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科目: 来源:2013-2014学年江西省高一上学期第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---John came to school as early as usual.

---So he did.He comes so early_____ to make the best of time to study.

A. So                  B.  and              C.but            D.as



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年江西省高一上学期第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Some students came to Xiushui No.1 Middle School this year, and left their parents, _____ to return home until he achieves his goal.

A. determining to not                   B. not determined

C. not determining                      D. determined not



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年江西省高一上学期第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

I was late for the school bus and rushing to get ready. My dog, Tippy, got to the front door and lay down in front of it – his way of asking to be petted. I______his begging for affection (喜爱), and ran for the waiting bus.

______, that afternoon, when I came home, Mom said to me______, “Honey, I have some______news that I need to tell you. This morning, while you were at school, Tippy was hit by a car and______. I’m so sorry.”

“No! It’s not true!” I was______. I couldn’t believe her. “Tippy, come here! Come on, boy!” I called and called for him. I waited. He didn’t come. Feeling______, I wandered into the living room. I didn’t cry that night. I still couldn’t believe that he was______.

When I got off the bus the next day, the silence at home was deafening.   , my sobs (哭泣) erupted (喷发) like lava (熔岩) from a volcano. I couldn’t stop______. I hadn’t even petted him when I left.______could I have known that was my last chance? I cried until I felt empty inside.

Time passed, and against my will, I started to______some things. I realized what little control any of us have over what happens ______ a dog. We can do everything right, but______things can still happen. But good things can happen too. That’s______. The best way to deal with the hard times is to understand what you   and get them through when they come, and to remember that hard times always______.

I now deeply understand the “circle of life”. Everyone is born, everyone______, and that’s the way it is. If dogs never died, there would be no______for others like Belle – my new dog.

Best of all, I realized that Tippy______all of my old memories of him. And they come to me every time I call!

1.A.met          B.ignored       C.promised   D.preferred

2.A.However          B.Besides        C.Therefore D.Finally

3.A.excitedly          B.quickly         C.reliably       D.seriously

4.A.good        B.sad      C.dull    D.happy

5.A.escaped B.wounded    C.killed           D.knocked

6.A.in disagreement      B.in anger

C.in silence   D.in shock

7.A.upset        B.sleepy          C.spellbound          D.uncertain

8.A.gone        B.missing        C.alive   D.stolen

9.A.Entirely   B.Actually       C.Finally         D.Frequently

10.A.waiting B.crying C.thinking      D.expecting

11.A.Why       B.What  C.Which         D.How

12.A.forget   B.recall  C.understand         D.change

13.A.to           B.about  C.out     D.into

14.A.surprising      B.bad     C.amazing      D.amusing

15.A.nature B.human         C.life     D.rule

16.A.came through         B.went through

C.looked through D.watch through

17.A.disappear       B.overcome   C.help   D.pass

18.A.grows    B.lives    C.suffers        D.dies

19.A.chance           B.room  C.possibility   D.doubt

20.A.thought of      B.brought up C.left behind          D.picked up



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年江西省高一上学期第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In order to know a foreign language completely, four things are necessary. First, we must understand the language when we hear it spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves, correctly with confidence  and without hesitation (犹豫). Thirdly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are correct in grammar. There is no short way to succeed in language learning. A good memory is a great help, but it is not enough only to memorize the rules from a grammar book. It is no much use learning by heart long lists of words and their meanings, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. If we are pleased with a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. We must “Learn through use”. Practice is important. We must practise speaking and writing the language whenever we can.

1.The most important things to learn a foreign language are         .

A. understanding and speaking

B. hearing, speaking, reading and writing

C. writing and understanding

D. memorizing and listening

2.Someone hears and writes English very well, but he speaks it very badly. This is because     .

A. he doesn’t understand the language when he hears it spoken

B. he doesn’t have a good memory

C. he always remember lists of words and their meanings

D. he often hesitates to practise speaking it

3.One can never learn a foreign language well only by         .

