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科目: 来源: 题型:

 She suddenly became ______ a man following her, so she went into a shop to get rid of him.
     A. tired of          B. aware of
     C. satisfied with    D. pleased with


科目: 来源: 题型:

 As consumers, we should be careful not to ______ the tricks of advertisers.
     A. care for    B. fall for
     C. ask for     D. answer for


科目: 来源: 题型:

 He mentioned in the letter that he ______ join us once he ______ our invitation.
     A. would come; received             B. had come; received
     C. was coming; had received       D. came; received


科目: 来源: 题型:

 When I was young, my father taught me that the earth ______ around the sun.
     A. moved     B. had moved
     C. was moving    D. moves


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Children are always ______, and usually think differently from adults.
     A. satisfied    B. social     C. untrue      D. creative


科目: 来源: 题型:



1. 目标明确,正确评价自己;           2. 前期复习注重基础;

3. 与父母、老师及同学保持沟通;       4. 劳逸结合,平衡饮食。




3. 参考词汇:高考:College Entrance Examination


           正确评价自己:have a correct estimation of oneself

Dear Tom,

How are you doing? I’m glad to have received your letter.__________________________________







Best wishes.




科目: 来源: 题型:







One day my father went to see the film after supper. But in our surprise, he came back just about half an hour later. I asked him what was the matter. He smiled and told us about the funny thing what had happened in the cinema. He was sitting in his seat while a woman came to her and said the seat was hers. Surprising, they looked at their ticket carefully, only to find the seats shown in their tickets were the same while the colors were different. So they looked at the tickets carefully. After a while, my father apologized to the woman, saying, “Sorry, I make a mistake. Take this seat, please.” The fact was that his ticket found out under the glass on his desk was for the film a month ago. 


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

How to Take Care of a Butterfly Cocoon

If you’re an elementary school science teacher or a mom of curious little kids, you might already know witnessing a caterpillar turning into a butterfly is one of the most awe-inspiring experiences that a young kid can have.

71 . Apart from letting your kids witness the change on themselves, it’s also a good idea to ground their experience with educational background. You could let the kids draw or take notes of their observations until the caterpillar finally transforms into a butterfly.

72  . Caterpillars spin cocoons for themselves using a silk-like substance coming from their bodies. The caterpillar attaches this cocoon to a leaf or twig and wraps its body around it. That’s why it’s best that you provide a hanging stick or branch where the cocoon could be attached to. The best way is to have the caterpillar live on an indoor plant.

Do not disturb the cocoon. Once the insect is inside the cocoon, there’s actually nothing else that needs to be done. The best way is to let everybody know that nobody should touch the cocoon; the butterfly is being “formed” inside and if anybody disturbs it, chances are she won’t be able to be formed properly.  73.

If the cocoon falls off its twig, don’t panic! The insect is still safe and it will still emerge as a butterfly soon enough.  74. Don’t attempt to put it back to its original place.

Know when the butterfly will emerge from the cocoon. The insect usually stays inside the cocoon for 10 to 14 days. The day just before the butterfly emerges, the cocoon will turn either dark, or very clear. Expect the butterfly to come out in the early morning, and be sure to have your kids at hand to witness this event!  75 .

Once the butterfly emerges and its wings become strong enough, the next part is to let her go out into the garden. Your kids will certainly appreciate the lesson on transformation, patience, and letting go. Good luck!

A.  Know the process.

B.  The best way is to leave it alone.

C.  Help it come back to its place immediately.

D.  This will happen very fast, so be ready.

E.  Get it come out as quickly as possible.

F.  It is a great opportunity to teach kids about patience.

G.  Prepare the environment for the cocoon.


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Congratulations on deciding to visit the Big Apple. Whether you choose to spend time in the Metropolitan Museum of Art or an S&M club in the west Village, or both, you’re in for quite an experience. NYC(New York City) isn’t nearly as crazy or dangerous as movies make it out to be, so relax and enjoy its intrinsic weirdness.

    Instructions to get there

    New York City, being a major metropolis, can be accessed in many ways: by plane, train, bus or car.

