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科目: 来源: 题型:

 Teenagers nowadays rebel against their parents quite often. Actually, taking their advice will___________them a lot of trouble.

       A.avoid              B. save           C. spare              D. take


科目: 来源: 题型:

----Where do you suggest_________?

  ----Downtown in Quanzhou, of course.

A. will we locate the museum           B. the museum must be located

C. the museum be located              D. should we locate the museum


科目: 来源: 题型:

 I was late for school this morning because my alarm o’clock failed to__________.

A. go out            B. go down        C. go ahead        D. go off


科目: 来源: 题型:

________in his online games,I am afraid,may lead to his failure in this mid-term exams.

    A. Absorbed          B. Being absorbed  C. Absorbing       D. To absorb


科目: 来源: 题型:

 ----Jacky, I had this iPhone delivered ________ for your birthday.

----It’s very kind of you, but you needn’t have bought me so expensive a gift.

       A.especially            B.efficiently       C.specially       D.extremely


科目: 来源: 题型:

 -----He will be extremely angry at the news.       

   -----__________.This is between you and me.

       A. It doesn’t matter.                                      B.Not at all.          

       C. It’s none of his business.                              D.I’m sorry to hear that.


科目: 来源: 题型:


1. 描述这幅漫画的内容。

2. 是否同意他们的教育方式, 并陈述理由。

3. 对家庭教育提出建议。

注意:1. 词数:120左右。

2. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。

3. 参考词汇:溺爱 spoil (v)

            巧克力 chocolate (n)

As can be seen in the cartoon, the young couple educate their child in different ways.                                                                               





















科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解


As is known, success is the pursuit of many ambitious people. It

requires much of a person. In my o       , above all, one should be 

76. ____________

a person of strong perseverance. Rome was not          in a day.


On our long way to success, there are undoubtedly many       (困难)

78. ____________

standing in the way. If we lose heart and give       halfway, nothing 

79. ____________

can be a          . Throughout history, we have had many famous

80. ____________

successful people in the world, of          no one is weak-minded. 

81. ____________

Take the great scientist Edison      an example, he had experienced

82. ____________

one         (失败) after another before he finally invented the bulb,

83. ____________

which lighted up the whole world. Success is what one        (渴望) .

84. ____________

As l        as one is diligent, perseverant and up-to-date, I am sure

85. ____________

success is near at hand. 


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

   A white shark shipped from New York and placed into an outdoor pool for a Kmart commercial in Los Angeles died after showing signs of distress, an official from the animal welfare group that monitored the production said on Thursday.

The American Humane Association (AHA), which certifies film and TV productions with animals, says everything possible was done to ensure the 1.5 meter shark's safety.

The shark's death follows lots of criticism of the use of animals in Hollywood productions. The animal rights group, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), which said it received details on the shark's death from two whistleblowers

(揭发者), criticized the AHA in a letter over the shark's death.

"Sharks are sensitive animals who, in captivity(囚禁), require a highly specialized and controlled environment," the PETA letter read. "Given the delicate nature of this species, why would the AHA approve the transport and use of this animal?"

The shark was placed into a 227- liter outdoor tank in the Van Nuys suburb of Los Angeles, said Karen Rosa, a senior adviser of the AHA. She added that was a good amount of water for it. "We honestly don't know why the animal died. It was not being mistreated. It was not being harmed," Rosa said.

Early in the day, the shark seemed to be in good condition, but at one point they noticed it showed signs of distress. "As far as I know, it was immediately insisted upon that the animal receive specialized aquatic veterinarian(兽医) care," she said.

Oxygen was pumped into the tank and the shark was given a shot to try to stabilize it before it was transferred to an aquatic compound for care, where it died the same day, Rosa said.

The shoot was for a Kmart commercial, but a representative for the retailer could not disclose any details.

"We take this matter seriously and safety is always our first concern," the spokesman for Kmart said in a statement.

71. The shark was shipped to Los Angeles for____________.

A. a study by the AHA

B. a business activity.

C. a film about animals

D. a project by an animal welfare group

72. From the passage, we can learn that PETA____________.

 A. monitor films and TV productions that have animals

B. sent a representative to the scene of the shoot

C. believed the shark received specialized care

D. didn’t think the shark was transferred very well

73. What does Karen Rosa think of AHA?

 A. It had done all that it needed to do.  

B. It was against the rights of the animals.

C. It had found out the reason why the shark died.

 D. It should be responsible for the shoot.

74. What can we infer from the passage?

 A. The shark died due to a lack of water.

 B. Kmart was first to notice that the shark was showing signs of distress.

 C. Kmart claimed to ensure the animals’ safety but didn’t do it very well.

 D. The shark was given a highly specialized environment in captivity.

75. What is the best title for the passage?

 A. Sharks Should be Forbidden for Commercial

 B. PETA Tries to Stop Shooting With Animals

 C. Sharks Are Sensitive Animals in Captivity

 D. Shark Brought to Los Angeles for Commercial Dies


科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

On Sept 24, an earthquake struck the southwest of Pakistan, taking more than 300 lives and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless. But after the horrible disaster, people living by the coast received another shock – they saw a new island, which seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, in the sea just over a kilometer from the shore, reported BBC News.

“I stepped out and was flabbergasted,” local journalist Bahram Baloch told the BBC. “I could see this gray, dome-shaped body in the distance, like a giant whale swimming near the surface. Hundreds of people gathered to watch it in disbelief.”

This island has become a global curiosity. How was it formed in just a few minutes?

As you might already know, many islands in the sea are formed by volcanoes. There are numerous volcanoes under the sea. As the hot lava (岩浆) erupts and cools down, it piles up and forms the shape of a mountain. When the mountain “grows” to higher than the sea level, the part that’s above the water is what we call an “island”.

This is how the island was formed after the Pakistan earthquake, except that instead of an ordinary volcano, it was a “mud volcano” that brought about this island.

Lava is not the only thing that’s locked under the Earth’s crust(地壳) – there is also gas. When an earthquake happens and breaks part of the crust, the gas is released at an extremely high speed, pushing mud up to the surface, according to National Geographic.

But only earthquakes that are extremely powerful can cause mud volcanoes to push up enough mud to produce islands – and this 7.7-magnitude earthquake in Pakistan was strong enough. The island is about 20 meters high, up to about 90 meters wide and 30 meters long, nearly the size of a soccer field.

In fact, mud volcano islands aren’t new. This is the fourth island of this kind in the region since 1945. But those islands usually didn’t last long.

“It will probably be gone within a couple of months,” said Bill Barnhart, a researcher with the US Geological Survey. After all, “it’s just a big pile of mud that was on the seafloor that got pushed up”.

67. What is the article mainly about?

A. the effects of the earthquake on Sept.24

B. the differences between mud volcanoes and ordinary volcanoes

C. the reasons for the formation of the new island

D. the suggestions about preventing an earthquake

68. The underlined word “flabbergasted” (in Para.2) is closest in meaning to “______”.

A. surprised         B. anxious         C. worried         D. delighted

69. We can infer from the article that ______.

A. the new island formed within a few months

B. scientists know little about volcanoes

C. another earthquake is likely to happen in Pakistan

D. not all earthquakes produce new islands

70. According to the passage, mud volcano islands         .

A. are quite difficult to locate

B. usually won’t exist a long time

C. are formed only by hot lava from volcanoes

D. used to be part of the Earth’s crust

