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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It seems that some people go out of their way to get into trouble. That’s more or less what happened the night that Nashville Police Officer Floyd Hyde was on duty.

“I was on the way to a personal-injury accident in West Nashville. As I got onto Highway 40, blue lights and siren(警笛) going, I fell in behind a gold Pontiac Firebird that suddenly seemed to take off quickly down the highway. The driver somehow panicked at the sight of me. He was going more than a hundred miles an hour and began passing cars on the shoulder.”

But Hyde couldn’t go after him. Taking care of injured people is always more important than worrying about speeders, so the officer had to stay on his way to the accident. But he did try to keep the Firebird in sight as he drove, hoping another nearby unit would be able to step in and stop the speeding car. As it turned out, keeping the Firebird in sight was not that difficult. Every turn the Pontiac made was the very turn the officer needed to get to the accident scene.

Hyde followed the Pontiac all the way to his destination(目的地). At that point he found another unit had already arrived at the accident scene. His help wasn’t needed. Now he was free to try to stop the driver of the firebird, who by this time had developed something new to panick about.

“Just about that time,” Hyde says, “ I saw fire coming out from under that car, with blue smoke and oil going everywhere. He’s blown his engine. Now he had to stop.”

“After I arrested him, I asked him why he was running. He told me he didn’t have a driver’s license

That accident cost the driver of the Firebird plenty—a thousand dollars for the new engine—not to mention the charges for driving without a license, attempting to run away, and dangerous driving.

31. The meaning of “panicked” in paragraph 2 is related to _______.

    A. happy   B. fear   C. anger    D. hate

32. Why did the driver of the Firebird suddenly speed down the highway?

    A. Because he was racing with another driver on the road.

    B. Because he realized he had to hurry to the accident scene.

    C. Because he thought the police officer wanted to stop him.

    D. Because he wanted to overtake other cars on the shoulder.

33. Which of the following statements is true?

    A. Someone else was taking care of the injured person.

    B. The Pontiac reached its destination at the accident scene.

    C. Hyde knew where he was going by following the right car.

    D. The policeman was running after a speeder on Highway 40.

34. The driver of the Firebird _________.

    A. took a wrong turn on the way      B. had some trouble with his car

    C. was stopped by the police officer   D. paid for the expenses of the accident

35. What is probably the best title for the article?

    A. Losing His Way?     B. Going My Way?

    C. Fun All the Way?     D. Help on the Way?


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

During my last stay in France, I took to biking down a quiet road.Round a   1   , I found a woman sitting in front of a little shabby house.I don’t know why, but something about her attracted my   2   .I waved at her as I went by, and she must have thought I was some   3 

tourist because she didn’t wave back.The same thing happened the second day.But on the third day, the old woman returned a hesitated     4  , and the next day, she   5   got out of her chair as I called out, “Morning, madam!” It became a small ritual(仪式)   6    us.She had no idea who I was, nor   7    I was coming, but she seemed to be    8    for me.

On my last ride, I bought some flowers and    9    down to the house, only to find she wasn’t there.She had gone to hospital for surgeries.  10   , I tied the flowers to her gate as a    11    gift.Back at my place, I    12   Roger, the gardener, of my missed    13   .“The old lady at the corner is suffering    14   injuries, through which walking has been troubling her,” he said,   15    “by the quiet road there used to be a station.Whenever a train passed, the couple would see the passengers waving    16   , especially the children—for them, such a ride was high adventure.  17   , everything is gone except for this couple.”

                  It seems that my bicycle ride    18    mind her past days.As Roger said, “she has    19    the trains and the waves.You brought them back to her.” By reaching out, in a way that cost me    20   , I’d given more than I had realized.

11.A.corner     B.garden        C.hospital        D.shop

12.A.sympathy   B.feeling       C.impression      D.interest

13.A.humorous  B.silly         C.enthusiastic   D.willing

14.A.smile      B.wave          C.look            D.weep

15.A.nearly     B.hardly        C.merely          D.mostly

16.A.from       B.beyond        C.between         D.among

17.A.where      B.whether       C.how             D.when

18.A.applying  B.looking       C.searching       D.waiting

19.A.counted    B.cycled        C.fled            D.drove

20.A.Disappointed  B.Relaxed    C.Amazed          D.Exhausted

21.A.greeting  B.visiting      C.parting         D.celebrating

22.A.asked      B.told          C.reminded        D.convinced

23.A.connection  B.devotion     C.reaction        D.donation

24.A.leg        B.head          C.hand            D.arm

25.A.adding     B.denying       C.predicating     D.concluding

26.A.surprisingly  B.angrily    C.excitedly       D.casually

27.A.Besides    B.Thus          C.However         D.Therefore

28.A.called back  B.called to  C.called by       D.called for

29A.missed       B.forgotten     C.lost            D.passed

30.A.something  B.little        C.much            D.nothing


科目: 来源: 题型:

 A new school library _____ here. It is said that they hope to finish it next month.

A. will be built    B. is built    C. has been built    D. is being built


科目: 来源: 题型:

The new dictionaries are very useful. They ______well and _____ already.

A. sell ; have been sold out        B. sold ;had sold out

C. sell; sell out                  D. are sold; have been sold out


科目: 来源: 题型:

This book is said_____ into several foreign languages last year.

A. has been translated            B. have been translated

C. to have translated             D. to have been translated


科目: 来源: 题型:

Great changes _____ in our province. Many tall buildings ______.

A. had been taken place; have been set up

B. have taken place; have been set up

C. have been taken place; have been set up

D. were taken place; were set up


科目: 来源: 题型:

I want to buy this kind of cloth because I ____ the cloth ____ well.

A. have told; washed             B. have been told; washes

C. have been told; washed         D. was told; washed   


科目: 来源: 题型:

—Flight 302 to Paris _____ until 7:30 tomorrow morning.

---No wonder I bear so many complaints from the passengers .

A. put off B. has been put off  C. will put off D. had been put off


科目: 来源: 题型:

In recent years many football clubs_______ as business to make a profit.

A. have fun B. have been run C. had been run D. will run


科目: 来源: 题型:

 His sister left home in 1998, and _____since.

A. had not been heard of          B. has not been heard of

C. had not heard of              D. has not heard of

