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科目: 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My job was to make classroom observations and encourage a training program that would enable students to feel good about themselves and take charge of their lives. Donna was one of the volunteer teachers who joined in this    41  

One day, I entered Donna’s classroom, took a seat in the back of the room and    42   . All the students were working    43    a task. The student next to me was filling her page with “I Can’ts.” “I can’t kick the soccer ball.” “I can’t get Debbie to like me.” Her page was half full and she showed no    44    of stopping. I walked down the row and found    45    was writing sentences, describing things they couldn’t do. 

By this time the activity aroused my    46   , so I decided to check with the teacher to see what was going on,    47    I noticed she too was busy writing. “I can’t get John’s mother to come for a parents’ meeting.” … I felt it best not to    48  

After another ten minutes, the students were    49    to fold the papers in half and bring them to the front. They placed their “I Can’t” statements into an empty shoe box. Then Donna      __50    hers. She put the lid on the box, tucked it under her arm and headed out the door.   Students followed the teacher. I followed the students. Halfway down the hallway, Donna got a shovel(铲子) from the tool house, and then marched the students to the farthest corner of the playground. There they began to    51   . The box of “I Can’ts” was placed at the    _52    of the hole and then quickly covered with dirt. At this point Donna announced, “Boys and girls, please join hands and    53    your heads.” They quickly formed a circle around the grave.5u

Donna delivered the eulogy(悼词). “Friends, we gathered here today to    54    the memory of ‘I Can’t.’ He is    55    by his brothers and sisters ‘I Can’ and ‘I Will’. May ‘I Can’t’ rest in    56   . Amen!” 

She turned the students    57    and marched them back into the classroom. They celebrated the    58    of “I Can’t”. Donna cut a large tombstone from paper. She wrote the words “I Can’t” at the top and the date at the bottom, then hung it in the classroom. On those rare occasions when a student    59    and said, “I Can’t,” Donna   60    pointed to the paper tombstone. The student then remembered that “I Can’t” was dead and chose other statement. 

41. A. job                    B. project                          C. observation                   D. course

42. A. checked                   B. noticed                   C. watched                 D. waited 

43. A. on                            B. with                        C. as                     D. for 

44. A. scenes                    B. senses                           C. marks               D. signs 

45. A. nobody                    B. somebody               C. everyone         D. anyone 

46. A. curiosity           B. suspect                   C. sympathy         D. worry

47. A. and                   B. or                            C. but                  D. so 

48. A. insert                B. interrupt                C. talk                  D. request 

49. A. made                B. advised                   C. forced                     D. instructed

50. A. added               B. wrote                            C. made               D. folded 

51. A. cry                           B. pray                        C. dig                   D. play 

52. A. back                  B. bottom                   C. top                  D. edge 

53. A. drop                  B. raise                       C. fall                   D. lift 

54. A. keep                 B. thank                      C. forgive             D. honor 

55. A. remembered            B. punished                C. removed          D. replaced

56. A. silence                     B. heart                      C. peace                     D. memory

57. A. down                B. up                           C. off                   D. around 

58. A. birth                 B. passing                   C. loss                  D. starting 

59. A. awoke               B. reminded                C. forgot                     D. apologized

60. A. simply               B. hardly                            C. seriously          D. angrily 


科目: 来源: 题型:

 What he said at the meeting suggested that he __________ with us.
A. didn’t agree           B. shouldn’t agree             C. not agree         D. should agree


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The discovery of new evidence led to ____________.
A. the thief having caught                       B. catch the thief
C. the thief being caught                         D. the thief to be caught


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Only when the war was over __________return to their hometowns.
A. have the soldiers     B. the soldiers            C. the soldiers                   D. did the soldiers


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The teacher stressed again that the students should not _________any important details while retelling the story.
A. bring out           B. let out                    C. leave out                D. make out


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Thousands of foreigners were _________to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.
A. attended           B. adopted           C. attached                 D. attracted


科目: 来源: 题型:

 The taxi _________on the way to the airport. As a result, Lynn was late for her flight.
A. broke up           B. broke out        C. broke down                   D. broke off


科目: 来源: 题型:

 ___________cleaning the yard and making up the beds for the old, we also read newspapers for them and have chats with them.

  A. Except for           B. Apart from              C. Rather than                   D. Instead of


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Take care during the holidays! Drinking too much can __________heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
A. result from        B. lie in                C. stick to                   D. contribute to


科目: 来源: 题型:

 Always read the _________ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.
A. explanations            B. descriptions           C. instructions                   D. introductions

