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科目: 来源: 题型:

以 “A Ten-Minute Break”为题,写一篇100字左右的短文。短文的内容必须包括如下几点:



  3、自己是通常怎样利用这十分钟的:与同学聊天(have a chat);散步等。
















科目: 来源: 题型:


1.Drinking and smoking will _______ ________ (有害) to your health.

2.He has been ________ _______ (厌烦了) working for this boss.

3.When the war ______ ______ (爆发), he was working in the navy.

4.What he said was quite ________ _________ _______ ________ _______(与他做的不一样).

5.__________ __________ __________ ______________(使我非常满意的是),the boss agreed to my suggestion.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1..She entered the lab without _____________ (许可).

2. At first she didn’t like English but g__________ she is interested in it.

3. We should try our best to keep the b___________ of nature or we’ll be punished by nature.

4. He has a good sense of __________(幽默).

5. During the war this village was s_________ by the enemy and more than 200 people were      killed.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Frank shot well and once he had come in fourth in a competition.

     Then he went to a big city on business. There he joined the local rifle club. The club had a very good team, which used to take part in a lot of important shooting competitions. One of these took place while Frank was with them. But one of the members of the club's team suddenly fell ill just before the match. The captain had heard of Mr. Frank. He therefore invited Mr. Frank to take the sick man's place.

    Mr. Frank felt greatly happy to be asked to shoot for such a good team, but he also felt very nervous, because he was afraid of making a fool of himself.

    In fact, he was so nervous that he could not keep his hands from trembling while he was shooting, with the result that he did very badly in the competition. When he took his score card to his captain, he said:" After seeing my score, I want to go outside and shoot myself. " The captain looked at the card for a few seconds and then said, "Well, you'd better take two bullets with you if you want to do that. "

76. Mr. Frank once                in a competition.

  A. joined the fourth team

  B. was the fourth to start shooting

  C. took the fourth place

  D. shot with the other three

77. Why did Mr. Frank feel nervous to be asked to shoot for the team? Because             .

  A. actually he was not good at shooting

  B. he thought the captain and the other members would fool him

  C. he would lose a lot of money if he should fail

  D. he was afraid of losing face before so many good shooters

78. When Frank said, "After seeing my score, I want to go outside and shoot myself", he meant to say that               .

A. he wants to practice shooting all by himself

B. he wanted to find out the reason for his failure

C. he was too shamed of himself to remain inside and face the captain and the other members

  D. he wanted to kill himself with the rifle

79. By saying "You had better take two bullets with you if you want to do that", the captain actually meant to say

  A. "We haven't got so many bullets for you to practice shooting."

  B. "You can't improve your shooting with only one bullet."

  C. "I don't believe you can keep your hands from shaking this time."

  D. "you are such a bad shooter that one bullet is certainly not enough to end you life with."

80. According to this passage, which of the following is wrong?

  A. The captain wasn't satisfied with Frank and laughed at him.

B. He fired several shots and they all missed the target.

C. In the big city Frank was admitted to the local rifle club.

D. Frank could have done better in the competition.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

LONDON (Reuters) ---Organic fruit, carried right to the doorstep. That is what Gabriel Gold prefers, and he is willing to pay for it. If this is not possible, the 26-year-old computer technician will spend the extra money at the supermarket to buy organic food.

“Organic produce is always better,” Mr. Gold said. “The food is free of pesticides(杀虫剂), and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms. And more often than not it is locally grown and seasonal, so it is more tasty.” Mr. Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend, and supermarkets across Britain are depending on more like him as they grow their organic food business. But how many shoppers really know what they are getting, and why are they willing to pay a higher price for organic produce? Market research shows that Mr. Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences---but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete. For example, small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic produce. And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported (进口) to meet the growing need. “The demand for organic food is increasing(增加) by about one third every year, so it is a very fast-growing market.” Said Sue Flock, a specialist in this line of business.

71. How much organic food in Britain is produced locally?

A. about15%   B.about25%     C.about50%    D. about 75%

72. More and more people in Britain are buying organic food because________.

A. they are getting richer

B. they can get the food anywhere

C. they consider the food free of pollution

D. they like home-grown fruit

73. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Those who buy organic food have a complete knowledge of organic food.

B. Some of the organic food is produced outside Britain.

C. Organic produce is not seasonal and tastes more tasty.

D. Organic products are those which are free of pesticides.

74. The underlined words “organic trend” means          .

A. higher prices of organic food

B. better quality of organic food

C. rising market for organic food

D. growing interest in organic food

75. The news story is mainly about             .

A. that more and more people prefer organic food in Britain

B. the production of organic food in Britain

C. the complete knowledge of organic food in Britain

D. good qualities of organic food in Britain


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Memory, they say, is a matter of practice and exercise. If you have the wish and really made a conscious(自觉的)effort, then you can quite easily improve your ability to remember things. But even if you are successful, there are times when your memory seems to play tricks on you.

Sometimes you remember things that really did not happen. One morning last week, for example, I got up and found that I had left the front door unlocked all night, yet I clearly remember locking it carefully the night before.

Memory “trick” work the other way as well. Once in a while you remember not doing something, and then find out that you did. One day last month, for example, I was sitting in a barber(理发师)shop waiting for my turn to get a haircut, and suddenly I realized that I had got a haircut two days before at the barber shop across the street from my office.

We always seem to find something funny and amusing in incidents caused by people’s forgetfulness or absent-mindedness. Stories about absent-minded professors have been told for years, and we never got tired of hearing new ones. Unfortunately, however, absent-mindedness is not always funny. There are times when “trick” of our memory can cause us great trouble.

