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科目: 来源:2013-2014学年浙江省绍兴市高三下学期回头考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

–___ the new secretary come to see you, manager?
–Sure. And I’d rather she ____ me the truth.

AWill; tell????????????????? BShall; told

CShould; will tell?????????? DShall; tells



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年浙江省绍兴市高三下学期回头考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The family _____ on time, but their car had a flat tyre on the halfway.

Awould arrive?????????????? Bcould arrive

Cmust have arrived????????? Dwould have arrived



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年浙江省绍兴市高三下学期回头考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Owing to her balanced diet and regular exercise, she is very slim and athletic _____.

Ain height??? Bin shape???? Cin detail???? Din sight



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年浙江省绍兴市高三下学期回头考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

There’s an old saying ____ goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This is especially true in the US, ____ apples are a huge part of food culture.

Athat; which???????? Bwhich; when

Cthat; where???????? Dwhat; where



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年浙江省绍兴市高三下学期回头考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The young boy has come to himself in hospital now. But he ___ unconscious for three days.

Ahas been?????? Bwas?????? Chad been?????? Dis



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年浙江省绍兴市高三下学期回头考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The film suddenly jumped from the events of 1920 to ____ of 1930.

Athose????? Bit????? Cthat????? Dones



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年浙江省绍兴市高三下学期回头考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Compared with other animals, snakes are believed to be below ____ in intelligence.

Aaverage??????? Bcommon??????? Cordinary?????? Dusual



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年浙江省绍兴市高三下学期回头考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mary’s parents believe that she will ___ a perfect dancer if she keeps practicing.

Aturn?????? Bmake?????? Ctake? ??? Dhave



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年浙江省绍兴市高三下学期回头考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

I was fat kid who grew into an overweight adult. I was      laughed at for being heavier than the other kids,      me feeling shy. I tried several diets, but      worked, and I     gaining weight. Another factor        my weight gain was my love for cooking, especially rich, high-fat desserts, which I enjoyed preparing and, of course, eating.   
 When I finished high school at the age of 18, I weighed 215 pounds.       the self-confidence to go to a new, faraway school, I decided to stay close to home      going away to college. I continued with my unhealthful eating habits and felt more miserable as the weight came on, but I did nothing about it except buy larger plus-size clothes.   
My turning point came 10 years later at a friend's New Year's Eve party when I was at my all-time highest weight of 330 pounds. I caught my       in a mirror and the truth      me: I was overweight and unhealthy, and unless I did something about it now, I would only get bigger and       .   
After leaving the party, I thought about my past weight-loss     and realized they didn't work because they required me to abandon foods I loved. Then I would constantly think about food and binge,       the diet      my hunger and not feel deprived.   
 My biggest       was finding a way to fit my passion for cooking into my healthier lifestyle. At first, I tried to stay away from the kitchen to         myself thinking about food. The result: Food was all I thought about.       had to be some way to combine cooking with healthful eating. I found the     after reading several low-fat cookbooks. With some trial and error, I could modify my favorite foods and make them low in fat, yet delicious.  
 The pounds started coming off, and when I started exercising (usually cardio and weight training five times a week), they seemed to melt away. I didn't feel deprived, and I felt free to give my body the care and attention it     .  
I lost 165 pounds over the next two years. I had many ups and downs. I was determined to go on. Another challenge to me was not to beat myself up if I ate something that was unhealthy and to take it as a sign to abandon my healthful habits.      I vowed to start again and always keep my goal in mind.  Thanks to losing weight and becoming fit I am         my body and myself. I have finally found myself.   

1.Ahardly???? Bfrequently???? Cimmediately???? Dinstantly

2.Aleft???? Bto leave???? Cleaving???? Dhaving left

3.Anothing?? Bno one?? Cnone?? Danything

4.Aended up??? Bended over??? Cended up with?? Dwas ended up

5.Acontributing to? Bresulted in? Cresulting from? Dled to

6.Alacking of Black of Clacking Dlacked in

7.Aor rather? Binstead of Ctogether with Das well as

8.Areflection Binfection Cimagination Dattention

9.Alaughed Bhit Cknocked Dbeat

10.Aunfamiliar Bunhappier Cunfriendly Dunfit

11.Aefforts Baffords Ceffects Dinfects



12.Agiving out? Bgiving in ? Cgiving up ? Dgiving away

13.Asatisfy ? Bdecrease ? Cincrease ? Dfill

14.Achallenge ? Bsuccess ? Cenergy ? Dwork

15.Akeep ? Bhave ? Cprevent ? Dmake

16.AIt ? BThey CThere ? DI

17.Asolution ? Bsecret ? Canswer ? Droad

18.Adeserved ? Bfocused ? Ccaught? Dpaid

19.AInstead ? BHowever ? CTherefore ?? DSo

20.Akeep up with? Bin line with? Cput up with? Dcatch up with



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年浙江省绍兴市高三下学期回头考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Dear Alcohol,

You’ve been around forever. I can remember all the pain you’ve caused for me.

Do you remember the night you almost took my father’s life? I do. He loves you. Sometimes I think he loves you more than he loves me. He’s addicted to you, to the way you promise to rid him of his problems only to cause more of them. You just sat back and laughed as his car went spinning through the street, crashing into two other cars. He wasn’t the only one hurt by you that night.
Do you remember the night of my first high school party? You were there. My friends were intrigued by you. They treated you as if they were never going to see you again, drinking all of you that they could. I spent two hours that night helping my friends who had fallen completely. “I’m so embarrassed,” they said as I held their hair back so that they could vomit (呕吐). “I’m sorry,” they said when I called taxies for them, walking them out and paying the driver in advance. “This won’t happen again,” they said as they were sent to the hospital to have their stomachs pumped. Two 15-year-old girls slept in hospital beds that night thanks to you.

Do you remember the night when you took advantage of my 17-year-old neighbor who had to drive to pick up his sister from her dance lessons? Do you know how we all felt when he hit another car and killed the two people in the other car? He died the next morning too. His sister walked home from her dance lesson, and passed police cars and a crowd of people gathering on the sidewalk just two blocks away from the dance studio. She didn’t realize her brother was in the midst of it all. She never saw him again. And it’s all your fault.
I wish you’d walk out of my life forever. I don’t want anything to do with you. Look at all the pain you’ve caused. Sure, you’ve made people happy too from time to time. But the damage you’ve caused in the lives of millions is inexcusable. Stop luring (引诱) in the people I love. Stop hurting me, please.

1.What is author’s purpose in writing to alcohol?

ATo introduce Mr. Alcohol to the readers

BTo describe the harm alcohol did to his family.

CTo show how much alcohol can hurt people.

DTo show the great fun that alcohol can bring to people’s life.

2.What did alcohol do to the author’s father?

AIt made him crash into two other cars and took his life.

BIt made him drink too much and he had to get his stomach pumped.

CIt made him kill two other people when driving.

DIt made him get into a car accident and badly injure himself.

3.The underlined phrase “were intrigued by” is closest in meaning to ______.

Awere familiar with???????????? Bwere interested in

Cwere disappointed with??????? Dwere satisfied with

4.What is the tone of the article?

ACritical.????????????? BDoubtful.????????????? CUnconcerned.????????????? DHumorous.

5.What is the main writing technique of the passage?

AMaking something more noticeable than usual.

BRepresenting something in the form of a person.

CDescribing something by listing its harmfulness.

DComparing one thing with another to make his point clear.


