many factors,such as the inability to handle interpersonal relations well,unstable emotions and pressure from the overload of study.

A number of experts have also said the one­child policy is another reason leading to poor mental health in the young.

Children were said to be too “spoiled” and “selfish” in one­child families.

Schools in many cities were reported rolling out measures to help students maintain their mental well­being.

Yin Jingmiao,a teacher of the Beijing No.105 middle school,told China Daily that the school invites psychologists to provide counseling to students three times a month.

“Students can be arranged to have 40­minute counseling sessions,” Yin said.

The school also gives lectures on mental health to senior grade students before they take the national College Entrance Exams,to help ease any anxiety arising from the tests.

67.What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To urge awareness on mental health of the young.

B.To give the details of the problems the Chinese youth are facing today.

C.To recommend that schools should invite more psychologists to help solve the mental

problems among the youth.

D.To show us the causes of the mental problems among students.

68.The underlined word “addressed” in the fifth paragraph most probably means ________.

A.talked about                                                     B.dealt with

C.satisfied                                                                 D.introduced

69.From the passage we can know that the causes of mental problems are mainly the following


A.one­child policy

B.lack of ability to handle interpersonal relations well

C.lack of special training in mental health

D.heavy burden from study

70.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.By 2020,about 50 percent of the students in China will have mental problems.

B.Mental problems mainly appear among the youth while they are seldom seen among


C.China has the largest number of youngsters with psychological problems.

D.Many schools have realized the problem and taken measures.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Some foods can make you sick if they are stored in conditions that are not cold enough to prevent the growth of harmful organisms. Freezing can keep some foods in good condition for months after the growing season. Yet foods can be damaged if they are kept too cold.

The British Development Group says the best time to prepare foods for storage is at harvest time while foods are still in the field.

Use a sharp knife and place the harvested items on a clean surface or directly into storage containers. Do not put them on the ground.

Use clean water to remove dirt, and keep the water clean. Usually it is better not to remove outer leaves from fruits and vegetables before storage. Without leaves, foods can become dry quickly.

Fruits and vegetables must cool from field heat before they are put into storage containers. Cooling them in water can spread funguses (霉菌) throughout the food. A better idea is to harvest foods either early or late in the day, and then leave them to cool naturally.

Some fruits and vegetables must be stored at zero to four degrees Celsius. Some foods need to be stored at four to eight degrees Celsius, and some need to be stored above eight degrees Celsius for best results.

Wet fruits and vegetables so they do not become too dry. The best time to do this is before storage. Cover the items in plastic once they reach the right temperature for storage. Most fruits and vegetables need the relative humidity (湿度). Finally, leave spaces between the food containers and the walls of the cold storage area so air can flow. Keep the spaces clean. And try not to open the doors too often.

64. The text is mainly about                 .

     A. the benefits of storing foods in cold conditions

     B. some tips for the storage of foods

     C. the research on some fruits and vegetables

     D. the process of keeping foods in good condition

65. What is the function of the leaves of fruits and vegetables?

     A. Keeping them from harmful organisms.               B. Helping keep them clean.

     C. Helping keep them fresh.                            D. Making them look more attractive.

66. Why is it better to harvest foods either early or late in the day?

     A. Because foods have no field heat then.

     B. Because it is easy to make them become cool from field heat naturally.

     C. Because foods then are wet enough to be stored.

     D. Because foods are cleaner then.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It is quite reasonable to blame traffic jams,the cost of gas and the great speed of modern life,but manners on the road are becoming horrible.Everybody knows that the nicest men would become fierce tigers behind the wheel.It is all right to have a tiger in a cage,but to have one in the driver’s seat is another matter.

Road politeness is not only good manners,but good sense.It takes the most cool­headed drivers great patience to give up the desire to beat back when forced to face rude driving.On the other hand,a little politeness goes a long way towards reducing the possibility of quarrelling and fighting.A friendly nod or a wave of thanks in answer to an act of politeness helps to create an atmosphere of good will and calm so necessary in modern traffic conditions.But such behavior of politeness is by no means enough.Many drivers nowadays don’t even seem able to recognize politeness when they see it.

However,misplaced politeness can also be dangerous.Typical examples are the driver who waves at a child crossing the street at a wrong place into the path of oncoming cars that may not be able to stop in time.The same goes for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and whenever they want to.

An experienced driver,whose manners are faultless,told me it would help if drivers learnt to correctly join in traffic stream without causing the blockage that gave rise to unpleasant feelings.Unfortunately,some modern drivers can’t even learn to drive,let alone master the roadmanship.Years ago,experts warned us that the fast increase of the car ownership would demand more give­and­take from all road users.It is high time for all of us to take action.

59.The passage mainly talks about________.

A.road politeness        B.traffic jams      C.good manners         D.modern drivers

60.Troubles on the road are often caused by________.

A.traffic jams                             B.the behavior of the drivers

C.great speed                            D.terrible road conditions

61.According to the writer,a good driver should________.

A.beat back when forced to face rude driving

B.be able to recognize politeness when he sees it

C.encourage old ladies to cross the road whenever they want to

D.join in traffic stream quickly however other people feel

62.The following statements are right EXCEPT that________.

A.some modern drivers are not good at driving

B.road politeness is good sense as well as good manners

C.it is also right to have a tiger in the driver’s seat

D.a friendly driver should nod or wave thanks in answer to an act of politeness

63.It is not right for drivers to________.