66. If you want to have a good memory,       .

  A. you should force yourself to remember things

  B. you should make a conscious effort of practice and exercise

  C. you should never stop learning

  D. you should try hard to remember tings

67. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

  A. One night the writer forgot to lock the front door.

  B. One night the writer forgot having locked the front door.

  C. The writer remembered to lock the door.

  D. the writer remembered unlocking the front door.

68. From the sentence “We never get tired of hearing new ones”, we can infer that       .

  A. we enjoy hearing new stories about absent-mindedness of professors

  B. we don’t want to know anything more about absent-mindedness of professors

  C. we will never get tired of listening to new stories about absent-mindedness

  D. absent-mindedness happens not only to professors but to many other people

69. In the passage, the writer seems to tell you       .

  A. forgetting things is serious and dangerous

  B. always forgetting things is understandable

  C. forgetting things at times is natural

  D. the way to protect yourself from memory “tricks”

70. The best title for this passage is       .

  A. How to Get a Good Memory

  B. “Tricks” Of Memory

  C. Forgetfulness and Absent-mindedness is Dangerous

  D. Get Rid of Absent-mindedness


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

How Americans Began to Eat Tomatoes

People have strange ideas about food. For example, the tomato is a kind of very delicious vegetable. It is one of useful plants that can be prepared in many ways. It has rich nutrition and vitamin in it. But in the 18th century, Americans never ate tomatoes. They grew them in their gardens because tomato plants are so pretty. But they thought the vegetable was poisonous (有毒的). They called tomatoes “poison apples.”

President Thomas Jefferson, however, knew that tomatoes were good to eat. He was a learned man. He had been to Paris, where he learned to love the taste of tomatoes. He grew many kinds of tomatoes in his garden. The President taught his cook a way for a cream of tomato soup. This beautiful pink soup was served at the President’s party. The guests thought the soup tasted really good. They never thought their president would serve his honored guests poison apples. Jefferson never spoke to his honored (忠实的) guests about the fact.

61. After you read the passage, which of the following do you think is true?

  A. Americans never ate tomatoes after they began to plant them.

  B. Americans didn’t eat tomatoes before 19th century.

  C. Even now Americans don’t eat tomatoes.

  D. In the 18th century Americans ate a lot of tomatoes.

62. The passage tells us that Jefferson was a President who learned to love the taste of tomatoes       .

  A. while he was in Paris

B. when he was a little boy

  C. because his parents told him so

D. from books

63. According to the text, _______ made the beautiful pink soup served at the President’s party.

  A. the President himself

B. a French cook

  C. the President’s cook

D. the President’s wife

64. From the passage we know all the honored guests invited by Jefferson were       .

  A. people from other countries

B. from France

  C. people of his own country

D. men only

65. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

  A. All of the guests knew the soup that was served at the President’s party was made of tomatoes.

  B. All of the guests thought the soup which was prepared by the President’s cook was nice.

  C. All of the guests thought the taste of the beautiful pink soup was nice.

  D. None of the guests knew that their president would serve his honored guests poison apples.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

You have waited 45 minutes for the valuable 10 minutes’ break between classes. But when the bell for the next class rings, you can’t believe how ___41__ time has passed.

If you are ___42___ with this scene, you’ll know how time flies when you are having fun and __43__ when you are bored. Now scientists have ___44___ a reason why this is the case.

Scans have shown that patterns of activity in the brain ___45___ according to how we focus on a task. When we are ___46___ ,we concentrate more on how time is passing. And ____47___ makes our brains think the clock is ticking more slowly.

In an experiment ____48___ by a French laboratory, 12 volunteers watched an image ___49___ researchers monitored their brain activity.

The volunteers were told to __50____ concentrate on how long an image appeared for, then ____51___ the color of the image, and thirdly, study both duration(持续时间,期间) and color. The results showed that ___52__ was more active when the volunteers paid attention to ___53__ subjects.

It is thought __54____ if the brain is focusing on many aspects of a task, it has to    ___55__ its resources, and pays less attention to the clock. ____56__, time passes without us really __57___it, and seems to go quickly. If the brain is not so active, it concentrates its ___58____ energies on monitoring the passing of time. __59__, time seems to drag.

Next time you feel bored __60___, perhaps you should pay more attention to what the teacher is saying!

41. A. slowly     B. quickly     C. terribly     D. foolishly

42. A. disappointed     B. satisfied     C. familiar       D. similar

43. A. drags       B. stops       C. goes       D. backs

44. A. thought over    B. made up   C. suggested with    D. come up with

45. A. change    B. develop     C. grow     D. slow

46. A. sleepy    B. bored    C. excited    D. active

47. A. which       B. we      C. this    D. what

48. A. produced    B. carried out    C. tried     D. did

49. A. where      B. when      C. while        D. as

50. A. partly        B. quickly       C. how      D. first

51. A. familiar with     B. focus on    C. make out    D. tell apart

52. A. the researchers     B. the experiment      C. the clock      D. the brain

53. A. no             B. less       C. some         D. more

54. A. when           B. which      C. that         D. where

55. A. fix            B. gather     C. reach        D. spread

56. A. However    B. Furthermore     C. Therefore      D. Finally

57. A. recognizing    B. watching    C. noticing     D. counting

58. A. enough      B. full       C. right      D. proper

59. A. In fact     B. As a result    C. For example    D. Instead

60. A. in class    B. with work    C. in mind     D. of lessons


科目: 来源: 题型:

 _______ his mother, the baby could not help _______.

A. To see;to laugh        B. Seeing;to laugh

C. Seeing;laughing       D. To see;laughing


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Anything worth _______ is worthy of _______ well.

A. doing;being done       B. doing;doing

C. to be done;to be done    D. to be done;being done