    Flying: There are three major airports people usually fly into when traveling to New York. La Guardia is the closest to Manhattan, and is located in the borough of Queens. JFK international Airport is also in Queens, but a little farther from Manhattan. Newark is in New Jersey and is by far the farthest from the city.

    Train: Amtrak(美国铁路公司) trains arrive constantly in Penn Station, which is located at 7th Avenue and 34th Street. Penn Station is conveniently located in the heart of Manhattan and can be accessed via subway and taxis. Metro North, a light-rail system that runs from Connecticut to New York, is another convenient way to get into the city if you happen to be nearby. Those trains come into Grand Central Station, which is located at 42nd Street and Park Avenue.

    Bus: For those of you on a tight budget (or who are just plain cheap but have a lot of time on your hands), the bus is always an option. Buses----- run by several companies including Greyhound, Trailways, Peter Pan and New Jersey Transit----- are usually much cheaper than trains and planes, and they are just as convenient, arriving at Port Authority, located at 42nd Street and 8th Avenue. Of course, buses take longer and have smellier bathrooms.

    Driving: If you choose to drive to New York City, your best bet is to find a garage as soon as you arrive and park your car for the duration of the trip. Driving and parking in the city are both impossible, and will certainly make your trip miserable. Since New York has excellent public transportation and thousands of taxis, you really don’t need your car if you are staying in Manhattan.

67. In many films New York City seems________.

   A. dangerous         B. traditional          C. convenient        D. unique

68. Which one shows the right order of airports’ distance from New York City?

   A. JFK International Airport—Newark—La Guardia

   B. La Guardia—JFK International Airport—Newark

   C. La Guardia—Newark—JFK International Airport

   D. JFK International Airport—La Guardia—Newark

69. If you are on vacation but don’t have enough money, which transportation is your best choice?

   A. Plane             B. Train              C. Bus             D. Car

70. The biggest challenge for driving to New York City is        .

   A. its high cost                          B. taking a long time

   C. unpleasant smell                      D. parking the car


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

You had better think twice before posting a new photo or updating it to your Facebook profile. That’s because new research has found that social media use can lower some users’ sense of self-control over their lives. The research, which will be published in The Journal of Consumer Research, was based on the responses of 541 Facebook users in the United States.

“Using online social networks can have a positive effect on self-esteem(自尊) and well-being. However, these increased feelings of self-worth can have a damaging effect on behavior.” said researchers Keith Wilcox of Columbia University and Andrew Stephen of the University of Pittsburgh. “Because users care about the image they present to close friends, social network use enhances self-esteem in them who are focused on close friends while searching for information on their social network. This momentary increase in self-esteem leads them to display less self-control after looking through a social network.”

In other words, social media users have more self-esteem after using networks like Facebook. However, that momentary improvement in self-esteem lowers their self-control and leads them to do what they want, even if this is not good for them.

    In particular, the researchers found that social media users were more likely to do too much drinking and eating and have a higher body-mass index. Frequent Facebook users also were more likely to have certain financial problems, including a lower credit score and higher levels of debt.

    The researchers tied these feelings to the observation that social media users were less likely to exhibit modesty on their profiles, since feedback was not immediate.

    “These results are worrying given the increased time people spend using social networks, as well as the worldwide proliferation (激增) of access to social networks anywhere, anytime via smartphones and other small devices,” Wilcox and Stephen wrote. “Given that self-control is important for maintaining social order and personal health and happiness, this unnoticeable effect could have widespread impact. This is particularly true for adolescents and young adults who are the heaviest users of social networks and have grown up using social networks as a normal part of their daily lives.”

64. When may social media users lower their self-control?

   A. Before looking through social networks.

   B. After logging on to social networks.

   C. While scanning social networks.

   D. After looking through social networks.

65. What quality are social media users most likely to show?

   A. Self-control.       B. Self-confidence.      C. Self-esteem.      D. Self-discipline.

66. According to the writer, Facebook can make the users        .

   A. slim and rich      B. fat and poor          C. slim and poor     D. fat and rich