A. much practice   B. studying the dictionary

C. learning through use D. using the language

4.Which of the following is the most important in learning a foreign language?

A.A good memory. B.Speaking.

C.Practice.      D.Writing.

5.“Learn through use” means      .

A.we use a language in order to learn it

B.we learn foreign language in order to use it

C.we can learn a language well while we are using it

D.both B and C



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年江西省高一上学期第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Having friends may well keep you healthier and help you deal with stress better. Some studies show that people with close friends have a greater ability to fight disease than people who are alone.

Place friendship in the first place. Find the time to be with friends even if it means letting the lawn go unmowed or the dishes unwashed for a while. When you can’t get together, use the phone to keep in touch.

Open up to close friends. Keeping a deep friendship requires a level of “heartfelt” intimacy (亲密).Don’t be afraid to express your inner fears and disappointments. Listen to your friends when they have problems,but offer advice only when it’s wanted. Help raise friends’ self­esteem when they are sad about a job loss, or other such events.

Have different friends for different activities, such as going to the movies,singing in a choir,and joining in a bowling league.

Don’t wait for a friend to ask for helps. When a friend has the flu,offer to go to the store or drive his or her children to their after­school activities.

Never take a friendship for granted. Like a good marriage,friendship needs care and patience. Become a joiner. Find a group that matches your interests.

Talk to strangers. Conversations started in museums, laundry rooms,or bookstores can lead to firm friendship.

Enroll in an adult­education course. A classroom is an ideal place to meet others with similar interests.

1.People with close friends have a        ability to fight disease than people who are alone.

A. less   B. greater      C.poorer         D. little

2.According to the passage,you’d better offer advice to your friends       .

A. at any moment

B. only when they are happy

C. only when they want it

D. only when you are glad

3.What we should do to have friends according to the author?

A. Make friendship a priority.

B. Open up to close friends.

C. Never take a friendship for granted.

D. All the above.

4.Which of the statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. You should have different friends for the same activities.

B. You should wait for a friend to ask a favor.

C. You should avoid talking with strangers in museums, laundry rooms, or bookstores.

D. You should never take a friendship for granted.

5.The underlined word “enroll” in the last paragraph means         .

A. give  B. join   C. get    D. catch



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年江西省高一上学期第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Saturday, March 24th

We have arrived in the hot, wet city of Bangkok. This is our first trip to Thailand(泰国). All the different smells make us want to try the food. We are going to eat something special for dinner tonight. The hotel we are staying in is cheap, and very clean. We plan to stay here for a few days, visit some places in the city, and then travel to Chiang Mai in the North.

Tuesday, March 27th

Bangkok is wonderful and surprising. The places are interesting. We visited the famous market which was on water, and saw a lot of fruits and vegetables. Everything is so colorful, and we have taken hundreds of photos already! Later today we will leave for Chiang Mai. We will take the train north, stay in Chiang Mai for two days, and then catch a bus to Chiang Rai.

Friday, March 30th

Our trip to Chiang Rai was long and boring. We visited a small village in the mountains. The village people here love the quiet life—no computers or phones. They are the kindest people I have ever met. They always smile and say “hello”. Kathy and I can only speak a few words of Thai, so smiling is the best way to show our kindness. I feel good here and hope to be able to come back next year.

1.The diaries above show the writer’s ______ days in Thailand.

A.3         B.7          C.15       D.8

2.It seems that visitors _________ in Bangkok.

A.often feel hungry        B.can’t take any photos

C.can have a good time  D.feel a little bored

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Chiang Mai is a beautiful city in the south of Thailand.

B.The writer left Chiang Mai for Chiang Rai by bus.

C.The writer is traveling alone in Thailand.

D.The writer will take a bus to Chiang Mai.

4.   The people in the village ________.

A.are friendly to others B.like to speak English

C.hope to live in the cities      D.live a very busy life

5.What is the best title(标题)for the whole diary?

