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科目: 来源:江西省东乡县东铜学校09-10学年度高一下学期第一次月考 题型:单选题

25. We invited her to dinner but she didn’t even bother to _______ .

A.turn inB.turn upC.turn onD.turn down


科目: 来源:江西省东乡县东铜学校09-10学年度高一下学期第一次月考 题型:单选题

23. I’m preparing the report for tomorrow’s meeting. Would you please _____ the radio a little?

A.turn onB.turn offC.turn upD.turn down


科目: 来源:吉林省吉林一中2009--2010学年度高一下学期第一次质量检测 题型:单选题

As a teacher, I can’t have my students ____________lying.

A.get away fromB.get away withC.getting away fromD.getting away with


科目: 来源:吉林省吉林一中2009--2010学年度高一下学期第一次质量检测 题型:单选题

It never ____________to me that he would be charged with murder.

A.happenedB.took placeC.occurredD.Came


科目: 来源:吉林省吉林一中2009--2010学年度高一下学期第一次质量检测 题型:单选题

His wife left him, because he was in such heavy debt _________ he could never __________.

A.as...pay offB.that… pay backC.as…pay forD.that…pay in


科目: 来源:吉林省吉林一中2009--2010学年度高一下学期第一次质量检测 题型:单选题

If you want to catch the first bus you’d better ________ for the bus station immediately.

A.set upB.set about C.set downD.set off


科目: 来源:河南省鹤壁高中2010届高三下学期第一次压轴卷 题型:单选题

For most Americans, their 18th birthday    the end of one part of their life and beginning of another.



科目: 来源:河南省鹤壁高中2010届高三下学期第一次压轴卷 题型:单选题

—Miss Broun is very busy, isn’t she?
—So she is. She has________greater responsibilities since she was promoted.

A.taken offB.taken afterC.taken inD.taken on


科目: 来源:2010届高考二轮复习非谓语动词专练 题型:单选题

.Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you wouldn’t have time to __before the party.

A.get changedB.get changeC.get changingD.get to change


科目: 来源:2010届高考二轮复习非谓语动词专练 题型:单选题

. Would you   ___________          me your identification card, sir?

A.mind to showB.mind showingC.trouble to showD.trouble showing