A.master roadmanship

B.recognize politeness when they see it

C.encourage old ladies to cross the road whenever and wherever they want to

D.give a friendly nod in answer to an act of politeness


科目: 来源: 题型:

Read the following advertisements and then choose the correct answers.

(China Daily, March 3 ) the biggest shopping center will open on March 8. Everybody with today's China Daily will get a small present that day. You are welcome.

Telephone: 38990688; address: No. 6 Xidan Road ……

(ENGLISH NEWSPAPER, March 19 ) English Newspaper needs a foreign editor. He (She) must have worked in China for more than 2 years. British nationality is necessary. The salary is $ 100,000 a year. The term is 3 years. In ten days this piece of advertisement will not be useful.

Telephone: 3890666; addreses: No. 6 Xinling Road …

(CHINA FOOTBALL, February 3 )

Shanghai Shenhua Team Vs Beijing Guo'an Team

TIME: February 8, Sunday (3:00)   PLACE: Hongkou Stadium

TICKET PRICE: RMB 25 yuan (for adults ) RMB 15 yuan (for students)

NAME: China Cup Football Contest

COACHES: Xu Genbao, Jin Zhiyang …

56. If an Englishman who has worked in China for 3 years comes to English Newspaper office to ask for the job in April, he will _____.

A. get the job        B. not get the job           C. be a good editor    D. not be useful

57. If three adults and six students went to watch the match, the tickets would cost them _____ yuan.

A. 165               B. 135                C. 196           D. 255

58. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. The shopping center is at NO. 6 Xidan Road.

B. The telephone number of English Newspaper is 3890666.

C. The match was between Beijing Team and Guo'an Team. 

D. Xu Genbao is a coach.



科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a fairly new celebration in the British calendar compared with Mother’s Day,which has been a very popular and well celebrated festival in the UK for a very long time.

Father’s Day was first celebrated by Americans 36 it was inspired by (受启发) the actions of a man named William Smart.He was a veteran (退伍军人) of the US Civil War and his wife 37 away giving birth to their sixth child.He 38 six children alone without remarrying,which was undoubtedly 39 back in those days.

His daughter,Sonora Dodd, 40 when she was an adult what her father had sacrificed for his

 41 .It was in the early 1900s and she was actually 42 one day,listening to a sermon (传教) on

 43 .She thought there should 44 be a Father’s Day celebration.

And so the 45 was born,on the third Sunday every June,close to the anniversary (周年) of Sonora’s father’s death.Britain took the idea of Father’s Day from the American celebration and it has been celebrated 46 since the 1970s.

Father’s Day is never quite such a big commercial event 47 Mother’s Day is,probably because it hasn’t been in 48 for so long.But what do British people do for Father’s Day?

Well,most people would buy their fathers a card.The card would probably have a nice message in it 49 what a great Dad their father is.Some people do buy presents as well.

 50 gifts for Dads are probably ties,chocolates or socks because these are things that Dads can 51 use even if they don’t want them.In the run­up (即将来到之际) to Father’s Day,or indeed Mother’s Day,there will be adverts (广告) on TV giving 52 ideas of CDs or gadgets (小玩具,小玩意) we can buy.Card shops will be full of mugs or pens and similar merchandise (商品) with “World’s Greatest Dad” 53 on them.

Some families 54 do things together to celebrate Father’s Day like going for a meal.As a special treat,British people might give their Dad a bit of a rest, 55 him a cup of tea,or even wash his car and mow the lawn (除草) to make him feel really appreciated.

36.A.so                            B.or                  C.and                   D.but

37.A.passed                   B.ran                 C.went                  D.died

38.A.brought                     B.raised              C.fed                          D.educated

39.A.unnatural                B.unfair              C.untrue                D.unusual

40.A.realized                     B.noticed            C.found                D.heard

41.A.wife                        B.son                C. daughter               D.children

42.A.at school                   B.at church         C.at home         D.at work

43.A.Father’s Day             B.Christmas Day  C.Mother’s Day    D.New Year’s Day

44.A.still                           B.also                 C.too                         D.as well

45.A.attraction                 B.position            C.tradition             D.congratulation

46.A.specially                 B.especially         C.greatly                D.officially

47.A.as                          B.like                 C.that                      D.which

48.A.use                        B.existence          C.effect                   D.power

49.A.writing                    B.speaking          C.telling               D.saying

50.A.Popular                    B.Regular          C.Normal                D.Moral

51.A.sometimes              B.seldom             C.never                  D.always

52.A.you                       B.us                   C.them                    D.people

53.A.placed                      B.put                  C.written                  D.laid

54.A.must                         B.might       C.can                     D.should

55.A.make                        B.cook                C.boil                      D.steam


科目: 来源: 题型:

—I’d rather have some wine.if you don’t mind.

      .Don’t forget you will drive.  .

A.Anything but that B.A11 the best  C.Take it easy   D.Never mind


科目: 来源: 题型:

---I’d like to go to the cinema with you, Dad.

---Sorry, dear, but the film is ______for adults only.

A. allowed       B. intended          C. admitted      D. set


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Jerry         many difficulties in Africa, but she finished her research on wildlife in the end.

     A. went through    B. got through        C. ran through    D. put through


科目: 来源: 题型:

— Can you persuade him out of the foolish idea?

   in doing so — he will never change his mind.

   A. There is no point           B. It is no wonder

   C. There is no way             D. There is no doubt