A.My First Travel    B.The Outside World

C.Traveling in Thailand    D.My Trip to Chiang Mai



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年江西省高一上学期第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Tony Bennett, the American singer recently touring Britain, can’t remember how many times he has sung his standard hit “I left My Heart in San Fransisco”. He sang it again to his audience at the London Palladium last night.

“I never get tired of singing it.” He said. “I like it too much . It’s a great city and it’s a good song.”

Bennett is to record a TV program with American singer Lens Home while he is here. And a new LP recorded by him in London for Philips titled “Listen Easy” will be published in June.. “I like it here.” He added quietly over whiskey. “I would like to live here so many months of the year.”

He already keeps a large flat in Grosenor Square, where he is staying with his actress wife Sandie Grant and their three-year-old daughter Joanna. It has a studio where he likes to paint. Tony plans to have his first exhibition later in the year and he has already sold one picture for $4000. At the end of the year Tony is to star in a musical film , which has been specially written for him called “Two Bits”, an informal expression for 50 cents. It’s about an Italian immigrant who goes to America , but he becomes a failure.

“In many ways it’s very close to my life the way the story has been written,” said Bennett. “My father, an Italian ,was ill and died when I was nine. He always wanted me to sing, but he never lived long enough to be a part of my success.

1.The underlined phrase “standard hit” most nearly means______

A.Bennett’s favourite song but it’s not very popular.

B.a song that is always popular

C.a song which makes him standard

D.a song which is like a heavy blow to his audience

2.What does Tony Bennett want to do?

A.Buy a house and live in England.

B.Stay with his wife and daughter in England.

C.Live part of each year in England

D.Leave American and settle in England

3.What’s Tony’s hobby?

A.Singing       B.Drinking      C.Playing        D.Painting

4. What can we learn about Tony’s father from this passage?

A.He liked his son’s singing.

B.He was born in Italy and died when Tony Bennett was a small boy

C.He was a part of Bennett’s achievement

D.He was glad that his son became famous.

5.What kind of man is Tony Bennett?

A.hardworking and humorous

B.family-centered and hardworking

C.outgoing and kind

D.ambitious and trustworthy



科目: 来源:2013-2014学年江西省高一上学期第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


[1]I don't know about you, but I look a lot older than I really am. Now I know I could solve much of that by coloring my hair with some product like "Just for Men", but I refuse to go there just yet. But it really gets upsetting sometimes. For example, at my brother's wedding four years ago, the photographer thought I was his father. Really, I'm not kidding.

[2]And just a few weeks ago, I was a riding in a car with another one of my brothers when he stopped to pick up his paycheck. Anyway, his boss saw me in the car and asked him if _________________. Now, he only saw me from a distance, but it still hurt. Again, I'm not making this up.

[3]So I've decided to fight this battle in my own way. Since I obviously look old, I'm going to act young to compensate(弥补) for it. So what I am doing to act young? Well, it all has to with the way I move around.

[4]First, I try to walk faster than everyone else. That one is not a big deal for me, as I've always had a tendency to walk fast. It's a family trait(特性).

[5]Second, I try to use quick movements. That means getting up from a sitting position quickly, sitting down quickly, lying down quickly, getting up from a lying position quickly, changing directions quickly, turning quickly, etc. Now this one presents a little more of a challenge to me. I have to be careful not to hurt or damage a sensitive body part.

[6]Of course, if all of that doesn’t work, there’s always the “Just for Men.”

1.What is the problem with the writer ? (no more than 10 words)


2.Fill in the blank in Paragraph2 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)


3.What does the underlined word “it” (Line, Paragraph3) probably refer to ?    (no more than 3 words)


4.How does the writer try to act young ? (no more than 8 words)


5.Why is the writer careful when moving quickly? (no more than 10 words.)




科目: 来源:2013-2014学年江西省高一上学期第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

谈感想 结合自己一次经历  以此为题





科目: 来源:2013-2014学年江西省高二上学期第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The medical team arranged to Africa _________five doctors and two nurses.

A. consists of   B. is consisted of   C. makes up   D. is made up


